I hope you guys enjoyed this story, it was fun to write.

"You should consider yourself lucky Dick choose not to press charges against you on account of being his father's only living relatives." The judge noted. "He's too good of a kid to want that."

It had been a few days since Bruce had retrieved Dick from his aunt and uncle's home and the court wanted to fix the mess in front of them. And just like their previous venture, Dick stayed rooted by Bruce's side. They had managed to cover up what was left from Deathstroke's beating, knowing that they would raise several unwanted questions.

The judge had all three charges neatly stacked in front of him as he prepared how he would address the entirety of the case. In those few days before the case, he had gotten together with Bruce and Dick to discuss how they wanted to handle the charges that George and Clara would be facing. While he may have disagreed with a few of Dick's demands, he and Bruce could agree that Dick had the best intentions.

"That does not, however, completely excuse you from your crimes. You still blackmailed and threatened to kill a minor if you didn't get you way. First things first, I am awarding guardianship back to Bruce. The original guardianship arrangement to be exact."

A sigh of relief escaped both Bruce and Dick. George and Clara were less than thrilled with the ruling. Though, they were in less than stellar moods to begin with given that they had been caught so early in the act.

"Now, as a courtesy to Dick's noble request, I will not jail you for the threat on his life considering it never came to pass. However, a restraining order will be instated for his safety. You are not allowed to be within five hundred meters of the child nor are you allowed said amount of meters near the Wayne household."

Bruce silently agreed with the motion, nodding along to the Judge's ruling. While he knew that they wouldn't bother getting near him after this, having a restraining order would provide the proper amount of security.

"In the case of child endangerment, you will serve a six month sentence. I'd like to sentence you for longer, but since Dick refused even the minimum sentence, you should consider yourselves lucky."

A displeased spark flashed on George and Clara's face.

"Now, in regards to the blackmail." The judge addressed. "Consider yourself extremely lucky that Bruce Wayne is being merciful. In an attempt to limit the stress that even a case like this could cause to the child, he has requested that only the hundred thousand dollar fine be issued. Along with community service time."

"That's not fair!" George objected, jolting to his feet.

"No. Unfair is manipulating a child, who had no say in the matter, to support your greed. Case dismissed."

George and Clara were guided out of the courtroom. They tried to escape the officers escorting them out to no avail. They did not, however, leave without shouting several vulgarities in Dick's direction.

Dick watched as they were taken away, puzzled and hurt by their display. He was hurt that his own family could be so cruel, but he couldn't bring himself to hate them. At the same time, as much as he would have enjoyed having a relationship with them, their anger and hatred towards his own family pushed any hope of one away.

A hand would gently plant itself on Dick's shoulder, knocking him out of his train of thought. Looking up to Bruce, Dick found him fondly grinning at him.

"I'm sorry for causing this." The judge apologized.

"It's not your fault." Bruce replied. "You were doing what you had to, and there was no way you would have known this would happen."

"Maybe. But I must admit, you two are pretty lucky. A dark angel seems to be watching over you."

Bruce and Dick hid their entertained response to the judge's comment. He wasn't wrong, but considering the hidden truth behind the statement, it was amusing.

"I guess so." Bruce chuckled.

"Now, I believe you wanted to officiate the adoption." The judge directed, pulling out a form.

Dick looked between the two adults, confused. Noticing this, Bruce knelt down to his level, both hands comfortably resting on Dick's shoulders.

"I was going to wait until your birthday," Bruce began, "but considering the recent events, I don't want to wait any longer. Are you happy living with me?"

"Of course I am." Dick replied. "You took me in when I was in need. Gave me a home, loved and raised me. Why?"

"Would you mind if I adopted you?"

Eyes shot wide open at his request. Shock and joy swirled in his mind.

"Do you want to be a part of my family?"

Several moment went by before tears of joy streaked down Dick's face. Bruce appeared puzzled, but was immediately relieved when Dick sprang at Bruce hugging him.


A week would go by before Batman was brought to another Justice League meeting. This time, Robin was proudly parading beside him. Upon arrival, they were greeted by, not only the other league members, but their respected protégés as well.

Before he had time to react, Robin was bombarded by his friends. Kid Flash beat the others to the punch, hugging the boy wonder. While the others didn't get that close, they were all ecstatic by his return. After everyone got in their response to his return, a punch would land squarely on Kid Flash's arm.

"Ow!" Kid Flash complained.

"That's for being rude to Batman." Robin jokingly lectured.

"He was being such a downer."

"Like you were any better." Speedy chimed in. "You almost lost it."

Another hit greeted his arm.


"Enough." Aqualad stepped in. "We've got a little something for you, as a sort of welcome back. Care to check it out?"


Speedy and Aqualad began to lead Robin down one of the hallways. With Robin preoccupied, Kid Flash bolted towards Batman.

"I heard the news." Kid Flash admitted. "Congratulations."

"Thank you." Batman replied. "We both wanted this. I also want to thank you for your help. Your information helped make a case against them."

A small smirk escaped Kid Flash, not exactly used to the compliment. A hand awkwardly placed itself on the back of his head.

"Anything for a friend."

A quick and unnoticed smirk flash across Batman's face. Knowing that Robin had such a great friend in him was something that he was never going to take lightly.

"Speaking of which, you better catch up before yours begins to worry."

Looking back at the others, Kid Flash realized that they had gotten away pretty fast. Giving Batman a nod, he sprinted after them. Batman watched as the four individuals started to disappear.

Having Robin back was amazing, but having a family was an even greater reward.

Hopefully the ending didn't come out too cheesy. I did plan for an official adoption to be placed into effect, hence why i had the "original" guardianship ruling take over (so that Bruce could ask). As always I would like to thank everyone who's read this as well as everyone who has followed, favorited and reviewed it.