A/N: Hello lovelies. I have made some major edits to this story. I will be replacing several chapters a day. I know I promised in Chapter 16 that I would have one up by Sunday (yesterday), but I am very happy and pleased with the changes made to this story. I also would love to thank my betas, Reyloclaw and DiagonAli, for helping me with this journey of editing. I've spent more hours than I'd like to admit fixing my mistakes. I hope you enjoy this new edition.
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter
Hermione sighed in relief. She had spent the past year helping to clean up the mess the Wizarding World was left in after the fall of Voldemort. Between spending her weekends up in Scotland repairing damages to Hogwarts and her weekdays by Minister Shacklebolt's side editing out of date laws, Hermione barely had time left to sit down and read a good book with Crookshanks.
The pair finally made some progress with getting a few new laws approved by the Wizengamot leaving Hermione feeling proud over what she accomplished over the past year. They were able to eliminate most discriminatory laws; whether they were already in place before the downfall of the Ministry or enforced during the reign of Voldemort. Hermione had spent most of her time trying to convince the Wizengamot about the importance of not taking away rights of Purebloods after the war, which is what most people demanded. Hermione wanted to try to create a World with each and fair treatment between Halfbloods, Purebloods, and Muggleborns everywhere.
Although, the public had been in a tizzy about giving Death Eaters or even family of Death Eaters any rights.
The public had protested against Hermione after she announced that she wanted to have fair trials for all of the Death Eaters and improve Azkaban conditions, including the eradication of the highly uncontrollable Dementors. She knew she needed to address the backlash before it became out of control and asked Kingsley to set up a press conference for her to speak at. As a member of the 'Golden Trio,' Hermione internally cringed at the name, she knew she was respected well enough that people would come to the event, she just hoped people would listen to her arguments.
She stepped on the platform and immediately became blinded by bright flashes of cameras in her face. She could barely hear her own thoughts through the chatter of the crowd and felt herself become a bight lightheaded. She never did well with crowds before the war, and afterwords her anxiety hit levels of an all time high. Hermione took a deep breath, knowing she had to look the image of power and confidence if people were to listen. She cleared her throat several times and gave a stern look to the audience, declaring that she required complete silence.
Once silence washed over the crowd, she opened up her mouth to speak when she was interrupted by that beetle, Rita Skeeter.
"Is it true Miss Granger that you wish to treat Death Eaters with better conditions than they deserve? Or that you want Purebloods to be treated as equals? I would think that as the prized Muggleborn you would wish to see these people thrown in jail and left to rot after all they've done to you?" She asked with malice in her voice. Hermione heard the crowd shout in agreement and wanted to roll her eyes. She knew that Skeeter believed in all of the Pureblood rubbish, but she knew what the public wanted and ate it up like a starving man.
"I will not be answering questions at this time. If you would patiently wait until the end of my statement, I will gladly answer a few questions for those who don't speak out of turn." She gave raised her eyebrow at Skeeter to challenge her, and smirked as she saw a scowl form on her adversaries face. Hermione looked out into the crowd and heard a few people hush others around them.
"I implore you all to listen when I say that the war is over. We have spent years in a battle against many different prejudices in our world. Voldemort," she pauses as gasps were heard through the crowd at the forbidden name, "capitalized on the fears of those who believed that Muggleborns, like myself, were naturally inferior and did not deserve a place in our society. He especially goaded the Purebloods who were afraid of tainting their bloodlines from those who would weaken their power. He told his followers exactly what they wanted to hear, and even encouraged them to fear the Muggles and Muggleborns. He gave them the power they needed, telling them not only should they look down on these humans, but he began propagating that they all deserved death. That they shouldn't stop until the world was no longer contaminated by the 'filthy and substandard.'
"However, it did not just stop there. He wanted to even kill the Pureblood families that he considered 'blood traitors.' He tortured his own followers when they did not follow his command. While many certainly willingly followed him, many were left with no choice. They simply feared for their lives or their loved ones lives.
"However painful it is, think back to the war. What would you have done to save your family to make sure they were safe and alive. What would have happened if a known death eater sympathizer came to the light for help. We would like to believe that we would have helped them, but most likely than not they would have been turned away. Why? Fear of betrayal. Of their loyalties truly being with Voldemort. Of important information getting back to him.
"Not only would they have been turned away, they would have then been known as 'blood traitors' and become targets of the loyal Death Eaters. So what were they supposed to do? They did what they could to survive the war.
