Note: I apologize for how long this chapter took, as well as my unreliability with posting stories of any kind. I make no promises, but I will try to make updates more often, if not regularly. Thank you for your support!

Chapter 3: Kakariko Village

Kakariko village was quiet. Not much disturbed it where it rested at the base of Death Mountain's great slopes. The sun was just beginning to set, placing a low red glow over the village from the mild ash covering. A few of the Sheikah were still out and about sweeping away ash, or tending their animals or gardens. Here and there, the boulder shapes of sleeping Gorons could be seen near heat vents from the volcano.

"Momma! Momma! Come look!" A small girl, barely 5 years old races into the village, hollering. Behind her, three boys, each of them older than the girl, hurry to keep pace with her.

A woman straightens from her garden, apparently the girl's mother. "What is it dear? Is something wrong?"

The girl skids to a stop, kicking up a small cloud of dust. "Momma! There is a Geurdo on the main path! He looks hurt! Shouldn't we help him?"

The woman looks startled and quickly brushes dirt from her skirt. "Of course we should. Go fetch your father and older brother. You three, go tell your parents and send help. Gerudo are big enough that we'll need some help." The kids obediently scattered and the woman started briskly down the main path toward the gates and where she suspected the Gerudo would be.

She reached the main gate and spoke briefly with the guard about the Gerudo. He looked startled. "Is that what they were so excited about? They were just playing around beyond the gate and around the bend in the path when they came racing back unexpectedly."

The woman shook her head. "It sounds like it. I'm going to take a look. My little one said the Gerudo looked wounded."

The guard lifted his spear and adjusted his curved sword. "I'll join you. It is, after all, my duty to protect these gates and any who pass through them." They passed through the gate and made their way down to where the trail took a sudden and sharp turn to the left. This natural bottleneck had protected the village for centuries from unwanted attention and travelers. They reached the turn and stopped when they rounded it.

Ahead, a large, male Gerudo sat slumped against a boulder, apparently sleeping. He had numerous cuts and other wounds that suggested he had received his wounds in battle. His long red hair was dirty, tangled, and unkempt. At his side lay his greatblade and curved dagger of Gerudo make. To the surprise of the two Sheikah, he wore a tabard of Hylian design around his waist like a sash, the symbol of the castle carefully displayed so as to be seen over his armor of Gerudo design.

"A man?" the woman whispered.

"But I thought all Gerudo were women?" the guard observed.

"We should get him to the elders. They'll know what to do."


Ganon woke abruptly as someone put hands under his arms and tried to lift him. He reflexively reached for his sword, gripping the hilt and struggling to lift it. His arm trembled and he snarled as his fingers failed to grip the hilt. Whoever was trying to lift him immediately retreated and Ganon was able to see that it was a village woman in Sheikah style garb, and a male guard. The woman was standing half way behind the guard, who had lifted his shield and look ready to level his spear at Ganon.

Ganon groaned, and relaxed, slumping against the boulder again and closing his eyes. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you. It's been a long day." He heard them shift, and low murmurs of conversation. Reluctantly, he opened his eyes again. The woman had moved close again, cautiously approaching Ganon and apparently hoping to not disturb him.

She jumped slightly as he opened his eyes. "Sorry! Umm, can we help you? You're hurt." As soon as she stated the obvious, she blushed and pulled back slightly.

Ganon smiled slightly and struggled to sit up further. "I need to see Antik. Impa told me to talk to him," he grunted. He saw the two look at each other out of the corner of his eye. It was a nervous and confused look so he continued. "I don't want to cause any trouble. And I suppose I do look a sight right now. I'm also having a hard time staying awake."

"We can help you, but I'll have to carry your weapons. I'll give them back when the Elders allow it, or you leave," the guard said. Ganon paused. Giving up his weapons was the last thing he wanted to do right now, but if it would put these people at ease, he'd do it. It wasn't the first time he'd handed over his weapons to gain a diplomatic position. He nodded in agreement.

