"So that's what the 'kidnappings' were. I should have figured all the victims were already dead. Do you think Ozpin knew Salem was somehow involved?" Raven Branwen calmly asks from across table.
The tone of her voice says she's not actually asking about Ozpin. Rather, she's asking if I still trust his judgment. It's only been a week. Is she already over it, or did she just not care?

"There's no doubt that I was the safer choice to continue the investigation. But I definitely wouldn't have been able to discover the same leads like Summer did. Still, we should have traded places after acquiring enough intel. Especially after figuring out she was being targeted." I say this with guilt to my older sister. I want to believe in Ozpin.

But it really should have been me out there instead.

"Qrow. She made her choice. If there was one thing Summer was selfish about, it was her selflessness. She didn't want to put anyone else 'in danger.'" Raven's matter-of-fact way of speaking really pisses me off sometimes.
"It was a stupid move. Salem's men were specifically targeting individuals with silver eyes. You know Ozpin would have recognized this pattern. Summer wasn't just chosen at random—and she likely already knew. But, she committed to the decision."

She's not wrong. I can't deny that. Nonetheless, strategically speaking, Summer was, unfortunately, the perfect candidate. She would have eventually been followed by the very people she was seeking, so of course she'd pick up the right clues faster than I could have.
She wouldn't have had to search like I would—the leads would literally come to her.

"You still don't know why he didn't tell her, do you?" Raven asks, claiming to know the answer.

"If you're going to give me another speech about how much you hate Ozpin and our cause, save it. I have enough to deal with trying to take care of Tai from a distance since I'm not welcome anymore. Getting into a bar fight with you is trouble I don't need."

"Your 'cause?' You don't even know what you're fighting for, Qrow. You don't even understand the man's motives, good or bad. You're going to regret blindly following him. Frankly, I'm surprised you still do. Especially after all this."
She leans back into her chair and crosses her arms. She could at least look me in the eye after insulting me. But, in a different tone, she asks, "Have you forgotten? What color are her daughter's eyes? Of course Ozpin didn't tell her. She'd have done something far more reckless, sooner."

I hate to admit it, but Raven's right. Ruby. She has the same silver eyes.
If Ozpin told Summer the full details behind the kidnappings, who knows what she'd have done to protect Ruby. Summer, of all people, was apparently killing those bandits without mercy.
She used to try saving everyone she could. Even her enemies. I can't imagine Summer being driven crazy enough to kill so coldly.

She should have just run away from the beginning. Instead, she clearly wanted them all dead.

"So now that you get it, do you still believe in Ozpin? You're going down the wrong path, Qrow." She has the audacity to call it the "wrong" path? Despite her lifestyle?

"I don't want to argue about that anymore, Raven. I'm tired. Give me a break. I'm still mourning." I still remember looking through the other side of that portal. I'm glad Raven warped to me instead of Tai.
He was so broken after Raven left him.

I can't imagine him moving on if he saw how horribly Summer died.

"So what exactly happened after Salem... did what she did? Your portal closed before I could jump through, and all I saw at the end was," I hesitate. This is a painful sentence to finish.
Seeing Summer's chest ripped open is not an easy thing to remember. "Summer... collapsing."

Raven stays silent. We haven't been on good terms for years now, but she's still my sister. My family. She had to face Salem in person, alone. I shouldn't remind her of that. "Did Summer at least die instantly?"

"No." She gives the answer I didn't want to hear. She could have at least lied to me. Like she always does.
"She... did something. She fell to the ground. All I had left was my spare dagger, but she did something."

"Salem? Or Summer?" I ask. Raven is never this shaky in her speech.

"Summer. I think. There was this white flash. It was only for an instant, but after that, Salem's presence just disappeared. So, no. I didn't get to fight her and discover any weaknesses, if that's what you're asking."

"I see." I'll have to ask Ozpin about this light. If it was from Summer, then—and I hate thinking like this—but maybe one day it could save Ruby, too.
"Raven. What were Summer's last words?"

Silence again. That look on her face makes me regret asking. Maybe she did care about Summer after all.

"What you would expect, honestly." She says, looking down at the floor. "She wanted me to 'believe.' She said that if we all reunited, we could defeat Salem. Together." Raven doesn't sound convinced.
"But most of all, she wanted me to promise to take care of the kids. To be happy again. To be a good mother for Yang and her daughter."

As I would expect from Summer. On the other hand, Raven's despair was a somewhat of a surprise. But I know my sister enough to doubt her. To be sure...

"So. You lied to her, right?"

