AN: All rights to the Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken. Lyrics do not belong to me.
Born This Way:
"I guess we shouldn't judge people by what they look like."
"Even if they're as ugly as you."
-Blossom and Bubbles Utonium
Imagine a world filled with a bunch of "super powered" kids and adults. Crazy right?
People having amazing abilities that defy possibly everything logical, people that could soar in the air like a bird, conjure up spirits or tools of mass destruction, and people that are tools of mass destruction. To some it may sound a bit a "comic-ish"; a world filled with Superman's and Wonder Woman's, can you believe it? No one could at first. But the world isn't always a beautiful, human friendly place. Radioactive bug bites, secret classified human testing, bizarre accidents, DNA manipulations and tampering, are just some of the many reasons why there's thousands of people today with amazing powers.
And as time passed by, tests were run, people have gotten more comfortable with the fact that super powered people exist and well…here we are today.
The City of Townsville
It was a big step for mankind, if the salt and pepper haired Professor had to say so himself. After all the freaking out was out of everyone's systems, the higher up's got to work. Laws were made, things had to be adjusted, things had to be done fairly, buildings and houses had to made stronger –you would think they would think of doing that after his girls were created– A lot of things were made anew for the situation at hand. For example, special schools were built. Schools specially designed for the Gifted; most like to be called. A lot of Gifted adults that had majors in education and that had more experience with their abilities pitched the idea to their governments and they just had to agree, it wasn't a bad idea.
It wasn't a bad idea at all. In fact, it was great idea! There the Giftedchildren will learn to use and control their abilities, while getting the usual proper education of course. The seasoned Gifted'sthought it would be wonderful for the children to be around kids just like themselves and for them to simply be themselves. Now, there was no law saying Gifted children had to go to the schools. They're free to go to regular schools just like any other kid and some did. Not every Gifted person fancied their power. Some thought their powers to be more of a burden in their lives; the cause of maybe some childhood trauma they had earlier in life. Or they thought it just brought too much unwanted attention. But, no matter. It was the said person's decision in the end.
When word first got out about the school's though, people were wary. Yes, the buildings were going to have to be huge to accommodate the children and their many powers. That meant space was going to need to be made in bustling cities and suburban areas. And then there was the dorms issues since most kids will have to fly in and live on campus in order to attend the schools. Of course the kids were excited for that since they now had the chance to get from under their parent's overprotective eyes but the students were the real problem here. Having a couple hundreds of super powered children in one humongous building? There was bound to be conflict right? Well of course since most of these said kids were bound to have egos the size of Jupiter. What are we going to do about that? Was the parents question. Well...of course there will be appropriate security, rules and regulations, and consequences and repercussions. It is still a school. But the other thing that the seasoned Gifted's and higher up's have collectively argued and agreed on was that...they're going to let the ego boosted kids work out their differences themselves.
Fun right?
Ha...ha, ha.
Que, the outraged and shocked outbursts. If parents weren't already wary then they were upon hearing that. Hell, even the Professor himself was taken back when hearing about it. His eldest daughter was shocked speechless. His middle daughter was geared up and ready to go–much to his dismay–and his youngest daughter just shook her head in disapprovement at her over ecstatic raven haired sister. After everyone in the house was settled down and their initial shock wore off, their attention went back to the female government official on the screen. They listened on as she explained their reasoning behind the decision on letting the kids duke it out.
What they got from the lady's explanation was that are going to be kids. The Professor sniffed snidely at that, surprised to hear that the government actually understood that. Now, why and how they we're going to go about the conflicts was the interesting part.
Get this, so what the people have decided was that if two children had a problem with one another that they just can't settle with words with every fiber of their being, then they we're allowed to schedule one–and only one–duel at the end of the school day, of the current month. Meaning, the students were only allowed one approved fight per month. But beforehand the students must participate in one mandatory mediation with a guidance counselor and the Principal before the fight could be approved. It was only to see if the situation so dire that they had no choice but to let the students go at it. He remembered his middle daughter grinning devilishly at the news and then remembered the intense lecture him and his eldest gave her right after.
Now their reasoning why was a little too brief for his liking but he didn't make the rules…The reason? The kids are bound to clash with someone eventually so why not get some research out of it? During the fights, the children's strengths and weaknesses will be recorded, which will give them additional help on improving and controlling their powers. Not bad. The Professor was a little iffy about someone else beside him and his daughters doctor examining his girls but he was confident that with his credibility, he would be able to pull some strings once the super school was built in Townsville.
Oh yes! One of those said super schools was coming to his city. The home of the Powerpuff Girls; the protectors of Townsville. Did he think it was a coincidence? No. Townsville had too many monster crisis's and criminals running around rampant for a school filled with super powered kids to just come and it be some miraculous coincidence. He could bet all his life savings that Mayor Bellum was one of the first people to sign off on the start of the school's construction.
Now what does this mean for his daughters? Well, it could mean lots of things. Less work for his hard working girls for one. A chance for them to finally live a somewhat normal life. Hell, to take a well deserved, nice longfamily vacation because it's about damn time.
Or...things could go completely down the a far away place of no return. Let's start with his middle daughter, Buttercup Utonium. Buttercup loves to fight. What does she love more than to fight? A good fight. Since she was five, the only real action Buttercup gets is when there's a monster or criminal on the loose and it's a good thing that that's often because the girl has a lot of steam to blow off—a...lot. Where does it come from? Well if you ask her...everything. Now, let's throw in roughly a thousand super powered high schoolers like herself that's going to be very eager to test out their strength on a 100ft monster. Where does that put Buttercup, you ask? Oh, she'll probably be in a very dark corner somewhere...building up even more steam...ready to blow...any second...on anybody. Where does that put the rest of the student body? ...Hopefully not in the hospital. The Professor did not want to have a stack of kids hospital bills in his mailbox.
Please, God no…
Let's move on to his eldest daughter, Blossom Utonium. The one that takes after him the most. The smartest of his three beloved daughters. The fearless leader of the Powerpuff Girls, Blossom. Blossom loves being a leader. One would say that it's in her blood to lead. She's the one who dishes out the plans, comes up with the strategies, and makes the hard decisions that no one else could make. Could lead a army into battle? Probably. Could she lead a army of careless, trigger happy, egotistical, and rebellious teenagers? Ehhh...she'll try–until she's right in that corner with her sister, slowly losing her shit. You're probably thinking that Blossom seems a little on the controlling side but it's really not like that. She just has a way of doing things to achieve the best results, the safest way possible. Having hundreds of ameture superheroes ignorantly running into battle without a sense of a plan in her city and in her care, is not how she operates. If you're going to fight crime in Townsville, then you best to listen to Blossom...or else.
Ask Buttercup, she's pretty familiar with Blossom's "or else's".
They're not fun. Not even remotely close.
The Professor's youngest daughter, Bubbles Utonium maybe his only hope for a peace of mind while the girls were at school. The optimistic bubbly teen will most likely give him the least amount of problems out of the trio...until the dating starts. A shudder ran down the Professor's spine at the thought of the many super powered punks that were bound to ask out his baby girl. Knowing Bubbles sweet and somewhat gullible nature,–no offense–she'll probably agree to a few suitors. Unbeknownst to the Professor, his hand tightened around the class of water he was just feverishly sipping on. He knew then that he was going to have to make some modifications to his old power suit if he was going to keep all of the horny teens away from his precious daughters. His very gorgeous precious daughters.
The Professor spared a glance at each of the three girls that occupied the spaces next to him. Blossom to the left of him, legs crossed, sitting comfortably on the same sofa as himself. Blossom was breathtakingly beautiful, stunning, get the picture. Her long luxurious red hair, in the sun reminded you of an evening sunset in the middle of autumn. She lost her infamous red bow years ago; wanting a new look for herself as she got older. Instead of her signature high ponytail, her long tresses fell down in a waterfall of silky curls to the arch of her back. Long thick eyelashes framed her unusual fuchsia colored eyes, that were still focused on the television in front of them. A collection of dainty brown freckles danced across her button of a nose. Her full rosy lips poked out in a pout. She still wasn't too happy about fighting being allowed in school.
The feeling of eyes being on her made her turn in her fathers direction. Cocking her head to the side and arching one thin red brow, she asked him if anything was wrong. The question brought upon two other sets of eyes aimed in his direction. Two unusual shades of lime green and icy blue. The Professor shook his head with a timid chuckle. Oh nothing. He assured them. Blossom's high cheekbones stood out as she gave him a wary smile. She obviously didn't believe him but she didn't want to press him about it. The aging man gave her and her sisters a thumbs up before giving his attention back to the television. Only momentarily though.
Not even a minute went by before he found his eyes wandering to his middle child. No matter how tomboyish the girl was, Buttercup's natural girly looks stood out. She didn't get her thick, dark eyebrows threaded like the rest of her sisters; she didn't need to since they were already perfectly arched. Buttercup's long, jet black eyelashes gave off the assumption that she was wearing mascara–which she wasn't. Buttercup detested makeup. Her sisters had to fight for her to wear only lip gloss for their eighth grade graduation. The red shine to her normal pouty, pale pink lips was not missed by any of her peers that evening and she was not happy at the fact. Her rosy thin cheeks were redder than they already were and she wanted nothing but to wipe the cursed lip gloss off.
For that whole night Buttercup's enticing lime green eyes, flared daggers at anyone who's eyes lingered longer than they should've. Her ink black, shoulder length hair was pulled into cute but messy bun. Thanks to her stylish fashionista of a sister, Bubbles. The Professor remembered the two arguing about how Buttercup's friends were never going to let her live the memory down, only for Blossom to break up the fight soon after. He chuckled lightly at the memory, thanking the heavens that a funny commercial came on to hide the real reason why he was laughing. He didn't want to trigger his daughters perceptiveness once again.
His eyes roamed over to his last daughter. The stylish fashionista. The adorable and excessively cute one. The one that boys weren't too afraid about approaching because her overly nice nature. Bubbles is a gem. Everything about the girl shined. Her bright blonde curly hair bounced with every step. Gone, were the cute pigtails she once faithfully wore. She was going to be in high school soon and she was going to look the part, she declared excitedly. Bubbles big sapphire eyes stuck out like a sore thumb on her pale porcelain skin. Her arched blonde eyebrows and long lashes only added to her captivating good looks. What was even more adorable about the bright girl was that, adorned on her chubby cheeks, were two deep dimples. Making her smile even more appealing and inviting to the opposite sex.
The muscles in the Professor's jaw strained. Perhaps he'll need an even bigger power suit. Summer vacation just started for the girls so that gave him a little over two months to work on it before they entered high school. Will he be able to finish before then? The Professor stared stiffly at his three daughters. He's going to have to. In two months time, his precious daughters were going to a school filled with kids just like them. Of course they were excited for the new experiences. No more curious and dissecting eyes, not that they minded them too much. They've gotten used to them through the years but it would be nice to feel somewhat normal for once and going to a school with kids like them would give them that normality.
Yes, they're going to miss their dear friends from their old school's. Especially, Robin Snyder and Mitch Mitchelson–even though Robin lived right next door but still...that was beside the point. Not going to school with them was going to be weird at first since growing up they all thought that they were going to graduate together. But with little convincing from the two and the promise of hanging out whenever they could, the girls agreed to attend Gifted Heights Academy.
"Be yourself, be secure with yourself
Rely and trust upon your own decisions
On your own beliefs."
-"Be Yourself" Frank Ocean's Mom
Two years later
Blossom has always been a morning person. Since the young age of seven, she's been waking up at six am on the dot. First, she made her bed and did her morning stretches, making sure to get all of the kinks and crooks out of her rested muscles. Then she made her way to the bathroom that was conveniently right across from her bedroom door–a bedroom she had to literally fight her baby sister for–There in the bathroom she began her normal routine of showering and brushing her teeth, being careful not to spend no more than twenty minutes inside or the Professor was sure to rush her out. Once back inside her room, she got dressed; a light gray, cotton button up dress that ended behind her knees. The long sleeves of the dress were snug and was sure to give her some warmth throughout the day. The dress hugged her curves nicely but not too nice that it was deemed inappropriate. After throwing on her light blue denim jacket and white Mary Janes she got from Urban Outfitters, she grabbed her bag with her books in it and was out the door.
What she noticed first was the loud blaring music coming from her sister's room. Pulling out her phone, she checked the time.
6:44 am. It was too early for this.
Good thing was, at least she didn't have to drag the obsidian haired girl out of her bed like she usually did every morning. But was too early for this. Behind her she heard the bathroom door close and knew that Bubbles was going to spend at least a good forty minutes inside of it. It's a good thing that Buttercup took her showers at night. Speaking of Buttercup…
Shock me like an electric eel.