"Can you walk?" the woman asked. Ganon seriously considered the question. He wasn't sure. His leg wound had gone from tolerable to unbearable as the day continued and he wasn't sure he would be able to rise again after resting for the last...hour? There was also a burning sensation in his back that had begun to crop up over the course of the day. He wasn't sure where that had come from, but it was making it hard to think and move anymore. And those were only two of his injuries.

"I will try, but I am honestly not sure." To prove his point, Ganon began to push himself to his feet, using the rock he was leaning on as support. He groaned as every wound on his body burned and ached and stabbed, but he made it to his feet. But he knew, and he could tell that the two before him also knew, that if he stopped leaning on the boulder, he would collapse.

The woman bit her lower lip, thinking. She glanced back as someone shouted, their tone indicating they were looking for someone. "Hold on. I'll be right back."

She disappeared back around the bend in the path toward the village and after what felt like the longest minute of Ganon's life, she returned with three other men. All three of them paused when they saw Ganon, but seeing the guard there holding Ganon's weapons, they approached, although it was clear they were all still nervous. Ganon made an effort to not make any threatening moves, but he could feel himself sagging further against the boulder. He closed his eyes and shifted his focus from being non-threatening to staying on his feet. If he still looked threatening when he was about to fall over, there was nothing he could do to alleviate their fear.

Someone let out an exasperated sound and strong arms and shoulders were placed under his left arm, taking a lot of his weight. A moment later, someone else got under his right arm. He was lifted by the two men and Ganon focused on helping them as they began walking toward the village. All around him people were talking and coordinating. Ganon just focused on walking and not crushing his helpers.

He found himself maneuvered into a small home, the woman from before fussing over him and the men who were trying to position him just right on the floor. Ganon was just happy to be lying down again. He hurt all over and just wanted to sleep. Hyrule could wait another night, right? He tried and failed to comfort himself with that thought as he drifted off to sleep.

He woke again an unknown time later with the red glow from the window in his face. He grunted in protest and lifted an arm to rest it over his face. It was at about this point that he realized that he still hurt all over, but the pain was somehow better. A clean pain. The smell of herbs hovering around him also told him that his wounds had been tended. With a grunt, he sat up, wincing as several pains in his back and chest screamed at him. At least he hadn't had any gut wounds. Those were the worst. His armor had done its job for that at least.

He was still waking up and assessing his condition when the door opened and the woman from the day before entered holding a basket of freshly picked vegetables. She was humming, but stopped when she saw Ganon sitting up and looking at her. They stared at each other for an awkward moment.

"Good…morning?" he paused. "What time is it? I can't tell."

His words seemed to have broken the tension between them, because the woman stepped forward and closed the door behind her. "It is nearly sundown. You've been asleep for almost a full day." She set the basket down on a table and turned back to him. "How do you feel?"

Ganon grimaced. "I hurt, but at least now I feel like I'll live." He paused, considering. "Thank you."

The woman looked taken aback, but she quickly composed herself. "You're welcome." She stopped, looking like she wanted to say more, but she seemed to decide against it and turned back to her basket.

Ganon was left wondering what he should do next. He really shouldn't stay here too long. He had a job to do. Steeling himself, he rose to his feet, gritting his teeth as pain flared again, but again, the pain seemed much more healthy than before.

Startled, the woman spun to watch him, a stern look on her face. "Hey! You're still wounded. You should rest!"

Ganon smiled gently. "And I will, but I need to find and speak to Antik. It's important."

The woman looked miffed. "Antik is the village leader. He wants to meet you, but he made it clear that if you mean Kakariko Village any harm, you'll be cast out, wounded or not. You should take a few days to recover before you speak with him."

Ganon shook his head. "I'm afraid I don't have a few days. Lives are at stake the longer I am idle."

The woman studied him for a long time, sizing him up in all his bandages and standard desert garb. "Fine, but I'm going with you. I didn't spend the last 24 hours making sure you didn't die just to have you go and screw it all up again doing something stupid." Before Ganon could protest she wiped her hands clean on a rag, adjusted her boots, and was at the door, hand on the handle.

