Chpt. 19

Just as a warning, I am going to put some Spanish words in here, and I am going to use a google translator, so if I butcher the words, I apologize in advance. It's only a few words, but still.

Also this is going to sound a little stupid of me, but I forgot if I ever gave Sam's kidnapper an actual name. I was re-reading the story and actually couldn't find where I gave him a name. If I missed it and did give him a name, please correct me. But right now I'm giving him the name of Jimmy. Sorry for the confusion.

Ed Singer knew for a fact that once he got the diagnosis that he had liver failure, he was a dead man walking. He only got a year to live according to doctors, and there was no way he qualified for a liver donor. The fact that he was a serious drunk got him disqualified, and he was getting nowhere with the other doctors he contacted. He did however find out about back ally doctors, which specialized in the black market. All he needed was fifty-thousand dollars, and then take a nice long trip to Mexico. He had come in contact with a Doctor who agreed to perform the operation. So now, Ed was on a mission. All he needed was the money.

Heading to where his son was, was no easy feat. He knew his son hated him, so he hired an accomplice to accompany him to Sioux Falls South Dakota in order to threaten his only child into giving him the money needed. Once he found the two young boys staying with him, his task became easier. Or so he thought. The oldest one was a force to be reckoned with. No way would he start a fight with him unless he had too, and he certainly wouldn't have too, until recent.

The younger injured brother, Ed was sure the little brat could be dangerous if he was in top shape. Luckily enough, he had a gimp ankle, and didn't put up too much of a fight. Once he had his hostage secure, he demanded the money. It was a little bit more complicated then he originally wanted, but it worked. The plan sort of went to hell, but here he was, in Mexico, with fifty-thousand dollars in a carry-on bag, on his way to the back ally Doctor. At first he thought the red Hawaiian hibiscus print shirt, straw hat, sunglasses, sandals with the black socks was going to make him stand out too much, when it actually helped him blend in as just another tourist. Every so often he had to stop and take his various medications that just prolonged the inevitable. The doctor said he could help, an Ed was counting on that.

Ed turned a corner and started to slow. He was looking for a specific door with no real number on it. It was well hidden for obvious reasons, but he was given specific instructions as to where he was supposed to go, and was somewhat struggling finding it. After a few minutes he came across three local men. They very well could part of a gang, or they could just be three friends hanging out. He was hoping they spoke some sort of English. He approached the men, and the men stopped talking and looking at Ed as he approached them.

"Um, excuse me, uuhhh do you speak English?" The three men looked blankly at Ed. "I'm looking for…a doorio? You know?"

Ed knew 'doorio' wasn't Spanish in the least, but he was taking what he thought he knew, and tried to apply it, unfortunately it wasn't working since the three men were still blankly staring at him.

"Never mind. Bar?"

One of the men pointed to a spot not far away from where they were standing, Ed looking and saw a little hole in the wall dump that could pass as a back ally bar. As long as they had alcohol, Ed didn't care.

"uh thanks…ok." Ed walked away mumbling something about 'oh sure you don't know English.'

He didn't notice how the three men's eyes stalked him every step of the way. Once he entered the small cantina, one man turned towards the others.

"No es ese el hombre cantante?" (Isn't that the Singer man?")

The second man spoke up "Si. Ese es definitivamente él. Coincide con la imagen dada a nosotroa." (Yes, that is definitely him. Matches the picture given to us.")

The third man spoke. "Secuestró al hijo de un cazador. El niño tiene la edad de mi hijo." (He kidnapped a hunter's son. The kid is my son's age.)

The other hunters scowled. They all looked out for each other, and when a fellow hunters kid was threatened, they were all threatened.

The three men were hunters of the supernatural in Mexico. Sure there were a lot more, but these three were just about the best in Mexico. Their tracking skills were the best, and their fighting skills were not to be messed with. Once they got off the phone with a strange man named Ash who knew perfect Spanish, they got the whole story of a human evil named Ed Singer, who shot one hunter's son, while kidnapping the other. Some more useful information from Ash about the two young boys, and what they went through, the three Mexican hunters were hooked. There was no way they would let this human trash continue to walk the Earth. He needed to be dealt with, but first? They had to contact Ash, and let him know they got a positive I.D. By the end of the day? He was going to be dealt with. So they stayed put, and made sure to keep track of everything he did.

