Hello new readers! I am the man of cartoons with an awesome fanfiction for you.

This fanfiction you're about to read is based on a request/idea from a reviewer on my other fanfiction, Corruption, Murder and Redemption (It's a Ben10 and Akame ga kill crossover).

Now on to the chapter!

Chapter 1: Titans! Titans everywhere!

A land devoid of plant life was always bound to be an annoyance. That meant the sun was seriously hot while the desert sand was such a scorch to be on. So for this entire place, a lone teen lay on the ground unconscious and unharmed. His name was Rex Salazar and he was from another world.

Presently, it was unknown how long the teenager had been unconscious. He was seventeen in age though, but all by himself. Thus, a moment later, he began to regain consciousness and letting out a groan. But then when he tried opening his eyes, the sun's rays hit on them in such a way that he flinched and raised his hand above his head to block it.

"Ah…damn. What's with the sun?" He muttered tiredly.

A thought then came to mind. So although it wasn't known, it obviously made his eyes to widen and alerted him to sit up straight, looking around.

"Six! Bobo!" He shouted. Unfortunately, he got no response. However, he did notice his location when he stood up and looked around. "Okay…why am I in the desert?" He questioned. Then he changed his mind. "Ah, nevermind. I got to contact Providence and have them pick me up. Who knows what would happen if Van Kleiss gets through with that plan."

So with that, he pressed a Bluetooth at his ear.

"Hey! Can anyone read me?! Hello?"

He only got static sounds in response. He tried again though, but this time mentioning Dr. Holiday and White Knight. However, he was again responded with static which immediately made him to groan in frustration and remove the device from his ear.

"No one's answering. That can't be good." Rex said. In his hand was the Bluetooth, which he looked at until then putting it at his chest pocket. He then sighed. "Well…I won't get anything. I bet get moving."

With that, the teen activated his nanites. He created a big blue glowing hoverboard from his lower legs and then used it to ride off. Hence, for the time being, all the teen did was ride through the desert with the wind blowing against his body as he thought about the past he could recall.

"I sure hope everyone's okay." He said. "Ever since I cured the world of EVOs, Van Kleiss has been up to something. And just when he finally made his move, it had to be somewhere across the world and time was ticking. Then Xavier suggested using his teleportation mention to get to his location quick and then…Argh! I'm so going to punch him when I see him again!"

The last part was clearly in anger. However, before the teen to elaborate more on what he would do to his brother, he noticed a walking figure in the distance and quickened his pace.

"A person! Finally! Maybe he can help me out!" He exclaimed.

By this point, it was clear the teen felt some relieved. It was even obvious as he drove faster until he could see the figure better, just to then become surprised.

"Wait…is that guy naked and…big?" He questioned.

Rex wasn't kidding. The figure he had noticed some time back was indeed big and naked. In fact, when he eventually got close to its side, his eyes widened when he saw the face of the person for the first time.

"Oh my…Bobo would so freak at this." He said in shock.

And he was right to feel shocked. The figure was about fifteen feet in height, naked and with huge eyes and a gaping mouth. But if that wasn't enough, its hands were freakishly small and the person was walking in a strange manner.

Now on one hand, Rex could drive off from the person. However, he was still confused on the matter. Thus, he drew close to the freakish creature with an uncertain look on his face.

"Uh…hey…I don't know if you can understand me, but I'm kind of lost." He said. "So if you can point me to the nearest civilization that would be great."

The creature didn't respond to him. In fact, it didn't even look at him as it continued its own pace. As a result, Rex just sighed and looked away.

"I had a feeling it wouldn't work." He muttered to himself. "Well at least things can't get any…Whoa!"

Rex's eyes suddenly widened. The reason for his change of expression was because of what he saw before him. He could see numerous naked giants walking in a freakish manner, with some either scarier than the other or bigger or just both. But still that didn't change the fact that they seemed to be heading to a specific direction.