"Yeah. I did."


~~~Patch, just after midnight.~~~

There's some really loud noises downstairs. Did uncle Qrow come back? Daddy sounds mad again. I hope he's not mad. I miss uncle. They got mad at each other and Uncle Qrow went to a different house.

"Psssst. Wake up sleepyhead!" Big sis whispers while poking my face. It's annoying!

"I'm awake! Stoppit!"

"Shhh! Be quiet, crazy! We're gonna check on daddy. Remember the cookie jar?"

I nod. It's so high up now. Daddy put it where uncle Qrow used to put all his fancy water.

"Good. Yesterday, I found how to get it! We're gonna get some for daddy, Kay?"

"Yeah! Another mission, Yang?"

"Yup! But we have to be super quiet so uncle Qrow doesn't hear us. He's got super good hearing. He finds us all the time, everywhere, remember?"

Bvvvt! I zip my lips and follow big sis. Super top secret! We'll give them both cookies so they stop fighting. I'm glad uncle Qrow is back.
On the way down the stairs, I keep hearing daddy saying mommy's name. Is mommy okay? He sounds sad. I hope we still have medicine. Just in case. Oh no!
Clunk! I tripped! Yang's gonna kill me!

"Shhhh! Ruby, are you okay?"
Uh-oh. I think they heard Yang. They made noises when she said that. The window just opened! No, Uncle Qrow! Don't leave!

"Wait!" I open the door and run in. But uncle Qrow isn't here. There's just a black bird on the window. Why's it staring at me? It's creepy!
"Daddy? Where's mommy?" He was saying her name earlier.

"Oh, sweetheart... Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up." He sounds so sad.

"Are you sad daddy? Yang and I wanna give you cookies." Uh. Huh!?
"Hey! Daddy?"

He just picked me up and started hugging me, but he's shaking a lot. "Daddy, did mommy get sick on the mission? We have some medicine still, so it's okay."

"Ruby, mommy's on a really important mission. She's gonna be gone for a long time. I'm sorry sweetie."

No... No no no! I haven't seen mommy in FOREVER. Doesn't she miss us? Why can't she visit? I... I'm gonna cry. I don't like this.

Big sis finally walks in now, kinda slow though. "Ruby! It's okay, don't cry. I overheard from uncle Qrow one time that Summer hangs around Anima a lot. You remember that big place on the map?"
I nod.

"They've got super good food there. She's probably getting cool stuff for us. Right daddy?" Daddy doesn't say anything. He just stopped moving. Yang's right though. So, squeeze!

"Hey, Ruby, that tickles!" Hmph. Hugs are supposed to make you happy, not laugh. He always cheers up Yang does it like that.

Yang's at the window now. Uh, she kinda jumped?
"Hi birdy! I missed you!" Yang says. I guess she forgot the cookies. Abort mission!
"Daddy," Yang's pulling on daddy's sleeve, "can we keep that bird? I made a comfy box with a little blanket in my room. I'll take good care of it!"

Daddy looks at big sis and the bird over and over. "Ah, sorry sweetie. Birds like that are bad luck. It's no good. We can't have it in the house."

"Awwww! Please?"

"Yang, trust me. It's no good."

"Are you suuure? Summer really likes this kind of bird. She said it was a raven, just like my mom! Isn't that cool!?"

Uh oh... Daddy's mad. "Yang."
He's breathing super hard, but he's not as loud now. Maybe he's not mad.
"Yang, just listen to me. Okay? That's not a good kind of bird to have in the house. But when you're older—both of you—we can get a pet. I promise. Don't you two like puppies?"

"REALLY!?" I'm so happy!
"I love puppies!"

Daddy tells me some weird stuff about when I'm older. But that's what he ALWAYS says. He better not forget, or I won't forgive him! Looks like big sis is saying bye to the birdy.

She's waving her arms all crazy by the window. "Shoo! Shoo! Sorry birdy. But my daddy doesn't like you. So you've gotta go. I'm gonna miss you! But you can't keep coming back, okay?"
She leans in close to it, but it doesn't get scared away. Cool! I think she's whispering.
"But pssst! I bet he'll like you if you can get Summer to come home. You gotta go now, though."

It's just staring at her. Aww. I don't think it wants to leave. Oh wait! There it goes! It probably wasn't very happy, though.

"Daddy, can birds cry too?" I ask.

"No, sweetie. I've never seen one cry before."

~~~~~12 years later. Above Haven's Vault~~~~~

An entire decade, and the cycle continues.
Still, I have to stay focused for Vernal and our soon to be guests. Keeping that relic under my control and out of Yang's hands is the only way I can protect both my daughter and my tribe. She can handle this "Cinder" character.