Baby girl,
Blossom gave an involuntary sigh. As much as she liked the song by MGMT, it was far too early to be blasting the catchy song. Blossom knocked–no, banged–on Buttercup's door once more.
Turn me on with your electric feel!
"Buttercup, I know you hear me in there!" She exclaimed fiercely. Her foot was starting to shake impatiently as she folded her arms across her chest.
I said, Ooh girl!
"And for the love of God, turn that off!"
When she heard feet shuffle from behind her sister's door, she smiled victoriously. The door was flung open with a quick whoosh and the smile that was on Blossom's face was soon replaced with a frown at the sight of her sister's retreating back and all of the clutter on her floor. Blossom immediately regretted stepping inside. You could barely see the gray carpet that peeked out through all of the clothes and other miscellaneous things on the ground. With a look of disgust, Blossom stared at Buttercup who was currently sitting at the edge of her unmade bed, sliding on her black Vans.
"How do you sleep in here?" Was the first thing that came out of Blossom's mouth. Mild disgust written all over her pretty face.
Buttercup greeted her back with a smirk before looking around her room. It was a normal room but just with a touch of Buttercup. Much like Buttercup's door, many posters hung on the walls, covering the sight of the dark gray walls. A queen-sized bed was pushed against the left side of the wall. A dark green comforter and gray sheets laid disarray on top of it. On the right side of the room was her metal desk. On top it was a sleek Macbook Pro that was covered in band stickers and other inappropriate sayings. Three green beanies sat on the floor next to a small plasma tv that rested on a stand for whenever she had company over to play video games or watch movies. Even though Blossom wondered how anyone could fathom sitting in Buttercup's junkyard of a room; her and Bubbles couldn't stand more than five minutes in it.
"Well I sleep in it much like you sleep in yours dear sister." Buttercup replied haughtily. She was on her feet now, making her way over to the door, where Blossom still reluctantly stood.
The neat freak in Blossom mentally shuddered. "And you don't think that that's a problem? You basically live in a pigsty."
"You have your way of living and I have mine." She said as she pushed her back into the hallway. Before leaving the room herself, she killed the power on her speakers, grabbed her worn backpack and joined Blossom in the hall.
"Seriously, being able to actually see your floor for once isn't a bad thing."
"I do see my floor." Buttercup countered closing her door.
Blossom snorted unattractively. "And when is that?"
"When i'm looking for something to wear of course." She quipped with a smirk.
Blossom's nose wrinkled at her. "You are disgusting."
Buttercup's laughter filled the hall whilst Blossom just shook her head as they finally made their way downstairs and into the kitchen where's the Professor already had breakfast prepared on the blue marble countertops. The aroma of pancakes, bacon, and eggs filled the room. A bowl of mixed fruits for Bubbles sat, wrapped up next to the food. The food looked heaven sent. Especially the bacon, Buttercup thought so herself.
"Good Morning Professor!" Blossom greeted in a sing-song voice. She passed by him to grab a plate each of them, including Bubbles. Closing the white wooden cabinet, she turned and left through the open adjoining door that led to the dining room.
"Morning Professor." Buttercup said quickly as she grabbed the still steaming food. Mouth watering as she had eye sex with the crispy bacon. The Professor turned around from stove and grinned at the two girl's.
"Good morning Blossom. Good morning Buttercup," He abruptly popped Buttercup's hand with a spatula. "stop drooling over the bacon like that and take it to the dining room." He scolded quickly as she pouted while rubbing her hand.
"I wasn't drooling" He heard her murmur seconds later as she stalked out of the room like a wounded puppy, taking the food with her. Adding salt to the injury, Blossom passed by her snickering and Buttercup threw a sharp glare over her shoulder at her as they pass one another.
"Is Bubbles almost ready?" The Professor asked wiping the excess pancake mix off his rough hands.
Leaning against the counter, Blossom raised a brow. "We're talking about Bubbles here. That girl can spend hours in front of a mirror."
Which she has before. Bubbles once spent a whole night staying up practicing makeup looks that she had learned from beauty gurus on YouTube. She even managed to drag Blossom from her bed–after ten minutes of relentless begging and puppy dog eyes–to practice on her too.
The Professor sighed. "She's going to miss breakfast."
Reentering the kitchen, Buttercup's eyes flickered mischievously. "Want me to go get her?"
The Professor and Blossom shared a look before collectively saying, "No."
The last time Buttercup went to fetch Bubbles down for breakfast, she ended up scaring the girl half to death while Bubbles was right in the middle of doing her makeup. A ugly thick line of mascara ran down the side of Bubbles freshly made face and then the screaming started. Bubbles refused to leave the house until she was done doing her makeup for the second time.
Blossom checked her phone again with a hum. "It's only 7:10, she still has time." The Professor nodded.
Buttercup leaned in on her tippy toes. A cheshire grin plastered on her face. "You guys sure? It'll only take a second…"
Two sets of eyes glared stiffly at the green clad girl. "No."
Groaning, Buttercup rolled her emerald eyes. "I never get to have any fun around here." And with that said, she stomped her way to the dining room to eat.
Five minutes later, an overly cheerful Bubbles made her way into the dining room humming a happy tune. With grin spread across her glossy lips, she told–no, sang–everyone good morning. She did a cute little twirl in her deep blue dress before sitting down with the rest of her family.
Buttercup looked on with a grimace.
"It's the first day of school." She paused to swallow her pancake she was currently devouring. "Why are you so happy?"
Bubbles reached for her fruit and then the pancakes. "Because it's the first day of school Buttercup." She sang simply, as if the answer was obvious. That only lead to weary looking Buttercup.
Buttercup's head snapped towards the Professor. "How much sugar did you use when you made her?"
"Buttercup…" The Professor warned slowly.
Blossom sent a disapproving look at her before politely placing a neatly cut piece of pancake in her mouth.
Bubbles head tilted to the side and a very wide smile stretched across her face as she dug into her fruit. "You're one to talk Butters. You've been blasting music since dawn. It's seems your just excited as I am for school." Her tone was creepishly sweet. It almost made Buttercup uncomfortable. Almost. She was going to bite the girl's head off about the nickname but lucky for her, there was witnesses in the room.
Lucky bitch.
Buttercup shrugged impassively. "Couldn't sleep. The night before school starts back up is always a pain in the a–" The Professor and Blossom dared her with their eyes for her to finish that sentence. "–butt. They're a pain in the butt." Buttercup finished with a grunt.
She heard Bubbles snicker quietly at the sight and it took every power in her not to kick the living shit out of the blondes shin under the table.
So you think this is funny?
I most definitely do.
Okay, fine. We'll see who has the last laugh by the end of this day.
Bubbles mockingly rolled her eyes. I'm literally shaking in fear.
You two do know know I can hear you right?
Sapphire and emerald eyes shot towards magenta ones, giving each a stern look before softening back at a oblivious Professor.
"Buttercup's right. The day before school starts does always make me anxious but I am looking forward to all of the new freshmen coming in. I heard we're getting a lot more than last year."
The Professor shared a smile before his eyes drifted off in wonder. "Ahh, yes. The mayor did say that the school was getting a stronger bunch this year."
This made Buttercup perk up. Stronger? The gladiator hearted girl grinned deviously. Stronger students meant more fights in the power hungry school. And more fights meant more entertainment for Buttercup. School may suck a lot less now.
"Stronger, huh?" A wicked glint was hidden behind those emerald eyes. "Some people aren't going to like that…"
Bubbles quietly shook her head. "It's because of the stupid ranking system everyone made up."
The ranking system. In the two years that the school began, already a system of power has taken place. Like a food chain, the strongest was at the top and the weakest...well they tried to make it day by day without getting the crap beat out of them. It's actually quite sad and the school's faculty and principal had tried to put a stop to the chaos by handing out flyers on bullying and what you can do to prevent it but who's going to come forth and snitch on someone who can wipe the floor with your ass? A school for super powered kids was no different than a regular one at the end of the day.
But luckily, the school had the Powerpuff Girls!
Who also managed to be some of the few to make it to the very top of the food chain. At the very top lead the Monarch's. The ones with the most extraordinary gifts. The kids that had the most control over their powers or either mastered them already. Most of them had the everyone is beneath me attitude down pretty well.
In second place we're the Dukes or Duchesses. They were strong but their gifts just weren't as strong as the ones of a Monarch. Add in the fact that most had an arrogance level that was over 9000 and they cared far too much about being better than everyone else (especially the Monarch's) than actually growing stronger...well, you get them.
In third were the ruthless Knights. Most of the biggest bullies of the school comprised of this class. Majority didn't care for growing stronger or controlling their powers. They were also the cause of most of Blossom's headaches. All they wanted to do was beat someone up. Everyday. Didn't matter if the person was good or not. The school was supposed to help teach the students to use their powers for good but the Knights just used it for stomping grounds to beat up the weak.
Last came the Commoners. The ones who were the less fortunate for having the weakest abilities. They were also the Knights main prey throughout the school. Commoners tried desperately to cling to the shadows, to stay out the strong's way but trouble most of the time always found them. The Powerpuffs and any other decent human being always tried to lend them a hand whenever some higher rank needed an extra ego boost but they weren't always around and that's when Knights had their fun.
"So the school hasn't been able to put a stop to that yet?" The Professor inquired.
Blossom sighed. "No, they haven't sadly," She stood to take her now, empty plate to the sink. "and I don't think they'll be able to." She spoke grimly before walking off.
"Eventually, people are going to start transferring or dropping out." Bubbles added sadly.
"Or end up snapping and end ripping each other's throats out." Buttercup snorted.
"Buttercup!" Bubbles chastised. Buttercup just shrugged as she collected her empty plate and got up to join Blossom back in the kitchen.
Taking a sip of his water, the Professor shook his head bitterly. "Your sister is right Bubbles. People can only take but so much."
Averting her eyes, Bubbles huffed angrily. "Well we're not going to let that happen. I can't stand bullies."
The Professor cleared his throat and gave his youngest a stern look. "Now Bubbles, I don't want you and your sisters getting hurt or into trouble at school."
"We're not going to get hurt."
"Bubbles…" He began.
Bubbles turned and smiled gently at her father. "Oh Professor, you know we're perfectly capable of handling ourselves." Her eyes sparkled with reassurance. Bubbles hopped up from her seat and skipped into the kitchen with her dishes in hand.
When she was out of sight, the Professor exhaled loudly. "What am I going to do with those girls?"
"Trust our decisions and love us unconditionally!" He heard Buttercup yell from the kitchen. Water and dishes clattering about in the sink could be heard.
The Professor rolled his eyes with a laugh. "In case you didn't know, I already do that! Doesn't mean a father still can't worry." A second later, Blossom materialized beside of him. Leaning down, she laid a light kiss on his cheek.
"You have nothing to worry about Professor." She assured with a smile. "The girls and I have everything under control."
"Plus, barely anybody in that school ever dares to try us!" Buttercup interjected smugly, coming up on the Professor's opposite side.
Blossom rolled her eyes. "That's because you're insane." Buttercup smirked in response.
"No seriously Buttercup, you scare away almost everyone that looks at you."
"It's rude to stare." She quipped.
"What if they're only admiring you?" The Professor butted in, chuckling.
"Well, they should learn to do it from a distance." Buttercup leaned down and gave the Professor a big hug before walking away. "I'll see you girl's at school! Later Professor, love ya!"
Blossom jumped where she stood "Oh my God! School! We're going to be late!" Rushing, Blossom gave the Professor a quick hug before running out of the room behind Buttercup.
"Bubbles, come on! Get your stuff, we're leaving!" Blossom yelled as if she didn't just pass the blue clad girl in the kitchen.
"I'm right here! You don't have to yell." Bubbles finished dying off her dishes and then grabbed her bag off the counter. With a sigh, she followed her sisters out the room. "See you later Professor, love you bunches!" She called over her shoulder.
The Professor yelled bye to his daughters before they left the house. When they were gone. He involuntarily sighed in content.
Peace at last.
Before shooting off into the sky, the girls were met with the sight of their long time friend Robin Snyder, who still lived next door to them after all the years. A wide grin took up most of her pretty face when she spotted her three best friends.
The years have been real good to the brunette. Real good. Robin's newly tan skin looked golden in the sun. Her long, bone straight hair cascaded down her back; almost as long as Blossom's. It swished side to side as she moved. Gone, was the baby fat that filled her cheeks. High cheekbones took place on her small face. Robin's sky blue eyes were still as eye catching as ever. Touching 5'7, Robin had the looks and the body to be a supermodel. Many girls at Townsville High couldn't help but to envy Robin.
