Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter! I am nowhere near owning it! *sobs*


"Padfoot?" James Potter asked.

"Hmm?" Sirius Black, his friend, responded, his fingers lightly touching the page of a book.

"I'm bored. Let's do something."

At this Sirius turned towards him. "What are you suggesting?"

James hesitated. "Weeellll... go get Moony, Wormtail, and Evans. Then I'll tell you."

Sirius sighed. After fetching everyone, they all looked expectantly at James, who had a mischivous look on his face.

"Look, all. I just found a time-turner," they gaped at it as he pulled it out of his pockert, "and I want to use it."

"James, where did you get that?" Lily asked, the first to snap out of gaping at the time-turner.

He smirked at her. "I'm not going to tell you that just now."

She sighed and threw her hands up. Sirius practically yanked it out of James' hands as he threw the chain over his head. "Come on, guys! This'll be fun!"

Peter scurried in immediately, but Remus and Lily were skeptical at first.

"I suppose that if we don't come, you guys will go anyway, sooo... it's better for us to come," Remus reasoned.

Lily agreed, and soon they were all in the loop. James excitedly took a hold of the turner and started to turn it. Peter accidentally hit James' elbow with his, causing the turning to go out of control.

"Wormtail!" James' stared at the time-turner, shell-shocked.

"Sorry! Sirius was tickling me!" Peter cried.

The five disappeared from their time and, after a few seconds, appeared suddenly in front of - Grimmauld Place?!

"Padfoot-your-what-house-Grimmauld-what?!" James spluttered.

Sirius stood, gaping, at his house. Well, if you could even call it that. He shook his head. No, he couldn't be back here again! He had just run away, he... he couldn't be back here again!

Then again, it was a different time, so it might be different. But was it the future or the past? They had no idea what time they were in.

The five cautiously snuck into the house. They heard a faint chatter in the kitchen, so they fearfully walked up the stairs, which creaked too much for their liking, to Sirius' room. They stopped on every floor to make sure that nobody was on the floor. Each time they stopped they heard nothing.

They finally stepped into his room and looked around. It was a mess. There were multiple faded Gryffindor banners on the wall. There were also pictures of motorcycles, his friends (there was only one of these), and muggle women in bikinis. He flushed at this part.

He slowly walked around until he noticed two pieces of paper on the floor. He picked them up and begin to read them. He frowned, and handed them to Lily, as they were sent by her. She read them and her eyes got wide.

"This is the future! I - we have a son named Harry! I can't wait to meet him!"

"When you say we, who are you talking about?" James asked cautiously.

"I can't believe this, but... me and you."

He does a mini fist-pump and she rolled her eyes. Remus was reading the letter when they heard the door creak. They all glanced up to see three teenagers standing in the doorway, all three of them holding a wand.