*Fakhouri sits at her desk cleaned but the rest of the studio had a layer of dust...still..*
Fakhouri: "When I first posted this story just like my other story I wasn't expecting much...So when I saw the interest my brain overrode my instinct to write on my other story instead of a new chapter for this one. Anyways I am grateful that there is interest in this story. So in response to reviews here is our person saying the disclaimer!"
*She pushes a button on her desk and a plume of smoke and dust appears*
?: "What the?"
Fakhouri: "Mirajane Strauss!"
Mirajane: "What am I doing here?
Fakhouri: "I need you to say a disclaimer."
Mirajane: "Oh ok."
Fakhouri: *Blinks* "Really? No questions or anything?!"
Mirajane: "Not really."
Fakhouri: "Ok then...Just say the disclaimer and you can leave."
Mirajane: *Nods before giving an eerily calm smile* This fucker doesn't own shit." *She then disappears in a similar fashion*
Fakhouri: "SON OF A-!"
*Last Time*
Natsu's eyes widened as Mira finished.
"She's dead.."
Natsu's blood ran cold, "Lisanna's.."
His mind flashed to the smiling face of his best friend.
*Two Days Later - Magnolia Cemetery*
Mirajane stared at the gravestone on the ironic cloudy day.
Lisanna Strauss
Beloved sister and a friend of animal souls
The funeral service for Lisanna ended about an hour ago and everyone besides herself and Happy were left. Even Elfman left to seriously consider his life's path as a mage...
..there was one person who she had yet to see even show up to Lisanna's grave.
"Where's Natsu?"
During the entire service whenever she wasn't focused on Lisanna, she looked for the salmon haired idiot and only saw Happy.
Happy looked at the grave with a blank expression, "He wanted to be alone..."
Mirajane felt a spark of anger in her, "I can...understand that but why didn't he show up if just to see her grave?"
"He didn't say.."
Remember that spark? It was now a wildfire...
Mirajane clenched a fist with her hand before turning around and walking in the direction of Natsu's house, "Well then maybe I'll get an answer. He's at your home?"
"Then where?!"
Happy sighed as he looked down at the ground, "The hut Lisanna made to hatch me.."
And just like that Mirajane's wildfire was dowsed with ice cold water
*Outside of Magnolia - Lisanna's and Natsu Childhood Hut - Late Afternoon/Early Evening*
Natsu laid in the center of the hut staring at roof..He continually replayed the events of less than a week ago trying to see what he could've done to save her.
He was so deep in thought that he didn't noticed someone walking towards the small entrance until..
"You in there?"
Natsu lifted his head to see a pair of legs clad in black pants and black shoes.
"Depends on who's asking.."
The person crouched down and looked into the entrance revealing it was Mirajane, "Me, pinkie."
"Salmon...and why are you here?"
"Wanted to know where you were...Can I come in?"
Natsu shrugged as he interlocked his hands behind his head and returned his eyeline to the roof, "Sure.." He then heard a rustling of hay, grass, and some grumble which caused him to chuckle quietly.
Mirajane sighed as she laid down a foot away from him, "That entrance need enlarging..."
Natus smirked, "Yeah but it wouldn't be the same.."
"I see...So why weren't you at the funeral?"
He points out of the hut, "I was busy...I'm assuming you saw the stone just outside?"
Mirajane nods, "Yes. What is it?"
"Lisanna's grave.."
Mirajane blinked before raising an eyebrow, "What?"
"Or at least where I believe it should be..."
"Ignoring the fact you made a second grave. Why here of all places?"
Natsu noticed the sunlight was changing, "She loved the sunset...So now she can watch it whenever she wants..."
Mirajane stared at Natsu with a slight surprised expression before muttering, "You loved her, didn't you?"
Natsu looked at Mirajane out of the corner of his eye before chuckling, "Yes..I did."
"Then why didn't you ask her out?"
"Simple. She didn't see me like that."
Mirajane blinked, "Wait what?"
Natsu turned his head to look at her with both eyes, "You didn't know that?"
"No I just thought with how much time she spends with you...
Natsu nodded, "Yea well never judge by appearances..."
They entered a peaceful silence as the sun continued to set before Mira sighed, "So may I ask who held her heart?"
Natsu didn't outwardly show it but he mentally cringed, "You'll laugh."
"Try me."
A memory of Bickslow appeared in her head, "Bickslow?"
"The ridiculously tall man who dresses in purple and plays with souls?"
Mirajane blinked before chuckling, "Well I'll be damned."
Natsu nodded before returning his attention to the ceiling, "Yep...Anything else you want to know about your sister that you somehow didn't know?"
Mirajane smirked.
They continue swapping facts and tales until they were both dosed off.
*Next Morning*
Natsu groaned as he woke up. He tried to sit up but the weight on him...
Natsu's eyes snapped open, "What the?!"
He looked down and saw a white mop of hair. He gulped at the sight, "Whelp...I had a good life.."
For on the right side of his chest was Mirajane Strauss's, the She-Devil's, head. Her hair somehow worked it way out of the ponytail and Natsu absently noted in his head, 'Why does she wear it in a ponytail?'
A light breeze entered the hut and Mira wrapped her right arm across Natsu's torso and pulled him closer as if to try to fight the cold air. Natsu blushed as he felt Mira's um...assets press into him and muttered, "Sooo dead..."
He glanced at Mira and started to calm down...only for his survival instincts to go off the charts as Mirajane shifted and grumbled something. She opened her eye and looked up noticing Natsu. "Morning..." She said sleepily.
He would of responded but he felt Mirajane tense slightly.
Natsu's instincts...
"I'll give you one minute to run.."
...And Mira's warning were all he needed to hightail it out of there. He quickly wormed his out of her grasp and as quickly as possible got out of the hut.
A short time after Natsu left the hut, Mira crawled out and stretch before sighing. She grabbed her hair and put it back into a ponytail, 'Can't believe I slept here...'
A light breeze sent shiver up her back, "Damn how didn't I wake up from the cold.."
A small part of her mind knew how she slept so soundly but the rest of it squashed the knowledge...for now.
Fakhouri: "Anywho...I'm just going to make it clear I won't go into great detail on times before canon starts. It will be important and or defining moments in their relationship the fluff quite a few of you are hoping for will hopefully appear within my writing. So review, like, follow, NO FLAMES, and until next time..."