"Hey Robin! Cute dress." Bubbles was the first to yell, already floating above the houses. Robin twirled in her yellow sundress, getting collective giggles from the four teens.
"You girls ready for junior year?" Robin asked with a crooked smile.
Buttercup groaned. Thinking about all of the work they were going to have to do for the year already had the green Puff ready to go back inside the house. Junior year was known to be the hardest. "Who in the hell is ever ready for another year for school?"
Two pairs of blue eyes sneakily landed on a slightly annoyed Blossom.
"Language Buttercup."
Buttercup sniffed at her. "Well besides Blossy, of course."
"Don't call me that!"
"What ever." Buttercup said dryly, waving her off. "You picking up Mitch?" She asked, directing her attention back to the brunette.
Robin scoffed. "If he's even ready yet."
"Knowing him he's probably just getting in the shower." Bubbles giggled.
", i'm not having that." Robin quickly yanked her phone out of her purse, punching at the screen with her fingers before pressing the phone to her ear. "I really hope he doesn't expect me to wait for him. I refuse to be late damn near everyday like last year."
Blossom was about to reprimand the girl for her language but Robin instantly hushed her with a wave of her finger. "Yeah, language. I know Bloss but now is not the time." Buttercup bust out in laughter at her sister's stunned face whilst Bubbles shook her head with a small smirk.
"MITCH!" They heard Robin growl. "You better be I will not give you five more minutes," She was already headed to her red Toyota Camry. Mitch didn't live that far away. "By the time I get to your house, your ass better be ready or I don't know how you'll be getting to school...yes," With her hand on her door handle, she suddenly turned to the three superpowered teens. "Mitch says hi."
"Tell Mitch's lazy ass I said wassup!" Buttercup yelled with a wide smirk. She was so going annoy her best friend about this later.
"Tell him I said hello." Blossom replied with a strained smile. The mature big sister in desperately wanting to scold Robin and Buttercup about their language.
"Hey." Bubbles sang before turning to a very stiff Blossom. "Blossom, we should go too. You look like you're about to have a heart attack or something."
"You think if I curse more, she'll actually have one? We can always start school fresh tomorrow."
Blossom and Bubbles gave their sister a withering look before the horn from Robin's car stole their attention. Inside, Robin waved them goodbye and motioned for them to text her before taking off down the street.
"Come on before we're late," Blossom shot off into the air. "and Buttercup, that does not mean fly slower!"
Still on the ground, Buttercup looked up to Bubbles. "Okay, so what if I broke one of her legs? You think we'll still have to go then?"
"You need help." Was all Bubbles said before taking off after her sister.
Buttercup groaned and then flew off after them to catch up.
The sight of Gifted Heights Academy was always breathtakingly spectacular. The school was really a sight to see. Home to two thousand kids and growing, the campus was huge. A topping 1,230 acres, it resembled an actual college. The school had five main large buildings where classes were held. On the north wing of the campus was the science building and the main building for the school. On the east wing, laid the building where all the math classes were held–the building of horrors, Bubbles and Buttercup liked to call it–The west building held all of the english, history, government, and language classes. Also on the west wing were twelve relatively smaller buildings that housed all of the students that stayed on campus. And that was majority of the school's population.
Last but not least, the south wing building held all of the performing art classes. Not too far from it was two substantial buildings that held the auditorium and gym. Behind the school was the massive football field (that also doubled as the fighting arena for when the time called for it) and the softball field. The south side of the building were what the girls called the safe buildings; where they liked to spend most of their time and excelled effortlessly in their classes and extracurricular activities.
The school had lots of other smaller buildings that were scattered along the campus, buildings used for the teachers offices, weight rooms, tutoring sessions, and game rooms.
Landing on the semi empty east wing of the school, Blossom exhaled breathlessly. There was a small queasiness in her stomach but the pink eyed girl just summed it up as the usual first day jitters. First days of school always made her anxious, especially since she was enrolled into Gifted Heights. Being around people like her and her sisters has always put her on somewhat of an edge. Blossom was still getting used to the fact that they weren't the only superpowered kids in Townsville–an image of an trio of familiar looking boys briefly flashed through her mind–Blossom shook her head vigorously.
She and her sisters made a vow not mention or think about the thou that shall not be named boys.
A dainty manicured hand was being waved in front of the spaced out pink Puff.
Blinking, Blossom came back from her thoughts. "O–oh, yes Bubbles?" She stared blankly back at her.
Stepping in front of her, Buttercup folded her arms and cocked a brow. "You spaced out there Leader Girl, you okay?" Bubbles stared at Blossom, eyes wide with curiosity.
Nodding quickly, Blossom stepped around them with a small smile creeping at the corner of her lips. "Let's get inside. I'm sure Woo and Miguel are waiting for us."
"Oh my god! Me and Miguel so didn't get a chance to talk about last week's episode of Riverdale!" Bubbles beamed as she hightailed it into the building of horrors in search of their two friends.
"Ugh," Buttercup groaned. "now we're going to be forced to listen to the two of them gush over how hot ArchieAndrewsis all morning." She began her short trek to the main building also.
Blossom giggled, swiping her tongue over moist lips. "In their defense," Her mouth quirked into a smirk. "Archie is hot."
Buttercup hummed in response. Then her eyes narrowed cunningly at the red head next to her. "Reminds you of another red head, does he not?" She cooed.
"Stop." Blossom spat.
Buttercup continued her teasing like the glorified asshole she was. "All that beautiful, divine red hair just begging for fingers to be ran through it…" Buttercup breathlessly described. Fanning herself, she playfully leaned on her agitated sister. "Oh Blossom...just imagine how it feels." She sighed.
Blossom's eyes narrowed dangerously before she shoved her sister a good distance away from her. "You," She pointed a glowing pink finger. "better stop."
"But Blossss!" Buttercup whined, forcing the smirk that was threatening to dance across her lips at bay.
"I will hit you." Blossom warned bluntly. "Hard."
On the outside Buttercup sported a frown, but on the inside, uncontrollable unhinged cackling could be heard ringing inside of her head. "You're never any fun…" Buttercup murmured slyly, walking into the building flew off into. Just walking into the building of horrors sent chills down the normally fearless girl.
Inside the loud boisterous building, students flew or zipped by them in the wide hallway. There was definitely a spike in the population from last year. As the girls pushed–or in Buttercup's case, shoved–their way down the long hallway, they made a few stops to play catch up with a few familiar classmates. While Buttercup was chatting away with one of friends from the football team about some of the new recruits, Blossom pulled out her cell. Checking her phone once again, Blossom read the time. 8:20.
Great, we have twenty minutes to get our homeroom.
"Buttercup, not be rude and ruin such a lovely conversation, but...we have to go."
With a roll of her eyes, Buttercup dapped up the blonde boy–whose name Blossom didn't bother remembering–and the two continued their trek down the hall.
"So where's our homeroom again?" Buttercup groused, pushing past yet another person in her way. She ignored the evil glares being thrown at her from left to right. "I'm just dying to know what classes I have this year." And what teachers are going to make my life a living hell.
Blossom just shook her head. At least she didn't have to worry about clearing the way herself. "Well if you checked your email for things other than gaming newsletters and food coupons , you would know that it's in the PA building." Blossom quipped.
Buttercup grunted in response. "Let's just hurry up and get there already."
When the girls reached their homeroom, Blossom was happy at the fact that Bubbles was already seated inside of the room, talking animatedly with a voluptuous black girl beside her. The curvaceous girl–with the most interesting pair of cat ears on top of her head–also happened to be one of the trio's closest friends in the school; one of the first friends they made since the school opened. It just so happened they the four of them met on the first day of school–in homeroom.
"Well it seems you found Woo." Buttercup grinned, catching the two girl's attention.
Not missing a beat, Woo jumped in her seat, full of excitement. "BUTTERS! BLOSS!" She waved her hand at the empty desks in front of her. "Sit, sit! I missed you guys!"
Laughing, Blossom and Buttercup took the seats that Woo, so kindly offered them. Turning around, Buttercup gave the girl a once over with a wicked grin on her face.
"Well looks like summer's been good to you Woowoo, huh?"
"I know, I said the same thing!" Bubbles interjected excitedly.
Woo turned away, her cat like ears dropping bashfully as she spoke. "Oh, it's nothing really. Just a new workout plan and a lot of soaking in the sun, is all." She waved them off.
"Mhm, riiigght."
A salacious smirk took over Woo's face. "Oh Butters, I always knew you were gay for me but you know I don't swing that way, hun."
Buttercup's nose wrinkled, ignoring the laughs of her sisters. "See, this is why I don't like complimenting your ass."
Woo giggled. "You love this ass." She made a show of twisting in her seat so the girls get a view of her nice, shapely, denim covered bottom. "Who doesn't love this ass?"
"Language ladies." Blossom admonished quietly, watching as their homeroom teacher and a couple of other familiar students made their way inside the classroom and into their seats. The teacher's pet in Blossom made her face the front accordingly but not before sending a rigorous glare at her sisters and friend.
Behind her back, Woo stuck her tongue out childishly, getting stifled giggles from Bubbles and Buttercup.
Calming down a little, Bubbles turned to Woo. "In your defense, I think you have a wonderful ass, Woo."
Woo purred quietly, content with the compliment about her glutes. "I think I've missed you the most Bubbles."
"You've better." She smirked before turning away from the bombshell of a girl.
And a bombshell, Woo was. The curvaceous brown skin girl, was the source of half the male populations wet dreams. With a body like Beyoncé's and mile long, smooth legs that you couldn't help but want to rub oil on; Woo made the boys go woo. Her face only sealed the deal. Woo sported a cute, dark and curly pixie cut that complimented her facial structure. Two high arched brows sat above her cat like hazel eyes. Thick bottom and top lashes made them even more enticing. Her diamond shaped jawline defined her face and went with her high cheekbones. Full, pouty red painted lips popped upon her gorgeous face.
But Woo's looks weren't the only thing that brought attention to her. On top her head was two twin, onyx colored cat ears. At first glance, you'll think they're nothing but a prop. But then you'll notice behind her, just right above her glorified ass, was a matching onyx colored tail. One would probably think that that was a prop too...until they started moving of course. Then one would take a glance past those delicious looking lips and see some peculiar looking teeth...very sharp teeth, if I may add.
To sum everything up for you...Woo–born Willamina Urich–is a cat. A black cat. How she became a cat is a interesting story. When Woo was only a little girl, seven to be exact. Her father, a scientist–a mad scientist–thought it would be interesting to do a little experiment on his little girl. His unwanted little girl.
See, Woo's father has always wanted a boy. A boy that he could take pride in. A boy that could take over his work once he passed. In his world, woman should just stick to house work and caring the children. Which is what his gold digger of a wife had no problem doing. So imagine the man's reaction when he got the complete opposite of what he desired? Then add on the fact that Woo's mother died during labor. Woo's father was furious inside. The love of his life was gone and now he was stuck with a child that he did not want.
But Woo's father was a brilliant monster. For seven years he took great care of Woo. No mistreatment, no red flags, nothing that would alarm Woo in anyway. He did what a father was supposed to do and because of this Woo had the most charismatic personality; making friends effortlessly as a child. Children were drawn to her. Yes, she did have a mischievous side that often got her into a bit of trouble but what child wasn't mischievous growing up?
When Woo turned five, her father, Dr. Ervin Urich bought his daughter a cat. A black cat. The cat had the shiniest black fur and the most stunning green eyes Woo had ever seen. Woo named the cat Willow and the rest was history.
All was great until Woo had turned seven. Dr. Ervin had been doing studies on hybrids; day in and day out the mad scientist did experiments with different kinds of animals dna. Any kinds of combinations of animals dna, the mad scientist has done; you name it. But one day Dr. Ervin had an idea. Could you combine human and animals dna? Will it work? No one in their right mind would approve of the experiment. It was far too dangerous. No one has to know. He thought grimly. But then who would be his guinea pig?
Unfortunately, at that moment Woo and Willow had blocked his line of sight; a beautiful grin sprawled across her face and the psychotic man, Dr. Ervin had already had his answer.
A week later, in the middle of the night, when she woke up tucked into her bed. Woo would find that her beloved Willow was missing from the end of her bed. And when she got up to search for her, she was in for the discovery of her life. The reflection of herself from the wall mirror told her everything she needed to know. She knew her father was a scientist, she knew he did secret experiments under the house, she knew that something was wrong with him through the years. She just didn't know that the man she called her father was capable of doing this to her.