"Think of the Malfoys. I know for a fact that they have been getting backlash over these past months over being supporters of Voldemort. Does anyone care to remember that we would not have won the war without them? If any of you actually cared to follow their trials, you would have learned that when we were captured and brought the Malfoy Manor, Draco Malfoy denied who we were, knowing that if our identity was given Voldemort would have been called forth. That alone bought us enough time to escape, leading to the inevitable downfall of Voldemort.
"Narcissa Malfoy put her life at risk to lie to Voldemort to his face. During the Battle at Hogwarts, Harry gave himself to Voldemort to save his friends and family from future death. When he sent a killing curse to Harry, he called Narcissa to check to see if he was dead. She felt his pulse and lied to Voldemort, saying that he was indeed deceased. If she truly believed in the cause, she would have given up Harry immediately and Voldemort would have won. So I ask you, before you make judgments, try to place yourself in their shoes.
"War is not always choice. I was born as a Muggleborn, making it easy to make my choice of where to stand. Those who are born in well know Dark families had the same level of choice as I did. They were raised from birth to have certain beliefs, and after years of repetition, that information sinks into subconsciousness.
"We all may be Witches and Wizards, but we are all still human. We make mistakes and can realize our faults. I propose for fair trials because that is basic human decency. If they are guilty, they will be tried for what they rightfully deserve. It gives a chance to those to show where their true loyalties lie under veritaserum. And yes, I do believe we should start pay attention to the Muggles' form of imprisonment. They are now trying to focus on rehabilitation instead of retribution. It prepares their inmates for life outside of prison, hopefully leaving them with no need to seek revenge over their incarceration. It allows them to incorporate back into society without judgment. These muggles who are released after being rehabilitated have a dramatically lower return rate to prison than inmates that are treated poorly.
"It is time for us to learn forgiveness in order to prevent another war. If we continue on with the hate and prejudice on the Purebloods, If we let Death Eaters and Sympathizers barely survive in harsh conditions and give them unfair trials, does that make us any better? I know many of you want justice, and we will get justice. But justice does not need to be served with revenge. Let us rebuild the Wizarding community with support for everyone. Forgiveness is the only way there will ever be change in our world. Thank you."
She took several deep breaths as the crowd still was deadly silent. A few brave souls began a slow clap, which led to eventual applause and cheers throughout the room. Those attending her conference were giving her the approval she desperately needed to make sure her plans were put into action. Sure, there were still those who were giving her hateful eyes, especially Skeeter. Hermione noticed her looking put out that the crowd no longer favored her, and instead mostly cheering on the Muggleborn witch she loathed.
Hermione smirked inwardly, knowing that Skeeter deserved to be squashed. Hopefully it would put off her pesky ways.
Hermione left the platform feeling high on the support the crowd gave her after answering a few brief questions. Kingsley shook her hand vigorously and thanked her again for all of the hard work and effort she put in to improve their world. She walked back into her office in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and plopped into her chair with a sigh as she kicked off her heels. She rubbed her aching feet briefly before reaching over and grabbing a picture frame on her desk.
The picture made her smile, it being the only memory she had left with her parents. Most of the others she kept packed away, as it hurt to much to look at daily. This one though would always be her favorite.
It showed the three of them in the summer after fourth year in their vacation to the Mediterranean. They were all still, being a muggle photo, but it captured all of the love they had for each other. Her arms were wrapped around the necks of both of her parents and they all had the largest grins on their faces. Her mum had her face flush up against Hermione's. Sometimes it became difficult for Hermione to look into a mirror because of how similar she looked like her mum. She felt a tear run down her face that she quickly wiped away as someone knocked on her door.
"Miss Granger," Her secretary Maria poked her head in the office door, "You have a visitor who does not have an appointment. I figured I would check with you before I let them know you were busy." She smiled.
"No its okay Maria, send them in. I'm in no rush today." Maria spotted the fib and frowned a bit at Hermione, but knew it was difficult for Hermione to say no to someone who needed help.
Hermione did not expect Narcissa Malfoy to walk into her office.
She stumbled as she shot out of her chair, feeling confused over her surpise visitor. "Mrs. Malfoy, it is so nice to see you. What can I help you with?" The Malfoy matriarch smirked at Hermione's apparent distress.
"Please Miss Granger, you saved my family from a life away in prison. I do hope you will start to address me as Narcissa. Besides, Mrs. Malfoy makes me feel old." Hermione chuckled.
"I can do that as long as you call me Hermione." She smiled at the older woman.
"What a performance you put on out there. I must say that I am impressed by your unrelenting effort for equality. I do believe you may need a hand to get in touch with those of the remaining Pureblood circle, however. I have faith that together we could create a more unified community." Hermione looked at her perplexed.
