Now, unlike my two previous fanfics, this one won't be a one-shot. It will be a series of them, all with the amazing cast we know and love. There will be a bit more info at the end, but until then, I don't own Xenoblade and I hope you enjoy!
Tantal's climate wasn't something that any human or blade could get easily used to. It was significantly colder than the other Titans and snow and ice was practically everywhere. If you stayed still for too long, you'd turn into a very impressive popsicle. Staying on the move was the best way to keep warm…that and fighting the local wildlife of course!
''Sword Bash!'' Rex yelled as he defeated one of the many Grad Gogols that had suddenly attacked them close to Yolmunder's Crevasse. They would've preferred to avoid unnecessary fighting, but most monsters weren't exactly known for their verbal communication, Gogols included. ''These guys are just not letting up.'' Rex said, dodging one of the incoming attacks thanks to Foresight. He had to be very careful with his movements though, since they were all standing on a frozen pond.
''Just don't lose focus Rex.'' Mythra said and Rex just nodded and kept on fighting.
''I'm afraid we'll be fighting for quite a while if this keeps up.'' Morag said as she repelled one of the large monkey-like monsters' punches with her flame whip. She looked around the area and saw that there were still quite a few left and it was very likely that there were more coming.
''Lady Morag, I don't believe an extended fight will be very wise.'' Brighid said and Morag nodded in agreement. Gogols definitely had plenty of strength and endurance, an extended fight would get very dangerous, very quickly.
''Not to worry chaps, I'll take care of this!'' Zeke said and he raised his sword high up in the air, with Pandoria providing support all the while, which created electric sparks around him. ''Bringer of Chaos!'' Zeke jumped high up into the air to prepare his attack.
''Don't do it Shellhead!'' Nia yelled, but it was far too late for Zeke to stop his super-ultra-mega-move!
''Ultimate Lighting Fury Slash…MAX!'' A very large and powerful bolt of lightning hit the ground, which left behind a rather unique symbol. All the Gogols fled in fear, probably afraid of all the electricity that was produced. ''Hah, there's nothing to worry about as long as Zekenator is here.'' Zeke swung his sword around a bit as he smirked.
''Umm…should friends worry about ice?'' Tora asked as he looked beneath him. A very noticeable crack had appeared right where he stood.
''Masterpon, have you put on weight again?'' Poppi asked, sounding almost like a disappointed parent.
''N-No. Just have eaten a few extra Tasty Sausages, that all!'' Tora said…only for another crack to form in the ice fairly close by. ''It not Tora's fault!'' He yelled, flapping his wing ears around in frustration.
''No, it's this idiot's fault for using an arte like that in the middle of a frozen pond. Let's hurry before the ice breaks completely.'' Unfortunately, they were in the middle of the pond, so they didn't have an easy short way to the safe ground.
''Oh you're exaggerating. Tantal's ice doesn't break that easily. Just look.'' Zeke said and he stomped his foot a few times, which created more and more cracks!
''My prince, I don't think that's a good…'' But Pandoria's words were interrupted by the loudest crack of them all as the ice completely broke underneath the group and after that, two sounds were heard simultaneously.
With the help of their Blades, Rex and the others had managed to make it back to the city of Theosoir and in there, to the Anastatia's inn. The Blades were perfectly fine, but unfortunately, things weren't looking as good for the Drivers.
''Atchoo! Atchoo! Atchoo!'' Rex sneezed multiple times in a row as he laid down on one of the beds. Luckily the inn was at least somewhat warm despite the cold climate, but it was clear that this fever wasn't going to disappear anytime soon. He, Zeke and Tora were all in one room while Morag and Nia were in another. Simply so that no one would get any sicker and because everyone knew they most likely had to sleep this illness off, so it was better to be separate now. Pandoria and Poppi were in the room as well, watching over their Drivers. ''I guess it was about time all of us got caught up in your bad luck.'' Rex said with a few sniffs in between.
''Bad luck? Zeke was being a big dumb-dumb!'' Tora said, trying to sound angry, but his sick voice betrayed him.
''Guys, it's not nice to bully a sick man. Isn't that right Pand…Pand…Atchoo!'' Pandoria immediately jumped a few steps back when that happened.
''Sorry my prince. Blades don't get sick, but that doesn't mean I'm exactly eager to be around you right now.'' Pandoria said.
''That's colder than the water we fell in.'' Zeke said, though he understood why Pandoria was so hesitant. ''I really am sorry about this everyone.'' Zeke then cleared his throat and lifted himself up from the bed a little. ''DID YOU HEAR THAT?! I'M SORRY!'' He yelled towards the wall. A moment of silence and…
''AS SOON AS I'M BETTER, YOU'RE GOING DOWN SHELLHEAD!'' Nia yelled back from the other side of the wall, making Zeke sigh.
