SAI: Hey everyone! I just started to play this insane game that is too cool and got inspired to create this fic! Hehehe. This is my first try in writing a Yandere fic. So, no flames please!

Warning: Dark Senpai coming up! Blood and Gore! Hey! It's Yandere Simulator so there's bound to be blood and gore. Mispelled words and grammar mistakes. English is not my mother tongue.

Disclaimer: Yandere Simulator belongs to YandereDev. I'm just a writer who wants to write my own perspective on the characters hehe. OC's are mine.


There was a girl name Ayano that nicknamed herself as Yandere-chan. The reason? Simply, because for the first time she felt alive. Not like the cold and hollow empty soul she was once. Being alive, got her to feel a thrill, a longing, and a heart burning craving.

And it all started when she bumped into an upperclassman of hers. Taro Yamada as info-chan had reported to her. She was enamored with everything that he was from the apple he eats, the pencil he chews, the gum that he spits, even from the boxer he wears. For our lovable and deadly Yandere-chan he was perfect.



But is Taro or Senpai really what we thought he is?

Taro Yamada was an anomaly, first and foremost for a guy with black hair and equally black eyes he looked plain. Yet the question is that, why is it there are still so many who admire him. Well, the answer to that would be, Taro Yamada wasn't your regular high-school boy. In fact when he was just a first year in Akademi high he was notorious for being one of the meanest freshman who ever enrolled. Taro's style wasn't always clean back then. With a spiky hair and piercing on his ears he was a total bad ass. The girls back then loved him and the delinquents in the school worship the ground he walks on. Taro was in it all for the thrill, the torture he can administer, and the fear he would see when he saw his victims. It got worse when he - like a certain person we knew- fell for an upperclassman, her name was Aya Nadeshiko. A student from class 3-1 and she was had long black hair and blackish grey eyes, a heart shape faced and natural pink lips, Aya was known for intelligence, beauty and kindness. She is known by everyone as Angel-chan for they all see her as the kindest person ever. And for Taro who was rebellious at that time, Angel-chan was an addiction he wanted to have and no one else should have.

Then came, the stalking. He stalked her endlessly and even her boyfriend at that time was sent to the hospital in a coma as Taro and his peers made quick work of that unfortunate person. Taro made himself the center of Aya's world until Aya herself couldn't handle it anymore.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! Get away from me!" was the words Aya shouted at him. So it is now surprise that those very same words was what he used to a kouhai who would accidentally or intentionally bump into him. That phrase alone, shook him. Coupled with Aya's moving to another town and leaving his presence once and for all. Taro's world became bleak and dull.

A year past and Taro changed his appearance, cut all ties with the delinquents yet some of them still wants him to return to his roguish ways. And settled for being known as the boy who reads at the center of the fucking fountain! He was the only one who sat there. True he could feel the gazes of the groups of girls and boys at his sides, but he ignored it. And he knew for a fact that those gazes were not innocent or inquiring because they knew what he was once, they were afraid he would just snap.

Did you really think, that the Student Council was close to him because he's your typical kind person?

Haven't you wondered why he's always sitting on the edge of the fountain all by himself?

Why doesn't he have anyone of the boys he could talk to?

Why doesn't he socialize?

Why is that the book he's reading has no title? For it isn't just your ordinary book.

Why is that in his class, his chair was situated at the very back near the window? For Senpai never really cared about class, he only reads a book in his lap to never arouse any suspicion on him. After all, he has been suspicious enough in his younger years.

And the question: Why is it that when our Yandere-chan would get close to him. His words are "Are you…. okay?" Because dear readers, Taro Yamada knew that look glinting in Ayano's eyes. It was the very same look that he had given once to a certain senpai of his back then as well. This phrase he use was mocking and he continues to say it. And it wasn't because he cared or he was crept out. It was because he was challenging our Yandere-chan by that simple phrase, it literally means.


"Are you pretending just like me?

With all this skeletons in Senpai's closet you probably are asking. Why does info-chan have no clue about it? Well, dearie info-chan's life has always revolved in Ayano for she is the daughter of Ryoba Aishi the bane of her existence, the reason why her father had to go away. Plus, it also helps that Taro's father is influential in his own way that got any records of his son's devious ways wiped out.

And now, dearest reader.




Do you still think Senpai's perfect?

SAI: Hate it or Love it?

Please read and review 😊