
Ace and Spade stood in front of the others as the younger introduced the older as he bowed.

"I hope my brother hasn't been much trouble to you." Spade said.

"Hell no, in fact he's been kicking ass ever since we joined him." Kagura said with her fists on her hips.

"He has been excellent leader Spade, you must be very proud of him." Azura said smiling.

"I am, that and more." Spade said smiling at his brother.

"Also, Orchid did you wanna come with us?" Ace asked the agent.

"It's like I told you before that I would join you as soon as Gargos was defeated." Orchid said as she held her hand out to shake and Ace took it.

"Then welcome to Spirit Force, Orchid." Ace said before there was a beep and everyone turned to the monitor to see ARIA.

"ARIA?" Ace asked.

"That is correct, I wanted to say that you were right about what you said, humanity deserves to have free will and evolve on whatever path they choose, also the world thanks you, farewell." ARIA said as the monitor turned off.

"Anna, can you patch through to the Brave Adventurers I must tell them good news." Ace said as Anna began typing. "Brave Adventurers, are you there?" He asked as the monitor fuzzed.

"Hello? Ace, is that you?" David asked.

"Yeah and guess what?" Ace said as he brought his brother over. "I found my big brother!" He said smiling.

"Seriously? That's amazing!" David said.

"Hello, David Ishihara, my name is Spade Neptune my little brother has told me all about you." Spade said as he introduced himself.

"Has he? Well, it's a pleasure to meet you. I take it your brother had a rough time getting to you." David said.

"Yeah, but now that I found him, I'll be with him every step of the way. Thanks for being there for him when I couldn't." Spade said as he put his arm around Ace's neck.

"Well, we weren't exactly there every step of the way, but we're glad we could give him support." Sectonia said.

"And I am grateful, but can you tell me what this sword is?" Spade asked as he held out the Exalted Falchion.

"Wait a minute… That's Marth's sword! Where did you find it?" Mayumi asked.

"It was given to me by a woman named Lucina. She told me to use it well." Spade said as he looked at the Falchion.

"Lucina… That girl is just full of surprises." Sectonia said.

"Oh David, Anna looked into the Hobbyists for us while me and the others were gone and it seems they're gathering an army." Ace said with a nervous look.

"I know. I saw it first-hand." David said.

"Well, we're gonna head to your location as soon as we can, so hang in there till then." Ace said.

"Alright. The three of us were just getting ready for our next race, but we appreciate the support. I'll have Vera send you guys the coordinates." David said.

"Understood, Anna is sending the replicated materials for your Fulgore to you." Ace said.

"Thanks a bunch. They would really help." Mayumi said.

"No problem, We're on our way now. Oh and hey after we defeat the Hobbyists why don't we celebrate?" Ace asked.

"We'll see what we can manage. See you guys soon." David said.

"Don't worry. We'll help out, and see ya." Ace said as the connection cut off. "Anna, did you get the coordinates from Vera?" He asked Anna.

Anna got a notification and uploaded the coordinates. "Yeah, we're ready to go anytime." She said.

"Then let's go and help the others finish those Hobbyist bastards off." Kagura said.

"Then, here we go!" Anna said as the Spirit Crusader took off.

To be continued in the second half of Brave Adventurers' Travels: IGPX IG-3