Realizing that this wasn't a fight worth fighting, he shrugged and moved toward the door, exiting with a nod of gratitude when the woman opened it for him. Outside, the day was indeed ending and Ganon watched as several people, adults and children, stopped to stare at Ganon. He imagined he was a sight. Traditional garb for male Gerudo was not exactly "normal" for the people of Hyrule who lived far enough north of the desert to need multiple layers to stay warm.

Ganon himself was quite comfortable in his traditional garb in anything but snow. He wore blue linen pants that billowed about his legs but was tight around his ankles to keep sand and dirt out while allowing air to circulate and keep him cool in the desert. At his hips was his sash and extra decorative bits of cloth of green and gold. He was shirtless, but that wasn't unusual for him, except when he was in full armor. He was however, covered in wrapped bandages, some of which were turning red from his movements. His long red hair was definitely a mess and he'd need to give it some attention soon or he'd look like a mad man.

The woman followed him out and closed the door before indicating a large cabin tucked deep in the little valley. "That is where the elders live. Antik is there." Ganon nodded and began making his way down the stairs and then the path toward the big building. The woman kept pace with him, occasionally holding up a hand as if to try and steady him when his balance wavered slightly. It was a vain gesture, as he would likely squish her if he did actually fall on her, but he appreciated it anyway.

It took them much longer to reach the large building than Ganon liked, but they did reach it. The two guards standing outside the path leading to the building stopped them as they approached the gateway. "Hold. What business have you here Gerudo?" one asked.

Ganon resisted the urge to growl in annoyance. "I need to see Antik. Impa sent me. It's urgent."

The guards looked surprised and glanced at the woman who shrugged. "He wouldn't stay in bed because of how 'important' this is, so I'm assuming he is telling the truth." The guards reluctantly took her word and allowed Ganon to pass, but one ran ahead of them, presumably to warn the elders they were here. Ganon took his time with the last bit of the trip. To this point it had been slightly downhill, but now he was climbing a gentle slope and his leg did not like it. By the time he reached the door, he was limping heavily and wondering if the thin wood rails were strong enough to support his weight for the trip back.

The guard was standing outside the door and opened it as Ganon arrived. Inside, in the main room, three old men and an old woman sat huddled on large cushions. They all studied Ganon as he limped in and gave an awkward half bow, barely bending.

"I apologize for any lack of deference in my part. I don't trust my balance enough at the moment to keep from falling if I lean to far."

"Given your apparent condition, and the blood on those bandages, we can overlook the lack, given your forthcoming nature so far," the old woman noted, her voice almost piercingly high. Ganon nodded his thanks to her.

"Tell us, Gerudo, what brings you to Kakariko Village?" one of the men asked.

Ganon's balance teetered. "I apologize. May I sit? I'm afraid I may not have a choice soon."

The woman who had accompanied him gave an exasperated sound and moved over to a cupboard and fetched two large cushions. "Apologies elders, but I would like to not see all my work to keep him in one piece be undone." She then plopped the cushions down right next to each other and pointed at them, glowering at Ganon. "Sit."

Seeing the humored looks on the elders' faces, Ganon obediently sat, his movements jerky and painful. The woman knelt on the floor next to him and peeled away one of the bloodier bandages on his side to peer underneath without removing it. She tisked in disapproval and moved to the next.

After a moment, Ganon shifted his attention back to the elders. "My name is Ganon. I am the male heir to the Gerudo throne after my mother, Queen Taira. I came at lady Impa's… gentle but insistent command, to speak to Antik. I assume he is in the room?" Ganon glanced over the elders to see what their reaction would be.

The oldest man, a withered old fellow who looked ready to die on the spot, squinted at Ganon. "My daughter is a smart girl. I presume that she would not send someone so dangerous to our doorstep without good reason. However, whatever the reason, I cannot ignore the threat you pose to us, Ganon of the Gerudo. You and your namesake have been nothing but trouble for Hyrule for countless generations." For an old man, he sounded surprisingly hail. Much more than the woman at least.

The woman beside Ganon looked appalled. "With all due respect elders, Ganon can barely walk the short distance across the Valley, let alone harm anyone but himself. He is currently no threat to us."