So Woo ran. She ran out of her room. Ran passed her father's room. Ran out of the house. Ran down the street. Ran up the stairs of her aunt's apartment building. She threw herself at her aunt's door...and then screamed.
"Willamina Urich,"
"Huh?" Snapping out of her daydream, Woo's eyes focused in front of her. Bright green and pink eyes stared back at her. Looking past them, she seen a couple other pair of eyes on her as well.
"Woo, while you were in lala land, Mr. Barnes has been calling you to come get your schedule." Buttercup sneered.
Woo blinked, still a little out of it, she looked up to where a impatient Mr. Barnes stood. "Oh right,"
"Any day now, Miss. Urich." The short, chubby man sneered.
Woo rolled her eyes, going back to her usual mouthy self. "Yeah, bad." Woo groused as she made her up from her desk to collect her schedule. Mr. Barnes did nothing but roll his eyes as the girl snatched her schedule from his beefy hands before turning on her heels.
I do not get paid enough for this. Mr. Barnes thought bitterly to himself before calling the next person to come get their schedule for the year.
Being the attentive person that she was, Bubbles knew something was wrong with her friend. Woo wasn't the type of person to space out, out of nowhere. She was always on her toes and alert in her surroundings; which was why she was one of the captains in the Powerpuff Girls ground teams. The ground teams consisted of five groups of five 'superheroes in training', each equipped with one captain. Captains were usually in the Monarch or Dukes and Duchess classes, considering they had the most control of their powers. Woo was by class, a Duchess and also the captain for team three. Team three mainly specialized in hand to hand combat; something Woo was an expert at.
Once Woo had come to terms with her fate and her father had been locked up for his actions, Woo had returned to school. But this time, instead of children being drawn to her for positive reasons, the ugly side of kids reared their ugly heads. The friendly smiles and popularity were gone; replaced with hurtful words and cruel pranks. Come fourth grade, Woo was sick of it all. Woo begged her aunt to enroll her in a karate class that was taking place in a nearby dojo across town. Her aunt at first said no but after weeks of wearing her down, she ultimately agreed. After finally obtaining her black belt at the dojo, Woo wanted more. Something more challenging, something more fulfilling, something more her aunt enrolled her into more martial art and self defense classes...MMA, Krav Maga, Kickboxing, Taekwondo, Jiu name it, she was in it. By time she got to the seventh grade, it was basically an unwritten rule not fuck with the girl with the cat ears.
"Woo, are you okay?" Bubbles asked warily.
Woo's face erupted in glee. Patting her blonde friend's head with her schedule, she spoke haughtily. "Never better, Bubzy!"
Bubbles stared back wryly.
Woo exhaled dramatically. "It's the first day Bubz, everyone's still in summer."
Bubbles eyes stayed on her skeptically for a few seconds but she ultimately gave up, taking her reasoning. "Fine, i'll accept that answer."
The corner of Woo's mouth quirked up. "You say that as if you had a choice not to."
"Bubbles Utonium." A dull voice called from the front.
With a flip of her blonde curls, Bubbles confidently replied, "Silly kitty, a girl like me always has choices. It's best if you remember that!" With that said, she rose from her seat and sashayed to the front of the room.
"I don't know whose more of a character between you or her." Blossom dully said, watching her sister's hips dramatically swish side to side. She grimaced when she caught a few boys gawking at her baby sister's butt.
Woo snorted. "Excuse me? Buttercup's like literally sitting right there." She waved a hand at her for emphasis.
Buttercup scoffed, taking one of her new journals out and opening it to a blank page. "I'm the most normal out of all of us sitting here right now." She said quickly. Then not caring who was watching, she ripped several pages out and balled them up in tight fists.
"What exactly is your definition of normal?" Blossom impassively inquired, not bothering with stopping the girl from what she was about to do. They're asking for it after all.
Buttercup held a finger out. "One sec–" Then shocking the whole room, Buttercup chucked the paper balls at the still gawking boys heads. "HEY DICKHEADS! EYES OFF MY SISTER!" She screamed, making Bubbles face heat up in embarrassment.
"BUTTERCUP!" Bubbles whined.
"Language, Buttercup." Chastised dryly.
Woo just had to interject. "Technically, dick isn't a curse word."
"It is if it's used in that context."
"I most definitely meant that as an insult."
Woo, once again waved her hands at Buttercup. "See? A character."
Buttercup huffed and sucked her teeth. "I still say i'm normal."
"In what universe exactly?" Blossom couldn't help but to cock a brow. "Because it's definitely not this one." Woo agreed with a nod, wanting to know the answer herself.
Buttercup rolled her eyes before looking away. "You guys just don't understand me." As the conversation wrapped up, Bubbles was back seated at her desk.
"Here Buttercup," Bubbles poked the back of Buttercup's head with the thin paper. "Mr. Barnes said he didn't want you anywhere near him–or so God help him–so he just told me to give you your schedule."
Blossom and Woo didn't hold back their laughter as Buttercup quickly turned and snatched the paper out of her sisters dainty hand.
"You know you should really take advantage of the school's anger management classes they have here. I heard it's a fulfilling program."
"Shut up, Bubbles."
Bubbles feigned hurt. "I'm only trying to help."
Turning in her seat, Blossom soothingly rubbed the blondes hand. "There, there Bubbles. One day Buttercup will come around."
"Not in this universe." Woo interposed, fiddling with her freshly manicured claws.
Buttercup glowered at them all.
Ignoring the sinister aura being directed at her, Blossom faced her desk and checked out her schedule. She hummed in delight at all of the AP classes. Yes, junior year was going to be very rewarding to her transcript indeed.
Whilst Blossom was satisfied with hers, the rest of the girls let out a collective groan.
"What's wrong?" Blossom didn't even know why she bothered to ask. It's not like she didn't already know the answer.
To the right of the red head, Buttercup angrily slapped her paper with the back of her hand. "Who makes this shit?" Buttercup snarled loudly, giving the paper a death glare. "Who the hell thought it would be a good idea to put me in Pre-Cal at 8:30 in the morning?"
Ignoring Blossom, Woo sucked her teeth. "You are being way over dramatic." Woo then dramatically shoved her schedule in the obsidian haired girl's face. "I have fucking chemistry with Ms. Reese after this. I hate that bitch!"
"Language!" Blossom said more sternly this time. She was like a ticking time bomb at this point.
Bubbles unconsciously waved her off. "Ha! You both are acting like some cry babies. Imagine having Mr. Lowe for Environmental Science. Miguel had him last year and that man was an asshole."
Woo gasped. "Mr. Lowe isn't that bad. He loved me freshmen year."
"Maybe he's a pervert." Buttercup dryly groused.
"Miguel said he thinks that he's homophobic." Bubbles added with a grimace.
"Seriously?" Woo questioned, shocked.
"Yup." Buttercup answered, popping the 'p'.
"What a dick."
It was Blossom's turn to glower at the three of them. She ignored the other students curious stares as her eyes burned into the girl's nearest to her. So what if scaring the living crap out of people may not be the best first impression on the first day of least now she'll know that she'll have a nice, quiet junior year.
"Jeez Bloss, we heard you the first two times. No need to scream our freaking heads off." Buttercup muttered, rubbing her ears.
Blossom's eyes narrowed. "So why didn't you listen the first two times?"
"We were having such a lovely conversation and was just so into it that we completely forgot." Woo impishly replied.
Stony pink eyes bored into hazel ones. If it wasn't for the bell being heard, Woo was sure that Blossom was about to turn her into stone and then incinerate her. Saved by the bell.
"Oh, look at that! The bell! What a wonderfully convenient thing that is, telling us when to leave and what not. Shall we go? We shall." Woo rambled off, hastily making her getaway to the front door.
Bubbles gave Blossom a bland look. "Keep that up Bloss, we're not going to have any friends."
Placing her schedule inside of her bag, Blossom slyly smiled. "Woo knows how much I love her."
Two minutes later, they were back inside the busy hallway and it was way more packed than when they first entered the school.
"Well we have like ten minutes to get our first periods." Bubbles groaned, looking at the crowd.
"Well that shouldn't be a problem for you guys. Me on the other hand," Woo quickly bared her claws. "I'm going to have to claw my way through."
Buttercup graciously stuck out her arm. "Would you like a lift, My Lady?" Mimicking Adrien from Miraculous Ladybug.
Woo's nose wrinkled in disgust. "You are way too old for that show and if you use a cat pun today, i'm going to scratch your eyes out."
Blossom smirked. "I actually put her onto that show."
Woo suddenly pointed a very sharp nail in Blossom's face, making the redhead go momentarily cross eyed. "So it's your eyes I should be clawing out."
Slowly pushing the sharp little gouger out of her face, Blossom smiled sweetly. "But Marinette and Adrien are so cute."
"Retarded would be the right word."
Blossom huffed in defeat. "I'm going to get you to like that show."
"Hell would have to freeze over."
"You know she can do that for you if you want?" Bubbles interjected chipperly.
Woo rolled her eyes. "Okay then…" A wicked smirk took over her face. "The day Blossom makes out with thou that shall not be named, is the day I start watching Miraculous."
All emotion was instantly drained from Blossom's face. "'re never watching that show then." And with that concluded, Blossom disappeared into the crowd of students, leaving Woo and Buttercup in a fit of laughter behind her.
With a smile, Bubbles shook her head. "You guys are mean. You know how she feels about–" Bubbles flexed her fingers to make mini quotation marks. "–thou that shall not be named."
"Okay but," Woo repeated Bubbles action with her own fingers. "thou that shall not be named is fine like a ticket on a dash."
Buttercup quickly floated up from her words. "And that's my que to leave! Woo is now using corny pickup lines from a song to describe how hot someone is–I'm out!" In a flash of green, Buttercup was gone.
Woo slowly turned to the only remaining Puff. "So...about that lift Buttercup mentioned earlier…"
Bubbles sighed before interlocking her arm with Woo's. "You're so lucky our classes are in the same building."
Getting up for school was always the worst part of someone's day. Getting up for school after having damn near two and half months off was an ass kicker. And three infamous boys were definitely feeling the effects of it as they were on their way to eat breakfast.
"I still don't understand why we have to live on campus starting this year." A heavily built, raven haired boy grumbled. He ran a large hand through the disheveled mess of inky spikes on his head. A very upfront grimace was sprawled across his face, warning every bystander to get the fuck out his way or else…
To the left of him was the only two people that couldn't care less about the boy's attitude problem; being that they lived with him for their whole lives. His brothers.
The one nearest to him, the seemingly always seething edhead that was never seen without his trusty red cap, grunted.
"For the upteenth-fucking-time Butch, The mayor wanted us to live on campus because Mojo is always getting his ass thrown in jail." If it wasn't for the boy's super hearing, he probably wouldn't be able to make out every word the redhead politely gritted out.
Ignoring the animosity in the redhead's tone, he replied. "It's not like we can't take care of ourselves. We've been doing it just all of our lives basically. Don't you agree Boomer?" His attention was now on the lean, blonde boy farthest from him.
The blonde didn't even bat his ocean blue eyes. "We're underage. Underage kids aren't allowed to live on their own. That's the law." He said emotionlessly.
"Well the law is fucking stupid."
"Like you." The redhead, by the name of Brick spat, abrasively.
Butch cocked his head. His forest green eyes glowed dangerously. "What was that carrot top?"
Tanned lids narrowed on a peculiar looking pair of red eyes. "Butch, if you wanted your ass kicked this morning, all you had to do was ask."
Boomer groaned, irritated. "Can you guys chill. We're almost at the west building and I would like to enjoy my breakfast without the two of you trying to kill each other." His stomach grumbled silently as the tall building came into view.
Each building that held classes was equipped with a large cafeteria on the bottom floor. It made designating the teens respected lunches much easier. Lunches went in the order of north, east, south, and lastly, west. The earliest lunch started at eleven; that was during the time of second period. Breakfast started at 6:45 and ended at 8:10.
Boomer reached inside of his pocket and pulled out his phone. 7:40, it read. Having only thirty minutes to eat and relax before they had to suffer until three wasn't bad. The blonde turned to his still bickering brothers. Good, they're still alive.
"Aye, you guys are annoying as fuck. I'm going ahead." After that, all that was left of the blonde was a dark blue streak in the air.
Stopping mid punch, Butch directed his attention to the blue streak that was now dissolving in the air.
Brick blinked, eyes glowing, ready to zap Butch with a eye beam.
"What did that little bastard just say?"
