Before you all start reading there are a few things I'd like to inform you about:
1. I'm using the name Aisha, not Layla

2. In my story, only Bloom, Stella and Aisha are princesses (like I believe they are in the series but apparently there's some debate about that
3. This i set after season 3, but before season 4
4. Please enjoy!

"Girls, hurry up!" Bloom yelled at her friends as she put her long red hair into a high ponytail. "Faragonda is expecting us" she continued, looking at her watch. "Stella! Come on, Ms Faragonda is not gonna care if your eyeliner isn't even!"

Finally, the door to the blonde's room opened and she joined her awaiting friends in the living room. "Yes yes, I'm here. Stop screaming already, it's giving me a headache" she groaned, massaging her temples.

Before Bloom could scold her best friend, Tecna ushered everyone outside. "Come on guys, let's go. We're already late"

"So, why does Ms F need to talk to us anyway?" Musa asked as she rubbed the last bit of sleep out of her navy blue eyes. It was only seven in the morning and Musa was never one for waking up early.

"She said she had something important to discuss with us" Flora informed her.

"And that couldn't wait till, say, noon?" The music fairy complained. "Like what's so important I have to wake up at the crack of dawn to discuss it? I mean, Valtor is gone, all is good, ya know?"

"Yea well, we'll see what kind of dramatic danger is threatening the universe this time" Aisha sighed, knocking on the door of Alfea's headmistress' office.

After hearing the 'come in' from inside, they opened the door to see both Ms Faragonda and Mr Saladin, the headmaster of Magix' school for heroics and bravery, already waiting for the six of them.

"Good morning girls. Have a seat please" Faragonda greeted them with a gentle smile as she mentioned towards the chairs in front of her desk. "Well, you're probably wondering why i called you here. So we'll get straight to it" she smiled. "Saladin?"

"Right, well girls, your headmistress and I have been discussing something for a while and since things have finally completely quieted down around here, we thought it'd be the perfect time"

"Um, perfect time for what?" Bloom asked curiously.

Saladin exchanged looks with Faragonda before he continued. "We think it'd be a good idea for you girls to enroll at my school for the next semester"

"Red Fountain?" Flora asked. "Uh, may i ask how this decision came to be?" she asked them politely, the other Winx girls immediately agreeing with her, none of them understanding the change of schools.

"Well girls, we think it's important for you to be able to fight your enemies, even without your magical powers. Being the new company of light, there are going to many battles in your future and there may be a time where you come to lose your powers and we don't want you to be... Well we think it'd be good for you if you'd come to learn something about hand-to-hand combat" Saladin explained the intentions of the transfer as thorough as possible.

"So, we'd be students at Red Fountain?" Aisha asked to confirm, a little overwhelmed by the sudden decision. And she wasn't the only one, all the girls looked absolutely stunned at the news.

"Indeed" Faragonda confirmed. "Codatorta and Saladin will be providing you with special training sessions to make sure you get all the help and tutoring you need and I'm sure a certain group of young men will be happy to help as well"

"Now you put it like that, this doesn't sound that bad" Stella grinned, not objecting to some more time with her boyfriend. "When are we supposed to leave?"



Saladin flinched a little at the certain outburst of the six young females, Faragonda on the other hand was used to her girls and didn't really seem bothered. "We know this is sudden, but the quicker we get this going, the more you girls will be able to learn"

"Well, alright then… I guess we'd better get packing then" Bloom said, being the first one to recover from the small shock.

"Alright girls, we'll leave you to it. Good luck" Faragonda smiled. "I'm sure I will miss all of you when you're gone"

"Awe we'll miss you too Ms F" Stella assured her, before she and the others got up. "But right now we got a new school to terrorize" she grinned as she and the Winx left the office.

Saldin sighed. "Oh boy…"

"Soooo, did Saladin say where he'd meet us?" Musa asked her friends as she dropped her duffel bag to the ground at Red Fountain's quad. The six of them had arrived at their new school about ten minutes ago and weren't really sure what to do.

Bloom shrugged. "Uh, not really" she answered, re-adjusting her backpack on her shoulders. "Maybe we should try looking for him? I'm sure someone has seen him, we can just-"

"Need a tour guide?"

