Age 687, fifty years before the destruction of Planet Vegeta. A young Saiyan female warrior named Amil was training alone in the wastelands. She fought, killed, and ate the wildlife she could find and used her power to smooth out the craggy rocks. The girl was small, standing at five-foot-nothing. Her ebony hair only looked slightly less unkempt than the other Saiyans, short, straight, with bangs going across her forehead. Of course she was fit, though rather slim, making her appear weaker than she was and her fair skin was covered in dirt. Her brown eyes lacked shine, but they were still fierce and expressive. The expression was usually anger or contempt.

As this was long before Frieza's Army annexed Planet Vegeta and had the Saiyans work for him, she didn't have the fancy armor that her people would later be known for wearing. She wore the dark brown pelt of an animal from the planet, using her tail as a belt.

But then there was the question of why she felt the need to train in these dull wastelands rather than with her people. Surely, she would get a better challenge from one of her own as opposed to these simple beasts. In truth, it was because her people were simple as well. Sure, they were powerful, but their world view was too small for her liking. She was always fascinated by the legends of the Saiyans that most had scoffed at. She aspired to be a legend herself, and wanted to achieve that on her own.

Well… she would get part of that desire.

In the middle of her training, the ground began to tremble, violently. It was a massive earthquake. It caused a fissure that opened up beneath her and swallowed her. Amil was so surprised by this that she forgot to consider flight until rocks began to fall on top of her and strike her on the head. She fell unconscious as the planet buried her alive.

But not all hope was lost. Before she lost her breath, a voice came to her, one she had never heard before. It was loud and sounded incredibly powerful, shaking Amil to her core.


There was a bright light and the Saiyan's eyes flew open only to find herself in a place she had never seen before. A strange courtyard where the sky was a black void. Amil noticed that there was a bright light behind her, causing her to cast a long shadow. She turned around and was overcome with shock as she saw a colossal green dragon that grew from the dazzling light. The powerful creature went on for mile upon miles, high into the sky, curling and weaving, with its mighty head dipping down to look at the young woman.


The voice came again and Amil realized it had come from the dragon. She was once again blinded by light as the creature vanished in a flash before seven orbs flew into the air and scattered, causing sky to go from black to a crystal clear blue. The Saiyan stared up the sky, awe now being replaced with a blank look. She had so many questions, but her brain had yet to fully process it all yet, so she wasn't sure how to feel. Hard to blame her really, many would have a difficult time grasping this situation.

Her ears perked as she heard footsteps approach her. Amil turned around and saw a lavender haired man in a trench coat and a sword strapped to his back approach her. She took a fighting stance, ready for anything at this point.

"You're surprised, I'm sure," The man said.

"That… is one word for it," Amil said, eyeing up this stranger. She could tell just by looking at him that he was strong.

"I'll have to explain it all to you later," he told her as he drew the sword from his back, "For now, let's see how much power you have."

Amil smirked at this. A fight was familiar territory, and she would be glad to enter it. Without further words, she darted towards the swordsman, skillfully dodging his blade and elbowing him in the stomach, causing him to stagger. He was apparently weaker than she first thought. At least, that what went through her mind before his boot promptly collided with her head, sending her flying into a tree.

Now her brain was truly rattled. But she didn't let it affect her long. Amil knew that she couldn't play around like she was used to doing. This was serious, so she had to be as well. She flew at her opponent, who withdrew his sword, and they began exchanging blows. Mid-fight, the man drew his sword once again and swung at Amil, but she easily dodged again.

The man smiled and his overall body language changed. The young woman could tell that the fighting was done, and she was disappointed since she had just gotten into the groove. The man threw his sword into the air and approached Amil.

"You were chosen. Chosen by Shenron," He spoke these vague words as he tilted to the side a bit and his sword landed perfectly back into its scabbard, "Sorry for immediately getting into a fight by the way."

"I'm more disappointed by the premature end," Amil told him.

The man let out a laugh, "How about I introduce myself? I'm Trunks… and I'm currently on a mission. As you can see, this place is not the world you're familiar with."

"Yeah, I got that from the giant gear statue, the dragon, and all that, thanks," Amil said, feeling rather annoyed that he made such an obvious statement, "So, did I die or something? Is this the afterlife?"

"Oh, no, this is the Toki Toki world," Trunks explained, "Where the flow of time gathers. You can call us the Time Patrol."

"…Okay, I have so many questions…" The Saiyan said, rubbing her temple, "I'll settle with 'why am I here?' for now…" Normally she would be more forceful and… violent with her questioning, but she knew that this Trunks fellow was very strong, so the civil approach would actually be the quickest way for her to get answers this time around. It felt so very wrong.

"Well… when history goes off course, a false timeline is created," the man said, "We work to correct any of these changes in history. And you have been summoned here to help us with that."

"Ugh, sounds like way too much trouble and work," Amil said, turning her back to him, "Not my style."

"Oh, but I haven't gotten to the best part yet," Trunks said with a sly smirk, "You get to fight all throughout history, even against the most legendary warriors and dangerous forces. Is that more to your style?"

Upon hearing this, the Saiyan's ear perked up and there was a flash in her eyes. She looked to Trunks were a wide grin.

"Where do I sign up?"