The years have been quite...slow for the infamous three boys; also known as the Rowdyruff Boys. After growing bored of terrorizing Townsville and fighting the Powerpuff Girls–much to Mojo's disappointment and the girl's surprise–the boys became neutral. They longed for something more out of life. Something normal even...well as normal as they can get. It took some convincing for the mayor to let the boys attend school and even then, when she finally allowed the boys to attend elementary school, she put them under strict watch under the Powerpuff Girls. So they were basically being babysat by their arch nemesis. What joy.
It wasn't until their fifth grade graduation that the mayor finally accepted the boys change and lifted the girl's guard duty services–much to Blossom's dismay–Bubbles and Buttercup rejoiced whilst Blossom still had her doubts about the boys. The Ruff's and the Puff's still bumped heads every now and then...well actually, they bumped heads so much that in seventh grade, the Professor and the mayor had the two groups come to a truce. The groups would ignore each other as best as they could and play nice or their would be dire consequences. Townsville just couldn't afford anymore damages to the school on top of the damages done from the reoccurring monster attacks.
The truce worked–as best as it could–Buttercup and Butch still had their little quarrels but they weren't as disastrous as back then. Thank God. Bubbles and Boomer just straight up acted like neither one existed. Which was...okay? Other than still being competitive in school and a few ugly arguments here and there, Blossom and Brick were…good.
It's safe to say that over the years...Townsville has come to accept the infamous Rowdyruff Boys and the Rowdyruff Boys came to accept Townsville...except for the girls. They still pretty much hate them.
"Yo Boomer, over here!"
Upon entering the west wings cafeteria, Boomer was immediately spotted by his group of friends, who were seated at a round table in a corner. A dark skin dominican girl, with shoulder length coarse, curly hair by the same Amara, sat on the countertop. She waved him over, a greenish blue fin fanned out from her arm.
Next to her, sitting properly was a short, asian and french mixed boy that went by the name of Zeke. The first thing you noticed about Zeke was his silver, white hair that stood out on his slightly tan skin. The white hair was the result from a lightning bolt striking him when he was ten, gaining electrokinesis from it.
The last person, who opt to stand, was Celeste. A dark haired brunette, with the creepiest translucent white eyes. Celeste was a wizard–or witch, what most people liked to call her. Not much was known about how she gained her powers but they were pretty damned useful if Boomer had to say so himself.
Amara, Zeke, Celeste, and Boomer have all been friends since the middle of their freshman year. Fate brought them together; fate brought them altogether in a shady detention room one day. It just so happened that the four of them were caught skipping in a out of nowhere hall sweep. After that, as if their stars were aligned, they all just kept running into one another. It took some used to at first, being that Boomer wasn't really the social butterfly like his green eyed brother happened to be. He wasn't as antisocial as Brick, he didn't mind having a conversation with someone every now and then. He even found himself dating a few girls in the past; a quick fling here and there but it was nothing serious. Now he wasn't a complete man whore like Butch…but everyone has needs, right?
After properly hanging out a couple of times, Boomer found that he actually had a couple of things in common with group. Firstly, they all were pretty much lone wolves but not completely social outcasts. That would explain why Boomer never really seen them around.
Second, Zeke and Boomer shared an interest in photography, although their reasoning was entirely different. Zeke was apart of the school's newspaper club; the secret gossip segment. To save his ass, Zeke wrote under the pen name 'Blu' and posted his stories on a secret website so no teachers would find out. Being the tech savvy kid that he was, Zeke is created a system that automatically changes the IP address of the website every ten minutes. Just so nothing would ever be traced back to him. Precautions.
Amara participated in the school's cosmetology and fashion club. Out of all of them, she had the potential to be the more popular one...if it wasn't for her devious mean streak. Amara García is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Which made her worse than her openly bitchy friend, Celeste. Boomer being once evil, plus having disturbed older brothers that were assholes themselves, doesn't mind the girl's flip flop personality.
Cold white eyes warmed at the sight of Boomer. "Ah, it's about time you showed. How's the dorm life treating you?" Celeste's velvet like voice had an teasing hint to it. Boomer rolled his eyes before bringing the thin girl into a half hug.
Celeste was a ball of fire. With a attitude that could probably top Buttercup's, the girl took no shit from anyone...maybe with the exception of her three pals, but that was about it. Hell has no fury like a Celeste scorned. She kind of reminded Boomer of Brick in a way. Too bad they couldn't stand to say no more than three sentences to each other before they blew up. It wasn't as bad as when he argues with Blossom...but it was still bad.
"It fucking sucks if you must know." His brows furrowed. "I don't know how y'all do it."
Throwing her arms around Boomer's broad shoulders, nearly knocking Celeste and Boomer over. Amara grinned. "It's not so bad when you get used to it Boomie."
"You know he hates being called that." Zeke reminded the energetic girl with a smirk. Him and Boomer shared a friendly nod.
"I know...that's why I call him it." Amara's accent was on thick.
"One day I'm going to stop talking to you altogether." Boomer deadpanned, looking down at shit eating grin Amara wore.
She waved him off. "You barely talk as it is." Releasing him from her hold, she sashayed back to her seat, on top of the table.
"She has a point." Celeste interjected beside him. Zeke hummed in agreement.
A look of hurt took place on Boomer's handsome face. "So you guys won't miss me if I stop talking to you? How hurtful."
Zeke sneered. "Yeah...we'll just replace you with that bubbly counterpart of yours."
Boomer started stonly at white haired boy, who playfully shrugged in return.
Celeste grimaced. "Oh hell no. I'll cut my ears off myself if I have to listen to that bitch's voice every single day."
"And this is why–" Boomer pointed. "–Celeste is my favorite." Boomer said with a smirk before making his way to the line where breakfast was being served.
Zeke and Amara just rolled their eyes at the boy's retreating backside.
"Celeste is only saying that because she has the hots for you." Zeke sneered, throwing a perfectly good piece of toast at the girl. If Boomer heard him–which Zeke knew he did–he sure didn't act like it.
"Obviously…" Amara added with a raise of her thin brows.
Sidestepping the toast, Celeste flipped him off.
"You guys are just jealous that me and Boomer have so many things in common."
"Like hating a certain blonde Powerpuff?" Amara said in more of a statement than a question. Her attention never leaving her colorful acrylic nails.
"Like hating a certain blonde Powerpuff." Celeste graciously answered.
"I still don't see why you don't like her." Zeke interjected, stuffing a piece of bacon in his mouth. "And by the way, that is a terrible reason to base a friendship on."
Celeste's face twisted into a scowl, ignoring the last thing he said. "She's just…ick."
"That doesn't tell me much of anything." Zeke blandly stated. "Use your words babe."
Celeste indignantly sighed, starting to grow irritated. "It's a long story. I don't feel like getting into it right now."
"Fair enough." Zeke replied, leaving the conversation alone for now. He continued to dig into the plate in front of him.
Unbeknownst to them, Amara was giving the dark haired girl the meanest side eye. Her seaweed green eyes had a hint of cognizance as a small smile took place on her pale blue lips.
"Why is my schedule some shit every year?" Butch groused, more so to himself.
The three had just come from their respected homeroom and other than Butch, they were more pleased with their schedules than some people.
"Most of those classes are mandatory for you to graduate next year dumbass." But that didn't his redheaded brother for butting in, annoying him further.
"Shh, let him complain. The more he does it, the faster he'll maybe shut the fuck up." Boomer grumbled, ignoring the heated look Butch was now giving him.
"You know…" Butch growled. "If all these people wasn't around in this hallway, you two would be flying through the fucking walls right about now."
Brick tsked. "Maybe Boomer...not me though."
Boomer's eyes narrowed on Brick. "Fuck you."
"As pissed off as I am this morning, I'll make sure you both go through them." Butch growled, shoving a green skinned boy out of his way. The boy almost landed into Boomer and unfortunately again, the boy was once again shoved out of the way.
"Hey man! Watch it!"
The poor boy's words were lost in the crowd behind them. The Ruff's didn't even bother to even glance back.
"One day someone's going to put you on your ass, Butch." Brick wickedly chuckled as he shook his head. "And I cannot wait for that day."
"Well unfortunately, you're going be waiting a long fucking time then."
Looking over his shoulder at Brick, Boomer sneered. "Shit, i'll do it for ten bucks." Brick immediately started reaching in his joggers pocket for his wallet–well as he could in a crowded hallway.
Butch eyes narrowed into slits, daring his brother to lay a finger on him. "You must be real fucking eager to taste drywall and bricks this morning, Boomerang."
The muscles in the blue brutes shoulders tensed at the childhood nickname. Butch had given him the name because when they were younger, Butch used to toss the weaker Boomer around much like well...a boomerang. Now the name is just a trigger to set the blue Ruff off.
Boomer's eyes glowed fiercely as he stopped in the middle of the hall. People blindly bumped into him but their complaints fell on deaf ears. If they knew what was good for them, they would be running away right about now.
Butch and Brick had stopped too. Blue and green glowing eye sized one another up; stony glares etched on their faces. Only when the blonde and raven haired Ruff's hands started glowing in their respected colors did the people around them grow cautious of their surroundings.
Dropping his backpack, Brick indignantly sighed, trying to calm his growing anger. "You idiots are causing a scene. Cut it out." Brick didn't like scenes or big crowds. Scenes and big crowds meant bad attention. And bad attention meant that three infuriating Puff's were soon on their way. Brick scowled. Yeah...either his brothers were going to cool their jets on big bad Brick was going to shove his foot up both their asses.
Brick's eyes narrowed venomously. The two brothers have yet to move. "Butch and Boomer...what the fuck did I just say?"
Butch's and Boomer's fierce glare fell on the redhead.
"Shut the fhueclkl up Brick."
Well so much for using words...Brick preferred using force anyways. Pushing out the red aura that was seeping through the redhead's pores, with a wave of his hand, Brick extended the aura to wrap around his two brothers. The heavy red aura wrapped around the boys throats and lifted them in the air; cutting off the air from their lungs.
"Why the fuck do I always have to do this when one of you act up?" He ignored their gagging and their reddening eyes. "Why the hell can't you morons just follow simple orders?" He spat through gritted teeth. Then he turned his vicious glare on the people around them. "And what the fuck are you looking at?!"
The crowd hastily started to disperse, bumping and tripping over each other to get to their first periods...all except one certain redhead.
"Only the first day and you boys are already acting typical."
Brick groaned inwardly, already sensing her behind him. With a loud thud, his brothers fell to the floor in a coughing fit. He watched with little to no sympathy as they held their throats in pain. Kicking Butch's damn near empty bookbag, he glowered at them.
"See, this is why I told you fucking idiots to cut it the fuck out." He threw a thumb behind him. "Now we have the queen of the bitches herself on our asses."
"Excuse you?"
Brick spun on his heels, glowering at her. "Yes, you. Queen of the bitches; Blossom Utonium. Are you fucking deaf woman?" Spit flew from his mouth as he roared at her.
Blossom snootily scoffed. How childish. She thought distastefully. "Don't be upset with me because you can't control the barbarians you call brothers.
Boomer's and Butch's eyes narrowed heatedly at her. Blossom matched their glares, daring either one of them to say or do anything to her. She may be outnumbered but she was much too stubborn to care about the odds right now.
She turned her glare back onto a seething Brick. "You know the school has an no unauthorized fighting policy."
Brick sniffed irritably at the insufferable girl. "Did you see a fight? Any physical altercation? Tussle? Rumble? Clash?"
Blossom folded her arms across her chest, a small vein in her forehead flexed. Exhaling, she masked her irritation."No, Brick. But I seen one that was soon to happen. That was going to happen if you didn't intervene." His name tasted bitter on her tongue.
Brick's eyes rolled into his head. "Exactly. So a fight never occurred here, right? Therefore," His chiseled jaw tightened. "get the hell away from us." His words sounded like poison dripping from his lips, deepening in a more hellish tone than his usual one. Any other person would be running away with their tail tucked between their legs. Good thing Blossom wasn't any other person.
"You don't scare me Jojo." She superciliously glared down at the two boys that were still sprawled out on the floor. "Neither do your little brothers–so glare, scowl, and grimace all you want. It doesn't bother me not one little bit."
Brick's jaw tightened even more. You could almost hear his teeth starting to crack from the amount of pressure.
With her nose in the air, Blossom brushed by the three, but not without purposely bumping into her seething counterpart. Much to her disappointment, his person didn't falter from action. So she decided to add fuel to an already raging fire.
Turning slowly, she gave the trio an apathetic look. "Get to class and make sure to stay out of trouble. I'm already sick of your faces and school's only started an hour ago." And with that stated, Blossom left the boys and the murderous aura that surrounded them.
Butch was back on his feet, he glared ominously at his elder brother. "Brick, if you don't eventually kill her, I most definitely will."