"Huh…This just got weirder." He said. With that, he placed his goggles on his eyes and deactivated his hoverboard (called Sky Slider) just to then activate his Boogie Pack (a pair of jets on his back). "I hate Mondays." He muttered.

So without saying anything else, the teen took off to the sky. Unknown to him though, he was going to encounter something so big that it would be life changing.


Trost Distric has been breached. Just a while ago, the Colossal Titan had appeared and made a hole in the wall. Now these humongous creatures known as Titans were going through it, attacking and devouring any human being they could see. It was a bloody scene to say the least, as those qualified to combat such monsters could do little to push back such creatures. Their numbers just seemed to be growing so it was impossible.

And so that brings us to the present situation. Armin, a teenage trainee that's part of the Scouting Legion which specialized in taking down these monstrous foes was in horrific shock as he stood from the rooftop. He had just witnessed one of his team's comrade get eaten by a Titan, watched his best friend get his leg bitten by another Titan and now his other comrades that tried to fight another Titan were now in the mercy of the Titans below him. The situation was completely hopeless.

'Why…Why am I still standing?' Armin thought in shock.

By this point, there seemed to be nothing he can do. Two Titans were on the ground, as one of them held the two men of the group in its hands while the other bent over to watch the girl of the group, Mina, with a frightening look. Mina was just recovering from being thrown to the wall, but now she could see her end before her.

And so, with louds screams, the comrades below screamed. The Titans weren't going to let them go, especially when it already had them in their grasp. As for Armin, he was still in shock and fear of the scene when something unexpected happened. A loud voice suddenly broke the scene.

"Hey! Not on my watch!"

From the sky, an unknown figure came down. Though his face couldn't be seen, he was noticeable fast when his huge metal foot marched against the side of the Titan that held the two men. Thus, what became a fearful moment, it became a shock when that Titan was sent flying to the ground and the two men it caught fell to the ground.

However, the scene wasn't over yet. The figure who then revealed to be a teen in weird clothing suddenly switched its huge metal legs for that of a strange mechanical pack on his back and a whip as his left him.

So just as the two men on the ground were shocked, the teen suddenly used that whip to wrap around the ankle of the Titan about the eat Mina. Then, with a loud cry, he swung that Titan into a building, destroying it.

Mina was in shock. Her eyes were wide and froze as she began to falling to the ground. She couldn't think well on what just happened. For her, one moment her head was in the mouth of the teen and the next she was falling to the ground. However, that same whip that sent the Titan into the building wrapped around her and placed her on the ground safely.

"Wh…What just happened?" asked one of the guys.

Armin was completely taken aback. Unlike the other three, he had seen everything that had happened, and it was unbelievable. As for the person who saved them, he stood up with a sigh and changed back to a fully normal human.

"I happened." He said. Then he turned to Mina on the ground. "Hey, you alright?"

Mina said nothing. She was shaking and at the same time staring at Rex with a look of horror. However, before Rex could say anything, it was then realized that the first Titan he knocked away was now standing up. And worse of all it was standing up at the same time as the other Titan.

The scene immediately caused Mina to crawl away.

"N…No! Please don't eat me!" She screamed in fear.

The Titan didn't respond. It instead looked at Mina with that creepy smile on its face. Thus, it reached its hand for the girl who just began to crawl away in response. However, before it could grab her, Mina witnessed a big metal hand grab the open hand of the Titan before turning to the source, revealing to be the teen again Rex. He was now standing before her, angry.

"Hey! Haven't you heard not to touch a lady!?" Rex questioned rhetorically. He then changed his other hand into the same metal hand, but into a fist. "Anyway, when I knock you out, you stay out! But since you're hungry, here's a knuckle-sandwich!"

With that, the teen punched the Titan right at the face. The punch was so strong that it sent the monster crashing into its companion. This surprised everyone that saw it.

However, the fight wasn't over yet. The two Titans stood up almost immediately, with their sights on Rex and Mina.

"Aw come on!" Rex exclaimed in frustration. "Can't you guys just stay knocked out?!"

"Y-You can't…" Mina stuttered.