''She can be so difficult to deal with.'' Zeke said, lying back down.
''Right, she's the difficult one.'' Pandoria muttered underneath her breath.
''Rex, here's some soup for you.'' A voice from the outside said as the door to the room opened up.
''Thanks a lot Pyr…Mythra?!'' Rex looked shocked as the blonde girl walked in, holding a tray with a bowl that had some sort of soup on it, probably chicken soup. Mythra paused for a bit, clearly trying to ignore that little comment and then continued to walk towards Rex's bed. ''Wait, did you make that?''
''Of course not. I would never cook for you.'' Mythra said, now standing right beside the bed. ''Pyra made it, but since she's a Fire Blade, she was worried that her presence would make you feel hot and make your fever even worse. So that's why I'm doing this.'' Her tone of voice greatly implying that she wasn't too keen on it…especially when Zeke suddenly chuckled.
''Really? I think Rex will start feeling hotter no matter which of you is present.'' Zeke said and if nothing else, that comment definitely made Rex feel hotter, by making him blush. Not that you could really see that with how red his face already was.
''Do you really want to make comments like that when I'm holding a tray with soup on it?'' Mythra said, looking like she fully intended to drop it all on the prince's lap. Zeke looked away and Mythra put the tray down on the table next to Rex's bed. ''Here you go.'' Mythra handed a spoon over to him, which Rex accepted with somewhat shaky hands. He was just about to start eating when he suddenly started lifting his head and Mythra could already tell what was going to happen. She quickly lifted the bowl up and ''Atchoo!'' Rex sneezed yet again. Had the bowl still been there, all of its contents would've definitely spilled on the bed and on Rex. ''Oh for Architect's sake, do I have to feed you?''
''That…that would probably be for the best.'' Rex said, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. ''I know you probably don't want to, but…'' Rex stopped his sentence when he saw Mythra hold a spoonful of soup in front of his face.
''Just eat so we can get this over with.'' Mythra said and Rex nodded and opened his mouth.
''Masterpon! Should Poppi do the same?'' Poppi asked as she waved her arms around frantically.
''Wait, can you even cook?'' Pandoria asked and Poppi's arms stopped and her head tilted downward.
''No, it not part of current settings. Poppi's previous settings allow that, but no access to them now.'' Poppi said and Tora sheepishly grinned a little as he thought of what Poppi was technically originally made to do and be. ''But…Poppi want to help!'' And she was back to flailing her metallic arms around.
''I heard that drinking a lot of water can help with a fever.'' Mythra said, putting another spoonful into Rex's mouth. Poppi stopped flailing her arms around and instead put them on her hips.
''Poppi is on it!'' Poppi marched out of the room, making the rest wonder if she was going to get a glass of water or something. She returned fairly quickly…and was holding a very large barrel over her head. The barrel had a faucet and a valve sticking out of it so you could get the liquid out easily. ''This should be enough water.'' Poppi said and she laid down the barrel right next to Tora's bed, making a rather loud sound as it hit the ground. She then positioned the barrel so that the faucet part was right above Tora's face.
''Poppi…'' Tora said, gulping a little.
''Open wide Masterpon!'' Poppi spun the valve a bit and soon enough water started rushing through the faucet and since Tora figured it would be better to have this water in him rather than on him, he opened his mouth.
''Poppi, when I said drinking water might help, this isn't exactly what I had in mind…' Mythra said, but the robot girl just kept on smiling, sure that this was helping.
''Yeah, I think you're about to turn Tora into a water balloon there.'' Zeke said, now kind of glad that Pandoria didn't seem to have much interest in nursing him.
Tora was flapping his wing ears about, but he couldn't get a single word out with the water constantly falling to his mouth. As such, he couldn't do anything to stop Poppi until she was absolutely sure that her Masterpon had taken enough water. And that wasn't until the barrel was nearly half empty.
''Now Masterpon full of water.'' Poppi turned the valve back off, a few drips of water still escaping to Tora's mouth, until the supply was cut off completely. ''Is Masterpon feeling better?'' Poppi asked concerned.
''Uhh…ahh…'' Tora put his hands on his stomach that was now absolutely full of water, you could practically hear it sloshing about! Hearing both that and his groans made Poppi frantic again.
''Masterpon not feeling better? Poppi must do something else then!''
