Disclaimer: This will be the first of three parts of a long fanfiction where I will be rewriting Jūshirō's entire backstory and the events of the manga (while still sticking to the canon), because I feel he is so much more than was shown, and he deserves a complete and suitable storyline.
I will establish his friend- and relationship with Shunsui, will do some worldbuilding for pre-anime Soul Society and the old Gotei, give him a Bankai, an inner world and decent fights, focus on the god inside of him which is Mimihagi, create many interactions with lots of different characters, and deal with the upcoming threat to Seireitei which are Yhwach and his Quincy Army.
This part of the story follows Jūshirō's journey from being a sick child to becoming a full-fledged Shinigami.
One day, the Ukitake clan received a special visitor. It was a severe, black-haired man with a scar gracing his half-bald forehead.
Peering through his room's window, Jūshirō was watching the man converse with his parents; he remembered seeing him before, though then he had lain sick and his mother hadn't allowed him to talk to the stranger.
Little Jūshirō had no idea why he was back; perhaps he was some kind of healer? His mother would call them all the time, but so far none of them had been able to make a difference.
Jūshirō gasped with excitement as the grim man's gaze met his for a second when he looked up, almost as if he had sensed the boy was watching. So he was indeed searching for him, Jūshirō concluded, feeling his heart pound in his chest.
He didn't get much diversion, being frail and delicate in health; his mother wouldn't let him play with the other children, not even with his sibling, and would confine him to his room so his condition wouldn't worsen.
Because of this, Jūshirō, a good-natured and cheerful child, welcomed every opportunity to have some fun.
He was already at the stairs when a servant called for him. »Young master« the housemaid said, »you have a visitor!«
»My name is Shigekuni Yamamoto« the dark-haired man introduced himself, »we have met before, but I assume you don't remember.«
Jūshirō wordlessly took a bow. Still he was wondering about the reason for the stranger's visit.
The young boy turned to his mother, hoping for an explanation, yet it was the old man who spoke up first. »I have been watching you for a while now, Jūshirō-kun. And today I want you to meet somebody.«
Jūshirō's heart was racing from utter excitement when the old man Yamamoto led him through a heavy wooden gate; they followed a trail through a garden up to an impressive residence.
»This is my family's property« Yamamoto briefly explained; »I have invited some dear friends of mine. They have a son the same age as you, who happens to be my godchild.«
Upon hearing these words, Jūshirō's face lit up. A friend for him? The boy couldn't contain his excitement, smiling brightly, but didn't dare say anything to the old man.
Again he nodded and followed Yamamoto to the entrance hall.
He had barely entered the large room when he was assaulted by what he perceived as a pink whirlwind; he was grabbed by the shoulders and shaken back and forth.
»You must be Jūshirō!« the wild child exclaimed and quickly introduced himself: »My name is Shunsui, I'm the second son to the noble Kyōraku family!«
Yamamoto softly put his hand on the boisterous boy's shoulder and pulled him back. »Be gentle, Shunsui, didn't I tell you to take it slow? Most people don't like it to be overrun by a perfect stranger.«
The brown-haired boy immediately apologised to his visitor but Jūshirō shook his head. »It's okay, Sir. I don't mind at all« he said, being met by two shining grey eyes, wide, alight. Alive.
Shunsui was beaming. »Awesome! Let's go, I'll show you the garden!«
Yamamoto's garden was wonderful indeed, Jūshirō quickly realised. There was so much to do. Shunsui showed him a river which could be crossed by jumping from stone to stone, they played hide-and-seek among the reeds and climbed up several trees.
Jūshirō couldn't remember the last time he had so much fun; he rarely got to experience nature like this since his mother was always scared he would catch a cold or break a bone, and the fact that Shunsui was accepting him as his playmate so easily, so effortlessly, baffled him.
A friend, Jūshirō thought to himself over and over, a friend for me, a friend.
It was only when Shunsui suggested a round of tag when reality kicked in and brought him right back down to earth.
Jūshirō's throat felt constricted all of a sudden and he had to pause.
»What's the matter?« Shunsui shouted at him and, forgetting about the game, came running towards the struggling white-haired; »are you not feeling well?«
The attentive boy immediately seemed to realise what was going on, grabbed Jūshirō by the hand and quickly guided him to the porch so he could sit down.
»Yama-jī told me about your… eh, your lung thing. Does it hurt?«
Jūshirō instinctively shook his head to imply a lie.
For a while they just sat there, Shunsui giving his new friend time to catch his breath; then, the brown-haired faced him again and wondered »why has he picked you?«
Jūshirō had no answer to this question. Picked him? What for? »I don't know« he answered truthfully; Shunsui tilted his head. »You won't be able to become a Shinigami when you're sick like that, can you?«
»I'd love to be a Shinigami one day« Jūshirō answered, »but no, I don't think I can.«
Becoming a Shinigami like the ones he had read about, the ones that were venerated like heroes by the common folks, had always been a dream of his. Was it really what the old man Yamamoto had picked him for? Him of all people?
»Too bad« Shunsui complained, »I was hoping we would go there together as soon as we're old enough, you know. I thought that was the reason he introduced you to me. Yama-jī said you were special, aye. Special like me.«
Then Shunsui paused; Jūshirō's eyes widened. All of a sudden he felt bad about himself. If he couldn't keep up with this boy, there was no chance of them ever being real friends.
The realization saddened him and he felt the strong need to justify himself, prove to Shunsui he wasn't weak at all. »Oi, I am special« he claimed, »but not the way you are, I guess.«
Now the brown-haired seemed interested again. »Really?« he wondered, »how then?«
Jūshirō smiled again and answered his new friend's question without hesitation. »Inside me lives a black god. I'm his chosen one. That makes me special in a way, now doesn't it?«
Shunsui started laughing, much to Jūshirō's surprise; he had expected a different reaction. Was it wrong to share this secret of his with Shunsui?
But he quickly understood the other boy's laughter wasn't malicious but happy.
»Great!« Shunsui cheered, »now come on, I haven't shown you the best part yet.«
The two boys were kneeling in front of a large pond, Shunsui throwing small rocks into it, trying to make them jump while Jūshirō just watched the subtle movements below the water surface.
It was only when Shunsui grew tired of throwing the rocks that the fish started to emerge from below and came closer. So close, Jūshirō almost believed they wanted to greet him.
»Look!« he shouted at Shunsui who had already turned away.
There were two koi swimming in a seamless circular movement just below the surface, one of them black-scaled, the other one white.
»They like each other« Shunsui joked, patting Jūshirō on his back, signalling him to follow. »Come, I'm sure dinner's ready by now!«
And the white-haired ran after him without hesitation.
Jūshirō and Shunsui are both Yamamoto's chosen ones. But wat for?