Hello there! This is my very first fanfiction written in english. I wanted to practice as I intend to attend a japanese-english language university one day, so... I ended up writing a fanfiction about Kuroko no basket...(whynot?!) A pretty dark one on top of that.
Anyway, I tend to make a lot of mistakes so do not hesitate to correct me!
Summary : It's been two years since he has been put in a cage. A cage made of crimes and blood that he can't escape from. The only way to survive is to follow his rules... but at what price?
Pairings : Akakuro / GOMxKuroko
OOC!Akashi because he really is an evil bastard here. Maybe OOC!GoM because they're all kind of psychos too.
I don't know if I'll ever finish this story, it's really just for fun and to improve my english. But stick with me if you want~
This fanfic is going to be dark. A lot of violence, murder, yaoi and Non-Con. Read at your own risk!
This is rated M for a reason.
Chained - 01
He was running through the alleys, panting as if his lungs were about to spurt out of his chest. Electric blue strands of hair was jolting as he ran like his life was on the line. He ignored the stabbing pain in his ribs to focus on his running. The darkness of the surroundings didn't help him at all. He could barely see the end of the sidewalks.
"Please…. please!" he didn't know who he was begging. He just wanted his nightmare to be over. He just wanted to go home. All he could do was running without thinking, until he was sure his pursuers were no longer on his trail. The boy didn't see the large crack on the ground, making him twist his foot before spreading out on the concrete.
Pain shot across his knees and elbows. He clenched his teeth, keeping himself from screaming by biting his lips so hard that he started bleeding. He couldn't let them know where he was.
Then he looked up, his eyes resting in horror on the huge wall in front of him.
"No… No!"
There was a long moment when he tried to get up off the ground, but the atrocious pain in his ankle prevented him from doing so. The bluenette froze, realization falling over him like a cold shower. He couldn't run.
Muffling a sob, he started to crawl on the ground, hoping to find somewhere to hide while he checked his ankle, which he guessed was certainly sprained.
He was so focused on his escape that he didn't pay attention to the footsteps behind him until the echo startled him. He whirled around as much as he could, holding his breath as two silhouettes came into view right behind him. He could easily recognize the two of the four loyal dogs of Rakuzan District's leader. Panic overwhelmed him in one fell swoop.
The taller one stepped forward, his expression sadly darkened. "Tetsu..."
"Stay away!"
In a seated position, he moves backwards, limiting the contact between his injured ankle and the bitumen as much as possible. The tanned man ignored his warning and continued to move forward. It was difficult to appear threatening when he was on the ground, wounded and totally helpless while the other had the stature of a predator ready to pounce on his prey.
"Tetsu, please. I don't want to hurt you."
"Then leave me alone."
After what seemed to be a long minute, Kuroko finally managed to stand up. However, in addition to his injury, his totally exhausted legs didn't allow him to stand any longer and the teen lost his balance and stumbled into the pavement. He could not suppress a cry of pain this time.
The second person joined his partner after long hesitation. His golden eyes sparkled with sorrow as he looked at the bluenette. "Kurokocchi..."
He took another step. "Calm down, we just-"
"Go away!"
Kuroko recoiled again, only to collide with the freshness of the wall on his back. A quick glance to the left offered him a potential escape. After several seconds of gathering his last strength praying not to damage his ankle more than that, the bluenette jumped onto one of the bins stashed in the corner and climbed up the pile of planks and other scrap in order to reach the top of the wall.
As he was about to get pass over three meters wall and was already preparing another plan to escape them, a loud bang echoed through the alley. Excruciating pain went through his shoulder as soon as he heard it. It led the teen to immediately lost his grip on the wall and Kuroko fell heavily on the ground, earning him a disgusting crack from his ankle. Yet, there was no extra pain in his foot as most of it was stuck in the shoulder in which he could feel a foreign object tearing through his searing flesh.
In the mist of his suffering, he didn't realize he was screaming until his throat began to burn.
"As always, you are too lenient Daiki."
Everybody stopped as they were greeted by a mass of green hair first, holding a small gun in his hand, no doubt the one that had just incapacitated Kuroko. But the voice that just spoke wasn't his. Sky blue eyes then fell on the silhouette behind the man who had just shot him. Kuroko held his breath, staring in horror at the last person he wanted to see.
Crimson locks, heterochrome orbs piercing his own gaze until they penetrate his soul and that sinister grin he always wore on his lips… The leader of Rakuzan was here to collect one of his valuable possession.
"Nice shoot, Shintarou."
The latter only let a small "hum" in response. Kuroko shot a small glare in direction of Midorima, earning the same glare from the man before he turned away. He knew he didn't really miss his shot, he precisely aim for a spot that was not vital. They wanted him alive.
Kuroko winced as he laid a hand on his shoulder where blood was beginning to flow upstream. His pulse began to beat wildly as he watched Akashi slowly approach, icy gaze fixed in his own as a dark promise of repercussions. He turned sharply in the hope of finding a loophole, any loophole, something that would help him escape this desperate situation. Kuroko didn't want to go back with them. He didn't want to go back to Rakuzan. His plan had been meticulously prepared for that day and they had still found a way to stop him. If they ever got their hands on Kuroko again, he wasn't just going to be confined. Akashi had already warned him last time. He could get hurt, and it looked like it was going to get ugly.
"Tetsuya" said the redhead crouching down to the smaller. He raised his arm towards his cheek, wiping away the salty line where a tear was silently flowing. Kuroko did not move, not that he could anyway. The teen was already trapped into the golden and red eyes that at no time had turned away from him.
"Did you really believe you could escape from me?" he asked, his threatening smile still on his lips. Kuroko shivered. "A-Akashi-kun… please…"
Akashi shushed him, putting one finger over his trembling mouth. "It's okay. Everything is fine. I forgive you."
Kuroko held back the urge to flinch when cold fingers cupped the soft skin of his cheeks, bringing their faces closer. Kuroko began to sob. He did not want to display this show of weakness in front of Akashi who could only be satisfied with the sight of Kuroko suffering and totally powerless. The leader's grip grew firmer.
He slammed his forehead against his, "Was that what you wanted to hear?"
He had no time to figure out what the red-haired was saying. The hand on the cheek now found itself tightly clutched around the neck. "Where are your manners Tetsuya? Leaving us like this… how rude. You could have left a word." Akashi smiled.
"Aka-shi…! I-I can't..." Kuroko became agitated as he grabbed Akashi's merciless hand in a vain attempt to free himself.
"That won't do, Tetsuya. You need to be punished after all."
A violent blow to the stomach interrupted his pleading. The pain lasted for two seconds, just enough for the young man's sight to be overwhelmed by black spots until everything became a veil of darkness. The last thing he knew, his body was about to crash into Akashi who was about to cushion him in his open arms.
The redhead took a moment to look at the unconscious teen calmly breathing against his chest. He could see the multiple injuries covering the frail shape of Kuroko and one could only guess how much that stubborn boy must have struggle to end up in this state. Very stubborn, indeed.
His lips lifted in a strangely soft smile that no one but he could see. Slowly, he turned to his men who were quietly watching their interaction since the beginning. He saw the sadness in which their gaze when they caught the sight of their protégé. He could not blame them though, the bluenette looked rather terrible after all.
"Call Atsushi" he ordered while exiting the gloomy alley, barely enlightened by the gleam of the street lights. He gave one last glance down his precious captive in his arms.
Yes. Definitely worth it.
"We're going back to Rakuzan."