''Maybe you could…'' Pandoria tried to think of something that wouldn't backfire terribly on the poor Nopon. '' Read him a bedtime story or something?'' She suggested, making Poppi's eyes light up.
''Tora…not some tiny Nopon baby who…need bedtime stories. Poppi…Poppi?'' Tora looked around only to see that the said artificial Blade was no longer in the room.
''I think she ran off to buy a book.'' Pandoria said, looking over at the wide-open door. ''Oh and I guess she doesn't have any money of her own since she took Rex's wallet.'' Pandoria then walked over to the door to close it and not let any extra cold air in the room.
''Wait what?!'' Rex nearly spit out the soup when he heard that. ''Oh Titan's foot, Theosoir's prices are so expensive!''
''Thanks for helping our economy chum!'' Zeke commented with a grin, making Rex sigh.
''Hopefully she at least picks a good book…'' If he was going to lose money he wanted it to be worth something.
''Does it really matter? It's not like you're going to read it. In fact, I don't think I have ever seen you read anything.'' Mythra said and before Rex could even answer... ''Can you even read?''
''Well that insult just went from 0 to a 100.'' Pandoria noted. She might rib on Zeke from time to time, but Mythra with Rex was on a whole different level.
''Yes I can. Just because I didn't go to school doesn't mean I'm that stupid.'' Rex knew very well that he wasn't the smartest kids around and too stubborn and optimist for his own good…but he knew how to read at least!
''Honestly chum, education is overrated. I ignored pretty much all the education my old man tried to push on me and I turned out just fine…Atchoo! …This fever aside.'' And some minor instances of bad luck.
''I don't think you want to be taking life advice from my prince here.'' Pandoria suggested and Rex nodded in agreement.
''Don't worry, I have Gramps for all the useful and useless life lessons.'' Rex said, looking over at his helmet where Azurda was sleeping, tucked in tightly with some small blankets.
In the other room, things were a tad quieter. Morag and Nia were both lying in beds with their Blade looking over them. …Though to be fair, the only reason Nia was being so quiet was because she didn't want to waste all her energy while being sick. She had plenty of choice words about the situation on her mind.
''I apologize my lady. I was unable to get you to safety in time.'' Dromarch said, bowing his head a little. Cold water wasn't exactly the deadliest of dangers, but he knew fully well that Nia didn't like cold all that much…or water.
''It's not your fault. We all know who's fault it is…'' Nia said and she glared at the wall, clearly hoping that Zeke would somehow feel it. ''Anyway, is it alright for Brighid to be so close to you Morag? With her being a Fire Blade and all?''
''I'm quite used to hot temperatures. I can handle it.'' Morag said, trying desperately to hold back a sneeze that would undermine her point. ''Although it has been quite a while since I was last sick.'' Quite frankly she couldn't even remember when that was.
''Knowing you, you would be working even if you had a fever.'' Nia said, making Morag smile a bit.
''I don't think His Majesty would allow me to work while sick.'' Morag said, though she didn't try to deny the accusation about trying to work in that kind of condition. ''Neither would Brighid for that matter.'' Her gaze fell to her Blade, who made a small nod.
''Indeed. You're tougher than most people, but I still wouldn't allow you to do anything that might put your health at risk.''
''If I may…sometimes I think that your bond with each other is stronger than me and my lady's.'' Dromarch said. ''How long have you been working together?'' Dromarch just hoped this wouldn't invite questions on how long he and Nia have been together. He'd rather not talk about the early days.
''I got her when I was quite young, before His Majesty was born. So it would have to be around 15 years.'' Morag said, catching Nia a bit off-guard. ''Normally Brighid is given to the emperor, but as a male successor hadn't been born yet, she was given to me.'' And since they had Aegaeon, there had been no reason to transfer Brighid over to him. Of course, the situation was a bit more complicated than that, but there was no need to mention everything.
''15 years?! …No wonder the two of you work so well together.'' Nia said, her sick tone betraying just how impressed by it she was.
''It has been quite a long process. When she was younger, Lady Morag wasn't as interested in combat.'' Brighid said and Morag shot her a little glare.
''Brighid…''Her tone pretty much saying 'you better not talk about any embarrassing childhood events. Brighid just nodded, understanding completely. ''But you're right, it has been culmination of years of train…ATCHOO!'' Morag sneezed so loud and powerfully that her hat nearly fell off. Brighid immediately responded by giving her some tissues, which Morag took gladly. ''Thank you.''
''That could've passed off as a Titan's sneeze.'' Nia started laughing a bit, only to…''atchoo!'' Unlike Morag's, her sneeze was lot more subdued, quiet and actually rather cute. ''...Snark away, I practically walked into that one.'' Nia said, taking one of the tissues Dromarch had brought her.
