Responding to reviews:

Guest (guest): Awe thank you so much for the compliments, you're very nice! And I know right, why do they always make Flora into some gutless little girl? I mean, c'mon she's a strong woman and she should be able to stick up for herself. As for what Sky is doing, you'll just have to wait and see…

ekatykat8: I know, aren't they just perfect? 3 3 3

lifeasmarah: Thanks for all the support, it means a lot to me!

Guest (guest): Thank you so much!

multifandomgurlx: Awe I just love your reviews, they always make me so happy! Thank you so much for your constant support on my stories! 3

Emma (guest): Thank you! So happy to hear that!


Brandon groaned as he turned around in his bed, the sun peeking through the window shining into his brown eyes. He sat up and rubbed his eyes with his hand, trying to rub some of the sleep out of his chocolate brown orbs.

He suddenly heard sounds coming from the small kitchen and noticed his girlfriend wasn't anywhere to be seen. "Stell?" he asked, getting up from the bed to see what in god's name she was doing.

After putting on a pair of sweatpants, he walked into the kitchen, where he saw her standing in front of the stove, her back to him. Coming up behind her, he snaked his arms around her waist and pressed his lips onto her shoulder. "Morning" he mumbled into her buttery soft skin.

A soft giggle escaped Stella's lips as she rested her head back against his chest. "Good morning" she smiled, feeling his arms tighten around her.

"What are you doing?"

Stella turned around in his arms and looked up at him. "Making breakfast"

Brandon smiled and kissed her softly on the lips. "Shouldn't I be doing that for you?" he asked her, his hands slowly running up and down her back.

"I'm shattering stereotypes" the blonde just simply grinned.

Brandon loved her like this. Her long, blonde, bunned up hair still messy from her sleep, her glasses framing her beautiful makeup-free face and his jersey hanging onto her small body made her the most breathtaking image in the world to him.

He woke up from his thoughts when the beautiful sound of her giggles filled his ears.

"You're staring"

But instead of defending himself against her obviously true statement, Brandon pulled her closer against him before dipping his head down to press his lips against hers.

Her lips tasted like honey, so sweet and oh so addictive. Whenever he kissed her he just never felt like he could get enough, he wanted to savour those pouty lips for the rest of his life. He would never need another woman as long as he had her.

His hands tightly held onto her small waist, not planning on letting her go anytime soon, as they fell from one kiss into the other.

Stella moaned into the kiss as Brandon lifted her off the ground and set her down on the kitchen countertop. She ran her hands through his messy brown hair while her legs wrapped themselves around his waist.

Their lips moved like they were made for each other, they always had. Ever since their first kiss, the couple knew that they would never find anything that would make them feel that complete. The passion that came from both parties could never be replicated or stolen away.

But just as Stella's hands traveled down to grab the edge of his shirt, ready to rip every piece of clothing off her boyfriend, a loud knock could be heard from the door. She slowly pulled away and, breathing heavily, she glared at the door. "I hate your friends"

Brandon smirked as he admired her dishevelled and now irritated state. "How do you know it's-"

"Yo Brandon?!"

Stella raised her eyebrows at her boyfriend and grinned triumphantly as she immediately recognised the voice. "You were saying?"

Brandon chuckled and shook his head as he went to open the door for the person that had dared to interrupt their moment; his best friend. "Hey man" he greeted the blonde as he stepped inside the room.

"Hey" Sky smiled. "Do you have the-" he cut off his sentence when he noticed the other presence in the room. "...Thing I asked you for?" he asked, saving himself from almost spilling palace secrets.

Stella frowned as she noticed his correction. 'Aw come on" she said. "What is it? You know I can't stand it when I don't know something" she said, hopping off the kitchen counter and joining the two guys by the door.

Sky laughed at the fairy's facial expression. "Sorry Stellabella" he said, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Can't"

"But then why can he know?" Stella asked him, mentioning towards her boyfriend who was printing out the documents he was working on last night. "He's stupid"

"Love you too"

Sky shook his head at the couple's antics. "Because he works for the palace, he knows everything" he tried to explain, but he already knew no explanation was gonna be good enough for the Solarian princess.

"But I-"

"Baby, your eggs are burning" Brandon simply interrupted her, handing Sky the small stack of paper he had just printed out.

Both guys looked as the blonde fairy disappeared back into the small kitchen before turning back to each other. Sky quickly looked through the papers before looking back up at his best friend. "Thanks man" he said.

"Yea, no problem" Brandon said, leaning back against his desk. "So are you going back to Eraklyon now?" he asked.

"Yea, why?" Sky asked him. "Awe, you miss me already?" he said, a big goofy grin forming on his face.

