As Courtney was falling through the air, she heard Bridgette's scream. Despite the situation, Courtney wasn't actually screaming. She had been lucky enough to be granted with an actual parachute. As Bridgette was about to fly past her, she also caught Bridgette by the hand.

"Oh, thank you so much Court!" Bridgette thanked.

"Yeah…" she mumbled, not really paying attention. Bridgette noticed this.

"You okay? Upset you didn't win this time?" she asked.

"Well, yes. I am upset about losing. But…"


"I-I don't know. I just feel bad."

"What do you mean? What do you feel bad about?" Bridgette pushed.

"I- nevermind. Nothing." Courtney refused. It was a pretty long and silent drop after that. Bridgette, though tempted to ask her what's wrong, stopped herself. When they landed on the ground somewhere in China, there was a jeep parked right next to their landing spot.

"You know we've been getting really lucky that we keep going to the exact location where they land." Courtney overheard one person in the jeep to the other.

As they climbed into the back of the jeep, Bridgette was determined to talk to the CIT.

"So, Courtney. How's C-"




"Uh… hi. So, as I was saying-"

"How's Geoff?"

"Hm? Oh, well I don't really know. I've been sent away so I don't kn- hey, wait! Stop distracting me! How're you and Cody?!" Bridgette practically yelled.

Courtney sighed. "Well, I don't know how to put this but… we never dated." To Courtney's surprise, Bridgette just laughed.

"Huh? What are you laughing for?" Courtney asked, clearly offended.

"Uh, sorry." Bridgete apologized, still trying to stop. "I mean, I think it was pretty obvious."

"Obvious what?"

"It was pretty obvious that you were faking."


"Well, first off. I watched it from a television stand point. Everyone who's eliminated knows. To be honest, I think Duncan's the only one who doesn't."

"Hm, oh well."

"Plus, you guys rarely held hands. I know you, Courtney. I understand that in a new relationship you're not gonna kiss." Courtney gave her a look. "Well, besides Duncan. But even then, you'd still a least hold hands."

Courtney sighs. "Yeah, you're right."

The next few days pretty boring. As Courtney and Bridgette were kicked out of the plane sometime in China's afternoon, they decided it was best to stay overnight. Courtney and Bridgette shared a room where they tried to keep their minds off of the competition. It didn't work however, so Courtney described everything that happened during the competition since Bridgette left. Despite Bridgette already knowing everything, it was a good time to vent about the problems that arose during that time. Everytime Alejandro was mentioned, Courtney could see Bridgette's eyes slit. The next morning, Bridgette, Courtney, and the two that picked them up packed their things and went to the airport. They were able to catch a plane to Canada. It was a nice plane ride home, and when they landed, they were taken to a resort.

The resort seemed very familiar. This is because it was the famous Playa Des Losers. As the boat they were on pulled into the dock. As they stepped out, they saw all the other contestants staring at them. Suddenly, in just a blur, Geoff had raced up and embraced Bridgette tightly. Unluckily, the force was so strong that they both were sent flying off the dock. Though Courtney didn't turn around, she could hear the kissing and moaning of Bridgette and Geoff.

When everyone had stopped staring at the couple in the water, all eyes turned to Courtney. It was complete and utter silence. Of course, no including Bridgette and Geoff. Courtney would've sworn that she could've heard heart beats had the two in the water not have been so loud.

"Erm, hello there." Courtney kindly, yet awkwardly greeted. No one responded. No one expected her to be eliminated, much less acting this kindly.

"H-Hi, Courtney!" to the surprise of everyone, Harold was the first to greet the C.I.T. back. Courtney especially didn't anticipate this.

She clenched her teeth. Even after all this time, she had still not forgiven the nerd. Her fists clenched, shaking. Surprising everybody, she slowly nodded towards Harold. After this, everyone slowly came to their senses and stopped acting braindead.

"Hey, Courtney!"

"How are ya?"

"Too bad you lost."

"We were all rooting for you."

"What about that time you said you wished she were eliminated? Or the other time? Or the othe-"

"Izzy, shut up!"

"Hi, Clarisse!"