The girls whipped their heads around as a familiar voice spoke up behind them and smiled when they saw who it was.

"Brandon!" Stella squealed happily as she dropped her suitcases to the ground and ran into her boyfriend's arms.

The specialist grinned as he wrapped his arms around the blonde. "Hey baby" he greeted her, pressing a kiss on the top of her head before he looked up to the other Winx members. "Hi girls"

"Hey Bran, so I take it you're giving the grand tour?" Musa asked, getting her bag off the ground as well as one of Stella's suitcases while Flora got the other one.

"Yup, they gave me the honour since all the other guys have still class right now" Brandon nodded with a chuckle. "So you girls ready?" he asked as he set Stella back down onto the ground and took her suitcases from Musa and Flora

"So you girls excited about becoming students here?" Brandon asked them as he guided them around the ginormous school, now walking through the cafeteria.

"Excited but terrified" Flora admitted and the other girls were quick to agree. "I mean, we don't really know anything about fighting unless there's magic involved and we know how hard you guys train every day so that's a bit intimidating. But it's also a really great opportunity and we're ready to work hard"

Brandon smiled. "Well that's good to hear. And don't worry about being inexperienced. We have amazing teachers here and once you've found your weapon it'll get easier"

"Our weapon?" Tecna asked.

"Yea when you enroll at Red Fountain you spend your first few days or maybe weeks finding out what weapon works best for you and that's the one you'll train with. It's easier than trying to master all kinds of weapons at once, plus way more efficient since you take the class based on your weapon"

"Wow I never knew that" Bloom said as they entered Red Fountain's library. "So we all gotta have to figure out what our best weapon is first?" she asked.

Brandon shrugged. "Not sure, I think so, but I haven't gotten much information on you guys' studying program" he answered. "Anyway, this is our library, good place to do your homework… according to Timmy, I've never really tried"

The girls all laughed as they looked around.

"Wow this place is beautiful!" Flora said in awe as she browsed through some books about flora and fauna. "And they have so many books Alfea doesn't have" she smiled as she immediately spotted some books she was planning to read.

"Can you guys check out all of these books later, I kinda wanna get to my room and unpack" Aisha said, interrupting Flora and Tecna from their enthusiastic book browsing.

"Of course, sorry. Let's go" Tecna said as she put the book she was holding back on the shelf. "Brandon you have the keys to our rooms?"

"Yup" The brunette answered, holding up a bunch of keys as he opened the library door for them before following behind them. "Your rooms are on the negative fifth floor, so please don't stomp too hard cause I could be sleeping in the room beneath you"

"Noted" Bloom laughed as they walked down the stairs. And another flight of stairs. And another one. And then again another one. And one last one until they finally arrived on the right floor.

"Alright here are all of your keys, it has your room number on it so it shouldn't be hard to find" Brandon said, handing each of the girls their own key.

"Wait… so we don't get to live together?" Musa asked as the realization dawned on her. All of the girls frowned as they understood what she meant.

Brandon shook his head. "Nope, sorry, but you know Red Fountain doesn't really have the dorms like they do in Alfea. Here we have seperate rooms and everything you'll need will be in that room. But hey you guys will be right across the hall from each other" he tried to cheer them up.

"Well alright then, we better start unpacking. See you later girls" Aisha waved as she found her room and opened the door.

The girls all sighed and headed to their own rooms.

"Huh, this is way more spacious than I thought it'd be" Stella thought out loud as she entered her new room, Brandon right behind her. "Don't really like the colours though" she frowned lightly.

Brandon raised an eyebrow at her. "My room has the exact same colours" he said. In fact, all the rooms at Red Fountain had the same colours.

Stella slowly turned to him. "...I never said I liked it"

Brandon laughed. "Touché. Anyway, Saladin said you could use your magic to make the place your own, as long as you redo everything when you move out, so you can change whatever you don't like"

The room held a bed, a desk, a closet and a small kitchen counter with a microwave and of course it had its own bathroom and had more than enough space to place some more furniture. Something Stella was already doing in her mind.

"Sooo, this is the moment where I beg you to help me unpack my stuff. So, please please please?" Stella asked him, pouting her lip as she lay her hands against his chest and looked up at him with her big sparkly eyes.