"There is no beating Salem!" I scream at my brother and the children he's damning.

Summer's daughter steps forward. From her delusional beliefs to the ridiculous hood, she is just too familiar.

Just like a painful memory, twelve years ago.


We were so close. Qrow was right there, on the other side of the portal that just closed, and something is preventing me from opening another.
The moment I saw Salem's hand in my face—that pale as death skin, I panicked. I was so fixated on the hand that I didn't notice the blood. Nor where it came from. I didn't even realize that I dropped Summer and let her fall to the ground.
I sense it. Salem's behind me. This haunting laughter in my head is coming from the monster behind me.

"Have you completely forgotten about your friend? I wanted to see you despair, but my—you're selfish. First, you didn't warn her. Now you won't even look down to check on her." Her echoing laughter in my head continues.

My sword is far beyond reach. All I have left is this dagger. I'm sorry Summer. I thought she'd have vanished, like at the camp. I didn't think she'd be here in person.
I take a deep breath and turn to face the witch. I look down at Summer. Our eyes meet. There's no strength in her body left, but she still has it in herself to smile. Trying to console me? I wonder.

The sudden flash of white was at least painless. To think I believed the witch was giving me a moment with my dying friend. I had hoped that Yang would search for me one day; to be with her mother, to be my heiress to lead the tribe. Now, I can only hope that she never has to face Salem.

Except Salem's gone. My vision returns. The area is clear. My semblance is free again. She's really gone. I'm... safe?

Summer, did you do this?

I rush to her side and carefully place my arms beneath her, although I know she'll be dead before I can carry her to safety. She knows it, too. She slowly shakes her head, rejecting my gesture. Her lips are shaking. These are going to be her final words. I lean in closer. All she can manage are short whispers. Most people would die from shock by now, but she...

"Raven. I know. You were mad. So long. Please. Closure. Say it now."

...keeps herself alive to bring me peace. And we don't have time for me to waste on hesitation.

"Summer, I hated you. You've been a source of my shame for the past few years. But," I can't pause because of my shame, I remind myself. She's dying.
I continue, "It's because I was jealous. You're a better leader. A better wife. A better mother. Everything I wish I could have had in my life. Everything that fate won't allow me. I'm sorry. For everything."
Her pained smile. I hope she's happy. She asked for the truth. But perhaps I should have done her a favor and lied. The truth is ugly. Her already faint whispers are even quieter now.

"Don't cry, angel. Your eyes. Too pretty. Like rubies." I vaguely recall her telling me this once before. Now isn't the time for your silly jokes, Summer.
"Ruby. Ruby. Ruby!" She's gasping now, as if trying to scream those words. Should I feel ashamed for forgetting that was her daughter's name?
"Raven, please. Believe. The team. We can win. Salem. We can. Together."
She sounds as though she's trying to cough, but can't muster the strength to. Whatever she says next will be the last.

"Please. Care for Yang. Ruby. Promise me. You can. You are. A good mom."
I see she wasn't joking earlier. The tears landing on her face really are mine.

"Promise. Please. Be happy."

I know she can't feel it anymore, so I take her hand and hold it where she can at least see. She's one of the most perceptive people I know. She's hard to fool. This time, I hope I succeed. I owe her at least this one favor.
Wrapping her fingers in mine, I lie to her.

"I promise, Summer."


This girl's voice is just as grating as her mother's.

"You're wrong. We've done things that most people would call impossible, and I know the only reason we were able to do it is because we didn't do it alone! We had people to teach us. People to help us. We had each other!"

These words. I can't help but feel as though I've heard them before.

"Work with us. At least I know we'll have a better chance if we try together," the girl continues. Shaken, but certain.

It's as though she's trying to say what her mother couldn't finish. Would you be proud of your daughter, Summer?

"Please." She begs, repeating a gesture I can't bring myself to forget. I recall the face of the woman that saved my life so many years ago.
Another war in another decade, but I still find myself haunted by the outstretched hand of a Rose.

Yang. Tai.
I'll always love you both, but there's no turning back. Tomorrow is a new day, and there are oaths to keep.
I will steel my mind with the steel in my hand.

"You sound," I glare into final fragment of Summer's legacy, "just like your mother."

About the epilogue:
"You sound just like your mother" is an allusion to Volume 5.

At the end of Volume 5, Yang and Raven share an emotional exchange that I interpreted as Yang's final cry for help; One last chance for Raven to do the right thing—to save her daughter.

Raven's decision, and the emotion she displayed, are what inspired me to write this story.

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed it.