"Huh?" Rex questioned, turning to her. "You say something?"

"You…can't knock them out." She said. She was still horrified and scared at the scene as she fidgeted.

The Titans were now heading towards them. So while Rex was calm, Mina got a flashback of what happened to her in the mouth of the Titan and became even more fearful.

"Attack them at the nape quick! I don't want to die!" She shouted in fear.

Unfortunately, Rex was confused. He didn't seem to notice the Titans approaching, so he just stared at the frightened girl. Fortunately, one of the guys watching was quick to respond.

"The back of the neck! Kill them quick!" He yelled. Like Mina, he too was scared at what happened.

"Kill?! No one said anything about killing!" Rex exclaimed. Unlike the trio, he wasn't one to kill creatures even though they didn't have much of a moral conscious or sense. However, seeing the situation changed his mind as he changed his right arm into an orange and white cannon (Slam Cannon). "Ah, dammit! I so don't want to do this! Please don't be human beings! I really don't want this on my conscious!"

Finally, Rex took action. The back of the Slam Cannon shot out and grabbed a chunk of rock into the main cannon. Then, with his sight at one of the Titan's neck, he shot the rock right through the Titan's neck and coincidentally destroying its nape when the rock shot out. As a result, that Titan fell to the ground dead.

But now the situation just left one Titan left. It was the one that tried to eat Mina. However, unlike its dead 'colleague', it lunged forward to the duo and made Mina scream in horror in response.

The same wasn't for Rex though. He was focused when he created his massive robot legs (Punk Busters) and jump forward. Thus, in that moment, Rex went over the Titan and formed his Smack Hands to grab the Titan's hair. Then, with a loud cry, he lifted that Titan off the ground and over him and sent it hitting the ground on its face.

"Sorry about this." Rex said. He was now on top of the Titan's head with his legs back to normal. As for his right arm, it was now a giant sword (Big Fat Sword) which then switched into a spinning blade (Battle Saw). He used it to cut the nape of the Titan.

Now the Titan too was dead. However, Rex didn't seem to find any satisfaction on it when he changed his arm back to normal. But seeing that situation was over, he walked away from the scene and went back at Mina, who was now staring at him. But before he could approach her further, her two male comrades stood in his way, scared but trying to build a strong front as their blades were directed at him.

"S-Stay away!" shouted one of them.

"Yeah! What the hell are you?!" shouted the other.

Rex didn't seem fazed by their action. In a way, he could understand how their reaction would be since they would've been dead by now. So he stood there with a calm look on his face.

"The name's Rex Salazar." Rex said to them. "Trust me; I'm not here to hurt you."

"And why should we trust you!?" The first guy asked. His hand was shaky as he held his blade at Rex. "W-We just saw you! You grew metal bodies! You're not normal! You're probably a Titan!"

Rex looked back at the Titan he had defeated. "Huh…So that's what they're called." He said. Then he turned back to them. "Hey, I'm not a Titan. Besides, if I weren't here you wouldn't be standing here now, would you?"

The young man was lost for words. He didn't really know what to say. The same also went for his comrade who just stood there. However, a hand was then placed on his shoulder from behind. It was from Mina.

"Please…stop. We're safe now." Mina said. She was still scared, but at the same time relieved. Thus, she stepped forward from the two guys and bent forward at Rex. The moment then felt emotional to her as she began to tear up "I…I really don't know what happened but…thank you. Thank you so much! I didn't want to die! So…So if you weren't here, I would've been -"

Rex patted her on the head. "Hey, it's cool. That's what a hero is for." He said.

Mina was surprised by this feeling. For some reason, Rex's hand on her head and his words her comforting to her. Thus, as she stood back up, she was mostly calm to face the teen hero again.

'So…" Rex said. "If none of you mind me asking, can someone fill me in on what's going on?"

Back with Armin, he was completely at awe. He stared down at the scene below him from the rooftop with so much on his mind. One moment his comrades were about to be eaten and the next moment they were saved. It was just so miraculous.

