Hey guys

Hope your all well.

Here it's the last chapter of my fanfiction.

Chapter 16

"Gaeul I didn't have any memory of our wedding?" I told her as I traced our wedding bands.

"You are kidding? Right?" she asked me.

I just denied it.

"I'm telling the truth. I really don't have any memory of our wedding." I told her.

"Mr. So Yijung its already enough of fun." She told me as she pulled my shirt's coller in order to get the truth.

"I'm not making fun of you. As soon as I get back the memory I didn't remember what happened in my life for last two days including our wedding." I reason out.

"So now I'm not your wife right. Jandi was right, she told me its too early for me to get marry you. But the stupid soulmate thing and my fairytale dreams makes me really a stupid. I couldn't accept your proposal. Then why are you here. Just get lost." She told me as she pushed me and run away from me.

I just chased her and hugged her from behind.

"Stop it. Just listen what I'm saying." I told her but she just wiggled at my lock.

"I don't want to hear anything from you. What ever I need to hear I heard. Just leave me, If you are worrying about your prestige, then don't worry about that, I wont make any scene. I wont spoil your image. So please leave me. I wont disturb you and your life." She told me and her words shocked me. I didn't expect this. If I know my action will cause this trouble then I wont tell her truth. Its just like a tejavu as namsan tower. I just turned her and made her look into my eyes.

"Why didn't you always hear me out, you just assume things, you did the same stupid thing at the namsan tower." I told her.

"You are right I'm a stupid. Great stupid, I just had to follow the oath which I had at the stairs." She told me. I can see hurt in her eyes.

"Gaeul I didn't mean to hurt you?" I told her.

"You always said that but at the end I was the one whose heart breakes." She told me.

"Just listen to me. Please…" I begged her.

"Why would I listen to you? Who are you?" she asked me.

"Gaeul…. " I just shocked I didn't see her like this hurt and anger both mingled in her eyes. She just use my shocking expression and escape from my lock and she stared at me and then she just turned and started to walk away.

I just held her hand.

"Yi jung please leave me" I begged her.

"I wont. If I do. I will regret my whole life for leaving someone who is precious and my soulmate. Now I'll tell you that I also believe in soulmate. And you are the one for me. Please believe me." I told her.

"How could I believe you. My heart told me to believe you but my mind.." she told me.

"Gaeul please. It's the last time…" I told her.

"It's the last time. But what would we do now? Today morning I found out that the man who I'm married didn't have the memory of me, but when I found out that person get back my memory I was happy… but my happiness didn't last long for ten minutes as that person didn't want to believe the truth that I'm his wife." She burst into tears.

"Gaeul I didn't say that I didn't believe that I married to you? I was just saying…that I didn't have any memory of our marriage. But that the thing makes no difference that we are married. And you are my wife and I'm your husband." I told her.

"yah why are you always this complicated? You are confusing me. So what are you trying to say?" she asked me.

"I want to experience the moment when I take my oath as I lost in your eyes and I want to hear your oath and I want to feel the moment as we exchange our rings. I want to experience all the sensation and feelings." I told her.

"What? How could be that possible?" she asked me in disbelief.

"It will be possible. We have to marry another time. So will you marry me again just for us to cherish our marriage moments." I asked her as I kneeled infront of her.

She just shaked her head in disbelief and then smiled at me.

"So Mrs. So what is your answer?" I asked her.

She nodded her head and I hugged her and soon we heard clapping sound around us just then we found that we are just standing at the beach but it was not crowded at all because Woobin's men took care of that and one more thing the clapping sounds were belongs to our friends as they were standing across us. As they are marching towards us we have our little conversation.

"I'm not only intened to experience taking oaths. And I also want to experience our first real kiss as husband and wife which I didn't get at morning." I whispered at her ear and winked at her.

I saw her shocking expression but this is a different one may I say a surprise one.

"How did you know?" she asked me.

"Woobin told me that I fainted at my own wedding and that the timing was very impeccable as I fainted at the very moment as I leaned for my wedding kiss. I have to make up for that moment also don't you agree?" I explined her meanwhile I gave my smile to my friends as they are nearing me. and I winked her another time.

My friend gathered around us as they gave their hugs.

"So shall we start our wedding march Mrs. So." I asked her as she looked at me in bewilderment.

"What are you saying about wedding march…" she was asking me but I butted in.

As I turned her Woobin's men makes way to us as we entered we could saw that the beach was simply decorated with a small floral arc and other decoration and even there was placed a cake and their stand a priest who is actually from our marriage in the morning.

"How did you do it?" Gaeul asked me.

"I asked Woobin to make this arrangement, and it was done just in twenty minutes.(as I checked my watch its already 5: 50, I only have ten minutes left before the sun fully sets into the water.) I think I cant wait any longer and the backdrop is nice as the sun setting under the sea. And the guys are all here. So what we need?" I asked her.

