Amara's eyes snapped open and she drew in a sharp breath.

From her place sprawled on the living room carpet, she could see Rachel collapsed near the door. And there was no sign of Envy. Which meant only one thing.

She had to get to her dad's house before all hell broke loose.

In fact, she was astounded it hadn't already, given that her dad seemed to have been saddled with Edward and Pride for nearly as long as she'd been stuck with Envy.

She scrambled unsteadily to her feet. Of course she'd likely have some explaining to do with Rachel when the girl woke up…Amara rubbed a hand across her forehead in resignation. Right when she'd thought things were starting to sort themselves out, Truth went and dumped an even bigger problem on her…

Well screw him.

She'd prove to the little bastard she could handle anything he threw at her.

Although, she was genuinely concerned over the condition her poor, distracted father would be in after spending a week with the two, radically different yet equally troublesome boys. Still…after a week with Envy, she was pretty sure she could handle whatever she found when she got there.

She raised her head to glare at the ceiling defiantly.

Wherever the hell the creature was, she was sure he could see her.


-A/N-'s not the end. But it's 'an' end. :P

Thank you guys for hanging in there with me on this. I really appreciate all the positive feedback. I first wrote this story years ago, and then I started second guessing myself (I do that a lot, I'm slowly learning not to), and decided I risked causing moral damage to people by posting this because they might get some wrong idea about life in their heads.

The thing is, I'm a Christian. But something I've discovered over the past few years is that there are a lot of Christians in the world. I don't agree with all of them. There are a lot of non-Christians in the world. I actually get along pretty well with some of them. So I figure, you'll take my fiction in whatever light you please and roll with it. If you like it, you'll read it and tell me. If you don't like it, you probably won't waste your time telling me. And if you do, I will probably just laugh because I have had so much worse done to me than any random troll could ever hope to do that I'm virtually invulnerable at this point. XD

At least, that's my current way of looking at it. If you hate me, it'll hurt. But I'll get over and it move on with life. That's just what I do. The funny thing is, I've never actually gotten any haters on...well...anything I've done. Probably because I've never made it big enough to make anyone jealous. :P

In any case, I'm happy to tell you there is a sequel coming to this. The same one that I started posting a few years back, but now revamped and amplified with the help of my fellow writer Penelope Jadewing, who I actually met by chance on this site, and later, through a series of mindbogglingly inexplicable events, wound up meeting in person and becoming best friends with. She's been my critique partner for years now and vice versa, and now that we're at the point in our respective careers where we are ready to tackle the world of publishing, we're teaming up to write some stuff together. I'm actually working on the 3rd draft of my original WiP right now, and I plan to send it off to agents after this version is polished. However, I still enjoy writing fanfiction on the side, since I love the FMAB world and it's good practice.

Penelope is of a similar mind, since we originally bonded over FMAB, but ironically I introduced her to Naruto and she wound up getting into that in a major way. I've been her under-cover critique partner on her unfinished fanfiction As The Mask Cracks, and since she's been stuck on that lately I've offered to help co-write the current arc so she can get past it and continue on with it herself.

So the plan for Uninvited Company is that she is going to help me co-write More Uninvited Company. And I've already got a potential 3rd story in mind to continue afterwards, that may very well take place in the FMAB world. But we shall see. Don't want to put the cart ahead of the horse. :P My original fiction is the priority.

That said, I adore this fanfic. I'm having so much fun revamping it because it's got a completely different tone from my current original fic, which lends itself more towards the style of my The Beauty in Compassion fanfic (though I would like the think it's far better written than that fic was XD).

Anyway, enough of my blabbering. If you are interested in the sequel to this story, please fav or follow my account and you will be notified as soon as the sequel is posted (hopefully by the end of this week, if my life goes according to plan...). I also encourage you to leave a review, if only to say Hi or Thank you, because the sad reality of this site is that stories only get attention if they have reviews. It's the way we all "cherry pick" the best fiction (ie, what's worth wasting our time on). I don't really care one way or the other if this fic becomes popular, but I do like making people happy and so if you enjoyed it, please spread the love so other people will have the opportunity to enjoy it as well.

In the mean time, take care of yourselves, and I'll talk to you soon!

~ Kasani