"I think it's about time." Usir said.

Eset nodded, her eyes flashing back and forth between pink and brown.

He had let her pick the form of torture/death for the Death Eaters, and she had gone for agonising.

Two wards, weak and simple enough to be carved in runes on small rocks. Usir made several, and he and Eset had taken their time making sure at least one was in every Death Eater's home.

A control stone was in front of them. "Do you want to, or should I?" he asked.

"Together?" she offered.

He nodded, and they both rested a finger on a single rune.

A small burst of magic channeled into the rock, and a network of wards activated across Britain.

They were simple things. A weak paralysis ward, and a greenhouse rune.

As long as the magic kept being fed into the master runestone, they wouldn't fail.

To help in this, it was tied to a ley line.

Across the country, Death Eaters of all types were baked in their homes by the sun's heat, unable to escape or call for help.

"That's it." Usir said. "They'll be done."

"Isn't that anticlimactic?" Eset asked.

He scoffed. "What am I supposed to be challenged by? There can't be proper tension if I can beat everything, and there's no reason not to just get it over with." he replied.

"Still..." she whined. "I'd prefer for there to be some difficulty from something."

Usir sighed, but grinned brightly. "Alright love, I'll take us somewhere with some tension. I have a quick errand though."

She nodded, and a familiar black portal appeared next to them.

Unlike before, this one was just for time, and they found themselves just outside a large building, built to resemble a rook.

Usir stepped into the building and saw a woman and a young girl, ten years old. The woman was waving her wand, and an explosion emanated from the tip just as she gaped in shock...

Just before it faded away.

"Hey." Usir said. "Maybe don't do that one again?"

Pandora Lovegood lowered her wand, hand shaking slightly. "I would have died." she said.

Usir nodded. "In front of little Luna too." he replied.

"Thank you." she told him. "Who are you?"

"Usir." he answered.

Pandora raised an eyebrow. "Osiris?" she asked.

He smirked, and started to vanish.

"Thank you." she said again.

"I'm just returning a favor." Usir replied. "Luna would be devastated without you, and Xeno even more so."

Line Break

"Time to go." Usir told his companion.

She kissed his cheek and grabbed his hand. "Let's." she agreed.

He sighed. "To a more tense world, as you command." he said with a smile.