Hey everyone, so this is a rewrite (another one) of a story I wrote about a year ago (Blossoming - It has 32,000 reads at the time of writing this). I had hit a really bad writers block and when I went back through and read the story again, I was embarrassed of the writing. I am going to try to pace this one much better, but I do also have two other fanfics I'm writing (Modern Day Wayfinding(Moana) and Saved(House of Night)) so please bare with me. I'm trying to update them all in a timely manner.
Please, leave reviews because I love reading them. It also helps me out a lot with staying motivated to write. Thank you!


"Alright everyone! That was the last boat! Let's get to work!" Moana yelled breathlessly. She had been back less than a day and they were already hard at work, and there was a lot of work to do. She could already tell a quarter of the boats were completely useless after sitting in a damp cavern for over a thousand years. Luckily, the others were in pretty good shape. A few repairs here, a new sail there and they should be as good as new. She looked around at the people of her island and began to worry. Are there enough boats for everyone? She thought to herself. Her eyes caught her father's, who seemed to be thinking the same thing. He jerked his head towards the large hut near the center of the village that was typically used for meetings. She nodded and made her way through the crowed.
A few moments later, Tui parted curtain that covered the doorway and entered the hut, followed by Sina and the village council.

"Tui, why are we all here?" one of the elderly councilmen asked.

"Moana is actually in charge of this one," Tui said confidently, looking over to his daughter. She nodded and took a deep breath.

"With the boats we currently have, we do not have enough for the amount of people we have. We need to start discussing who is going to make the voyage to a new island and who will stay. From what Maui told me, the entire village didn't voyage off to a new island, some stayed and kept the island going," she said, looking at the council, "We will need to tell the village so they can decide if they want to stay or go."

"Well, I still don't trust anything beyond the reef so I'm staying right here," the elderly council member said. A murmur of agreement came from the rest of the council. Maybe no one else is going to want to go. Moana worried.

"We will leave the decision up to the people, if they want to go, they can go, if they want to go, they can," Tui said. The council nodded with agreement. "Then it is settled, everyone, gather the village, I need to speak with my daughter privately," he said, looking at Moana. With that, the council left the hut.

"Moana, you're mother and I are going to be staying on Motunui," Tui said, obviously sad. Sina took his hand and nodded.

"What? But who will be chief?" Moana cried out. She wasn't ready to lose her parents.

"You will, Moana. You have already shown amazing leadership skills," Sina said, smiling.

"But, I'm not ready," she said, looking to both her parents. Tui laughed and hugged his daughter, "You are more than ready, Moana."


"So, if you want to come with me to a new island, please let me know. I hope for us to leave in three months time. If you wish to stay here, I do not think poorly of you. This has been our home for a thousand years, I understand it is hard to leave, but I do promise you, if you voyage with me to a new home, I will try my hardest to make it feel as much of a home as Montunui has been to us," Moana said, looking over the village. A cheer erupted from the village, making Moana smile. It gave her the same feeling that she gets when she's on a boat. It was exhilarating. The only thing that would've made it better was if Maui had been here. It had been about two months since she left Te Feti and she hadn't seen the demi-god since. She missed him. Maybe he will come see me. Moana shook the thought from her head and started talking to those who wanted to go to a new island with her.


The next few weeks were all a blur. Moana was busy helping get the boats repairs, as well as trying to plan out everything they were going to need to even survive on the ocean before they would even be able to find their new home. She was beyond stressed out. On night, while walking around the island, trying to clear her head, she found her self at the entrance of the cavern where the boats had been stored. "A swim might be nice," she whispered to herself as she walked into the dark entrance of the cavern. The entrance opened up into a large room with a waterfall for a wall. It looked much larger now that all the boats were out. She walked over to one of the ledges and sat down, letting her legs go in the water, instantly relaxing her.

It took no time before she stood back up, taking off her warp and skirt. She stretched out her back before diving into the water. She allowed her self to float around in the water as she went over the preparations in her mind. Even though the water wasn't talking to her as it use to, she was able to at least sense where some near-ish by islands were, giving her some peace of mind. She sighed as she looked at the ceiling of the cavern. "I hope this chief thing gets easier when we get to the new island," she thought aloud, her voice echoing off the walls, "maybe I can't do this." She shook the thought from her head and dove under the surface of the water. She resurfaced moments later and brushed the hair out of her face.

Moana swam through the waterfall and to the other side. She climbed out onto a rock and looked out over the ocean and the night sky. She lifted her head up towards the moon and closed her eyes, letting the light from the moon wash over her. A slight smile broke across her lips. "Gods, give me strength to lead my people well," she prayed.