So it was no surprise then that he fell to his knees with his eyes widened.

"A…Amazing." He uttered. He was staring at Rex as he was speaking with his comrades. 'Just what is he…? He came from the sky and…dealt with two Titans on his own with such ease. And then there's the fact that he's strong…So much that –'

"Armin, look out!"


Armin suddenly noticed his position. He had been so lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice he was now being held above the open mouth of a bearded Titan by its hands. As for the one who called out to him, it was one of his male comrades on the ground. Now they, with Rex, were staring in shock at what just happened.

However, little could be done to save the teen now. This was clear when the bearded Titan dropped Armin into his mouth, hence terrifying the teen as his body slide down its tongue. He did try to fight it though, by trying to crawl out. However, the saliva of the Titan's tongue was too slippery even as he reached his hand out.

Back on the ground, Rex took action.

"Hang on!" He shouted.

With that, he activated his Punk Busters. However, before he could make the jump, someone else beat him to the Titan's mouth. Now that person was holding the mouth of the Titan open with one hand and reaching his other hand out to Armin despite missing a leg.

For some time now, Eren had been hurt severely. Time had passed since a Titan had taken a bite of his leg, as well as suffering injures from tumbling on a rooftop. But now he wasn't concerned about that. He was there for his best friend Armin and he wasn't going to let him go.

So in that moment, he did something remarkable. He was able to grab hid best friend's arm and throw him back on the rooftop. Hence, it was just him in the monster's mouth as he looked over to him friend, using his strength to keep the Titan's mouth open.

"I'm not dying here…Hell no…" He said. Then he reached his hand out to Armin with bloody eyes. "Hey…Armin…You…You taught me about the outside world, so I…so I…I want to see it for my…"

"Eren! Quick!" Armin shouted loud with his hand out to his friend.

It was then at that moment that Rex reacted. He stood next to Armin and used one of his Smack Hands to reach out to Eren. But unlike Armin, he grabbed Eren in his mechanical hand.

"Hold on! I got you!" Rex stated.

However, something terrible happened. The Bearded Titan snapped its mouth shut, thus taking a bite of Rex's mechanical arm and sending Eren's arm flying out. In other words, Eren was swallowed into the stomach of the monster and Rex's mechanical arm was gone.

It all seemed to happen too fast. Rex was alright though, as he changed what remained of his arm back to normal. However, before he could think of attacking the Titan, it ran off with Eren now within its body.

"It's getting away!" Rex shouted.


Armin was completely horrified now. He couldn't even stay standing anymore. In fact, his state was so bad that he fell to his knees in shock and staring at where the bearded Titan had left. As for Rex, he became frustrated and activated his Boogie Pack just as Mina and her comrades showed up.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"Where do you think!?" Rex yelled angrily. He didn't turn to the girl though, so he was unaware that his anger surprised. "I'm going to go after that thing and bring that guy back!"

"Don't bother! He's gone!" The first guy yelled.

Rex didn't like hearing that. In fact, he became angry as he turned to the guy. "You can't be so sure about that!"

"And you do!?" The guy yelled. He was straightforward as he continued. "Get it through that head of yours! Eren is gone! He had his arm and leg bitten by Titans! So even if he isn't dead in that Titan then he's likely bleeding to death! And even if he isn't then he's likely being diges-"

"Stop it!" Mina yelled angry. She couldn't take hearing so much from her comrades. As such, she became tearful as she yelled at the guy. "How can you say that here!? Armin is here!"

The other guy looked over to Armin. Unlike Rex, his male comrade and Mina, he noticed something off about Armin. So he waved his hand at Armin's face and got no response.

"No use. He's frozen." He said plainly. From there, he turned walked a few steps away from the others and looked at the open before him, frustrated. "Argh! I can't believe I almost got eaten! Let's get the fuck out of here already!"

