A/N: Hey guys. I watched this movie with my cousin and I thought it was really cute. Then it got me thinking about a possible story. So this is my shot at it. Addison has a darker secret. Her hair isn't a problem. It's her soul. R&R.

"No!" Addison yelled over her shoulder to her father as she ran after her zombie boyfriend, who was being dragged away by her father's guards. As they came into view, Addison could see that Bonzo and Eliza were cuffed as well. "What are you doing? These are my friends!" Addison tried to defend them.

"We don't have any human friends." Eliza's voice shook with a sob. It felt like daggers were being driven into Addison's heart as Eliza's words seeped in. Eliza looked toward the ground as tears fell from her eyes and Bonzo looked off into the middle distance with a blank look on his face.

"We told you, Addie. Zombies aren't safe." Addison's father gained her attention. She turned to glare at them as they continued to bash zombies. "You give them an inch-"

"And they'll bite your face off." Addison's mother, the pristeen mayor of Seabrook, said as she tried to move her daughter away from Zed.

"They'll bite your face off." Addison's father echoed, earning an internal eye roll from Addison. Suddenly another voice chimed in, causing them to jump.

"Hey! That's my son, you're talking about!" Zed's father looked like he was about to charge at Addison's parents but was stopped by Principal Lea.

"I suggest you move along, Mr. Necrodopolous." Principal Lea stood in front of him, to cease any movement from him. "I promise, I'll make sure they're looked after. I'm sorry." Zed's father grabs Zoey's hand as she looks at her brother with a tearful expression. Gus and his men tried to move Zed, Eliza and Bonzo.

"Zed…" Zed cut her off by turning to her.

"I'm sorry, Addie." He was trying to be strong and Addison could see that. "Maybe they're right. Maybe we shouldn't be together." Something in her snapped.

"Addison, get away from that boy. I won't warn you again." Addison's mother once again tried to get her daughter away from Zed, but she is stopped when Addison turned around to face her parents with her eyes that had turned a blood red.

"Now I'm warning you… Let them go." Her voice wasn't even her voice anymore. It sounded demonic. When no one moved, Addison decided to take it up a notch. "Now!" She yelled. When she did the lights in the stadium exploded; sending glass shards and sparks flying everywhere. The guards holding onto the three zombies dropped to the ground and covered themselves as protection from the glass shards. Suddenly the cuffs dropped off of the zombies' wrists and clattered to the ground. Everyone was running for their lives, not paying attention to what was going on around them. Addison's eyes quickly returned to normal as she looked at Zed with tears in her eyes. He opened his mouth to say something, but was quickly cut off when Addison let out a gasp and dropped to the ground. Suddenly a thing of black smoke forced its way down Addison's throat. Everyone stopped and stared at Addison's limp form on the grass. After a few seconds of no one moving, Addison began to rise from the ground

"Addison?" Zed took a cautious step toward Addison. She turned her attention toward him but her eyes weren't hers. They were pitch black. "Addison…" He was trying to get through to her.

"Sorry to disappoint you, Zeddy." Her voice was still dark and demonic, but even darker than before. "Addison is no longer in control." She lets out a deep, dark laugh. Suddenly storm cloud began to appear in the once clear blue sky. A loud crash of thunder shook the ground and lightning struck the bleachers. Addison let out another wicked laugh as chaos and panic ensued around her.

"What have you done to our daughter?" Addison's father walked up to what was once Addison.

"It's not what I've done… It's what she's done." This caught the attention of everyone around.

"What are you talking about?" Eliza asked as her and Bonzo moved to stand next to Zed.

"The idiot girl let her emotions get the better of her… and look what that got her." Dark Addison said.

"What?" Addison's mother thought out loud.

"What did you do to my cousin?" Bucky shouted as he appeared out of nowhere.

"The girl sold her soul." Dark Addison snapped. "For this boy right here." She gestured to Zed. "She wanted to desperately find a cure for zombieism because she couldn't stand not being able to be with him but sadly, she got a little lost in the process. She realized her powers…"

"What powers?" Bucky asked as he took a step closer to the girl.

"The girl was born with immense magical power and she actually got very good at being able to control it. But it looks like the magic gene skipped a generation." She looked at Addison's mother. "Anyway… She realized that her magic alone wasn't going to be enough so she summoned a demon..." She gestured to herself in a grand way. "Who gave her a little bit of an energy boost, but there was a catch. Said demon mentioned that if she couldn't find a cure for zombieism in three weeks, Zed's soul would belong to her." Dark Addison explained as she walked onto the field with everyone following her. "And poor little Addison couldn't bear to live without him, so Addison decided to bid her soul instead of his. As a game changer, she only had a week instead of three. And guess what?" She quickly turned around, causing everyone to jump. "Time's up." Suddenly a lightning bolt hit the field and threw everyone back. When they looked up, Addison was gone. Out of frustration, Zed punched the ground, almost breaking his hand in the process, and let out an angry growl.

"Zed, calm down." Eliza tried to get the pissed off zombie to listen.

"How can I be calm when Addison sold her soul for me?" Zed screamed as he stood up and began pacing. "We need to help her."

"Gorzinga?" Bonzo asked as he helped Eliza up from the ground.

"I don't know, Bonzo. But she needs us and we are going to help her. Let's figure this out." Everyone, even Addison's parents, began to come up with a game plan to get Addison back. I'm coming Addie. Just hang on.