Breaking Free with Love and Rage!

"Okay, I think the cost is clear." Tomoe said as she and Nanael walk into a room with a bridge.

"Finally! I hope we can take a break from all that running with traps." Nanael exclaimed.

"Don't let your guard down just yet, the dark force is still controlling Scar and we need to find the one to break the spell." Tomoe reminded the angel girl.

"But how are we supposes to find the mastermind if we can't even tell where we're going?" Nanael pointed out.

"Don't worry, I get the feeling we'll run into her soon." Tomoe said, and her foot stepped on a square that went down.

"Oh no…" Tomoe worried.

"Oh, come on, what now?!" Nanael screamed.

Then water started streaming down from the top of the wall coming in fast filling the room up.

"AAAAAHHHH?! We're gonna drown!" Nanael panicked.

"No, you should be able to get out of here through one of those holes." Tomoe pointed at one hole where the water is coming from.

"What? But what about you?" Nanael asked worry.

"I'll be fine, just go!" Tomoe ordered.

"Okay, you better be alive after this!" Nanael said before flying off into the hole.

"I know I told her I'll be fine, but it looks like I may not make it if I don't get out of here quickly." Tomoe said looking around to see if she can find anything that can get her out of this room or at least stop the water.

(With Menace)

"I'm impress, that lady in red certainly has a lot of courage." Menace commented seeing Tomoe's situation from her waterfall.

"And it looks like Scar is still looking for her other friend." She said seeing the mind-controlled Scar walking around.

"Hey, Setra, what do you, huh?" Menace noticed that her living-ring servant is no longer on her finger.

"Setra, where have you run off to?" Menace wondered, looking while thinking where could he be.

(With Setra)

Setra is seen floating and looking down at the unconscious Shizuka with most of her body buried in sand while inside a room.

"Such a waste, I can't let this chance slip away. You have way too much sexiness to die, that's why I'm making an exception to see what you got." Setra giggled pervert.

That's when Shizuka starts to wake up and saw the floating little cat ring, her instincts warn her to be careful with that creature and immediately jump out of the sand and ready herself in a battle stance.

"You must be some kind of specter." Shizuka figured then she suddenly finds herself being wrapped in a whip like a cat's tail from the talking ring.

"Yeah, but I'm gonna do more and get a good taste." Setra said.

But before Setra could start licking her breasts, the wall from the side burst as they look to see its Scar.

"Must destroy enemies of the Princess." Scar said and jump up to swing his Dragon Slayer down forcing Setra to separate from Shizuka.

"Oh man, and just when I was about to enjoy myself with that sexy girl." Setra complained.

"Whoa, that guy look serious!" Shizuka commented, and then dodge Scar's strike.

"Hey Scar, try not to kill her because the Princess needs more servants." Setra said.

"(Servants? Does that mean Scar is being controlled by someone else?)" Shizuka thought wondered.

"I better get out of here first." Shizuka threw a smoke bomb covering the entire room in smoke as she escapes through the hole Scar made.

"Oh no, she got away! Hurry and go after her, for the princess!" Setra ordered.

"For the princess." Scar said and ran fast out of the room.

"Oh well, I hope my princess will let me have fun with her after she becomes a servant." Setra perverted giggles.

"Sorry, but I already belong to someone else." Shizuka appeared, trapping Setra in her hands.

(With Tomoe)

The room has been nearly engulfed by the water as Tomoe is having trouble holding her breath for much longer, fearing she may die here.

"(No, I cannot die here! I must stay alive for my people!)" Tomoe thought determined, shaking the fear in her mind away.

She starts glowing in a thin purple aura and unsheathe her sword, she swam a spot in the wall stabbing her sword in the line and the large hole burst open letting the water flow out through there and she is now back on the bridge coughing a little.

"Wow, you made it!" Nanael cheered as she flew back in to check up on her. Then her eyes widen of shock.

"Tomoe, look out!" Nanael alerted.

Tomoe look up seeing Scar towering over her and the sharp edge of his sword being near her face.

"Your name is Scar, correct. Have you really fallen to let a demon take possession over your soul, if so then you don't deserve to be called a warrior." Tomoe lectured.

Scar's eyes widen almost like he responded to Tomoe's words.

"Would you please stop lecturing him. If you continue talking to him like that, then my servant will forget who he is." Menace said as she reveals herself.

"So, you must be specter of consuming this boy's mind in darkness." Tomoe glared.

"Hey, you must be that sand princess Scar mentioned after we recused that family from the demons." Nanael recognized her from what Scar told the girls.

"Indeed, I am. You speak to the Princess of the Legendary Kingdom of Amara, Menace." Menace introduced herself.

(With Shizuka and Setra)

"The Kingdom of Amara?" Shizuka asked with a torch in one hand and Setra is floating next to her because he was threatened to tell her about his princess.

