.Hey everyone, thank you so much for your comments. My story has even gotten "favorite" and "follow", which is wonderful and unbelievable at the same time. I guarantee this fanfic isn't an Oneshot. The problem is that I am horrible at time management. The school works and house works and self projects keep growing and I can't finish it. I've only managed to balance the works recently.

I can't update my fanfic regularly, and I don't know any beta reader, so if there any grammar mistakes, please point it out so i can correct it.



Percy first got acquaintance with Ken Kaneki when his mother took him out to cheer him up after a parent's meeting. He knew she had been working at a coffee shop for a while now, but this was the first time he came to her workplace. The shop had a homey feeling about it. The coloring was a mixture of Dover white and latte chocolate brown. All in all, it was very nice.

So was the manager.

"You're only a high schooler." he blurted out.

"Percy!" his mother scold lightly and he knew, oh god he knew, his face felt hot, he was blushing right then. It didn't matter. Me and my big mouth. He hated his ADHD. So what if the guy was young? It wasn't your business. His mother got a good job and he just ruined any good -

"It's alright."

If anyone asked Percy what his first impression of the manager was, he would honestly answer that Ken Kaneki was very beautiful.


Oops! He didn't mean to say that out loud.

"You're doing it again." His laughter, if it could be called that, the sound was light, gentle and...what was the word...ah...soothing. Percy was sure he'd heard another word more suitable to describe the young man but he couldn't seem to grasps it? Review it? Remember it? And...he was distracted again. Cursed ADHD!

"Thank you, Percy-kun, though, I would prefer to be called handsome rather than beautiful."

Percy scrunched his nose up in confusion. His reaction wasn't as bad as he had expected, but hey, Percy was not going to complain.

Aside from being a little too young to have his own business (which he actually wasn't), Ken Kaneki was a very academically intelligent person. After finding out about Percy's struggling with school works, he offered free tutoring sessions much to mom's relief.

"You're not mad?"

The young manager holds off his explanation of one Math homework. Percy hated Math. Math-Mad. They even sounded alike.

"Percy-kun, focus please."

He eyed his tutor oddly.

"Why aren't you mad?"



"I'm a little confused here, Percy-kun."

Ken was patient, his voice held a gentle, calming quality. The way he explained to Percy about Math or Literature were easy to understand. It was as if he had done this before.

" Why are you so calm?"

Being the center of attention never felt good to Percy. However, at the moment, the feeling was oddly nice, especially when said attention was from someone so...

"I used to teach my little sister Japanese. I guess that helps..."

The boy had been hanging around the coffee shop for weeks but never had he heard anyone or Ken himself mentioned about family or friends back home.

It was a nice thing to be told that he was like a sister to the man.


That didn't sound right.

The lovely chuckle was enough of a sign for Percy to realize that heaven forbid he was talking out loud.


"Actually,... You are more similar to my best friend."

Anteiku was like home. His mother had never looked happier in her life, which actually wasn't entirely true considered the time she with dad (the word left a bitter taste in his mouth) had been wonderful and "magical"(her exact words) too. Anyway... His mom was happy, Ken and Anita were nice, he wasn't sure about the new lady though, she seemed weird ...( maybe he shouldn't have stared at her discolored legs too much, the manager had told him not to do that once or twice. ).

Basically, Anteiku was home, which was why it was only natural that at one point, he would bring Grover there, of course after asking the manager's permission.

He just never thought Grover would be horribly sick as soon as he walked inside the Café.

They hung out mostly at school or at the local park. There were times Grover went with him to Anteiku, though it were few and far between. Curiously, he questioned Grover for details of what'd happened, if he didn't know any better, he could almost say the other boy had acted like he'd seen a corpse or monster. It was oddly disturbing that after hearing his comment, Grover vigorously nodded his head and agreed to him wholeheartedly.

"I'm sorry Perce..."

The older boy timidly apologized. "It's just that the smell was awful."

And that was just rude!

"I know, I know, alright!? It was only one time but Zue-God did it smell disgusting! I still want to puke every time I think of it."

Double rude, dude. Hey...it's rhymed.

"I know Perce, you've gotten the point across the first time already."


Cursed ADHD!

"Percy-kun, I'm sorry, but our study time has to be changed to another date."

"No problem. It's cool, Ken..."

Declining yet another dinner invitation from his mom, the manager finished cleaning the counter-top then moving to the coat stand to retrieve his coat. In Percy's mind, the man had always been attractive in white and honestly a lot of things about him remind Percy of said color. From his hair, his heterochromia eye, his monochrome wardrobe to his personalities, or the way he talked, his voice... all of it made Percy think of the softness, innocence even fragile qualities that associated with white. The raven coat couldn't be anymore different than what Percy expected and despite being a total opposite color, it suited Ken just fine.

"You got any plan for tonight?"

"Not really,..." distractedly, Percy thought there might be an underlined change in the man, he wasn't sure though.

"I just need to restock the fridge...and get some drink."

The light curve on the corner of his lips should have look comforting ( or turned him into a blushing mess in front of his crush as it usually did) yet it was off somehow. There was this giddiness hovered around him, the light spring in his step, which Ken didn't bother to hide. Percy should felt glad for the man, he should, really... The manager was the boy's friend( and maybe crush), seeing him happy should make Percy happy, ... except it didn't.

It wasn't until the young manager left for a while did he realize the coffee scent had been a little too heavy than normal.

Hadn't it been the same the first time Grover'd been here?

And done!