Ok, this is the promised Laurens guardian spirit fic for Insanity Moons. It might be a bit slow to update, because I have my other fic too, but I'll try for once a week. Hope you all enjoy it!

I own nothing, not historically accurate.

John Laurens was sure he was dead. He remembered the bullet piercing his body, and he remembered closing his eyes and just…..going. But now feeling was semi-returned to his body, and he was sure it was force of will keeping his eyes closed. And….was he standing upright? It felt like it. So for lack of a better option, he opened his eyes.

He was most certainly not dead. Rather, he was standing on his feet, clothed in the uniform he'd been shot in, inside a room. In a house. Everything was as if he was alive, minus the fact that his skin was glowing silver- blue and his form was rather smokey around the edges. Gazing around the room, John wondered whose house this could possibly be. It wasn't one that he really recognized.

A writing desk was shoved into the corner. Paper and quills spilled over the wooden surface, and inkwells dotted the scene. Walking (well it was more like drifting than anything) across the space to examine it, John caught sight of a sprawling signature at the bottom of one of the many papers.

Yrs Most Sincerely, Alexander Hamilton.

Yrs Most Sincerely, Alexander Hamilton.

His closest friend. They had fought side by side throughout the war, along with their other two friends, Mulligan and the Marquis. All of the moments they'd shared. Memories flooded his head. The duel with Lee, laughing around a fire and passing a bottle of whiskey around, his and Eliza's wedding, Hercules scattering the flower petals.

This would be Alexander's home, then. But why was he here? And in his new, ghostly form? Did he have some sort of purpose here? A voice called out from deep within the house.

"Mr. Hamilton! You can see your wife now!" It was a deep voice, and unfamiliar. Footsteps could be heard echoing across the silence as someone ran through the house.

Well, John just had to see this. And was something wrong with Eliza? He floated to the door, and to his surprise, instead of grasping the knob to open it, he just fell straight through. Ah. Right. He was a ghost now. This was going to take some getting used to.

The only noise in the house was coming from a room at the end of the hallway. John stealthily slipped through wall and stood off to one side. The room felt crowded, even though there were only three people in the room (and one ghost).

Eliza was lying in the bed in the center of the room, and a doctor in a long coat was standing near her. Sitting next to his wife on the bed was….. Alexander.

His old, dear friend. It had been too long since he'd last seen him. Far too long. But at least he looked happy. Though what about, John could not fathom. And then he noticed that Eliza was holding something. Or was it someone?

"Our son." Eliza was saying. Alexander looked close to tears, overwhelmed by pride. "His name is Philip."

"Philip is perfect." Alexander agreed. The couple sat in silence for a moment, and the doctor smiled and turned to leave. He walked right through John.

He stumbled backwards. It suddenly occurred to him that no one had commented on his presence. And he hadn't exactly been inconspicuous. So no one could see him. Oh, this was going to be painful.

Striding over to the happy two on the bed, he stood close enough to peer over Alexander's shoulder. A peaceful, serene face gazed back up at him. The Hamilton's son. Philip Hamilton.

And the child's eyes suddenly met John's. For a moment, both were silent. Then, the baby boy's face split into a grin and he babbled happily. His fist clenched and unclenched, as if he was reaching for the bloodstained cravat that circled John's throat. The Hamiltons laughed. Alexander gazed down at his child with reverence clear on his face.

"Someday, Philip's going to blow us all away." he grinned.

John was still reeling, though he didn't exactly know why. Protect that child, a voice in his head seemed to be saying. That's what you need to do. Keep him safe.

Alright. Okay. Yes. He could do that. After all, it couldn't be that hard, right?

He later reflected that he should have known that any child of Alexander's would have a knack for getting himself into trouble.

Done! Sorry it's so short, future chapters will be longer. So, I will try for once a week updates, like I said. Hope you all liked this, chapter two up soon, hopefully. Please review! ~RedCoatsRedder