"W-We can't do that yet." Mina argued. "We have to wait until the withdrawal bell is rung. If not then –"

"Who the fuck cares!?" shouted the First guy. Unlike his comrade who was looking away, he was clearly angry as he continued yelling at Mina. "Look around you!" He stated, throwing his hand to the right. "We're dropping like flies! No! Worse, we're being eaten off like insects! This is an insane world and I don't want to be a part of these suicidal acts in the frontlines anymore! So when this is over, I –"

The guy was suddenly punched in the face. This was a shock to Mina and the other male comrade standing. But still that didn't change the fact that Rex was the one and now he was looking down on the guy who was on the lying on the rooftop now. The teen hero was also back to normal.

"That's enough from you!" Rex yelled angrily. "I get it! You almost got eaten by freaking monsters! But that doesn't give you or anyone the excuse to shout at her or anyone else! You got that?!"

The guy lying there said nothing in response. He could've, but the fear on his face and in his eyes said otherwise as he just stared at the EVO-Human who had saved him and punched him.

Fortunately, there was no violence afterwards. Rex just angrily walked pass the guy on the group and headed to the other side of the rooftop. Of course, his action only made the only guy standing and Mina to watch him as he activated his Boogie Pack.

"I don't know about you guys, but you should get going." Rex stated. "I'll handle some of these Titans to cover for you, so go!"

With that said, the teen took off. A blast of wind did hit them, but did nothing harmful to them. However, just as silence took over, Mina suddenly snapped out of what seemed to be a trace and jumped of the edge, thus using her Maneuver gear to pursue Rex.

"Mina, where are you going!?" One of the guys yelled.

Mina didn't reply. She had something on her mind as she speeded over to Rex as fast as she could. As for her reason, she didn't say it openly. Thus, she kept going even as she eventually caught up to Rex.

"W-Wait!" Mina shouted. Her voice sounded desperate. "Please! I need to talk to you!"

Rex was surprised. He knew who that voice was, but looked down anyway. "Wait, you're following me!? Why!?"

"I just want to talk!" Mina stated. "For a long time, I've always wanted to help humanity! Some of the people I loved and care about were killed by Titans, and so I thought being a part of the Scouts would help me get back at them! But just recent…I almost died! I actually thought I was going to die! I tried to fight back, but…I was really going to die! But then you showed up and now…I want to know! How can you keep fighting!? Aren't you scared!?"

Rex became silent. He had a reason for that before lowering himself to a rooftop. Hence, when he deactivated his Boogie Pack and landed there, Mina landed at the edge of the rooftop and stood there.

Now it was Rex's turn to talk.

"You know asking this now isn't the right time." Rex said. He didn't seem offended or annoyed by her presence. In fact he seemed to have sympathy.

"I…guess you're right." Mina replied. She looked at her feet with a frown. "Maybe I shouldn't have asked. You can do things I could never imagine. Of course you wouldn't have to be afraid. That Titan took a bite of you and yet you still have your arm like nothing happened."

"Huh…" Rex uttered with uncertainty. He then changed that mood. "That's one way of putting it. But to be honest, none of that is the reason I'm not afraid. I'm human whether I look like it or not and I'm not immortal. If I'm not careful, then I can get eaten by those things too."

Mina was surprised to hear this. She stopped looking at her feet as a glimmer of attention was on her face as she listened to Rex.

"Listen. It's okay to be afraid." Rex admitted strongly. "It's okay to feel weak. It's okay to think about running away. We're all human and we're all different in one way or another. But if you want to fight, then you shouldn't let that fear dominate you. You should use it to build you into a better person and let it remind you about why you fight."

'A-Amazing…' Mina thought with astonishment. She couldn't believe that such wise words had come out of Rex. But the more she thought on it, the better she believed it as she stared at the teen. 'Just who is this man…? He says things so well…and yet he fights on without being afraid.'

Now there was a moment silence between the two. Mina, who just realized something, couldn't help but admire the teenager. Unfortunately, it was also in this moment that Rex noticed a bald headed Titan directly behind her. So to save her, he acted quickly. He activated his whip and energy mechanical backpack (Blast Caster) and grabbed the Scout trainee just in time and pulled her away. As a result, the bald Titan ended up slamming its hand on where she once stood, destroying it.

