Tsuna yawned as he plopped onto the soft single bed of his hotel room, exhausted. He looked up at the ceiling and yawned once again, tears gathering at the corner of his eyes. He listened to Yū telling him to stay up in order to talk to his informants for the whereabouts of their warbler. Tsuna sighed and pulled Yū into the forefront. He wanted to sleep after all the travelling and the events the moment he entered this hotel.

Convincing the hotel staff that a Hibari sent him was frustrating and exhausting. Apparently, it took five redirected calls in order to get to Hibari Kyoya and it took five more calls for the senior to answer his phone. That was not all. Some thug thought it was smart to attack a Hibari-trained (Tsuna uses this term loosely) student. Tsuna, being irritated and all, immediately knocked the man unconscious.

Actually, that was the very thing that convinced the management that a Hibari sent him.

It wasn't Hibari's word, or the sleek dull orange phone, or even the bright red 'Disciplinary Committee' armband that all the neighboring towns knew came from Hibari Kyoya, but his fighting prowess.

At the reminder, Tsuna promptly fell asleep; he did not want to deal with anyone for the rest of today.

Yū sighed at sound of his other self's silent snores. It seemed that information gathering was all down to him.

With a sigh, Yū opened Tsuna's travel bag and picked out his outfit. A black dress shirt, a dark red tie, a black blazer, an interestingly designed white belt, a pair of black slacks, black socks, and a pair of leather brown shoes. Once his chosen clothes were spread out neatly in front of him, he judged three similar looking black fedoras with a critical eye. The style of the ribbon around the fedora was critical to add on to the cool factor of his overall image.

The first fedora had a plain white band around it, the second had a beautiful thick black band that had silver square designs, and the third one held a dark thin orange band. If only he could see himself wearing his suit with them…

He paused, realizing he could better judge how well he looked with said fedoras once he had cleaned up and wore his suit.

With that thought, Yū went to the bathroom, intending to get his mission done as soon as possible in order for his body to rest.

Yū left the room, locking the door and moving towards the hotel's game room. If he remembered correctly, the first informant of the night would be there. A young male known to Tsuna by the name Teruko. He was a lanky teen, skittish, referred to Tsuna as 'Seimei-dono' (the now twelve-year-old boy's reaction was noteworthy at the time), and a particularly observant informant. He was a source of reliable visual information, helped them find names to face and vice versa.

The second informant was a middle-aged woman who held a haughty air around her. Her code name had been Akira, and she referred to Tsuna as the 'Ryūgamine'. She loved to hang around the richer of the masses, luring them into her circle of attack with her flashy and vibrant colours, and she seemed unassuming despite her eye-catching appearance. However, as all vibrant coloured animals in the wild, Akira held a very venomous tongue. Tsuna was somehow lucky enough to get on the woman's good side and even reliable information from her.

The last informant was an infant, if Yū believed Tsuna. He- she… They called themselves 'Chie'. While the informant was ready to give him their name (strangely enough), Tsuna had insisted on using a distinct nickname for their transactions. In return, the infant was all too amused to give Tsuna the title, 'Leoncino' (that translated into 'little lion' or 'lion cub' in Japanese). Yū was going to wake Tsuna up for this meeting, since the latter gave often weird answers to the very normal questions that infant posed and Tsuna got his information in return. It was interesting if Yū only spectates the interaction from within the confines of Tsuna's mind. This informant was for tomorrow, though, and Yū had to thank the informant for choosing the next day. It allowed Tsuna to rest even more.

Yū smiled charmingly at Teruko, recognizing the boy close to the poker table almost immediately. Tsuna made sure Yū knew his three most trusted informants, although Tsuna only allowed the man to interact two out of three of them.

"Onī-san," He greeted, "Can you help me find mommy?" He tipped his fedora downwards as a show, feigning embarrassment.

"Ah? Eh? When did you- I mean- Of course, Seimei-do – Seimei-kun!" Teruko stuttered, surprised to see the twelve-year-old, fedora-wearing boy. He looked at his companions and bowed apologetically, "I shall- I will- My apologies," he said with a nervous smile, "I shall take my leave."

His companions whined, though a few of them sneered at Yū.

"Why are you following that kid, Seiryū?" One of them asked, glaring at Yū.

Yū smiled back amicably. This was going to be one long night.

'Wake up, sleepy head! You've got an appointment with Chie today!'

Tsuna groaned wishing he could physically slap away the source of the voice. Sadly, that meant slapping himself and that would wake him up anyway. With heavy eyes and heavy arms, Tsuna yawned and pushed himself up to get ready for today. Yū informed him that there were clothes ready for his meeting and that Chie was going to stop by around noon. Tsuna paused to look at the clock, and scowled upon realising that his personal alarm clock woke him up five hours earlier than the actual meeting.

Yū responded to the complaint with a lesson on punctuality and professionality. He also nagged Tsuna to go and get the completely free breakfast buffet (which ended nine in the morning).