"Yes, it was a glorious and mighty kingdom, but it destroyed. I'm surprise there are ancient Amara drawings here." Setra said as he never got any chance to look at the room closely.

"So, tell me kitty, can you read them?" Shizuka asked.

"Of course, I can! And I am not a cat, I'm a living ring!" Setra snapped.

"Come on, purr for me." Shizuka scratched under the chin making Setra purr.

"So, tell me what those drawings say." Shizuka ordered.

"It's a story about thousands of years old." Setra started telling the story.


"My Mistress, Princess Menace, was destined to inherit the throne. She lived a life of luxury."

Menace is seen getting a massager from her former mentor and court attendant.

"See, doesn't that feel good?" Anarista asked.

"Yes." Menace answered smiling, enjoying the amazing touch from her.

"I promise, the next thing I'll do is send you to the Heavens." Anarista said as she moves her hands all over Menace's body including groping her breasts making the princess moan in joy.

"Those days were filled with pleasure and satisfaction." Setra recalled how her princess was happy.

Then the scene changed when the sky was covered in thunder clouds and soldiers from the Sadler Kingdom charging and attacking the Amara kingdom, and the one leading the attack is Anarista revealing her true identity as kills off the Amara men.

"However, tragedy struck when the kingdom was conquered thanks to the betrayal of Anarista, Princess Menace's most trusted court attendant. The King collapse and Princess suffered an untimely death." Setra said sadly.

Menace is seen horrified and angry that Anartista was not the person she thought she is and the image turns red for blood.

"After 4,000 years passed, I was resurrected and no sole reason of being was to bring my kingdom back with me." Menace said as she finishes telling the story to Tomoe.

(Flashback End)

We now see Menace looking down at Tomoe.

"So please, join me and become another one of my obedient servants. I will bestow you the honor of working with me restore our kingdom until your bones rots away." Menace offered.

"You are sorely mistaken." Tomoe said as she stands up, not caring about Scar still having his sword near her neck.

"If you seek to rebuild a truly mighty nation, there is no way you can do that by commanding mere vessels to obey you. It's the power that connects people, it's the heart!" Tomoe lectured.

"Those who do not obey me will lose my favor." Menace said, seeing this lady in red is no servant material.

"Now my might servant, strike down that lady by the power of Amara." Menace ordered.

"B-Betrayed…" Scar said.

"Scar?" Nanael wondered as she gets closer to him.

"She was betrayed… like me…" Scar said as his body did not move to attack under Menace's command.

"(Could he be trying to break free?)" Nanael thought surprised.

"What are you doing, kill her now!" Menace demanded.

"Scar, remember your past when you had someone who was best friend and he betrayed you when he killed the entire village as he became a demon! Didn't you say that you would have your revenge on Noir Coeur for the betrayal in blood?" Nanael shouted.

"This young man… is like me?" Menace shocked to hear that there is another who suffered the same fate as her with her former mentor.

Scar started groaning in pain as he grabs his own head with one hand as he muttered Noir Coeur's name a few times while his blood is boiling of the rage, he has been carrying for over ten years.

"You have friends like Leina, Risty, me, and even Echidna!" Nanael mentioned the girls and snake lover.

"Regain your pride and honor, Scar! You are the Black Knight who is feared even by the demons!" Tomoe said.

Then Scar starts growling vicious as he starts to remember the girls as well, all the time they spent together and the love connection he made with Echidna and even realizing his feelings for the other girls too. All the memories are flowing back into his mind until they stop at the time when he saved Leina from falling from a cliff and everything went black after that.

"…AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH?!" Scar roared loud and fierce as his body is emitting a dark-red aura and the spell that Menace casted on him has been broken.

"Impossible! He actually broke through my spell with such pure rage alone?" Menace shocked and saw Scar pointing his sword at her.

"You're dead." Scar declared and charge at her.

(With Shizuka and Setra)

"The Princess's chamber is just up ahead." Setra informed as they walk through a long hallway.

"Oh, little kitty, you're the best." Shizuka complimented.

"Hehe, you might be right about that." Setra chuckled.

But his smiling expression completely drop when he see Menace laying on the ground moaning in pain and Scar is high above her as he dives to stab his sword at her, but she manage to roll out of the way to let the sword impale the ground instead.

"Princess!" Setra gasped as he flies quickly to her.

"Hey, it's that Scar guy." Shizuka surprised.

"What's wrong, I thought you were dead serious on restoring your kingdom." Scar mocked as he pulls his sword out.

"Damn you…" Menace grunted as she gets up and Setra return on her finger.

"Those who dares to betray me must suffer the consequences!" Menace angered as she emits purple aura.

"Sand Arrow" Menace fired sandy arrows at Scar who dodges them easily as he charges in.