"What would you like in exchange for your services? I'm assuming that you would like something out of this deal, Slytherin at heart and all," Narcissa laughed.
"Just tea, dear girl."
"Tea?" Hermione asked again, unsure if she hear her correctly.
"Yes tea. As I said, Hermione, you saved my family's life. I owe a great deal to you. I must admit, I feel terrible for my family's past transgressions against you. I would like to get to know the witch who saved the Wizarding World." Hermione blushed and went to argue.
"Save it. You are too humble. You did a great deal to bring down the darkness overtaking our lives. I have watched you this past year, witnessing your compassion, determination, enthusiasm and strength. Please humor me and join me for tea, I insist."
"Okay," Hermione relaxed the tension in her body a bit, "I actually have about an hour cleared for lunch right now."
"Perfect, I know just the place to go." Hermione immediately felt unsettled by the smug look on the other witch's face.
. . . . .
A few seconds later the pair landed in an upscale restaurant. Hermione could tell the place reeked of old money, resembling her parents' favourite private club back home. It looked elegantly decorated with fresh flowers, large windows that opened up the space and classical Wizarding music playing in the background. They people sitting around the tables in the room were dressed in expensive robes and Hermione felt out of place, moving her hands to dust off invisible flint on her robes.
"Don't worry dear, you look just fine in those robes," Narcissa whispered as they were seated. Hermione silently thanked Ginny for helping her pick out her robes for the press.
They spent the course of the meal talking about activities that they enjoyed, surprising Hermione about how similar the two were. They were able to easily talk about literature, international affairs, and potions research. She gaped openly when she found out that Narcissa enjoyed to garden and even cook.
"What about your house elves?" Narcissa had laughed at her shock.
"My personal house elf actually taught me how to cook. I spent many days alone at the manor with not much else to do, and Rosie loved being able to work with me for several hours. I learned that both cooking and baking are much like potions. It relaxed me to create my own dishes. My son also has quite the sweet tooth so he enjoyed when I made him special treats. I remember one time when he was about six years old, he wandered into the kitchens determined to help me. He tried his best to help me bake some chocolate chip cookies but he ended up accidentally dropping the entire bag of sugar into the bowl. I must have been turned away at the time because when I faced him again he was happily stirring his creation. It wasn't until we took them out of the oven and they were extremely dark and crumbled as soon as we tried to pick it up." She smiled fondly at her own memory.
"I'm sorry, it's hard for me to imagine your son as an adorable little kid. He was always quite the little prat to me and my friends." Hermione tried to joke but it came out a touch too serious.
Oh, but my dragon always was such a Momma's boy. I do wish I could go back and not spoil him as much but I can only try to guide him to be a better man now. I know my son deeply regrets his actions and how he treated you, especially with how much help you've given us this past year. I honestly think he had a bit of a schoolboy crush on you growing up, considering how he constantly talked about you. It would always be about how you were beating him at this, or you were being a 'swotty know-it-all' that. I believe he was a bit jealous that he couldn't befriend you." Hermione laughed at that, it was too ridiculous to even believe.
"I hope he comes around to talk to you, Hermione. I know he is trying to pay a penance for his actions. He doesn't believe that he deserves the forgiveness that you have already given him for his part in the war. I know my son. He is plagued by nightmares and spends his days half awake and barely living. It breaks my heart to walk with him in town and hear what people say to his face. Some people even hex him in the streets." Hermione gasped.
"That's horrible! He was exonerated of all charges. He was just a kid!" She exclaimed, "I don't understand the need for people to have a scapegoat. I know the war was terrible, but we all lost people we loved." They sat in a few moments of silence eating their food.
"I do forgive him, you know. If he were to approach me, I wouldn't send him away or pretend to like him. Your son is quite the challenge, and to be honest there's not many who I can hold a proper conversation with without it turning to Quidditch." Hermione shuddered at the thought of her and Ron's brief romantic encounter, fizzling out weeks after their passionate kiss in the Chamber of Secrets. She felt like she wanted to hit her head through a wall constantly with how little they had in common. She loved her friend, but she wanted more than someone who only cared about Quidditch, Wizarding Chess, and starting a family. After only two weeks together he started hinting at Hermione staying home to raise their kids and she knew immediately to end things.
"I'm glad to hear that Hermione." Narcissa gave a knowing smirk, but Hermione had no idea what the older witch had in store for her.
A/n: That was revised chapter one! The first few chapters have the most edits I believe, but my writing started getting better later on. Leave a review and let me know what you think! Did you notice the changes? Are you new to the story? I'd love to hear your thoughts!