"Not really" Brandon said. "I'm just saying that you should see how Bloom feels about that" he said, crossing his arms over his chest.

Sky looked at him with a raised eyebrows. "What do you mean, Bloom knows this is my job?" he said. "I mean, I don't like being away from her, but I don't really have a choice at the moment and she knows that"

"Does she?" Brandon simply shot back. "Dude, she's upset, at least go by to see her" he said, not completely understanding his friend's behaviour towards his girlfriend. "Look it might not be your fault that you're so busy, but you also can't blame her that she might expect a little more attention than she is getting from you right now"

"Yea okay" Sky sighed, seeing the point the brunette was making. "Anyway, thanks for this and I'll keep you updated" he said, turning for the door. "Bye Stell!" he yelled to the blonde in the kitchen to which he got a similar response, before he closed the door behind him.


He ran his hand through his magenta hair, taking a deep breath before he hesitantly knocked on the door. "Musa?"

It took a minute, but the door eventually opened and he was met with her dark blue eyes questioningly looking up at him. "What do you want Riven?" she asked him, her arms crossed over her chest.

It was still early that sunday morning and the music fairy was not a fan of waking up early. She was still dressed in her plaid blue and white pajama shorts and her blue tank top. Her navy hair was in a messy ponytail and her eyes did not look pleased.

Riven sighed irritatedly. "Are you seriously still mad at me?" he asked her, finding her behaviour a tad much. "What did i even say that was so bad?" he said, following after her when she had walked back into her room.

Musa looked up at him in disbelief. "Are you fucking serious right now?" she asked him.

She was clearly still mad at him.

"Yes I'm fucking serious. Why are you being so dramatic?" Riven shot back, simply not understanding why she was acting like such a child. "Seriously, why are you mad at me?"

"Because, Riven" Musa started, taking a deep breath to calm herself down. "You're my boyfriend and you're supposed to be supportive of me, but so far into this whole thing you've been anything but"

Riven rolled his eyes. "Right" he scoffed. "Well, sorry I'm not a big supporter of your suicide mission" he said. "I just don't think handing deadly weapons to a bunch of fairies is a very great idea"

"Fine, then don't" Musa snapped bitterly. "But then I'd highly request of you that you get the fuck out of my room" she said, her emotions taking the control in her head.


But the music fairy shook her head abruptly. "No. Get out" she said, not even bothering to look at him at that moment. Was it really so hard for him to support her on this? Nabu, Brandon, Helia, Timmy, Sky, all of them supported the girls whatever they did. But Riven always had to be cynical, never just believing in them, and she was getting so sick of it.

However, Musa was not the only one in the room who was getting a little tired of their argument. Turning on one heel, Riven turned around and marched right out of her room without saying another word to her, slamming the door shut behind him.

He stormed through the hallway, looking like he was about ready to murder anyone that dared come in his line of sight. He passed several of Red Fountain's students; The freshmen almost jumping out of the way for the walking bomb, while his own classmates just simply shrugged it off as one of Riven's moods.

One of them being his very own teammate…

Sky simply shrugged as he passed the 'ready to blow' specialist, not even bothering with his quickly rising moods anymore. After four years in a team, he sometimes didn't even notice his friend's snarkiness anymore. Sp that's why he didn't give him a second look as he walked down the hallway before stopping in front of a certain door.

He tried his luck at the doorknob, it appeared luck was on his side as the door was unlocked and he could open the door himself, not having to knock and wait for his girlfriend to answer. He pushed open the door and saw her sitting at her desk, a textbook in front of her.

Sneaking up behind her, he put his hands on the back of the chair and gave it a big swing, causing the chair to spin a few circles before coming to a halt. "Hey pretty girl" Sky grinned.

Dizzy from the sudden chair-twister, it took Bloom a few seconds to regain correct vision and could fully grasp what was happening. Heyr blue eyes lit up and she immediately jumped up from the chair when she noticed who it was. "Sky!" she screamed happily, hugging him tightly. "You're back"

Sky's wide grin immediately fell at her assumption. He continued to hold the fire fairy in his arms, but when she finally pulled back, he shot her an apologetic look. "No, I'm sorry" he said, his hands still holding on to her waist.

Bloom immediately looked at him in slight confusion, before her smile slowly faded away. "What do you mean?" she asked him, her voice soft, indicating she didn't actually want to know the answer.

The blonde King show her a weak smile. "I'm sorry honey" he said, his hand caressing her cheek. "I still have some stuff left to do back at Eraklyon, I came here because i needed some rapports Brandon put together for me… I have to get back soon"

"Alright" Bloom said quietly. "So… you should go then" she said, taking his hand off her cheek. "I mean, you have what you need right?" she mentioned towards the files in her boyfriend's hands.