It took everything in Brick not to turn and send his brother through the neighboring wall. That's how pissed he was. He wanted nothing more but to tackle his condescending pompous ass of a counterpart and snap her neck. To see her take her laughs breaths by his hands. You may think he's overreacting but Blossom just had a way to get under his skin and stay there. She was like a itch that keeps coming back. Irritating as fuck. A complete nuisance. And her smug, above all attitude was just icing on the cake. The way she looked at he was inferior...insolent...beneath made him want to bash her skull in til nothing was left but puss, gore, and skull fragments.
Brick exhaled roughly. He kneaded the bridge of his nose, desperately trying to calm himself down from losing what little sanity he had left at the moment.
"Shut the fuck...and get to class."
His deep red eyes stared red hot daggers into his brothers souls.
"I am most definitely switching out of this fucking class." Buttercup grumbled to herself.
It hasn't even been a full thirty minutes and Buttercup was already dreading the class. Her teacher, Mrs. Bourne was currently going on and on about what is expected from her class, class rules, what they were going to be learning first, and so forth and so forth. The usual first day shit. What Buttercup didn't expect was for the lady to be a complete ass. The few stragglers that were late to class were forced to sit in the very front, right beside her desk. The woman even had the nerve to hand out a warm up to see what they know about Calculus. Which was absolutely nothing, by the way. Bitch…
Any teacher that gives out work on the first day is always ends up being an humongous bitch. Literally everyone in the class looked at the elderly, venezuelan woman as if she had three heads as she passed out the horrendous papers. Then the vile woman had the nerve to say that the warm up would be twenty points; their first grade for her class. At the top of the page, in big red letters, read: All work must be done by hand. NO CALCULATORS!Buttercup nearly threw her desk at the lady. She even saw some of her classmates physically pale!
"We're in do you expect us to answer these questions?" One boy with vibrant orange hair had asked, perplexed.
Mrs. Bourne, turned from the whiteboard. She was in the middle of writing her adjective for the day. "Figure it out." She said swiftly, turning back around, not a hint of emotion in her tone.
Good lord…
"But Mrs. Bourne-"
Gritting her teeth, Mrs. Bourne snapped at them. "Would you all rather have zero's instead?" Well that shut everyone up pretty quick.
But Mrs. Bourne wasn't done just yet. A evil smile took place on her wrinkling lips. "Expect a quiz sometime next week since you all have so much to say."
Literally everyone in the classroom's jaw dropped. Mrs. Bourne smirked in triumph at the sight.
Who is my counselor this year again?
When Mrs. Bourne's attention was back on the whiteboard and everyone was deeply indulged in the evil paper in front of them, Buttercup secretly whipped out her cellphone. Her calloused fingers tapped silently on the screen.
*~Rick Rollers~*
Me: Save me. Plz. (T-T)
WooTFool: Quit your bitching, you're not the only one suffering!
Rob: Right! I'm in hell over here too.
Miguelz:Who do you have?
Me: Mrs. Bourne. She's a spawn of satan. You know she gave us work? It's the first fucking day!
WooTFool: Omg! Hey Robby! ;)
Miguelz: HA! Have fun with her! I heard she's like the meanest bitch in the school!
Miguelz: I advise you to switch if you want to graduate.
Miguelz: And heyyy Robin! How was the summer? Any new gossip...penis related perhaps? ;))
MitchRockz: You guys are not talking about dick while i'm in this group chat. I rebuke it.
You and BossyBlossy liked MitchRockz message.
WooTFool: Fuck up Mitchelson.
Miguelz and Rob liked WooTFool's message.
MitchRockz: Seriously?
Miguelz: Ok, officially ignoring Mitch, starting Robin honey? Details please. I know you had to have hooked up with somebody in Miami.
WooTFool: How big was he?
Miguelz: Was he gorgeous?
WooTFool: Was he good? *wink wink*
Rob: You guys are just going to have to wait and find out Saturday when we meet. ;)))
Miguelz and WooTFool loved Rob's message.
Crybaby: Waaaaait! No really, how big was he? That's all that really matters.
MitchRockz: I'm about to remove all of you fuckers.
BossyBlossy liked MitchRockz message.
BossyBlossy: And language!
You, WooTFool, Miguelz, MitchRockz, Rob, and Crybaby disliked BossyBlossy's message.
"You have fifteen more minutes to finish the warm up before I collect your papers!" The green eyed Puff heard Mrs. Bourne exclaim while she was right in the middle of replying back to her friends and sisters.
Oh fuck.
"Bubbles Utonium, put your phone away and pay attention!" Mr. Lowe growled. The middle aged, onyx haired man glared at her with his beady, piercing black eyes. A few of her classmates lingering eyes found their way on the skittish girl.
Bubbles pouted. Just when the group chat was getting interesting…
Ignoring the nosey glances, Bubbles focused on the front of the room with a deep frown on her baby face. Miguel was right. Mr. Lowe was a complete asshole. You would think that since it's the first day teachers would be lenient, but nooo…
The way they acted, it's as if they hadn't gotten laid in months.
Bubbles took in Mr. Lowe's appearance. Permanent sweat stains tinted underneath the man's arms. He was wearing a red polo too, so it was fairly noticeable.
His tan slacks were much too big for him and hung loosely from his hips. Plus, they were far too light for the deep red shirt he was wearing.
Fashion no no.
Then he had the nerve to have on these god awful, no brand tennis shoes that teachers normally wore. They were horrendously bulky. The shoe laces looked as if a cat's been clawing at them all day. Black scuffs littered the front and heel of the shoes. Bubbles grimaced. Don't get her started on the ugly doo doo brown color of them…
Bubbles frowned at the unkempt state of Mr. Lowe's hair. Does he know what shampoo is? Mr. Lowe's hair looked greasier than the burgers that Buttercup usually made at home. It didn't help that he was balding in some areas too. Bubbles pursed her lips. Disgusting. Was all Bubbles thought.
Bubbles was about to grill the man on his scruffy looking beard but her attention went to the door; as well as everyone else's in the room. In walked one of the girl's personal nightmares...Butch Jojo. Bubbles looked to the ceiling.
Why lord have you forsaken me so?
Looking around the silent room, Butch eyes hardened when they landed on a certain blue Puff. Bubbles made sure to avoid eye contact, not wanting to start anything with the known brute. She huffed in annoyance. Things could've been worse...she could've had her counterpart as a classmate. Wouldn't that interesting.
"Ah, Mr. Jojo. I see you've finally made it to my class." Mr. Lowe sounded as if he wanted nothing more than for the Ruff standing before him to be far far away. Bubbles couldn't help but feel the same.
Mr. Lowe's eyes narrowed. "What took you so long?"
Butch suppressed the urge to glare at him, his eyes still lingered on the blonde girl in the back of the class. Her eyes still never meeting his.
Butch gritted his teeth. "I got held up…"
Mr. Lowe rolled his eyes at the boy's obvious half assed response. "Well, find a seat and sit the hell down then." Butch glower met the back of his dingy red shirt. "Make sure not be late to my class again or there will be consequences."
Silently seething, Butch made his way to do just that. Unfortunately though...there was only one seat left in the class and that was right next to–
"Oh, hell no."
Sapphire eyes reluctantly met forest green ones. Bubbles looked around her and then...realization hit her like a slap in the face. Oh, hell no, is right.
"Is there a problem Butch?" Mr. Lowe oh so impatiently asked.
Butch whipped his head around so fast, he almost pulled a muscle. "Actually Mr. Lowe," Butch spat slowly. "there is."
"And what might be the problem?" Cautious eyes fell on the two teens in the back. It was no secret in the school that the infamous Rowdyruff Boys and popular Powerpuff Girls were sworn enemies. Some even had their stuff ready to go incase a fight broke out.
Bubbles was the first to speak. Matching Blossom's stern but polite tone, she spoke smoothly. "Mr. Lowe, with all due respect and for the safety of everyone in this room right now," She glared briefly at Butch. "I don't think it's a good idea for us to sit next to each other."
"I agree." Butch grunted.
Well at least we have an understanding.
Mr. Lowe rolled his eyes at the two. "Do you two think I care about you all's petty views of one another?"
"But–" Bubbles and Butch tried, but Mr. Lowe wasn't hearing it. His hands started to glow menacingly. A green substance dripped onto the floor, burning a hole through it. Mr. Lowe glowered at them.
"Enough! Now Butch, sit down before I melt your tail to that seat!"
Bubbles tried to plead with him some more. "But Mr. Lowe, you don't understand!"
"SIT! And don't you dare interrupt my class again!"
Butch growled under his breath, yanking the chair that Bubbles purse occupied from under the desk. After promptly throwing her purse in her face, he begrudgingly sat down.
"Watch it!" Bubbles spat between her teeth.
Butch matched her glare. "Shut it blondie."
"Fucking airhead."
"Look who's talking."
"Yeah, the guy that can and will wipe the floor with your ass...easily, if you keep talking to me." He spat out the last part before leaning back in his seat, taking up most of the little room the two had to reluctantly share. He stared disinterestedly up front, back where Mr. Lowe continued his introduction to the class.
Bubbles exasperatedly growled. If she still wore her hair in pigtails, she would be pulling at them right about now. She wanted to strangle Butch. To think that the two will now be sitting next to one another for the rest of the semester. Oh no. That meant they'll have to be partners in group assignments. Bubbles paled. That meant she'll most likely be doing all of the work. Oh, no no no! Bubbles again, gazed up at the ceiling. She wanted to cry.
What did I do to deserve this?
First period has thankfully come to an end and Bubbles couldn't be happier. Bubbles wasted no time in exiting out of the room, making sure to accidentally on purpose knock Butch's bag out his hand as she zipped by him. Butch had to be the second most insufferable person she had ever met; the first being her counterpart. She would rather spend a whole day with Mojo and his rambling than be in a hundred foot radius of the boys and that says a lot since she was the most patient one out of her sisters.
To make matters worse, Bubbles had Trig next. Well at least that meant she had second lunch. The school's salad was about one of the only things she ate at the school, being an vegetarian and all.
Stopping beside a door, decorated in green construction paper, Bubbles waited for Woo to come out. The vixen was not surprised to see the blue Puff beside her door.
Woo gave her a crooked smile. "Damn girl, the bell just rang like a second ago. I know i'm impossible to live without but sheesh." Bubbles rolled her eyes, clearly not in the mood.
Woo, taking note of the not so bubbly Bubbles, frowned. "Okay...who's ass do I have to kick?"
Bubbles groaned as she walked off with Woo close on her heels. "A certain green eyed Jojo, if you don't mind."
Woo involuntary winced. "You have Butch in your first period?"
"Yes." She groaned. "What's worse is that we're desk buddies. Yay!" Bubbles dreadfully sneered, dragging her feet along the tile floor.
Woo wrapped a comforting arm around her blonde friend's shoulder. "I'll pray for you." She bemoaned and Bubbles instantly slumped into her arm.
"I was such a good girl this summer." Bubbles started to whine. "I did volunteer work at the animal shelter. I cooked at numerous homeless shelters. I exfoliated and drunk more water–I even cleaned Buttercup's room for her once–"
Woo cut her off, removing her arm, grimacing. "Okay, ew…"
"What did I do to deserve such punishment?" Bubbled hysterically turned to Woo, stopping them in the hall. "What if this is a sign?!"
Woo's brows furrowed. "Bubbles, I think you're thinking too much into this."
Bubbles waved her off dismissively. "No, hear me out." She started. "My yearly horoscope did say something about that there was a storm coming my way...what if this is it?"
Woo sighed, frustrated. "What have I told you about living your life according to some bullshit that a horoscope tells you?" She ran a hand in her short curls and past her ears.
Bubbles huffed in defiance. "Horoscopes are not bullshit, Woo. Nine times out of ten, they're always accurate."
Woo spitefully rolled her eyes. "They're nine times out of ten always bullshit." She derided, walking around the offended girl.
"Well were just going to have agree to disagree then."
"Let's." Haughtily replied. "Besides...things could be worse."
It was Bubbles turn to raise a brow. "What could be worse than having class with Butch Jojo?"
Woo pondered for a bit. "Well...last year Miguel, Bloss, and I had class with Brick."
"Oh yeah, I remember that."
Woo smirked at the memories of their AP U.S History class. "That class was lit."
Now Bubbles was confused. All Bubbles remembered was how much Blossom complained about how much of a jerk Brick was during the time they had class together. "I don't follow."
Woo laughed. "No, literally. That class was lit. Everytime Blossy and Brick got into it, Brick would heat up the whole class. He used to be so pissed!" Now she was laughing maniacally.