"Hello everyone." Courtney responded. "If you'll excuse me, I'd like a moment of rest." she said, squeezing past all the people staring at her. When she entered the hotel, an intern led her to her room. After thanking the intern, she threw her stuff on the floor and collapsed on her bed. She put her hands on her face as tears came out. The emotions had finally caught up with her. Despite being able to hold back for a day, she just had to let her emotions out. The next thirty minutes were spent either lightly crying, throwing her pillows around the room, or trying to calm herself down.

Eventually, it became dinner time. Bridgette knocked on her door a few times, but Courtney didn't answer. After a minute or two, the knocking ceased, and Courtney let out a long sigh. She closed her eyes, and then promptly fell asleep.

The next morning, she woke up to her alarm clock. She got dressed, brushed her teeth, and overall just got ready. She stepped outside the hotel to go get some food. Luckily for Courtney, most people were doing their own things. There was a group volleyball session, with most of the contestants watching the match. Courtney grabbed some eggs and toast and sat down.

"Hey there." she heard someone say. She turned to see Geoff sitting right beside her.

"Oh, hello Geoff. Where's Bridgette?" she asked.

"Oh, she's watching the game." Geoff replied.

"Why aren't you with her?" Courtney asked.

"Well, I've been here a few weeks. I've seen a LOT of volleyball. And played a lot. I never thought I'd get tired of it, but it takes a lot out of ya." Geoff answered, giving a laugh.

"Hey, I'm sorry you didn't get to join the competition." Courtney apologized.

"No, no. It's not your fault. Plus, I'm actually a little glad I didn't participate. The challenges you guys did were inSANE! I don't think I could've slid down the Statue of Liberty, let alone climb it!"

"Heh, yeah. It was pretty scary. And… dramatic." This paused both of them.



"Did Duncan ever talk about me?"

"Hm? What do you mean? I thought you guys were together a lot."

"I know, it's just, the times I couldn't see him? Did he speak of me?"

"Um… yeah? L-loads!"

"You're lying, aren't you?" Geoff sighs.

"Yeah. He never actually mentioned you. But, hey. Why do you care?"

"Why do I care? Why do I care!? We dated for year! Sure, it may have been on and off, but it was still a year! That's significant! I'm glad to be done with him!"


"I mean, I'm so happy that I don't have to speak to or about him! I'm free! It's so liberating. He was so horrible!"

"Uh, Court?"


"You're kinda speaking about him a lot."

"Oh, darn it!"

"Listen Courtney. I know Duncan was a huge part of your life. But, there's so many other people. The people here are awesome! They may have their… quirks. But they are genuinely kind and nice. Well, most of them." Geoff said, with a side glance to Heather and Eva. Courtney chuckled.

"Courtney. Duncan was a massive step in your life. But talking to the people here can get you over him. Okay?" Geoff concluded. Before Courtney could respond, Bridgette came jogging up.

"C'mon Geoff. It's almost over. Oh, hello Courtney!" she said. She took Geoff's hand and jogged off.

"Thanks Geoff." Courtney whispered.

From that day onward, Courtney was much more involved in the group. She talked to the others. She actually partook in activities. It was all nice. Then, the boat came.

That morning was unlike any other. Courtney got up and got ready. She had breakfast with everybody when they heard a foghorn. Courtney was confused, though all the others all rushed to the dock.

"It's the next person!" Bridgette explained. Courtney walked over to the dock.

When the person stepped off the dock, Courtney's head spun.

"Gwen." she whispered.

Author's Note: Hello everyone! Merry Christm- hm? Wait, what do you mean check the clock? OH MY GOD! Guys, I'm incredibly sorry for the long wait. You have no idea how much I want to apologize. I promised the next chapter would be weeks ago. I promise this story isn't over. I will go through with this story to the end. I will say you should partially blame Smash Ultimate. (BTW I'm maining Roy and K Rool, and am partially playing Lucas and Chrom). I've also been spending time with friends and family.

Sorry for the cliffhanger, but I really wanted to get this chapter out before the new year. I can't promise when the next chapter will be. It will focus on Courtney again though. It will be the next chapter I work on though. As of right now it is 10:43 pm for me. So, it'll soon be 2019. I really hope the the memes are better than this years. This year sucked in terms of memes. Anyways! I'll see you guys next year! Buh bye!