Hey guys, so...I was just sitting here and had an Idea that's all this really is, if you want me to continue it then let me know.
Bitter Sweet Rivalry chapter 1?
The redhead groaned his eyes opening slowly. The phone flashed on the nightstand, buzzing loudly.
He sighed sitting up tossing the pillow at the wall. He wasn't trying to really hit anything, it was more or less morning aggression. He sat there for a moment, the alarm still ringing, he rubbing his face with the palm of his hand trying to wake up.
He finally leaned over grabbing the phone and turning the alarm off.
"Oh...I'm late for school." He raised his eyebrow. "Wait..since when do I care?" He shrugged tossing the covers aside. He walked into the kitchen scratching his head still a little sleepy.
"Oh...Nagisa texted me." He slid his thumb across the screen reading the message.
Nagisa: Hey Karma, just wanted to say good luck on your first day of highschool!
The redhead smirked setting the phone down on the counter.
"Gonna miss having the octopus around, today's gonna be so boring." He said to himself getting a jug of milk from the fridge. He paused in the middle of pouring some into a glass.
"Wait….isn't Asano in my class? Wait why am I talking to myself?" He shrugged it off putting the milk back. "Should be fun, maybe I'll finally wipe that look off his face. Be a fun sight to see…" The redhead smiled to her-himself drinking the milk.
That devious glint in his eyes. He glanced at his phone
"Guess I should get dressed. Won't beat the guy if I'm not there for the damn lessons. Of course…." he paused looking smug. "It's not like I don't know everything they're teaching already."
He set down the glass in the sink, grabbed his phone and headed back to his bedroom. Which, at the moment was messy. Clothes scattered across the bedroom floor, the bed was messy just like his red hair.
He lazily walked over to his closet which was just a door with shirts hanging in it. Most of things he kept in a dresser next to his bed.
He pushed back the shirts but suddenly paused when he saw the box on the floor of his closet. He stared at it for a few minutes before he knelt down in front of it.
"Oh….that's right," He said opening it and pulling out the grey pants, and grey blazer. He rolled his eyes at them. He always wore the pants in E-class but he never really wore the blazer. Surprisingly he decided to wear it for today.
He stood up stripping off his T-shirt, he paused glancing at the mirror, at his tank top. He glared at himself in the mirror before tearing his eyes away.
Once he finished getting dressed in the uniform of the school (he decided the tie wasn't necessary) he stuffed the phone into his pocket and headed out.
He locked his front door and started down the stairs off his porch. He could hear a crash of a window in the distance which caused him to glance briefly but he continued up the small hill that lead out of his street.
He looked up at the sky, it was a beautiful blue, it reminded him of Nagisa who had blue hair. The green grass reminded him of Kayano, the sun reminded him of…..
"Koro-Sensei." He shook his head quickly biting his lip. He tried not to pay much attention to the memories of E-class. Sometimes he wished he was back in E-class trying to kill the octopus.
It wasn't long before he got to the campus which seemed empty. Figures, everyone was already inside and in class.
Karma walked up to the class doors pulling at the metal handle.
"Locked." He hissed through his teeth annoyed. He reached into his pocket leaning down to the lock, he bent the bobby pin out until it was straight. He smirked to himself sticking it in the lock and twisting it.
With a click of the door it opened.
"I'm a genius~" He stood up putting the bobby pin back into his pocket because, never know when you'll need it again.
The hallways where empty,
Karma walked through them like he owned them. The feeling of being back in the main building was however weird to him. He could see classes going on through the small glass windows. He glanced up at the metal plates that hung in front of the doors.
"D-class….C-class….B-class…" It wasn't until he went up the stairs and was on the second floor, at the very end of the hall there it layed the most highest class in the school. Like royalty to a bunch of commoners.
"A-class." His eyes fixated on the metal plate. He glanced at the door, there was a sudden nervousness a feeling he wasn't use to. He ignored it shrugging it off and putting that confident look on his face that he always had.
He slid the door open and the eyes were all fixated on him in seconds. The teacher paused having been at the bored. He was writing something in chalk. The students looked at him surprised, they were just as uncomfortable as he was right now.
But the one staring-no glaring, at him was Asano. The violet eyes met Amber eyes, the strawberry blonde resisted the urge to say something snappy at the redhead. Maintaining his image was the most important thing. Musten let the mask slip.
Karma, having had enough of the silence, cleared his throat a little to loudly.
"A-Akabane...y-your late.." The teacher was obviously scared of him. Karma had a chance to crack a joke at the man but he decided not too. He didn't want everyone trying to fight him, not on the first day at least.
"Whoops, my bad~" he said sliding the door shut,
The teacher sighed a little annoyed but the fear was clearly present on his face. "P-please t-take a seat…" He said pointing to a desk that happened to be right next to Asano's.
Karma smiled, he walked over to the desk sitting down, he glanced at Asano who was still glaring at him.
"Something you wanna say?" Karma said, his tone was more teasing than threatening. Asano bit his tongue turning his head the other way. He noticed everyone was looking at him now. Waiting for him to say something, he glanced at the teacher who seemed to be doing the same.
He looked back at Karma who had his eyebrow raised. A playful look on his face, like a cat playing with a mouse. Of course to Asano, Karma was the mouse.
The strawberry blonde forced a smile,
"Welcome…...to….A-class….Akabane." He forced himself to say. Karma looked smug,
Smile while you can Akabane, once I take 1st place back you won't be so smug.
Asano thought to himself never breaking eye contact from Karma's.
"Heh, so obedient." The redhead retorted.
There was a silence that settled in, the autosphere dropped, becoming cold, everyone could sense it. The two boys shooting looks at each other, one menicing and twisted the other playful and threatening.
Everyone knew it, these two where in a whole other league then them. Not just with education, there strength too. Everyone knew how scary Karma (or Akabane) was. They knew how dangerous he could be. But Asano stood up to him, as if the boy didn't nearly beat his higher ups half to death. As if he didn't nearly beat a student half to death. As if he didn't almost beat up a teacher AND walked out with his head held high.
Perhaps that's why they looked up to Asano, not only because he was a leader, or that he was the chairman's son, but because he looked at someone like Karma and faced him with a smile.
"A-alright...le-let's get back to the lesson.." The teacher finally spoke up snapping the two out of their internal battle.
Think I'll end this here for now, I will say I feel pretty good about this one compared to the other Karma x Asano fic I tried writing. I kinda wanna continue this but I wanna know what you guys think of it. Let me know, sorry this was so short but again it was kinda a trial thing. Thanks for reading this anyway : 3