Lucy's POV

"Oh he has done it this time"

Lucy stared out her window to see her hell of a neighbor tearing up her beloved Asters. This was strike three for lucy. She angrily stood up from her writers desk and stomped towards the door fully prepared to let the brute have it this time. After putting up with his childish antics for 2 long years this was her snapping point. Her roommate Virgo hadn't even been able to piss her off this much. Even when she would try to get "punished" and referred to Lucy as princess constantly.

3 years ago Lucy had been so proud to rent her first house, even if she could barely pay her rent, at the age of 23. She worked her ass off to rent the home without any help from her family. Lucy spent hundreds of hours turning her home into the perfect paradise, especially her beloved bathroom. However that doesn't even come close to how long she spent on her garden.

Lucy's garden was her pride and joy ever since her mom died. The garden was filled with the bulbs she got from her own mother's garden. It was one of the last things she had left to remember her mother. She loved that garden like it was her own baby and cared for it as such. Her life was absolutely perfect for those first 6 months until he showed up.

At first She was happy at the prospect of having new neighbors, being that she never was all that great at making new friends. All of that was ruined the very minute she came in contact with Natsu Dragneel. Within the first ten minutes of his arrival he backed into her mail box, threw up on her lawn, and some how set his own lawn on fire, who even does that? The man was a barbarian and over the next two and a half years managed to turn her paradise into a nightmare.

Lucy had endured loud parties, things catching on fire, a couple of his drunken nude friends trying to sneak over into her property to enjoy her pool, and women throwing tantrums late at night for his treatment of them. What made it worse was the fact they both taught at the same school.

She loved her job as an English teacher and loved the children. The only thing she didn't love was having connecting classrooms with Natsu. He would constantly come in to borrow supply's like paper, pens, and on one occasion her desk. He seemed to think he was the most charming thing to hit the earth and had no problems using it to get what he wanted. Leaving her with extra work and responsibilities while he got to be the laid back cool teacher. Quitting wasn't an option for lucy either, Fairy tail Academy was one of the most prestigious private schools in all of Fiore. The odds of her getting a better job teaching was slim to none.

The only way she was going to get time away from Natsu was to move. Every time someone would take an interest in her home Natsu would scare them away by just being him. He managed to scare off 15 possible buyers by: starting fights with his friends, throwing his computer out the window, setting things on fire, or checking the mail in his boxers. Not to mention the fact he didn't care for his property. The most he would do is pay the neighborhood kid, Romeo, to mow his lawn every couple of months. The worst part was the smell, it seemed his weird colored cat loved leaving leftover fish all over his property. She gave up trying to move a year ago and hoped he would move soon...VERY soon.

Now he was going after her babies, this was not happening, enough is enough. Over the last two and a half years she had kept her mouth shut about everything he did, to afraid to complain. She had always avoided confrontations even as a little kid. She had always been the meek girl with her head buried in a book hoping no one would notice her. It wasn't so much that she was a complete introvert, because she wasn't, it was more to do with the fact she was a huge coward. When bullied as a little girl she would just take the abuse, to much of a chicken to stand up for herself, that unfortunate habit ended up haunting her all the way up until now. It also didn't help that Natsu was one of the most handsome people she'd ever met. He was fit, with chiseled good looks, tan skin, dark onyx eyes and pink hair that surprisingly worked well for him and a scarf he always wears no matter how hot it is.

Lucy's inability to handle confrontation also ruined her relationships. Instead of dumping the pigs she dated immediately, lucy retreated into herself, hoping they would get bored of her and move on. She was a chicken, that was the only reason Natsu Dragneel got away with half the stuff he pulled. Well no more, those flowers had been the final straw.

She saw the garden hose in front of her and made a quick decision that her being pushed over would end now.

Natsu's POV

"What the hell" Natsu jumped up after being sprayed with freezing cold water. He suspected that Gray might have come over and sprayed him. What he didn't expect to see was his timid, blonde neighbor pointing a water hose directly at him. She clearly had lost her damned mind.

"Stay away from my Asters!" she yelled as she sprayed him again.

He couldn't help but laugh at her. He can't get his shy neighbor to speak to him, let alone interact with him on a normal day. Yet here she stood, long blonde hair pulled up into her usual ponytail, big brown eyes full of determination, and long shapely body holding a water hose ready to spray him again as if he was a cat.

Of course Natsu knew she looked stunning. It was the first thing he noticed about her the day he moved in. The second thing he noticed was that she was a very shy, skittish, and very frightened female.