Bubbles started to giggle. "I can just imagine."
"Girl, yesss! Don't let Blossom know, but Miguel and I used to sometimes antagonize their little fights because that classroom was cold as hell like, all the time."
Bubbles shook her head with a laugh. "Blossom will kill you two if she ever found out."
Woo exhaled breathlessly. "I know...but we were freezing our nips off in that class and Brick is so warm."
Bubbles smirked in amusement. "You mean hot."
Woo nodded with a smirk of her own. "Very hot."
Their salacious giggles were cut short when the bell was heard. That meant they had about five minutes to get to class before the late bell was rung. The girls shared a sigh. Their moment coming to an end but at least the girls had lunch together, along with Miguel and Blossom.
"We shall tell Blossom nothing of this."
The building of horrors lunch room was packed by time Blossom made it inside. The endless amount of conversations echoed throughout the room and could be heard from outside even. Blossom glanced over to where the long line of students were, contemplating whether or not she felt like waiting in the line herself. The food wasn't terrible but it wasn't like it was a hot commodity either. Unless they were serving their special deep dish pizza. That was the only time the redhead was willing to sacrifice half her lunch time to wait in the dreadful line. Sadly, today they were just serving typical meatloaf.
Blossom inwardly groaned before eyeing the shiny, full vending machines on the other side of the large room. Her eyes flickered in delight. Chips and Snapple it is.
"I see we have the same idea." A masculine voice was whispered behind her, tickling her ear.
Blossom would've jumped out of her skin from the sudden surprise if she hadn't already sensed the boy coming just a few seconds before. And, if she didn't already recognize the said voice.
Turning slowly, Blossom faced the invisible culprit with a grin. "Miguel, sweety. Quit trying to scare me and reveal yourself."
A hearty chuckle invaded Blossom's sensitive ears and sure enough, a second later, a tall nicely dressed Hispanic boy appeared before her.
"Would it kill you to just humor me every once in a while?" He laughed.
Blossom nodded teasingly. "Oh...okay." Blossom made a show of throwing her head back, grasping her heart in false shock, she jumped. "Oh my goodness Miguel! Don't scare me like that!"
Miguel rolled his gray eyes. "Haha," He laughed monotonously. "very funny. Now can we go grab something from the vending machine before I die of starvation?" Blossom waved a hand out in front of her.
"After you."
"You really are made up of everything nice aren't you?" He winked, breezing by her.
Blossom grinned, falling into step next him. "That's what they say." Blossom eyed the attractive slender boy next to her. She pointed at his hair. "Highlights...I like."
Miguel grinned down at her, humming in delight. "Really? And here I thought they were too much." He mused, pulling a strand of his black and dirty blonde highlighted hair. "I wanted to try something new for the school year."
"Well I like them. They suit you."
Miguel waved her off with a laugh. "Everything suits me, doll."
Blossom sneered. "You sound like Woo."
"Where do you think she gets it from?" Miguel arrogantly replied and Blossom threw her head back to laugh. Out of all her friends, Blossom had to say that Miguel was the most entertaining. Maybe it was because he was gay, or maybe because the boy didn't care and said whatever that was on his mind without remorse. Blossom didn't know, but she wasn't complaining. Blossom enjoyed having Miguel around. He was funny, smart, carefree, and gorgeous on the eyes. If he wasn't into guys, Blossom would probably try her hand at the boy. Oh well.
Miguel stood at a confident 5'10 and what he lacked in muscle, he made up for in looks. His slightly tan, gave off a golden hue in the right light. His face looked as if it was sculpted by Michelangelo himself. His chiseled jawline accentuated the small dimples in his cheeks. His lips were a full shade of pink. Other than perfectly threaded brows, the only facial that decorated the teens face was a thin mustache that sat above his lips. But What Blossom admired the most was Miguel's glowing clear skin. She been meaning to ask what his skin care routine was for the longest. Not a pore was in sight!
Blossom sighed consciously, now slightly envious and disappointed. Why do all the gorgeous ones have to be gay?
"So what are you getting?" Blossom was snapped out of her thoughts. "I don't know about you, but those pretzels are calling my name."
"Huh?" Her mouth was slightly ajar as she regained focus, blinking.
"I asked what you're getting." He arched a knowing brow. "And would you stop drooling over me? It's creeping me out." One of Miguel's other abilities, other than turning invisible was his keenness on picking up on someone's emotions and feelings, which ultimately made him very observant of human interactions. It could be a blessing–but to most of his friends–a curse.
"I was not drooling over you." She scoffed, watching him as he punched two buttons on the machine. He gave her a lingering glance, leering at her.
"Right…" He said with a raise of his brows. Clearly not believing the redhead.
"You are just too conceited for your own good."
Bending over to grab his snack out of the vendor, he smirked. "I wouldn't say conceited...i'm just confident times like a thousand."
Rolling her eyes, she pushed him aside. "That's basically the same thing." Already knowing what she wanted, she placed her money in the slot and pressed the respected buttons for her snack of choice.
"But the way I said it sounds more...nice."
Blossom stared at him dully. "Whatever…" she said dismissively, stalking over to vending machine that held the drinks.
Always the gorgeous ones…
"I wonder where Blossom and Miguel are?" Bubbles mused aloud, floating in her place in line. She peaked determinedly above the hectic line of people.
Standing behind her, Woo stood nonchalantly, filing her sharp claws. "I'm sure they're here already."
"Me too, but I wanna know if they grabbed us a table or not." The eager blonde Puff still sought after her sister and friend. "It's packed in here."
"Knowing Miguel, i'm sure–" Woo was cut off by someone behind her roughly bumping into her, making her cut her skin with her nail file. Catching her footing, Woo viciously whipped her head around and scowled. "Watch it!" She hissed behind her, just missing the retreating form of the culprit. "Damnit!" She growled lowly.
"You alright?" Bubbles asked delicately. She didn't want Woo snapping on her next. Woo was a known hot head when provoked.
"Yeah…" Placing her wounded finger in her mouth, Woo glared at her. "You seen who it was?"
Bubbles eyes caught sight of silver white hair. Turning slightly in their direction, Zeke smiled impishly at the two girls. Ughh… Bubbles grimaced. "Yeah...I know who bumped you." I hope that he doesn't have this lunch.
Woo was already cracking her knuckles, ready to throw down with whoever. To Bubbles, Woo reminded her of Buttercup at moment. "Well, who the hell was it so I can teach them some manners? People act like it's so hard to say a simple excuse me."
She does know that she ended up snapping first right? Bubbles thought. Shaking her head, Bubbles sighed. "You know who Zeke is right?"
Woo's eyes widened, realization crossing her features. "Oh, it makes sense now!" She glared where the boy last was. "Boomer needs to teach his little lackeys some damn manners before I do." Woo snarled.
Back on her feet, Bubbles placed a calming hand on Woo's shoulder. She was really just making sure Woo didn't go off and put the boy in a choke hold. "Relax. Don't let him get to you. It's what he wants."
Woo took a deep breath before letting it all out. "Fine. But next time, I'm not going to be so forgiving." She spat. Bubbles smiled wearily.
"Okay...c'mon, the line is finally moving up!"
Blossom and Miguel surprisingly managed to find a small round table in a corner near the vending machines. Well really, they stole it once Miguel spotted a group of people leaving it, making their way to the now shorter lunch line. Blossom was hesitant at first but Miguel forcefully dragged towards the deserted table.
Blossom bristled lightly. "B–but,"
He pointed to the chair beside him, clicking his tongue. "Sit." He said more firmly this time. Blossom frowned but reluctantly sat. Setting her belongings on top of the small table. Only when she was completely settled did Miguel have a seat himself.
With a smirk of triumph he patted lightly on Blossom's back. "There, there. You have to learn to not be a goody two shoes all the time, Bloss."
"What if they come back trying to start something? Ever think of that?" She exasperatedly inquired.
He shrugged abrasively. "Then we'll finish it." Miguel wasn't much of a fighter but he was fully capable of defending himself when the situation called for it. He wasn't a Duke for nothing. "Besides little Monarch, no one has the balls to mess with you."
Blossom snorted indignantly at the title. "Please don't call me that."
"It's the truth."
Blossom sneered. "There are some people that like to test that theory." She replied thinking of certain trio of boys.
Miguel felt a large spike of emotion coming from the redhead. Eyeing her closely, the corner of his mouth started to twitch. "Some people like your counterpart and his brothers, hmm?"
"Don't start, Miguel."
"You thought it." He countered popping a pretzel in his mouth, smugly grinning at her.
Blossom ignored him, her gaze picking through the crowds of people, spotting her sister and Woo. "I see them."
Miguel followed her gaze and with a wave of his long arm, he tried to catch their attention. "BUBBLES! WOO! OVER HERE!" A few startled glances and vibrant sapphire eyes landed on the him. Ignoring the nosey people, Miguel grinned widely as he watched Bubbles and Woo rush their way over with full lunch trays in their hands.
"Miguel! I missed you! You look sooo good!" Bubbles squealed, placing her tray on table. She practically threw herself into Miguel's open arms.
"Thank you honey, you look great yourself! I missed you too!" The two squealed happily like two little girls as they hugged one another tightly. If Buttercup was here, she would be gagging right about now.
With a small smile, Blossom rolled her eyes at the dramatic sight. "It's only been like two months since we've all seen each other and we've texted all summer."
Miguel and Bubbles either ignored her or didn't hear her because the two were to busy gushing over their summer as if they haven't been in contact in ages. Woo and Blossom shared a look.
"How come I didn't get this much love?" Woo bitterly complained, placing her tray on the table.
Blossom chortled. "Aww, is Woowoo jealous?...c'mere, give me a hug." She cooed, teasingly.
Woo cringed, placing one hand up. "I'll pass. Thanks though." She said taking a seat. She turned her attention on the two fangirling over each other. "Can y'all like stop. I'm going to lose my appetite and–" her ears continuously twitched. "what's left of my hearing."
Blossom nodded in agreement. "If Buttercup was here, she'll you guys are being gross–which you are by the way."
Bubbles childishly stuck her tongue out at the two whilst Miguel exaggeratedly rolled his eyes as the both of them reluctantly separated.
Woo smiled, gleefully. "Thanks!" She purred, sharing a high five with Blossom.
"Haters." Bubbles muttered under her breath.
"I heard that." Woo and Blossom said simultaneously.
"Where is BC anyways?" Miguel asked.
Ripping open her Italian dressing package, Bubbles answered him. "She has Physical Education."
"Lucky bitch."
"Language." Blossom glared after swallowing the barbecue chips in her mouth. The rest of the group just stared dryly at her before coming to.
Miguel threw a thumb at the redhead, staring blankly at Bubbles. "She has got to stop doing that."
"I'm right here you know."
Bubbles snorted. "Yeah, good luck making her stop. Buttercup and I tried it. Didn't work."
"Literally right here."
Miguel depressively sighed before forcing a smile on his face. "So, how's you girls day going so far?"
"I've had better first days."
"People don't know the meaning of excuse me, clearly."
Miguel's chair skidded back, away from the table with the girls with the hostile, with a hint of depressed emotions. "Okay…what happened?"
Bubbles animatedly waved her hand. "Can I go first? Because I would love to go first." Woo already heading the story, only smirked.
Miguel nodded. "You have the floor."
Bubbles held up two fingers. "Two words." Her nose scrunched in disgust. "Butch Jojo. I have him for first period everyday now, AND he sits right beside me. Also, I have Mr. Lowe for first period too. So there's that. "
Blossom and Miguel's eyes were wide with shock. At least when Blossom and Brick shared a class together, she had the comfort of having Woo and Miguel with her and a desk on the other side of the room from the ruffian.
"Damn Bubbles, who the hell did you piss off this summer?" Miguel quizzically inquired, ignoring the warning glare Blossom was sending him.
"Nobody!" Bubbles exclaimed.
"She probably forgot to feed a puppy or something." Woo giggled teasingly, taking a bite of her–surprisingly good–meatloaf. Bubbles hard glare quickly silenced the feline.
"Do you want me to say something to him?" Blossom solemnly asked, danger twinkling behind those pretty rose pink eyes of hers. Sensing it, Miguel placed a large hand over her now balled up fist.
"Now Blossom, lets not start anything remember?" Look who's talking.
Blossom smiled, even though the hint of danger was still evident. "I'm not going to. I'm finishing it."
Woo couldn't help the cheshire grin that spread on her lips. "Ooo! I like this Blossom."
"Woo." Miguel warned firmly, silencing her once again. Woo huffed indignantly before eating more of her meatloaf.