Unable to refuse her request with her looking at him like that, he gave up. "Alright, what do you need done?"

Stella shrugged as she waved her hand, turning the walls into a nice lilac colour. "Nothing really, I just want some company" she grinned. With another few spells and waves of magic, she quickly made her room more homey; recolouring the furniture, adding a small white sofa, replacing her bed with a canopy bed similar to the one she has at Alfea and decorating the room with some personal things like photo frames. "Now that's better"

"You needed company for that?" Brandon grinned from his place on her bed. The unpacking she asked him to stay for had literally lasted for less than a minute. "Well then I guess my work is done"

"No" Stella smirked as she walked up to him. "Your work is just beginning" she whispered as she straddled his lap. Within seconds the two of them were wrapped up in a steamy kiss. Soon Brandon flipped her over so her back hit the soft mattress of the bed and he started kissing down her neck.

Stella opened her eyes when their moment was suddenly interrupted by a phone's ringtone.

Brandon sat up and took his phone out of his pocket, answering the call. "Hello?" he chuckled as Stella groaned in frustration. "Oh hey man, yea I gave them a quick tour and let them get settled into their rooms. We'll be right up. Alright bye" And with that the conversation ended and he put his phone back in his pocket.

Stella raised an eyebrow at him and leaned up on her elbows.

"I know I'm gonna regret this, but we gotta go. Saladin, Codatorta and the guys are waiting for us upstairs"

Stella sighed as she got up, fixing her hair. "Alright, let's get the girls" she said, clearly not happy about this interruption of her plans.

After making sure they both looked decent, they went to get the other girls out of their rooms before meeting up with everyone upstairs in one of Red Fountain's many combat training rooms.

"Hey guys" Stella waved, before being almost run over by her redheaded best friend, who was sprinting towards her boyfriend.

"Sky!" she smiled brightly as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Can you believe we go to the same school together now?"

"Yea, I'm glad I'll get to see you more often. The Eraklyan prince smiled at her.

While the rest of the couples had similar reunions, Codatorta waited, sort of, patiently until they were ready to listen to him. When things had finally quieted down, he cleared his throat. "Yew, welcome girls to Red Fountain. I'll be providing your trainings and activities during your stay here and you'll follow the regular classes with your favourite specialist over here" he explained to them. "Because it is your first day here today, Headmaster Saladin thought it was a good idea to let you girls off the hook today to get to know our school and make yourself more at home. Tomorrow I expect you back here at nine sharp. I do not appreciate latecomers unless, of course you have a reasonable excuse, but in all of my years teaching I've found that's rarely the case. We'll start tomorrow with trying to find out which weapon works best for each of you and that'll probably keep us occupied for the rest of today. But like I said, for now you're free to go and I will see you all at dinner"

Trying to process all the information they had just gotten in less than a few seconds, the girls stood dumbfounded for a second before they finally reacted. But by the time they had the chance to say something, Codatorta had already left the room.

"Damn I sometimes forget what a cold ass he can be" Musa was the first to speak. This wasn't reaally the welcome they'd expected from their teacher.

"Yea I guess we need to get used to the fact that we're not at Alfe anymore" Tecna said, also a little stumped by the professor's behaviour.

"Ah don't let Codatorta get you down, you'll get used to him" Nabu waved his hand dismissively, trying to cheer up his six fairy friends.

"If you say so…" Bloom said, a little unsure as to how someone could ever get used to a person like Codatorta. "Anyway, since we don't have anything to do today, you guys wanna hang out?" she smiled.

The guys couched awkwardly as the girls looked at them with hopeful looks. "Sorry we can't, we have this report due tomorrow and we all still need to work on it" Helia said. "Hell, some of us still need to start" he added, shooting a look towards Riven.

"Oh… Well okay, we'll see you guys at dinner than" Tecna said,. "Good luck with that report" she smiled weakly.

With a 'thanks' and a kiss on the cheek for their girlfriend, the guys left the training room to head to the library.

"So I guess it's just the six of us then?" Stella said, breaking the silence.