''I think I'm a better person than that.'' Morag said, now keeping the box of tissues close at hand I case she sneezed like that again.
''True, that's more of a Shellhead's thing. They say idiots don't catch colds, but looks like that's off the table.'' Nia said, once again glancing towards the wall.
''You seem to be quite fixated on him.'' Morag said, which immediately got her a glare from Nia.
''Oy, you'd better not be implying something.'' She didn't even want to imagine something like that!
''Of course not.'' Morag said. She knew full well who Nia had feelings for, but there was really no reason to bring that up right now. ''In any case, while I understand your frustrations with him, he's still a very reliable ally…most of the time.'' That just had to be added there.
''If nothing else, it's certainly never boring around him.'' Dromarch said, not really wanting to insult royalty too much, especially since they were in Theosoir.
''Not much of a consolation, is it?'' Brighid said and everyone else nodded in agreement. ''It's quite amazing how well Pandoria can deal with him.''
''Well she is in love with him, that helps the situation immensely, I would think.'' Morag said. ''She does tease him quite a bit, but it's clear all of it comes from a good place.'' She had heard that the two of them had been together for almost as long as she and Brighid had. Any relationship that lasted that long would have its unique quirks. And you couldn't get much more unique and quirky than those two.
Nia stayed quiet. Teasing each other playfully like that…it kind of reminded her of when she and Rex first met. She had ribbed on him maybe a bit too much, but he didn't seem too bothered and even answered cleverly back a few times. But of course, that was before Jin killed him. Before Rex met Pyra. Nowadays, she just couldn't enjoy the banter with him as much as she did, no matter how hard she tries. Not with a certain thought constantly nagging at the back of her head…
Her train of thought was interrupted when the door opened and Poppi walked in, holding a book. ''Poppi? What are you doing here?'' Dromarch asked. He highly doubted the robot girl had made a mistake in rooms.
''Poppi want to make sure everyone is okay.'' Poppi said with a smile, which made the others smile as well.
''Oh bless your heart.'' Brighid said and now Poppi looked confused.
''Poppi not have one of those. Poppi is heartless.'' She said, and no one felt like correcting her, in fear of getting into a too long of a conversation about the topic.
''Anyway, what's with the book?'' Nia asked and Poppi held it up proudly. The book wasn't particularly thin or thick. At a glance it looked to be about 200 or so pages. The book's front and back covers were both green and there was a small four-legged beast on the cover with a heart over it.
''Poppi buy it to read for Masterpon. It's called The Armu Who Loved!'' She announced it so excitedly, but the rest couldn't really share her enthusiasm.
''That's a rather peculiar title.'' Morag mused. She couldn't even imagine what it was about. Presumably about an Armu that was in love…but how do you make a story out of that? And who was it in love with?
''Poppi chose it because it sound most simple, almost as simple as Masterpon.'' Poppi then put the book down on a nearby table. ''Friends discussing Zeke?'' Her hearing was fine-tuned enough to hear that from outside the room.
''Yeah and since you happened to show up, what do you think of Shellhead?'' Nia asked. She couldn't remember if Zeke and Poppi had even talked to each other that much.
''Zeke confuses Poppi a lot.'' Well that was something they could all agree on. ''Zeke can't seem to decide whether to be cool or silly, should just choose one like Poppi. Poppi have two forms, but still same Poppi always.'' She demonstrated this by activating her QT form. Honestly no one was sure on how she managed to transform that quickly from one form to another, but it was better not to question it. ''Zeke reliable and not reliable. Very confusing.'' She then transformed back to the Alpha form.
''That seems to be the general consensus.'' Dromarch said. ''I understand that his upbringing is a bit unusual, but still…'' Once again, not eager to insult royalty in their own kingdom, even if it was exiled royalty.
''Maybe getting us all sick will be a lesson for him to start taking things more seriously.'' Morag suggested and this was met with a few seconds of silence and then…
''I don't think so.''
''Hell no.''
''Poppi think it impossible.''
''I suppose I should've expected such a blunt response. But I have some hope that Zeke will…ATCHOO!'' Morag sneezed yet again and actually Nia sneezed at the same time, not that you could hear that over the sound of the Special Inquisitor's more powerful one.
''Poppi should go back and make sure Masterpon is okay. Masterpon eagerly waiting for the book.'' Poppi said as she picked up the book again. ''Will Morag and Nia be alright?''
''Don't worry. Me and Dromarch can look after them.'' Brighid said and Dromarch confirmed it with a nod.