Turning back to her sister, Blossom repeated her question. "Do you want me to say something to him?"
Bubbles shook her head. "As good as that sounds...I can handle this on my own. I know if you get involved, things are only going to get worse."
"Yes," Miguel nodded. "and the Buttercup is going to get involved and then–"
"Someone's going to the ER." Woo quickly finished, a mischievous smile on her face. "Where's the problem?" Bubbles and Blossom collectively groaned.
Miguel slapped a hand on his face. "You and Buttercup have issues."
Smirking, Woo crossed her fingers. "We're soul sisters!"
Blossom took Bubbles hand. "If he does or says anything to you that you don't like, let me be the first to know, okay?" Bubbles nodded, wearily and Blossom smiled reassuringly before releasing her hand. "Speaking of Butch, I had a run in with him and his brothers this morning." Woo beamed at this little announcement.
"Did Brick magically get more attractive over the summer? Wait–don't answer that!" Woo whipped out her phone. "I think I know his Instagram page." With that being said, Bubbles and Miguel had found themselves leaning over the feline, trying to see as well.
"I think he has a, two of them!" Bubbles chimed in.
Blossom pursed her lips. "Ahem."
Miguel vigorously shook his head. "No, no he changed that."
Woo arched a brow, still tapping at her phone. "You sure it's not Brick with a six as the b?"
Blossom has officially had it. She should not be hearing her counterpart's name this much–let alone, at all! She wanted dowse her friends and sister in the tea she bought from the vending machine but that would be a waste of a $1.50 and perfectly good Snapple. They should consider themselves lucky that all she did was slam her fists on the table, nearly making them jump out of their skin. She scowled at the three of them, looking deep into their startled eyes.
"Quit fangirling over that self-absorbed, pompous twit and sit down!" Bubbles and Miguel's legs moved like lightning.
Woo sucked teeth and placed her phone down. "Okay, so what happened when you seen the boys?" She made a mental note to search for Brick's IG later.
Blossom ignored the attitude in the feline's tone. Adjusting herself in her seat, Blossom cleared her throat. "Butch and Boomer were about to fight."
"And why didn't you let them kill each other?" Miguel muttered abrasively. Bubbles chortled next to him.
"He that shall not be named," Blossom glanced them, daring one of them to say Brick's name. "broke the fight up." Woo sneered.
"He does have a name."
"That we're no longer using. Besides, the name Neanderthal is much more appropriate."
"Keep on and one day that Neanderthal, is going to snap and you're going to find yourself in that ring outside." Blossom scoffed at the notion.
"Oh please! That incompetent pig can't beat me. He never could." She chortled wryly.
Bubbles begrudgingly picked at her salad. "I don't know Blossom, rumors been going around saying that the boys been kicking butt in the training facility this summer." Blossom bristled at the news.
"And where have you heard this?" Blossom inquired harshly.
"It's all on Zeke's blog. He's even got videos." Miguel interjected.
Blossom huffed. She unconsciously slumped in her seat, falling deep in her thoughts. She'll have to check out Zeke's blog when she had some time to herself. She wasn't liking the news of her arch nemesis growing stronger. It didn't sit well. Unbeknownst to her, Bubbles was eyeing her wearily.
Woo grimaced at the mention of Zeke's name. "Of course he does. He can find all the juicy gossip in the school but not find the time to say excuse me."
"So he's the reason why you're so pissy this morning?" Miguel chuckled.
Woo bristled, glaring at him. "It's not funny. He bumped me when Bubbles and I was in line and I cut myself!"
"How'd you do that?"
"Nail file." Bubbles interjected quietly, closing the box of her unfinished salad.
"Typical." Miguel said impassively. "I'm surprised you didn't break his arm."
Hazel, cat like eyes twinkled. "The thought is really tempting." Woo checked her phone. They had about fifteen more minutes before lunch ended. All the time I need. Woo turned in her seat. Scoping the room behind her, her sharp eyes narrowed in on her prey. A wicked smile crossed her lips.
Not too far away, sat Zeke with a few other of his journalist buddies at a round table of their own. A messy little idea crossed her mind and before Miguel could figure her out, Woo hopped up from her seat and skipped in his direction. "Be right back~" She sang over her shoulder.
Bubbles blinked, looking over her shoulder, she swallowed. "Why do I have a bad feeling about this?"
Eyeing Woo, Miguel cursed under his breath, he was too late to stop the girl. The impish girl was already halfway towards the unsuspecting Zeke.
Breaking her silence, Blossom raggedly sighed. Her elbow rested on the table, as she placed her left cheek in her palm. Her tongue kissed the back of her teeth. "Buttercup is going to hate that she missed this."
Buttercup is going to die of laughter when she hears about this! Woo was sure of it. She was struggling herself to bite down a grin of her own. Her tail whisked wickedly behind her. Her ears were pulled back as she stalked slowly towards her prey. Her pupils were compressed into slits as she got closer and closer...just a few more steps…
"WOO!" At the sound of her name, that's when Zeke finally decided to turn around...but it was too late. The predator–Woo–was already towered over him. He didn't even get a chance to get a word out before lukewarm gravy, bland vegetables, and chocolate milk splashed onto his face. Gasps of shock was heard all around them as people watched the scene go down but Woo paid them no mind. They weren't her prey.
Before Zeke could jump out of his chair to retaliate, Woo wrapped a strong arm around his throat and leaned back, choking the life out of him. When she saw sparks dance between his fingers, she pulled harder, yanking him halfway out his chair. Zeke gagged tremendously. Woo giggled manically.
"Hey Sparky~" She purred in his ear. Under different circumstances Zeke may have been turned on by her seductive tone. That if she didn't have her outrageously sharp claws two inches from his face. They glimmered dangerously in the cafeteria's light. He choked on some spit that miraculously made it down his throat.
Zeke's body jerked forward when he felt Woo's lips press lightly against his ear. Her claws trailed down his jaw, leaving a thin line of red. "Next time your sorry ass bumps into me without saying excuse me," She hissed venomously as his legs flailed beneath him. "trash won't be the only thing you're covered in." Then she released him, shoving him remorselessly to the ground. His "friends" that watched it all transpire, rushed to his side to help him to his feet as he took in greedy breaths of air. Some even had the balls to even glare sharply at her. Woo cackled at the sorry sight.
When Zeke finally caught his breath, he glowered maliciously at Woo. Sparks of electricity danced all around his body, shocking his friends away from him. His lips were pulled into a snarl, looking ready to bite the girl's head off.
"Yeah, yeah...quit your talking," Woo prepared herself, getting in a defensive stance. "and do something about it!" She didn't plan on fighting on the first day of school but her auntie ain't raise no bitch. With her chin low and her fists held firmly in front of her, she was about to put Sparky on his ass with a mean cross punch to the chin. Zeke was going night night one way or another.
"Yeah Bloss, I was looking forward to his screaming when I put him in a Kimura." Woo deadpanned.
"I don't care! Now drop your guards!" Blossom barked. Her firm glare stood unwaveringly as she watched Woo slowly lower her fists. Having got her issue off, Woo was content. Now all was left was a still sparking Zeke. Her glare intensified. "Zeke are you deaf? I said to lower your guards." Her voice venomously dropped two octaves as she spoke, never taking her eyes off him. The group beside Zeke took a fearful step back.
Zeke scoffed in defiance, his own voice deepening. "I see you brought your little Powerpuff bitch to back you up."
Bubbles gasped indignantly. "Don't call my sister a bitch!"
Woo rolled her eyes. "I guess it takes one to know one…" Zeke's eyes narrowed into slits, he took a deadly step forward.
Blossom brushed off the insult with a sneer. "I'm warning you Zeke. Back off." Pink aura flowed from her clenched fists as she stepped beside a now jaded Woo.
Woo chortled lightly, covering her mouth with her hand. "You should really listen to her Sparky. Blossom here doesn't make empty threats." Zeke bristled furiously. That was it. He was going shock the smug look off both girls faces if it was the last thing he does.
Seeing this, Bubbles involuntarily stepped to Woo's other side, watching as Zeke stopped in his tracks. He cautiously eyed the two girls beside Woo. Bubbles smirked. Zeke wasn't stupid. He was a Monarch just like them but the Powerpuff Girls skills far surpassed his. Bubbles snuck a peek at her sister from the corner of her eye. Blossom was oddly smirking. Wait why is she smiling? Wasn't she just pissed? Am I missing something here? Wait–where's Mig–
Without warning, Zeke's eyesight abruptly lost and there was a shooting pain in his balls and his ass as he was lifted off his feet. Zeke thrashed violently but that only made the pain in his lower regions worse. Instantly laughter and cries of shock was heard in the room around him. Boisterous voices of "He deserves it!" and "Oh my god!" was all that could be heard between the cackling in the cafeteria. If his face wasn't covered by his boxers then everyone would surely see that his face was red with embarrassment...and anger.
Behind Zeke, was a smirking Miguel. He was still invisible to the naked eye but if you had paid attention enough and had keen supernatural senses–like a cat or a Powerpuff Girl–then you'll know he was there. Miguel had disappeared as soon as he seen Woo put Zeke in a deadly chokehold and since then, he waited. Only Blossom seen this whilst Bubbles was too shocked to notice. Woo caught whiff of him as soon as she shoved Zeke onto his ass. After fully humiliating Zeke, Miguel dropped him.
Holding her stomach, Woo kneeled over in laughter. She certainly hadn't seen this coming. And here she thought she was going to have to kick Zeke's ass all over the cafeteria. This was a much better outcome.
Blossom folded her arms, a smug grin evident on her face. "And this is why you listen to me." She turned away from the pitiful sight, back to the table with their belongings. "Next time you'll be sure to take heed to my warning." She said icily over her shoulder as she sauntered away.
While the cafeteria erupted in laughter, Bubbles was too shocked for words. Miguel just gave Zeke the king of all wedgies. This should've been the highlight of her day. One of her enemies friends getting exactly what they deserved should've made her jump for joy. She should be laughing right along with the crowd. But instead...what was left, was a funny feeling in her stomach. A bad feeling. Not the kind of bad she felt when Woo left their table. No…This feeling was much more terrible. Bubbles swallowed as she watched a seething Zeke straighten out his pants, glowering daggers at anyone that met his line of sight. Seething seemed more like an understatement. The boy was livid. Some color drained from Bubbles face when Zeke sent her the iciest glare she had ever seen.
"You all are going regret this!" Zeke snarled between his teeth. Spit flew from his mouth as his huffed indignantly. Zeke's cold white eyes narrowed into slits. His tone sent shivers down Bubbles spine. She never had never seen Zeke this mad before.
Pulling a uneasy Bubbles by her arm, Woo laughed. "Whatever Sparky, be sure to tell Boomie and the rest of the gang hi for me." Woo taunted, tugging Bubbles away with her.
Bubbles instantly paled. Oh god… Bubbles had forgot about Boomer. What will he do once he found out that she had taken part of embarrassing one of his closest friends? And then there was the rest of his friends to deal with–more specifically, Celeste. The girl made it very known on how much she hated Bubbles. Giving her nasty looks in the halls and playing mind tricks on her whenever their arguments got too heated. The queasiness in her stomach was in full affect now. Looking vacantly ahead at her friends and her sister, Bubbles inwardly wept.
Little do they know...they just fucked up.
AN: Hello and welcome to my new story that I probably have no business starting but i'm really excited about this one, seeing how it's my first planned story. I kind of hit a brick wall with HTC and then this idea popped into my head while I was half asleep. I have like so many ideas and possibilities for this story that it's just crazy. But don't fret, I haven't given up on HTC. The first part of chapter 7 is already written, I just need to think how to finish it. And also, I hope you guys don't mind the OC's but they're needed.
This chapter isn't exactly finished yet...see, I was going to continue but then I realized that I was at like 20k words and thought it was best to make it into two parts. The first chapter of a story is always the most important anyways.
Now onto some chapter notes!
My OC "Woo" is kinda based on the movie with Jada Pinkett called "Woo". It's a hilarious ass movie and it's also on YouTube if you want to give it a watch.
For Woo's fighting style, just think of her as a black, Black Widow.
I sorta made Blossom into a bitch, but who doesn't love a bitchy Blossom? ;)
For those who don't know what Miraculous is, it's an French Disney show. The fanfictions are to die for!
Ground Team's lend a hand to the Powerpuff Girls when monster attacks or any other crime occurs in the city.
I can't think of anything else to add at the moment so stay tuned to Part. 2. I'm almost done with it, so expect it real soon.
Review, Fav, and Follow lovelies!