Scar swing up his sword for a powerful attack, Menace manage to dodge only for her leg to be grab by Scar and he swings her around and slams her on the ground a few times before tossing her to wall, she groans in pain and send a wave of sand at him which he slice it down the middle.

"Shizuka!" Tomoe called out.

"Lady Tomoe, you're okay!" Shizuka shouted in relief and ran toward her.

"I'm so glad to see you're alright, and I see the angel girl with you too." Shizuka said.

"First off, my name is Nanael. And where have you been all this time?" Nanael asked.

"I was learning about Amara's history about how it fell and all." Shizuka answered.

"So, did we, and Scar has managed to break free of her evil spell with the help of Nanael here." Tomoe explained.

"It was nothing for the mighty warrior angel such as myself to handle." Nanael bragged.

Scar punch Menace in the stomach and throw her over to the top of her dome-thing.

"Curses, not just once but twice that I am being overwhelm by this boy. Even possessing a strong will to break out of my spell." Menace angered.

"Don't give up, Princess, you must show him the might of your awesome power!" Setra encouraged his princess.

"Of course, I must be strong if I am ever to bring back Amara from the ground!" Menace determined.

"Royal Thunder" Menace raised her hand in the air and dark clouds appear at the ceiling.

Scar look up seeing the dark clouds and saw sparks coming from it, his quickly raise his sword up as a shield just in time to block a purple lightning bolt though the static seem to shock him because of the sword and armor being a conductor for it.

"Do you really think… a little spark like this would be enough to defeat me?" Scar growled as his eyes glow a little red.

Scar then jumps higher than ever breaking through the lightning bolt and Menace started to feel something she has not felt in a long time.


"No, I can't lose now. I have to restore Amara." Menace sobbed.

Scar dives down fast and large dust cloud erupts from the impact, the girls wonder if Scar killed the princess though when the dust settle they are shock to see that Scar didn't kill her instead stabbed his sword right next to her head on her left.

"Why? You had the perfect chance to end my life, yet you miss on purpose." Menace asked, feeling her body trembling that her life flashed before her eyes.

"I wanted to kill you, after you tried making me your bitch and making me almost kill those girls. But… I felt a kinder spirit when I heard you were betrayed by someone very close to you." Scar mentioned.

"Yes, that angel also mentioned that you were betrayed by a friend. Losing your home and your people leaves a deep scar in your soul." Menace said.

"Even as the scars healed, you never truly forget the experience and pain you went through." Scar stated as his put his sword on his back.

"The best thing to do is to use that pain as your strength and move forward for a bright future, though it's not easy when you stain yourself in the blood of your enemies." Scar said as he walks away.

Menace's eyes widen and place a hand on her left breast as her heart is racing fast unlike anything she has ever felt before, her face is blushing and her mind is fogging a little of Scar as if she was struck by a thunderbolt in the heart as her body is heating up from just the thought of him.

The Princess of Amara is in love with him and she knew what she wants now.

"Black Knight Scar, I have made my decision." Menace said smiling.

"And what's that?" Scar asked as he turns around facing her again.

Then all the suddenly, Menace leaps from the dome and right onto Scar wrapping her arms and legs around him and slams her lips right onto his making him gasp with his eyes widen.

"WHAAAAAAAT?!" Nanael, Tomoe, and Shizuka gasped. Scar is shock that he wasn't sure what's going on and their lips separate.

"From this day forward, I, Princess Menace, shall following you to the ends of time as my king." Menace declared.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute! You can't just decide on something like that and expect me to go along with it." Scar said.

"But I just I declared my love for you." Menace believed.

"I already have a girlfriend, thank you." Scar mentioned.

"That's okay, you can have as many lovers as you want. However, only if I'm your number one." Menace said and kiss Scar on the cheek.

"Sheesh, I'm getting the feeling Echidna may actually like the harem idea." Nanael sighed.

"Hear that, you can start dating him, Lady Tomoe." Shizuka teased.

"W-W-What? I was thinking of that! Besides, I think it is you who wants to date him." Tomoe encountered blushing, Shizuka chuckle nervous and blushing.

"You better be good to the Princess, you're going to help her restore Amara and make it better." Setra exciting giggling perverted.

"(I think I made a big mistake here.)" Scar thought regretted letting this woman live.

KO a new chapter is done and hope you all enjoy it!

Scar has broken free from Menace's control after some encouragement from Tomoe and Nanael to give Menace a beating, but Scar decided to spare her for sharing a common feeling of being betrayed and for that: Scar has gained his second girlfriend, Princess Menace. What a twist, huh?

I also discovered while working on this chapter that Menace's background was inspired by Thouzer's background from Fist of the North Star, except the mentor kills the student. Menace and Thouzer's fighting style are similar too, pretty cool!

KO comment, favorite, and follow through of how this story will go!