So although I have a bunch written for my current Liebgott story and the chapters just need editing, I'm having some writer's block for it after the next few. Although writing this fic definitely isn't a cure since it's diverting my attention, I began this short story to try and get the creative juices flowing again. The idea has been distracting me.
I hope you like it! I own nothing but my OC Elizabeth Brady. I mean no disrespect to any real member of Easy company - this is based solely on the TV show.
February 13, 1945
Somerset, England
Toye looked up at the ceiling in hospital room and let his mind wander. Anything to drown out Guarnere in the bed next to him.
"That's great," Guarnere muttered. "Put the hand rail on the left side. If those schmucks didn't notice, I ain't missing my left leg." His bitching had been going on for the better part of an hour, ever since they arrived in England. Christ, he missed France. They had separate rooms there.
"Joe, you listenin' to me?"
Before Guarnere could open his mouth again, they were interrupted by a figure at the door with a clipboard. As she read whatever it was on it, they both watched her with their eyebrows raised. "You lost, honey?" Guarnere asked.
The woman looked up at him and it was clear she wasn't impressed. Without a word she walked to between their beds, two small cups of medication lying on top of her board. "Sergeant William Guarnere," she read. Toye was surprised to find that she was American.
Guarnere smirked. "That's me, honey. How about you feed me those pills."
She cocked an eyebrow. "How about you stop feeding me bullshit...honey." She placed the cup on his nightstand. She turned to Toye. "Sergeant Joseph Toye."
"That's me," he rasped.
She looked up at him, and he knew she was expecting something foul to come from his mouth. When it didn't come, she silently placed the second cup next to him before checking off something with a pencil and walking away.
Guarnere called after her. "What's your name, dollface? Come back, we just wanna talk!"
Throwing him a rude gesture over her shoulder, she left their room.
Guarnere turned to Toye and grinned. "I like her spunk. Best nurse yet."
Sure enough, the young woman came back again the next day, complete with clipboard, pills, and sour expression. Toye took a moment to look her over this time while she scribbled some notes, taking in her honey skin and dark brown hair. Both ignored Guarnere.
"Back again, dollface? I knew you couldn't resist me. Even with one goddamn leg, I've got more charm in my pinky finger than those other guys combined."
She didn't look up. Clad in OD pants, military boots, and a tshirt - and not to mention the lack of bedside manner - Toye realized she was most definitely not a nurse. She confirmed this just a moment later.
"Nurse," added Guarnere when she didn't swoon at his previous statement. "How about we add in a sponge bath today?"
The eyebrow was raised again as she deposited his pills on his table. "How about I dump a bucket of cold water on you instead, sergeant? That should do the trick." She moved over to Toye and placed his pills next to him. "And I'm not a nurse."
Guarnere cackled, but continued to call after her, even as she left the room. "Then what should I call you, doll?"
Toye rolled his eyes and shook his head. "If Frannie could only see you now."
That shut Guarnere up. "You tell her anything about this, Joe, and you're gonna lose your other leg."
Toye snorted. "So you've said before. Leave the girl alone. Christ."
Guarnere smirked. "Since when do you defend a broad over your buddy? Jesus, you like her."
Toye snorted again. "Of course I like her. She's my only escape from you every day."
"Don't forget Nurse Mindy. But I ain't never gonna sass her. Woman is too damn scary."
"Now that's a broad that will take a fella's leg outta spite."
The next day, Guarnere wasn't in the room when the woman came in with their medications. Nurse Mindy seemed to have heard his comment about her and was sure to punish him for it during another grueling PT exercise.
The girl stopped short when she noticed he wasn't in his bed. "Tell me he's only in the bathroom," she whined.
Toye cocked an eyebrow. "Are you poutin'?"
He couldn't be sure, but a corner of her mouth may have twitched. She looked remarkably younger and prettier without her token scowl.
Rolling her eyes, she walked to him and gave him his daily medications. She scribbled something on her notepad. "Maybe. It just means I have to come back again. I can't leave pills unattended."
Toye smirked. "Anxious for us to be outta your hair?"
That twitch happened again. "Maybe," she repeated. "I just like getting all my rounds out of the way early."
"Places to go?"
She looked him dead in the eyes. "As a matter of fact, yes." She turned to leave.
On a whim, he called after her. "What's your name?"
"You ask a lot of questions, sergeant."
"Yeah, but your name?"
She stopped and peeked around the door frame. It didn't seem like she was going to answer at first. Surprising them both, she did. "Liz." And then she was gone.