Love a sutile, beautiful thought, encompassed with romance, sorrow, and a sweet breath of peace. Those lucky few who truly see it... grasp it, embreace it, and fell it's every whime, swimming under the surface. Oh... tofind someone who makes you feel like everything in this cruel, sadistic world is right; that you are important and special in a glass ball with 3 billion other ants, all to conform under one. To feel them caressing your body, slipping their velvet fingers through your hair, his soft, feathery lips gently proding your face, with his hot breath sweeping over you. Heaven seems not such a grand a place as how you feel with them. If only to hold it forvever. How could anyone, no matter how cold at heart they may be, ever go through life on this Earth without even a glimpse of it... all hidden circumscribed in a sphere covered with pungent roses? The feeling of ecstasy, swallowing you like a drug, taking your mind and senses to a higher level where nothing matters but here and now. Nothing, no nothing, can make this better. Nothing can outbid this. No amount of money or fame can make you feel so utterly happy like this... oh, if only eternity were this bliss. Emotions at a climax, the apex of any journey, through any wilderness. Nothing can take this away... no nothing... Then,out of the wicked web of deceit, comes the morbid world of this idea, roaring its head. fraud, jealousy, and hate springs up with daggers of ice, and whips of flame. All the happiness is gone... eternity is uncertain and heaven is burning like hell in your once peaceful earth. Nothing is worth anything anymore...his touches are brutal, and full of force... nothing is blissful. The sphere is cracking... The drugs are no longer free-spirited, but abusive. Your body is slowing, like a ticking deathwatch, and you heart in pieces, no adhesive can mend. Life isn't worth is anymore Why not end it? Who would care? That person who showed you love. Gave you a glimpse of life as it could be, then snatched it back, greedily. It's not worth it, not for them, for you, not for God or any other. Take it now, the reaper is waiting. Goodbye future generations...tomorrow holds a new day.