Layla looped her arm through the blonde's, a smile appearing on her face. "Exactly, just the six of us. No stupid boys around, just some quality girl time!" she said, lightening the mood anidd making smiles form on everybody's face. "Come on, let's hang out in my room and watch a movie together" she said, turning on one heel, pulling Stella with her in the process, and started marching out of the room. The rest of the girls following suit.

"Oh my god, seriously? Another chick?" Musa shouted angrily at the TV, throwing hands of popcorn at the device. "You're a disgusting man-whore!"

The five other girls just laughed at the music fairy's antics. They were all huddled up together in Aisha's bedroom, 'The other woman' playing on the TV. Just like Stella, Aisha had already customized her bedroom. Her walls were a teal colour and she had put new furniture in as well.

"I hope they make him pay" Bloom grinned as she watched Cameron Diaz, Kate Upton and Leslie Mann on the screen. "This guy is terrible"

"Oh believe me, they make him pay" Stella grinned as she braided Flora's hair. She'd already seen the film so resulted in doing something else. "It's hilarious"

Suddenly, Tecna took a look at her watched and realized how late it had gotten. "Girls, it's almost six thirty, we better head to the dining hall if we wanna sit together" she said, knowing what kind of chaos it could get at Alfea during mealtime.

"Yea, you're right, let's go. We can finish after dinner" Aisha said, pausing the film. "Let's get to our first meal at our new school"

And with that, the girls pulled the bedroom door closed behind them. They rode the elevator to the first floor and entered the dining room where the guys had saved all of them a seat. Shortly after, dinner was served and everyone started eating while making casual conversation.

"Does anyone else feel like we're being watched?" Tecna suddenly asked, interrupting a conversation about the report the guys were working on.

"Well, we're at an all-boys school and we are, oh yea, not boys" Musa shrugged, putting another piece of chicken into her mouth.

Flora looked around and indeed saw a lot of people looking their way. "Still, they act as if they've never seen a woman before" she noted.

"Well for those guys over there that might even be true" Nabu said poking his fork towards a table at the far end of the room. "I never see those guys outside of class or meal. I seriously don't think they've ever left campus except for missions"

Riven looked over at who his friend was talking about and scoffed. "I don't think I've even seen them in class"

"Yea, but that's because you're not there most of the times" Helia calmly shot back, taking a sip of his water as the magenta haired specialist glared at him.

The others all suppressed their laughter in fear of the hothead's wrath.

Dinner flew by quickly and before they knew it, the girls were back in Aisha's room, resuming their activities of the afternoon.

"Am I the only one who feels like this whole thing is gonna be way harder than we expected it to be?" Bloom suddenly spoke up as she looked away from the TV screen to look at her friends.

The room went quiet for a while before Musa spoke up. "No I get what you mean. But hey, we're in this together, so we'll be fine" she said, pulling the redhead into a side-hug. "We're gonna crush this shit"

"Damn right we are sister!" Stella grinned, bumping her fist in the air with so much enthusiasm that she actually toppled over. "Aaah!"

They all burst out in laughter as Stella got herself up from the ground, glaring at them. "Yea yea, laugh while you can, you'll sing a different tune tomorrow when I stick a sword through your liver" she grumbled, dusting herself off.

"Stell you don't even know where your liver is" Musa said, making the blonde's smirk off her face.

"Well… then I'll look it up tonight!" Stella poorly argued, causing everyone to start laughing again.

"Well girls, while this has been fun…" Aisha started, wiping tears of laughter from her eyes. "I'm gonna kick you out. The movie is over and I'm kinda tired" she said as she stretched out. "Besides, something tells me we're gonna need all of our energy for our first training tomorrow"

"Ugh don't remind me" Bloom groaned, getting up from the couch. "But you're probably right. Let's go girls" she said.

And with that the girls all went back to their own rooms. With the last yell of 'goodnight' across the hall, they all fell asleep, trying to prepare themselves for their first day as Red Fountain students.

So that was it for the first chapter and I really hope you guys enjoyed it. If you did, please leave a review because I love reading those.
You should also leave a review if you think there are some things I could do better. I'm a pretty new writer so I know this is far from perfect.

If you have something negative to say, you can leave a review as well... just don't be a bitch. Like I said constructive criticism is very welcome!

See you next chapter, x

Btw. English is not my first language so please overlook any flaws language-wise