Hello All.
Welcome to my first Crossover. I'd like to start by saying my disclaimer of I DON'T OWN HARRY POTTER OR SUPERNATURAL to my great sorrow. having said that, this is going to be a rather long fic, it's not very compliant with Harry Potter canon because I needed him to want to come to the Supernatural-verse, so i changed things around. a few things are going to change withing the SPN cannon but hopefully not too many. This story will be a series of books, i'm going to try to make each book an ark from the show. Eventually it will be slash. Harry/Dean to be specific. This is your warning. right now. first book first page. if you don't like that, do us both a favor and either don't read it or keep it to yourself. neither myself or the others who do enjoy it want to deal with you if you don't. to everyone else, that relationship is going to take a while to develop. trust issues on both sides, dean has to get over harrys magical-ness and what not. but itll be slowish building. the other big change that will probably annoy some of the HP readers is, that harry won't be using a wand and will probably be a bit more powerful. my reasoning for this is, new world, so magic won't be quite the same. and as for the power, everyone in the spn-verse with natural magic (angels, demons, god, amara, nephilim, and cambrion) all tend to be stupid strong with it. and if he was supposed to be "voldemorts equel" then hes stronger than is normal in his world anyway. so bring that over to spn-land and well, not archangel strong, but maybe king-of-hell Crowley strong. so up there, but he's kinda ditsy anyway so it wont be as helpful as it seems lol.
well. with that out of the way. here's the thing. and im sorry for how depressing it is, but like i said, he needs some motivation. do please review and such. not sure how they work on the app, but ill figure them out.
Prologue: Of Ends and Beginnings
'It's over… It's finally over' Harry thought as he began to lower the Elder Wand. Voldemorts body falling in what seemed to be slow motion as he struggled to regain his breath. 'But at what cost?'
Tired, bottle green eyes take in his surroundings. He sees Minerva and Kingsly finishing off their respective duels amidst what's left of the Great Hall. Death Eaters dropping their wands, surrendering, with the death of their vile master. What's left of The Order and the Aurors rounding them up. He looks to the hole blasted in the wall, the former entrance to the Staff Room. The dead are being taken there. Harry knows what awaits him there though. His friends. Fred and George, Tonks, Remus… He saw them all die. He remembers an Acromantula getting the better of Ron. 'Poetic really given his dislike of spiders' he thinks with a grimace. He knows Voldemort himself slaughtered both Hermione and Draco Malfoy (the git) for working together to kill his most loyal lieutenant. 'Funny that Bellatrix would get hers from a "Filthy Mudblood" and a Pureblood putting aside their differences' Harry thinks with a watery, pained chuckle. Hogwarts may not have fallen today, but she did break. Evil may not have triumphed, but the price was high. Before Harry came back to reality form that whatever-it-was limbo world, everyone he loved was slaughtered. The Golden Trio was no more, ninety percent of the Weaselys are dead, Molly and Percy (of all people) the last in a great line of good people. All war heroes now. But they're still dead. A high price indeed.
Harry completes his survey of the wreckage of battle and his eyes stray back to Minerva. Her breathing hard and her tartan hat askew. Harry meets her eyes and provides a grim smile. She returns it for a moment, until her eyes go wide with horror and focus behind and to the left of him. Harry slowly turns to see one last Death Eater still has his wand. Pointed at him. He gazes into the cold stormy eyes of Lucius Malfoy and knows, that with his son, wife and master all dead the man doesn't have much to live for anymore. Harry knows Lucius is blaming him for it too. He holds his hands up to calm the man, but he knows. He can already see the words forming. "Bugger" He says bitterly as he sees the green light leave the wand 'must it really be the same color as my eyes? I suppose it's fate then' He thinks as he makes to dodge. Too late though. The last thing he hears before the black takes him is Minervas scream "HARRY".