''Roger that.'' Poppi said and she walked on over to the door. But before she left, she turned around one more time. ''Nia?'' Addressed cat girl looked over in confusion. ''Zeke not have shell for a head. Poppi think it very weird you'd be that confused.''
''…Right.'' Honestly, what could she say to something like that. Poppi smiled one more time and then left the room.
Back in the other room, Zeke was trying to sleep with Pandoria watching over him, sitting pretty close by now that she wasn't worried he was suddenly going to sneeze on her. Tora on the other hand was still trying to calm his stomach down after the ridiculous amount of water it was forced to take. As for Rex and Mythra…
''That was really delicious. Can you thank Pyra for me?'' Rex asked, having now finished all of his soup, down to the very last drop.
''I will, I'm sure she'll appreciate it.'' Mythra said, putting the bowl and the spoon away on a nearby table.
''Hey…are the two of you okay?'' Rex suddenly asked, rising a bit from the bed as he did and also catching Mythra a bit off-guard.
''Why do you ask?''
''It's just, we share our wounds and all. I was worried that me being sick would affect you two as well. '' He said and Mythra couldn't help smiling a bit.
''Thanks for that, but you don't have to worry. Something like that doesn't affect us.'' Aegis couldn't' be taken down by a mere illness or virus after all!
''Okay, that's good.'' Rex said, resting his head back on the pillow. ''I guess it was a bit of a silly question, considering how fine you look.'' Rex said…and it took him about a second to realize how that sentence sounded. ''I...I didn't mean it like that! I only meant that you don't look sick! Not that you don't look attractive, but…'' Rex could already tell he was digging his own grave and there was no way back up.
Luckily for him though, Mythra just laughed a bit…though if he had been really observant, he could've seen some red on her cheeks. ''Clearly Azurda should've taught you how to speak with girls.''
''Actually Aunt Corrine did tell me a thing or three, but there weren't really any girls my age back in Fonsett and I left pretty early to become a salvager anyway. Argentum is full of business, wasn't much time to be around girls there either…'' Rex rubbed the back of his neck nervously and as Mythra looked at him, she noticed something.
''You have some soup on your face. Let me get that for you.'' Mythra took one of the many tissues and leaned in closer to get the soup off of there. Rex felt his face get hotter yet again and Mythra realized just how close their faces were now. Their golden eyes met and kept gazing into each other, as if admiring the most beautiful gold mine. Mythra's hand moved ever so slightly to take the napkin out of the way, so nothing was obscuring Rex's face. They could practically feel each other's breath on their skin. All either of them would have to do is move their head a little bit closer and…
''Masterpon, I found a book!'' Mythra instantly jumped back, her face now as red as Rex's was while Rex looked the opposite way. ''Is Mythra feeling sick too?'' Poppi asked, immediately noticing how red her face was.
''It's nothing!' Mythra said, putting a hand on her chest and feeling how her heart was thumping faster than usual. ''I'm…I'm going to get some fresh air.'' Mythra said and she walked out of the room, making sure not to look at Rex when she did. Once outside, she closed the door and leaned against it, trying to calm herself down.
''Mythra?'' Pyra asked in her head.
''I'm fine….it was just a heat of a moment thing, that's all.'' She didn't want to kiss Rex when he was sick! …Not that she wanted to do it when he wasn't sick either!
''Ugh…can't Zekenator get some shut-eye?'' Zeke said as his eyes slowly opened. Well, eye since it's not like you could see the other one behind the eyepatch. He looked around and then noticed something. ''Where did Mythra go?''
''Mythra left with face all red…same as Rex now that Poppi noticed.'' Poppi said and this made Zeke grin while Rex was completely unable to escape the situation or to get the red off of his face.
''Oh chum, what did you do?'' When he had first been tasked to keep an eye on the Aegis, he would've never thought that he would see stuff like this!
''I didn't do anything!'' In fact, he was pretty sure that if he had done something, things would be even worse and more awkward. ''Can you just…read the book for us Poppi?'' To be honest, staying sick for a while now didn't seem all that bad, if it meant that he wouldn't have to face Mythra or Pyra for a while.
And there you have it! Like I said, this will be a series of One-Shots that aren't really connected. They're just a series of fun situations and events I want to write about with these characters and I figured it's better to have everything in one instead of just writing bunch of different one-shots. I already have ideas for the next four chapters, but feel free to comment about particular scenarios you'd like to see. Note, these are not requests as I can't promise I will write them, but if I get inspired by them, then it might happen.
Review if you liked, review if you didn't like and I'll see you with the next chapter!