"Rise and shine, Arthur?" Merlin drew apart the curtains, Knowing it irritates him and smiles when he hears a grumbling Arthur. "You have hunting trip planned for today and training with the knights.

"Cancel all of that." Arthur said as he sat up and held a hand to his head. He hadn't slept well, because he was kept up all knight from everything he had discovered.

Merlin started to pour Arthur a glass of water and instead of leaving it on the table, he brought it to him. "Are you alright, Arthur?"

He gladly took the cup from Merlin's hand and drank some of it before giving his answer. "Honestly, no."

"Oh. Is it something I can help with?"

Arthur looks up from his cup and searches Merlin's face for any signs of betrayal. Once he doesn't see anything there, he looks back into his cup. "Perhaps..." He moves to the side of the bed a little and pats the open space he made. "...Sit."

"Umm...okay, you must really not be feeling well." Merlin smiled, and sat where Arthur asked him to. "What is it?"

"Merlin...May I ask your opinion again?"

"Of course."

"I have unfortunately come to realize that I don't know the people in my life the way I thought I knew them, and I want to know what you would do if what's happened to me...happened to you."

"Sure, but why ask me?"

"Because...I've known you longer. Sometimes I think you know me best...So, will you listen?"

"Well, considering you just cancelled the rest of your day away, I don't see why not."




"You were going to ask me a question?"

"Ah, right...So, what would you do if you found out that someone you knew trusted someone else more than you, yet they still call you friend?"

Merlin leaned back a little looking at the top of Arthur's bed frame. "Hmm...Well, I would probably wonder their reasoning. I would also have to determine if the new person can be trusted with my friend, and chances are if my friend trusted someone else more, that would probably mean that this new person has something unique to give my friend that I can't give. I would feel heartbroken, but if that new person makes my friend happy I think I'd like to meet them to see what's so trustworthy."

"What would you do if the new person was a sorcerer?"

At this Merlin rubbed the back of his neck and gave a nervous laugh. "My opinion on magic...is different from yours, Arthur."

"So tell me. I promise I will not harm you."

Merlin gave a slight smile and nodded. "If I found out this new person, who my friend trust very much, was a sorcerer I would try to make sure of a few things...is my friend enchanted, is he being forced to trust this new person, and is it what they truly want...if none of the answers are bad then I would have to believe in my friend. There is probably a rereason why they didn't tell me, and I'm sure they will in his own time."

"What is your opinion on magic, Merlin? just out of curiosity?"

Hoping Arthur stays true to his word, he decides to answer honestly. "Well, I know that all you've really ever seen is when magic has been used for evil, but I believe it can be used for good. I think magic is a lot like your sword or any other sword."

"In what way?"

"Well, you use your sword to defend and protect. Others may use a sword to attack and kill. It is a tool that can be used for either side. I just don't see why so many choose to use it for evil. Anyway, is there anything else you wwanted to ask?"

"Yeah..." Arthur answered, slightly shocked at Merlin's reply. "What would you do if you learned something important that you didn't know aboit your friend?"


'Damn...um...' "Well, what if you discovered that he was actually a royal the entire time?"

"How long have you been friends with them?"

"Seems like forever..." He answers as he looks down at his hands, remembering how much they were shaking last night...today is no different.

"I think I would feel betrayed, but if I've known someone like you know your friend...I would try and understand exactly why it was kept a secret. Something that important should have a reasonable explanation."

"You think so? I thought I knew him...but it turns out I knew very little."

"Well, do you trust him?"

"With my life." He answers with a dry laugh. "However, he doesn't trust me."

"What makes you say that?"

"He thinks that if I find out who he really is...a royal...that I would either try and use him, that I would no longer care for him, and that I could easily toss him out of my life after such a long friendship. I overheard him talking with...a few druids...one of which he seemed to trust a great deal more than me."

"Again, there is probably a logical explanation. It may be a painful one, but logical, for starters...you are a royal just like him and he trusts someone who practices magic...he perhaps doesn't want to risk his friendship for those very reasons. He hadn't told you about being a royal, fine...you can get over that and create a new friendship with it...but you still don't trust magic...and your friend does. He probably knows how much you value him and he doesn't want you to have to choose between friendship or your values as well as the law...Can I ask you something, Arthur? Like you've been asking me?"


"Well, what would you do if your friend was a sorcerer instead of simply knowing one?"

"I would ask why he didn't tell me...but I would already know the answer...I would probably then ask him why he would choose to be friends with me of all people, but then again...you're my best friend...Warlock or not and I refuse to throw you in the pyre."

"Wait...what? Arthur you...I'm not a...

"Yesterday Gwaine and I followed you into the forest because when we were at the lake he saw your scars...when we went to ask Gaius about it he only told us about the whip marks...so...we followed you and waited near a clearing for something to happen and then we see you call the bloody dragon and we watch you vent. My friend I've been talking about...is you. Though you aren't a royal you are a lord...a dragonlord."

"Y-you followed me? On my day off?"

Arthur couldn't help but laugh at his friend. He laughed until it hurt to breathe and everytime he looked up he kept seeing such a displeased look on Merlin. "T-Thats what you got from that? Of course that's what you got from it! You're the most powerful creature of magic yet somehow you are still an idiot."

"HEY! I've saved your life more times than i care to count."

"Oh, I believe it!"

The rest of the day they fought and argued but mostly talked about Merlin being a warlock and everything he's done for Arthur...but neither of them knew that since they started talking that there was an amused Gwaine, and a proud Gaius just outside the door...and off into a far distance a powerful and humorous dragon breathing out the words, "Finally!"