"That was close." Rex said, changing certain parts of his body to normal. The EVO-Human then pushed Mina back and stood before her protectively. "Stay back! I'll have this guy done in a –"

Mina suddenly cut him off. By that, she quickly wrapped her arm around his mid-section and used her maneuver gear to take off just in time. Another Titan came down on the house with a belly-flop, demolishing it instantly.

As for Rex and Mina, the girl directed them to the top of a rooftop and fell to her knees. It wasn't easy for carrying someone as heavy as Rex. And speaking of the EVO-Human, he stood up and looked at her.

"Hey, thanks." He said sincerely. He then reached his hand out to her.

Mina looked up to him and nodded. She appreciated what he said even without replying. Thus, she accepted his open hand and let him softly raise her back to her feet. Now the both of them were standing on their feet.

However, there was no time for kind words. This was because a crash was heard, followed by sounds of footsteps. It then became clear to Rex and Mina on the reason why. They could see Titans coming from a specific direction before them. But before Rex can say a word, Mina looked back and became shocked and scared.

"They're behind us! They're everywhere!" She shouted.

Rex looked around him and realized that Mina was right. Their numbers were much and terrifying as each of them was coming in different sizes, shapes, height and ugliness. But if that wasn't enough, they covered all sides and began approaching Rex and Mina in a slow and scary manner.

"Dammit! There's no way to escape!" Rex noted. However, he kept his cool as he turned to a specific direction which was also covered by Titans. "Mina was it? Listen, I'm going to beat the crap out of these guys! Once there's an opening, you get the hell out of here as soon as possible, you got that!?"

"But you'll die!" Mina protested. She was scared, but at the same time worried for Rex. "Let me fight with you! If we work together then –"

"That won't be needed." Rex interrupted.

His response surprised Mina. She didn't expect him to say it so calm. But then Rex turned to her with a look of concern and placed his arm on her shoulder, looking directly at her eyes.

"Look, I appreciate the concern but I got this." He said and smirked. "This isn't the first time I've faced certain death in the face and lived. It's kind of an everyday thing for me. So use this chance and leave. I'll get back, I promise."

Mina was reluctant to answer. She wanted to believe him, but experience with closeness to death said otherwise. However, seeing how honest his face was made her nod even though she wasn't certain. Now it was Rex who turned back and caught sight of the closest Titan coming.

"Hey, big and ugly!" He shouted at it. His outburst surprised Mina as he didn't sound scared. In fact, he sounded confident as he continued. "Yeah, I'm talking to you! I hear you and your friends like humans as delicacies! Well how about a couple of beatdown with that!? Here I come!"

With that, Rex took off. He activated his Punk Busters and jumped off the rooftop with great force that instantly broke where he once stood. Then, upon approaching the Titan, he replaced his hands with huge glowing mechanical axes (Battle Axe) and let out a battle cry just as the Titan before him open its mouth, ready to eat him entirely.


And that's where I'm going to stop for now. Sorry to leave you all with a cliffanger. I wanted to keep going, but seeing what you guys think would mean so much. This is the first Generator Rex and Attack on Titan fanfiction, so it's important to know what you guys think.

On another note, I know there might be questions from you guys. I will answer them just so you aren't confused.


Answer: That's because Rex is still an EVO. And in that world they are so foreign that a Titan won't recognize them as food (human) or animal. But once Rex attacks one, they're willing to attack him just as the Titans did when Eren attacked one of their own.


I really don't know. Would you want one?

Anyway, for those of you who don't know who Mina is, she was the girl who was eaten at the first few episodes of the anime. I figured that she might as well be saved by Rex to give her more of a role. But it all depends on if you guys like/love this fanfic. As for the other two who were saved with her, I didn't bother looking up their names since I don't have any plans for them.

Hope you all enjoyed this fanfiction. Please review, favorite and follow if you want this to continue. This fanfiction just started out as a request that I was interested in, so I really would like to know what you think of it.