After being stuck in that monstrous truck for five hours, and his anti motion sickness pills wearing off he thought he was gonna die. Unfortunately Natsu couldn't make it to a trash can or toilet which led him to throwing up all over his new neighbors front lawn.

Lucy hadn't even given him a chance to explain or apologize for throwing up on her lawn before she quickly walked in her house and locked the door. From then on she avoided him like the plague. If he gave her his usual boyish grin or tried talking to her, she would mumble to herself or completely ignore him. If he or one of his asshole friends broke anything on her property or if his little buddy snuck in her garbage she wouldn't say a word. It always bothered him that she disliked him so much and so quickly, hell even that asshole Gajeel didn't dislike him that much and they fought constantly. No matter what he did she wouldn't do anything. Hell he would fight someone for doing half the shit he did. Shit she never even called the cops or filed a complaint at work against him like many of his other coworkers did. He checked every time and her name didn't come up once. Thankfully Erza was able to handle the work complaints since she was the vice-principal. Granted she always scolded my for them.

It wasn't like he was trying to be an ass to her. That's just his personality, even if he was an asshole he was a like-able asshole most of the time. As glad as he was about her getting off her throne and talking to him, he was pissed at being soaked to the bone and having his treasured scarf wet.

Apparently he didn't move fast enough for Lucy's liking because she started spraying him again.

"Are you fucking insane Luigi?!' He growled as he took a step back. He knew that wasn't her name but he was pissed and wanted to get under her skin.

"Get away from my flower bed you demon and the name is L-U-C-Y" She yelled

"Your flower bed?"

"Yes my flower bed! I planted those flowers six months before you moved in" lucy shouted.

Natsu ran his fingers through his already disheveled hair. "That's not your flower bed sweetheart, it's on my property. You should've checked the fucking property line before planting them." He snapped.

He pointed to the two feet of space between their property where the flower bed continued all the way to the wood fence that started at the corner of her house and continued to the back, separating their back yards.

"You have five inches out from the wall of your house. Your property ends two inches before MY flower bed. That's why that stupid little white fence of yours starts against your house instead on the other side of the flower bed." He watched as she glared at the space between their houses.

Who ever built them was a real ass. They designed the houses so they could see into each other's bedrooms with only two feet to separate them. There was no privacy with the way their identical houses were designed.

He couldn't even bring a woman home without feeling like he was putting on a show. Granted he never brought a girl home to fuck. It wasn't like he actually had sex with them in his room, no women are only fucked at their houses or motels. He never in his entire adult life shared a bed with a woman, it was to much intimacy and sent the wrong message. The few times he made the mistake of relaxing in a woman's bed after a quick lay ended up serious mistakes. They always wanted to do pointless things like cuddling and ask the questions that made him cringe like "what are we now?" and "what would our kids look like?" No, he definitely wouldn't be sharing a bed anytime soon.

Thankfully his neighbor seemed to share the same feeling. He hated the idea of being woken up to the sound of his neighbor going to pound town at 3 in the morning. Thankfully that never happened or else he would have to move his hammock to the living room.

It's not like his sexy blonde neighbor didn't get noticed. He's seen several losers sneaking around her house over the last 2 years. She was easily out of all their leagues, well at least physically. Personality wise he could tell, even from a distance that they were pricks. He wasn't a Prince, not by any measure, in fact he always saw himself as a dragon. Which is exactly why any time he saw one of those bastards hanging around Lucy he would take it upon himself to drive them off. He even got close to deck a few of them due to how they treated her. None of them hit her, otherwise he would've killed them, but they definitely didn't deserve her. He didn't know why he cared, he just seemed to be drawn to her and, he would never admit this but, her delicious strawberry scent.

Lucy eyed the fence and the remaining flowers in the flower bed. She sighed heavily, "Fine if I made a mistake I'm sorry, but I replaced the last flower bed with the flowers from my moms own garden." Natsu nodded in relief, glad that it was settled. Those damn flowers would be gone and soon. He couldn't take another night like last night, he was running out of vinegar.

"I'll just move the flowers on to my side of the property." His eyes widened and took on a heated appearance at that announcement, "THE HELL YOU WILL!" He growled.

Hey guys, so I've been reading fanfics for a couple of years and wanted to see what it was like. So I wrote this to see what it was like. I took some inspiration from books and story's I've read in the past and added my own little twist to it. If y'all like it I'll continue if not then no harm done. If it's well received I'll update every week or so. See ya.