It has been some time since I have written fan fiction. I certainly hope to get back into the swing of things, granted that people enjoy this. I was struck with here we are. I do not own the mummy or any of the characters from the movies. I do own my on OFC.
please be kind! review!
Egypt 2017
The air was dry and I could occasionally feel a grain of sand hit me in the face. I hated crowds. Especially in the heat.
I shuffled my feet in the sand. Waiting my turn...patiently.
I still don't really know what possessed me to come to Egypt, alone. Maybe the fall out of my 7 year relationship, 6 months prior or my never ending itch to explore and travel. That's what did the relationship in though. Callum wanted to settle down. I still wanted to travel. He wanted kids and a white picket fence and I…. I didn't know if i could ever be ready for that. So he ended things, saying we just changed too much. I hadn't changed though..if anything i was more responsible than i had been at 24 when we got together. I settled into my career of journalism. I was content and he wasn't clearly. Even though are lives were so intertwined in those 7 years. I was friends with his sisters and his family always welcomed me with open arms. Once he ended things I felt lost.
The line moving forward broke me from my thoughts.
I was excited to finally be in Egypt. I was waiting in line for a bus that would bring us out to the pyramids near Cairo. I had left my hotel early in the morning and explored all over. I was not a fluent speaker of arabic. I was still a little rusty on pronunciations but i got by ok.
I had planned on staying in Cairo for a month. I had taken a break from work and life. I just wanted to be away from the states. From my apartment in crowded new york. I felt trapped...and so I ran.
A man with a long grey beard ushered me onto the bus when it was my turn. Giving me a toothy smile. I smiled in return, nodding my head slightly.
I jammed myself in. My tan shoulder bag resting on my lap. I sat near the back silently praying to remain seated alone. I got my wish, as the bus lurched forward to a slow roll.
I had opted for black billowy pants, that I had found in the bazaar and a black blouse that buttoned up the back, with silver buttons. My arms were bare but I had put on an indigo covering, to keep the sun off my head. I knew i still stood out like a sore thumb, with my dark brown hair curled around my shoulders. My green eyes and my pale skin. My skin was already turning a slight red, from all the activity in the sun.
I wasn't some naive tourist though. I had traveled all over. I had practiced in self defense and even a little sword fighting, but that had been more for fun than anything else. I could handle my own, even if I was some short, white American girl. I looked like an easy target, I knew that much.
Before i knew it the bus stopped behind a few other busses. We were near the pyramids.
I watched as a few locals and tourists piled off the bus one by one.
I followed but stayed behind at the end of the group making its way towards a tour guide.
"Good afternoon everyone" a short, slender Egyptian woman called out.
She was dressed modestly in dark khaki shorts and forest green t-shirt with the name of the museum in big letters on the front.
"My name is Mandia and i will be your tour guide" She smiled brightly
"Please, gather in..we will be heading into the first location, The Great Pyramid"
I followed along with the many other tourists. I would have preferred to go on my own but I wanted to hear what the tour guides had to say, so I paid a bit extra. It was proving to be worth it. I had grown up fascinated with Egypt. My parents had taken me to an exhibit that featured mummies when I was 9 years old and instead of being creeped out, I wanted to know more. My parents had promised they would take me and my brother Sebastian to Egypt when we were older. I felt my heart squeeze at thinking of my brother Sebastian. I missed him a lot.
The voice of the tour guide caused me to look up suddenly. We had taken a short break for lunch. I had found a table, somewhat in the shade of the pyramid.
"Mind if I sit here?" She asked. It was Mandia.
"No, please go ahead..." I said, moving my bag off the table and next to me on the bench.
"How are you enjoying the tour so far?" She asked, pulling out her own meal from a paper bag
"I love it. I only just arrived in Cairo a day or so ago. I wanted to cross the Pyramids off my list right away."
"Have you been to Egypt before?" She said, taking a bite of what looked like sandwich, primarily filled with veggies.
"Not to Cairo! no, I briefly visited on a layover a few years ago" I smiled
"So...not much of a good visit" she laughed
"The airport food was actually very good" I said.
We continued to chat for the rest of the lunch break.
"My name is Anya, by the way...thank you for sitting with me"
"I noticed you were the only one here alone…" She said
"Yeah, solo trip…" I shrugged avoiding eye contact.
"It is a pleasure to meet you Anya, I enjoyed your company as well. I should round everyone back up, we aren't done yet" She smiled.
I followed the tour again, once we all managed to congregate near a sign. We were slowly making our way over to the Pyramid of Menkaure.
I took a few snapshots on my phone. I just loved standing in the presence of the great structure. It towering in the sky. I shielded my eyes from the setting sun, as I looked up.
I went and sat near the base of the pyramid. I sighed deeply. I saw a hawk circling in the air.
Mandia was talking to a few tourists nearby and the wind was slowly dragging by.
"The medjay were sworn to protect the great treasures of Egypt. Quite a few treasures were said to be cursed" Mandia said, in her bright cheery voice.
A short blonde woman spoke up. She was wearing a sun hat and had a fanny pack strapped to her mid section. Her outfit screamed. 'I'm a tourist!'
"Are the medjay still around today?" She asked.
"No one really knows for sure, historians however speculate though that they died out in the 20th dynasty"
"And what of Hamunaptra?" She asked. I was surprised to hear that. Coming from an American.
"Unfortunately for many treasure hunters.. Hamunaptra was just a myth"
I rolled my eyes, I heard many tales of Hamunaptra. I was walking around the base of the pyramid, waiting at this point to get back on the bus. I was looking forward to a shower in my room. Relaxing in the big bed and maybe hiding away until I could head down to the bar, near my hotel and drink a little. The day was good but I was becoming tired.
"You would be luckier to find the city of atlantis" I mumbled to myself, thinking of Hamunaptra, again. I read about it as a kid and the adventurer in me wanted to go hunt for treasure. I remember playing indiana jones with my brother in our backyard in the summers when I was little.
I saw something out of the corner of my eye, something silver and white tucked into the rocks, I bent down and pulled on it. It was a type of cloth...thin and easily pulled away.
The rocks shifted and a hole was revealed. Big enough to climb through. Shoulder width nearly. I glanced around and noticed I was alone except for a few people scattered a few hundred feet away. All busy on their phones.
I climbed through...and before I knew it, my feet slipped and I fell headfirst down the hole. I hit ground, hard. My head giving a nice dull thud as it hit as well. I blacked out.