"Do you know, I really want to marry you at this backdrop as I saw the sunset yesterday." She told me.

"Really." I asked her. She nodded her head. I just smiled at her.

We marched towards the preist. As we are heading to wards the priest I heard music and noticed that Jihoo is playing piano for us.

"Its really funny that I'm here to marry the couple whom I married this very morning." The priest joked. And everyone laughed.

"We are all gathered here to witness the union of yijung and Miss. Chu Gaeul. Mr. So Yijung will you take Gaeul as your lawfully wedded wife and would love her with all your heart and stand by her side forever?" the priest asked me.

"I do with all my heart." I smiled at her.

"Miss. Chu Gaeul will you take Mr. So yijung as your lawfully wedded husband would love him with all your heart and stand by his side forever." The priest asked her.

"I do with all my heart." She smiled at me.

"Now for another time I'll announce the two of you as husband and wife. You may kiss your bride. But don't faint this time." The priest told me, and everyone smiled at his comment.

I smiled at him and turned to Gaeul and pulled her from her waist and we just looked into eachothers' eyes and slowly she closed her eyes and I also follwed her as I closed my eyes and leaned in and finally we had our first wedding kiss and It was just a small kiss and as I broke the kiss I just leaned on her forehead.

"Lets save it for later" I whispered her.

And I heard our friends cheered us. And next thing we cut our wedding cake and ate it.

"I'm hungry…" Junpyo protested suddenly and everyone stared at him.

"What? I didn't eat anything from this morning." He reasoned out.

"For your kind information everyone here is hungry and didn't eat anything from this morning." Jandi mocked him.

And we went to our resort and finished our dinner. And then suddenly Woobin stands up.

"I think Its time for the newly couple to celebrate their first dance." Woobin told us.

And I asked Gaeul's hand and we swing with the music. And the other F4 and girls also joined us and we danced with others as well and finally another time I joined with Gaeul and as both our foreheas touching we moved with the music. And checked my watch and it says 8:30 pm.

"I think its time for us to go to our suit and have our moments. I was waiting for this moment for long time. I can't wait any longer." I whispered her and she shyly smiled at me but my hopes were smashed as I heard what Woobin into.

"So I think we lost our best men speech at the wedding shall we start that thing." Woobin asked us. As I heard Woobin's words I was shocked and Gaeul laughed at me.

Before anyone could agree to his plan I butted in.

"I think that is not important now. Everyone here knew everything about me." I told him.

"Yah, Yijung don't you want to cherish every moment of your wedding. It is also one of the events at weddings. Don't you agree." Woobin asked me wickedly. That when I saw that the idiot is doing all these things to provoke me. and I just smiled at him

"I want to cherish every moment of the wedding with my wife not with you guys, if you don't mind I will take my bride with me." as saying I picked Gaeul as bridal style she protested that she is embarrassed.

"Yah we mind." Everyone chorsed.

"that doesn't bother me. Good night guys. See you near in future. And have a good time." I told them and walked towards our room to consummate our wedding.

At the dinner table eyeryone laughed at the cute couple.

"Thank God. I was really worried for them. Everything ends well." Junpyo said to his friends.

Everyone nodded their heads.

"But you started the mess." Woobin told him.

"Yah. No Yijung started it." Jyunpyo told him.

"No you started it accusing his marriage and mother for separating Jandi from you." Woobin told him.

"But he is provoking me to go to Jandi and challenging my bravery." Junpyo told him.

"But he was right at that moment." Woobin mocked him.

"Yah what did you say?" Junpyo asked him with anger and threw his apple at Woobin who just turned his head to ask something to Jihoo and the apple hit his back head and he fainted at the table and everyone panicked and checked him.

Junpyo become a statue again.

"Binna wake up. I cant live without you. Please wake up" Jae kyung waked him as she pour some water on his face.

And he opened his eyes and smiled at Jaekyung and winked at her.

"Didn't I say I will make you fall for me within 30 days. Junpyo you don't have to worry about this monkey anymore. She is under my spell. And wont do anything to you and Jandi." Woobin told Junpyo.

Everyone stared at him.

"GU JUNPYO….." Jandi yelled at him and chased her husband.

"Gu Junpyo why are you running away from your lovable wife?" Woobin asked has he hugged Jaekyung.

Just then everyone acknowledged that Woobin was just playing with Junpyo that he is not went to the past.


And that's it guys.

I have completed my second fanfiction.

Please share your thoughts.

I want to thank everyone who spend their valuable time to read and supported me through these time. Thank you guys.

And there are many stories cooking into my head and now I'm going to concentrate on my other fanfiction "THREADS OF DESTINY" please give your support to me.

Byeeee guys.

I just want to know what fantasy litr