A Disney Original Film
Title: Bucky's Reflection
Rating: K-T
Summary: Bucky babysits Zoey and reflects on the past year while Zed and Addison go out on a date.
A/N: I haven't written in so long, but I had this idea swimming around my head that I just had to let it out of my system. I hope you all like it. Please leave a review if you wish. :) Happy reading everyone~
He really didn't think much about it. The information was handed down to him since he was born. So he never really questioned it.
Zombies were bad.
And that was that. No need for any explanations. His grandpa's ear was enough to shut up any doubts he may have had. So that was how he lived his life. Staying clear away from the barrier that separated Zombies from Humans as much as he can, and making sure to cause a wreck every time he finds himself there (cheerleading initiation). Only because they deserved it. Right?
Yes. He'd tell himself. Yes they deserved every bit of ridicule and mockery because they were different from the norm, but putting that aside they were down right dangerous. Only the gods and goddesses of cheer will know what will happen if one went rogue. Bucky shivered at the thought, recalling his close to death encounter when him and his 'posse' decided it would be for the better good to mess with Zed's Z-Band.
But that was when it all came crashing down on him.
Zed was clearly (literally) trying to control his zombie urges. Right in front of him he saw the sheer determination burning in Zed's eyes as he fought the need to devour, the need to feed, the need to be a… monster. No, Zed was anything but a monster.
When Addison came running in the scene he was brought back to reality. Her screams and protests jolted him out of whatever reverie he was in.
That was the first time he doubted what he was taught. The first time he even considered the slight chance that he was wrong. Honestly, he was left dumbfounded. A little bitter because damn was he really wrong..? and also, ashamed. He looked over at Zed and his zombie friends; the girl, Eliza, seemed like she was close to tears. Bucky couldn't understand it but it made him uncomfortable to keep staring. It was all his fault this happened. And the ones who took the blame were the Zombies.
He was supposed to be happy but somehow, he wasn't.
After Addison's speech he was left even more conflicted. How could he suddenly just forget everything that's been drilled into his mind since he was young?
Then life just had to make things even more stressful. The cheer championship was just around the corner. That was the only thing Bucky knew through and through, the only thing he could lean onto when everything was spiraling around him. That was the one thing Bucky was more than confident with. So he did his damn best. But along the road he made a lot of stupid mistakes. One of them was chucking off half the squad. He knew it would fail. At the back of his head he knew his heart wasn't in the game.
His head was only filled with guilt laced with doubt and images of that damn zombie girl and her quivering lips.
What could he do? How can he make this right?
It all seemed to click into place tho when he saw Zoey.
As soon as that little kid no taller than his waist came up bouncing on the stage in her extra large hoodie waving her hands in the air mimicking their cheer, as soon as the crowd started booing and called her names, as soon as all hope seemed lost but she, being the innocent child she was just kept cheering, did it finally dawn on him.
Zombies weren't bad.
Zombies weren't monsters.
Humans were.
He watched her give her all – in her amateur way, he found it charming. This was what cheering was all about. It's about the strength they give when their voices collide in harmony, it's the empowerment in their movements, it's the firmness in their belief, it's everything and more that supports and lifts up the team. He was reminded of why he wanted to be a cheerleader in the first place. It must've gotten lost after all that fame and glory…
When Zed and his friends, along with Addison and Bree tried to talk him into cheering with them – he rejected their offer.
Because how could he?
Is he even worthy of being on stage with them?
After everything he had done.
To Zed, to Bonzo, to Eliza…
Addy, Bree, his team.
He was supposed to be a leader, and yeah he was, he lead everyone down to the ground.
So how?
Zoey was having none of that though. Bucky chuckled at the memory. She came up to him and didn't take "no" for an answer. She looked at him the way Addison used to look at him; with complete awe and respect.
It was that moment, when he accepted the whistle, thinking; maybe he can redeem himself – he already got permission from Zoey – it was then that he vowed never to lose that trust.
As much as he hated to admit it, this little girls faith in him was what made him have the courage to stand up along side the truth.
"Oh good, you made her sleep." Eliza's voice broke Bucky's trance, as he followed her eyes down to his side where little Zoey was curled up and sound asleep.
"It wasn't so hard." He smirked and closed the book he was reading her that was on his lap. "I didn't even notice."
"You're telling me." Eliza had moved from the door way to the couch both he and Zoey were settled on.
Zed and Addison decided it was high time they had a proper date. It's been nearly 10 months since they started officially dating and so far all their "dates" were sneaking in to places and making sure not to get caught. The majority still had their doubts about intermingling after all.
And it was about 7 months ago that Addison's mom (the mayor), declared a few places that would be Zombie/Human friendly on both sides of Seabrook (School included). Bucky knew a few places in Zombie town that offered some pretty decent meals and one adorable cafe that sold the softest bread he ever tasted.
Of course Zombies now had a small supermarket called "Zombie-Mart" that was filled with regular goods (more or less). The effect and change was almost spontaneous. Who knew all Zombies needed was a chance.
In the next month after the Mayors declaration; there were bakeries opening up and restaurants, all offering food that satisfies both species. Gone are the tasteless cauliflower 'brains' and now came in the roasted cauliflower and potatoes with creamy parmesan cheese. (One of his favorites actually.)
"When will Mr. Necrodopolus arrive back from work?" Bucky asked, not that he didn't want to spend time with Zoey. He grew to adore the little zombie and even proclaimed that she was the next generation of cheer.
"Late." Was all Eliza said.
Then there was silence. Bucky didn't mind.
"You know I never though I'd see you like this." Eliza spoke up again.
He turned to her and arched a brow. "What do you mean?"
The zombie raised her hands and gestured in the air for emphasis. "Like this, in Zombie town, having a zombie child cuddled up next to you. Babysitting said zombie child. I can go on you know."
Bucky chuckled.
"If you told me half a year ago that I'd do any of that I'd probably call you crazy." He admitted.
Eliza smirked knowing it was true.
He sighed and took her hand in his. "I'm sorry." Those two words held a lot of weight. He never really had the chance to properly apologize. He had apologized a lot, but he had a feeling with Eliza he had to make it more personal. Not that she asked of course.
After the barrier was gone it was a lot of work trying to get everyone settled. Him and a few other students came in to help Addy and her new friends with petitioning new plans for the upcoming school year so there would be more room for zombies. No more basement classes. And full access to extra curricular activities. Suffice to say it was a very busy year.
"I know." Eliza said, and squeezed his hand reassuringly. She looked at him with a gleam in her eye. "Thank you."
A/N: I have this headcanon that Bucky sees Zoey as his protégé. He never minds babysitting her, and he adores her.