"Maybe, but how did he get wounded in the first place, hmm?" one of the other elders asked.

Ganon had known this question, or one like it, would eventually come up. He'd taken time to phrase his answer very carefully. "I received my wounds in battle defending my friend and myself from a sudden attack by the Hyrule soldiers we had been traveling and fighting alongside. This attack was unprovoked, and I only acted in self defence."

"Did anyone die in this attack?"

Ganon shook his head. "I don't know. I wasn't trying to kill anyone in the battle, but unfortunately, even the most insignificant wounds, if left unattended, can lead to death."

"Hmm, I'm sure you must know how this looks for you, Ganon of the Gerudo," the old woman croaked.

Ganon nodded. "I do. But please understand that if it weren't for that attack, and Lady Impa sending me here, I would not have come to your village. I know firsthand how easily distrusted the Ganondorf reputation is, and for good reason. I only wish to disprove that in myself, and become strong enough to return the land to peace."

"That is typically the task for the Hero to undertake. Traditionally against you," Antik noted.

Ganon clenched his fists. "I am aware. But Link has been gravely wounded and is now prisoner to the mind sick Queen Zelda. As far as I know, he is only alive on Impa's word. My friend might be dead, and I wouldn't know."

The elders were all quiet for a long moment. They glanced at each other and Ganon got the sense that they were somehow having a silent conversation with each other. He waited, hoping that his diplomatic skills hadn't failed him along with his strength. Finally, the turned back to Ganon.

Antik spoke. "We will grant you that the nature of the Triforce in these times seems to be warped. Wisdom appears to rise in darkness while Power stands strong in the light against it. However, we cannot ignore the past. We will test you Ganon. Recover your strength and then return to us. We will give you your task then." With that Antik waved them away dismissively and rose from his cushion to retreat, slowly, into a back room. The other elders also rose and shuffled away.

"Stay here. I'll go get someone to help you back. I saw they way you were limping. We don't need you falling and reopening any more of these wounds," the woman ordered. Ganon, knowing he wouldn't make it back across the valley, nodded in agreement. He sat there awkwardly as the other elders either spoke softly with each other, or slowly retreated to the back and the rooms there. After only a few minutes, the woman returned with two big men who Ganon suspected were the same who had helped him the day before.

Ganon allowed himself to be assisted to his feet and walked along with the men out of the building and down the path, genuinely grateful for their support, and voicing his gratitude. They were about halfway through the valley when Ganon tried to break the tension. "I don't believe we have ever been properly introduced." His comment was directed at the woman, but all three of them glanced at him.

"No, I don't believe we have. What is your name Gerudo?" the older of the men asked.

"My name is Ganon. May I ask your names?" He glanced around at the others.

The woman spoke up first. "My name is Mako. This is my brother Vekte, and my nephew Cilk." Both men nodded when they were introduced. "They were the ones who helped you yesterday."

Ganon nodded understanding. "I thank you Vekte and Cilk. I doubt I would have gotten this far without your help and strength."

No one seemed to know what to do with that and they had reached the house and Ganon was sitting again in his impromptu bed on the floor before Vekte spoke from near the door. "What brings you to Kakariko Village Ganon?"

Ganon considered a moment, then decided to be honest. "I'm here because Lady Impa sent me. Hyrule may be in trouble, and I fear I'm the only one who can help right now."

Everyone in the room exchanged glances. Mako broke the silence. "Is this related to the way the Queen has been acting?"

Ganon nodded. "I'm afraid so. As far as I know, she's now taken Link, the Hero of Time, prisoner. He's good, but against Zelda, he may need help, but maybe he'll surprise us. He's funny that way."

Mako and Vekte smiled knowingly while Cilk seemed slightly confused. Vekte opened the door. "Well, get better Ganon. Sounds like we need you in peak condition. You listen to Mako, you hear?" Ganon smiled and nodded agreement. The men left then and Mako fetched several bandages, bowls, water, and herbs and knelt next to Ganon and began to tend his wounds.