A/N: Hey guys. New chapter. Enjoy.

As the sun peeked in through the white curtains, Zed opened his eyes but quickly shut them again. He rolled over and groaned. After a few minutes, he opened his eyes and was flooded with memories from the night before. It gave him a warm fuzzy feeling in the pit of his stomach. He turns on his side to say good morning to Addison, but she wasn't there.

"Addie?" He slowly sat up, trying to rub the sleepiness out of his eyes. "Addie, you here?" He asked. When he didn't get a response, he just shrugged and got out of bed. When he threw the bed together, he noticed a piece of paper on the table next to the bed with Addison's handwriting. Not knowing what to expect, Zed; took the letter, unfolded it and began to read it.

'Dear Zed, I'm sorry I had to leave you but I want you to know that I love you more than I ever thought I could love someone. You showed me true strength. Now I need to be strong enough to let me go. This thing isn't done with me and it threatened to hurt you guys if I didn't leave and give up my powers. I left to keep you all safe. Do me a favor and keep everyone together. Take care of them for me. Nothing can be done to save me but if I'm gonna die, at least I'm gonna die protecting the people I love. I'm sorry and I love you. So much. Love Addison.' The ink began to run because as Zed was reading the note, he started to cry. He dropped to his knees and hugged the letter to his chest as his quiet cries became loud, wailing sobs. Missy and Dale frantically ran into Addison's room to find Zed on his knees, crying hysterically.

"What happened?" Missy asked as she dropped to her knees next to Zed trying to keep him calm. After a few minutes, Zed got a grip and finally showed her parents the letter. Once they read it over, Missy was crying and Dale was biting back his own tears. Missy finally got a hold over herself, she stood up. "I'll go call my mother to see if there's anything we can do to help Addison."

"I'll go call Bucky and the others. I'll tell them to get here as fast as they possibly can." Dale stood up and tried to keep himself calm. The two were about to leave the room when they looked at Zed, who was staring off into space with a look of heartbreak on his face. Missy and Dale looked at each other and nodded. Missy walked out of the room while Dale went and kneeled in front of Zed. "Zed, listen to me." Zed lifted his head to look at the man. "We are going to get her back no matter what it takes."

"But she said there's nothing we can do to save her." Zed countered with a fresh wave of tears coming.

"Nothing's impossible." Dale said. Zed nodded his head and tried to get a grip on himself.

"Alright. So what's the plan? You do have a plan right?" Zed asked, his voice shaking a bit.

"I don't know yet, but I can personally guarantee that we are getting our girl back. And that is a promise." Dale said. "I'm gonna go call the others, but you take your time." Dale stood up and walked out of the room, sending one final glance toward the zombie boy. Zed spent almost an hour trying to keep himself together. He stood at the window and looked out at the world. The sweet, sweet, oblivious world.

"Don't worry, Addie." Zed remarked to the whistling wind outside the window. "I'm not going to lose you. Not again."


Addison's screams rippled through the empty warehouse as electricity jolts through her body. When the electricity stops, her body falls to the ground in a heap. The black eyed demon cackled as she stands of Addison's beaten body.

"This is fun, don't you think?" All Addison could do was lift her head and glare at the she-demon.

"Yeah. Thrill of a lifetime." Addison sarcastically responded as she sat against the wall. "Is this all you're gonna do because if it is… it's pathetic." The demon's smirk quickly turned into an angry snarl. The demon; walked forward, grabbed Addison by the throat, and lifted her off the ground as she slowly started to cut off Addison's air supply.

"You don't know what I'm capable of." She hissed as she threw Addison across the room into a wall of wooden crates. "I could walk into your house and destroy everything you hold dear, especially that zombie boy. I think it would be great fun to rip them apart one by one." Addison lifted her head and glared at the demon. Struggling to stand, Addison uses one of the crates as a crutch.

"You go near Zed and I will personally rip you apart limb from limb." Addison bit the inside of her cheek, trying to keep herself calm. The demon started laughing as she walked over to Addison and grabbed her cheeks with one hand.

"I don't really think that you're in a position to be making threats." The demon released Addison's face and sent another wave of electricity through her body. When the demon stopped the electricity, and Addison crumbled to the ground, she bent down to Addison. "And there is nothing that could be done to stop me." Addison looked at her with burning red eyes. Suddenly the demon stood up straight with a smile on her face. "Oh, thanks for reminding me. You need a power drain." The demon drew some symbols on the ground around Addison's body in white chalk. She then starts some weird incantation and a red veil covered Addison's body. "In about fifteen minutes, there will be nothing left but a shriveled shell. No one can save you."

"And that's where you're wrong."