"Is everything okay?" Sky asked her, obviously noticing something different in his girlfriend's behaviour. Brandon's words quickly flew through his head and he looked at her sadly. "Is it because I haven't given you enough attention lately?"

Bloom sighed, shrugging. "Is it bad if I say yes?" she asked, looking down to the ground.

Sky shook his head, lifting up her chin to have her gorgeous blue eyes look at him. "No, that's not bad" he said. "And I'm really sorry I haven't had much time for you since you got here. I just… I'm king now and i have to take care of my planet too"

"I know" Bloom nodded. "And I understand that completely, but while you were at Eraklyon… you didn't even call me or anything. I mean, I get that you were busy, but a five minute phone call before bed is all I ask Sky, is that really too much?"

"No" Sky immediately answered her, shaking his head. "It isn't at all and I'm so incredibly sorry. It's just that this is my first actual big thing as a king and I just really don't want to screw up and I guess in all that stress I forgot to call you" he sighed. "I'm sorry"

A small smile graced Bloom's lips as she looked at him and without another word, she wrapped her arms around him and nestled her head in his chest. "It's okay"


"Everything okay Flora?" Parker asked her, grabbing the piece of weaponry off the ground. "You look a little distracted" he said, handing the sword back to the nature fairy. "And that's not good for fighting"

Flora sighed as she grabbed the sword from her assigned senior specialist. "Yea, sorry" she mumbled, turning the sword's hilt between her fingers. "I'll try and focus more" she told him, already knowing she wouldn't be able to.

Her fight with Helia was still playing over and over in her head. Should she not have gotten so mad at him? No, she was right. The things he said hurt her and she should be able to stand up for herself… Right?


The brunette looked up at her trainer to see him looking at her with raised eyebrow. She took a deep breath and gave her sword another once over. "Do you think I could switch weapons?"

Parker obviously was a little caught off by her question but eventually answered it by nodding his head. "Yea, of course you can. You're not feeling the sword?" he asked her, putting his own sword back into his scabbard.

"Haven't from the moment I chose it, honestly" Flora chuckled, before turning to him with a hopeful look on her face. "Would you try to help me pick a new one?" she asked him hopefully.

She knew that she was only partly switching her weapon now to get her mind off Helia, but still; she didn't think it was the right choice so she had to pick a new one some day anyway.

Parker shrugged. "Yea sure" he said, not seeing a reason why he shouldn't help the nature fairy. "Wanna go to the weapon storage?" he asked her, the two of them already heading for the door.

The brunette nodded and happily followed him out

A couple minutes later, the two of them walked into the room that never would fail to amaze Flora. But although she thought all the weapons looked incredibly impressive, piece by piece, she still had no idea what she was looking for.

"And you've never worked with any kind of weapon before?" Parker asked her as he studied the wall in front of him for something he thought would be fitting for the tree-loving fairy. "Yea, that doesn't make your search a whole lot easier" he chuckled.

"I know" Flora sighed, her emerald green eyes gliding over the weapon-packed shelves. "I do know I want something that's a little less… brutal than some of these. You know, a little more classic" she said. That was the reason she went with the sword at first after all.

"Okay, so not this?" The brown haired specialist joked, holding up a piece of which Flora didn't even want to start guessing the use.

Flora laughed as she took in the strange look of the weapon. "How in the world do you even use that?" she asked him with a chuckle.

Parker shook his head as he put the strange object back from where he got it. "Believe me, you don't want to know" he laughed, before continuing his search. His eyes suddenly landed on a beautiful piece of weaponry. "Hey Flora" he called, climbing up the ladder to grab the weapon off its shelf. "What do you think?"

Flora stared as she laid her eyes on what Parker was showing her. "It's beautiful" she said, abandoning her place at the other side of the room to join Parker at the bottom of the ladder.

The specialist handed her the two different parts of the weapon; the bow and of course the arrows. Flora flung the quiver over her shoulder and her small hand wrapped around the grip of the bow.

Suddenly everything Codatorta had said made perfect sense to the nature fairy.


Well, looks like our dear Flora is the first one to have found her weapon!... Or not? Does one of the other girls already have their designated weapon?

Anyway, what do you think of Flora and the bow and arrow? I chose it because I think the bow is a very graceful and classy weapon and to me that sounds like what sweet gentle Flora would go for.

So Riven and Musa… ouch. That wasn't pretty. But hey, who knows, maybe they'll work it out. Because let's be honest, this couple has a thing for getting themselves i and out of very shitty situations.

Please leave a review!

Love to all of you!