With a roll of his eyes, Tsuna put on a simple orange shirt a black hooded vest over it. He replaced his pajamas with black shorts and his slippers for sneakers. Once that was finished, Tsuna paused eyeing the makeup kit that Nana had packed for him. He actually wanted to get his nails done, but considering that he would be having breakfast within the next hour, Tsuna rescheduled polishing his nails after the most important meal of the day.

"Well, let's get this day started, ne, Yū-chan."

Soft laughter echoed in his head, startling Tsuna for a second. He gave the occupant in his mind the mental equivalent of a confused stare. The laughter rang for a few more minutes before it died down. If Tsuna was in the mindscape, he was sure that Yū was staring at him with amusement.

'You'll get this day started. I'm going to sleep.'



Four hours had passed since breakfast.

Tsuna sat on the couch, grinning at the dark colouration of his fingernails. He supposed that, normally, males were against such amazing tool. Hypermasculinity and all. Knowing his dad, the man would gush about how much his 'Little Tuna-fish' was becoming a lot like his mother and if the man heard about his role as a prefect, he would gush even more about how his son was such a man. (The duality amused Yū, honestly.)

Tsuna sighed when he remembered the mostly absent man. It was starting to become glaringly obvious to him- especially with Yū's odd past- that the man may be bad as a father but he tried his best. In fact, if what Chie told him was right (and Tsuna trusted the infant), his father's actual job was heavily involved in the criminal world. He was a very notorious criminal (Yū laughed at the disgruntled Tsuna when his theory was proven true), one with many enemies. That gave reason to the man's scarce presence in the Sawada household.

Nonetheless, Tsuna was not going to forgive his father for responding to his bullying problems with 'take it like a man' until the man will apologise to his mother and at least told her the reason why he didn't visit them as frequently as he could. He knew that Mamma would understand anyway and forgive his father. Maybe become all mushy about it.

Unintentionally, Tsuna's face took on a disgusted look as he thought of it. Ugh, what was with parents and their public displays of affections? He would really rather see his mom and dad argue like Fujitake-san and her wife rather than the cheesy lines and even cheesier 'romance' auras.

Tsuna suppressed a shiver. He was going to regret thinking about them and remembering their public displays of affection before meeting Chie. One way or another.

(Tsuna was also glad that they don't do the things he remembered accidentally stumbling upon during his patrols around the Namimori High School.)

(Or, at least not within his vicinity at least.)

(Oh Kami-sama, that was one way to lose your eyes' virginity.)

(Yū somehow managed to lock his memories of his adult activities.)

(Something that Tsuna was greatly grateful for.)

Chie raised an eyebrow at their client as said client shivered at random. It wasn't as if the shivering was intrusive, Leoncino had an excellent poker face when the situation came down to it. In fact, he held a 'cool' demeanor instead of the usual expressionless faces that others had opted to go for when they created poker faces. He would often display confident smirks and his eyes were often in a sharp yet relaxed state. It helps that the boy's fashion choices often accented those two actions.

(It did not matter whether the middle schooler wore his clothes like a semi-rebellious teenager or a mini- Chie snickered softly, or should they refer him as 'semi-enlarged'- version of the world's greatest hitman.)

Right now, though Chie was not sure why, it seemed that Leoncino was completely relaxed around them and they could even see the trust from the boy. Maybe that was why they were allowed to witness the momentary weakness- or was this his true self? -from their companion.

"Mu, we should get this started," Chie said, although hidden under their hooded uniform, their eyes twinkled with light amusement.

Leoncino gave them a charismatic smile, one that Chie could safely say- what was the word again? Ah- was what the Japanese would call 'moe' or maybe 'ikemen' would be a better word to describe it.

"Ah, you are right, Chie-san," Leoncino said, gesturing for the floating infant to sit across him, "Let us."

Chie gave a small smile, almost predatory. It was something that would have sent Leoncino running if it weren't for the amount of times he saw it on his superior's face and, surprisingly enough, Takeshi's.

"Will he ever be set free from his cage?"

Tsuna yawned as he collapsed on the bed. Man, this time's twenty questions with Chie was more exhausting and more like an interrogation rather than the playful questions the both of them liked to pose. However, whomever the liger represented to his informant, he knew that the person was important to them. Not just to Chie but also to himself.

Tsuna yawned again and tousled his hair. This was troublesome. He only had five and a half days left to track and find their Uguisu. Right now, Tsuna could only think how, right now, Aikyo-senpai was like his namesake in more ways than his singing. Why were Japanese warblers always so hard to find?

Yū seamlessly transitioned as the main control of Tsuna's body. With the information that he gathered from the three informants, he was now able to piece together pieces that would allow him to muster up a plan and for Tsuna to execute it. He grinned and realised that Tsuna was able to get today and tomorrow as his short break and stretched. He remembered passing by an establishment that hosted survival games.

Yū was going to decimate his competition.


Author's note: I'm ALIVE! WOOP! Sorry about the long wait! I was in a short sort of slump! Ehehehe. Anyway, if you're one of the readers for 'From Sky to Cloud', the story's on an indefinite hiatus. I'll definitely return to it, eventually. Maybe during summer, when I have more time to write fanfiction.

Thank you for reading this chapter!

Hope ya enjoyed it!

I'll be seeing you next time! ;)