Chapter 25: Happy Reunion

Back at the Mobius palace the two kings and the three princes were still putting out the fire. After almost flooding the entire ballroom the large fire was finally put out. Elias suddenly gasped when he remembered his sister. The Mobius prince quickly ran in the direction Sonic and Sally had gone to escape from Bernadette.

But just as he reached the entrance he saw Sonic and Sally walking to the ballroom, hand in hand.

When Sally saw her brother she let go of Sonic's hand and ran into his arms.

"Are you alright?" She asked as her mother and father joined in the hug.

"We are now." Elias replied. As they shared their family moment, Sonic smiled at them. King Campion couldn't help but stare at the blue hedgehog from across the room with his two other sons.

"Sonic?" He whispered in a mix of shock and joy.

"Dad?" Sonic gasped as he slowly made his way over to his long-lost father. Campion smiled widely as he pulled his youngest into a tight embrace. He could feel the tears building in his eyes.

"I-I thought you were gone forever." He sobbed slightly.

"All those years, I thought I was alone." Sonic admitted as they parted slightly to look at each other.

"Your brothers, your mother and I have never stopped thinking about you." He smiled as he ran his hand through his boy's quills. "Our love is as constant as the stars above."

Sonic smiled before he glanced over his father's shoulders and saw his brothers. Sonic stepped forward a few paces, away from Campion, staring. Shadow ventured forward as he looked into Sonic's emerald green eyes. He approached with wide eyes before they stopped in front of each other. Touching his face, a smiled broke through on the older hedgehog's face.

Sliver's eyes widened when he saw Shadow smile.

He hadn't seen the ebony hedgehog smile like that in years. Silver looked closely and he thought he could see tears in Shadow's crimson eyes. In his heart, Shadow knew this teenager in front of him was his baby brother. Sonic smiled back, each letting out a breath he wasn't even aware he was holding. Unable to hold himself back, Shadow quickly drew Sonic into his arms, holding him tight as he felt years of heartache melt away in that one instant.

"Little brother." He whispered as tears started to run down his cheeks. "Oh, Sonic."

Sonic cried into his oldest brother's shoulder. He peaked over the ebony shoulder to see Silver. The ivory hedgehog smiled and years seemed to melt off of his face as his amber eyes brightened. Circling around to the other side, he embraced his brothers. The boys sank to their knees as the love they felt overwhelmed them and filled their hearts.

They all knew. Sonic, Silver, Shadow and Campion.

The youngest had come home, at long last. As the brothers hugged each other, Campion stepped towards Maximillan.

"I don't know where to begin Max, I've wronged you all these years." The hedgehog said with his head bowed in shame.

"I'm just glad that everyone is safe." Maximillan replied and Campion sighed.

"I hope someday you can find it in your heart to forgive me."

Maximilian looked at his family, who smiled at him. He turned back to Campion with a smile and extended his hand to the Norrerus king. Campion smiled back and they shook hands

"Spread the word." The hedgehog king proclaimed with a grin no one had seen in years. "My son has returned!"...

It didn't take long for the word to spread. And well, you can imagine what happened next. The kingdom rejoiced with a joyous celebration ensuing, for their lost prince had returned. The celebration lasted for an entire week, and if many people were honest, they did not remember most of it. But they did remember launching thousands of lanterns into the sky, this time with the prince that had been lost and now found.

There was also lot of dancing, feasting, and visitors.

But what truly mattered was that at long last, Sonic was finally home. He finally had a real family, a real mother and father and two older brothers, who loved them both dearly. Anyone would agreed that he was a Prince worth waiting for. But I know what the real question is: Did Sonic and Sally ever finally get married?

Well, I'm pleased to tell you that after years and years of asking and asking...