One of the men grabbed a crucifix that was around his neck and kissed it. Sure they were given the name of the back ally doctor Ed was going to meet up with, but that was all they knew about the man's general location. The fact that their target made himself known to the men hunting him was a sign from god, that they were to be the ones taking care of this scum. And they were happy to do so. Human or not.


Dean wasn't planning on leaves Sam's side, not for one minute. But if his dad thought that he was going to get justice against their attacker without him there, he had another thing coming.

Dean knew a long time ago that he couldn't control everything, especially everything that happened to Sam, but he could get retribution from people who had tried to intentionally hurt Sam, and that made him feel a little better.

So now here he was, sitting by Sam's bedside, watching him sleep. Dean would give anything to go back to that day he realized Ed Singer was following him, and take care of the problem right then and there. Sam now only didn't have a weird busted up ankle, now he had bruises, and cuts, and a freaking gunshot wound, and will have nightmares for months to come. Dean will be there to nurse his ailing sibling back to tip top shape, but first, he needs to take care of a certain asshole who dared threaten his family.

Dean had a plan. He knew for a fact what his dad was going to do, he was going to the location of Ed. Dean was taught how to tail a car, and he never really thought he would have to use this information, especially on his own father, but now he was more than happy that he was prepared for everything. His dad would be pissed when he found out what Dean was up too, but he would just have to deal with that. No way was Dean going to miss this.

Dean knew he couldn't well enough leave Sam by himself in a hospital after what he's been through, so calling in a favor to a fellow hunter and family friend Pastor Jim to come and watch Sam was his best choice. The priest brought a calm to Sam unlike any that Dean has seen. Not like he didn't bring a calming presence to Dean himself, but there was something about the priest's way of handling situations, always had a great effect on Sam, and Dean was always grateful.

He had everything he needed in the impala. His dad took his black truck to meet up with Ash at the Roadhouse, and Dean wasn't going to be too far behind. He just wanted a couple extra minutes with a sleeping Sam, who might or might not forgive him for what he's about to do. He knew he couldn't tell him his plans, or else he'd tell their dad, and he definitely would find a way to make sure Dean didn't follow him.

After a few minutes, Dean finally got up from the uncomfortable plastic chair. Sparing one last look at Sam, he sighed and turned to walk away. The minute he did, he felt eyes boring into the back of his head.

"Dean." A sleepy Sam woke just in time to watch Dean's retreating back. He turned around and looked at Sam, and with just one look, he knew what Dean was up too. "Please don't go."

Sam knew it was a dirty move, but he knew his brother well enough to read all the signs for what his brother was planning.

Dean turned around, tired green eyes and tired hazel eyes locked on each other. "I have to do this Sammy, I can't let him get away with what he's done to you."

"He won't get away with it, dad and the other hunters can take care of it."

"They think that by doing this their protecting me, but they can't treat me like a little kid forever! There will be a day when I have to take a human life, so why not let that moment be now? Ed is a monster by every definition, and he intentionally hurt you, that's two strikes in my book, and human or not, he has to pay, why not take my first human life when it really matters!"

Sam understood what his brother was saying, but that doesn't mean he liked it any less. He knew Dean thought that he had to do this, and he knew Dean didn't want to sit at the hunter kiddy table forever, so he couldn't blame him. Dean was twenty, that was a rough age for anyone, let alone someone who believed they had to kill a human for the greater good.

Or kill a human for hurting his family.


Ed found an empty seat at the bar. It was a small cantina, but as long as it had alcohol it was perfect. He ordered a simple whisky drink. Even though the young bartender lifted an eyebrow as Ed ordered, he quickly got out the whisky, poured it, and set it in front of Ed.

There were four small older t.v's. One was set to European Football, also known as soccer. One was some sort of sport that looked like it was being played right there in Mexico, one looked like a dramatic soap opera of sorts, and the fourth one was American News. He wasn't really interested in any of the t.v's but it made for good background noise. He kept ordering the whisky's, and he certainly was getting a great numbing buzz. Looking around the joint his eyes settled on the t.v that was playing American news. It was coming in fuzzy but you could tell what the middle aged blonde reporter as saying. Everything seemed to be normal, until she started talking about a certain story that caught his undivided attention.

"Now in other news, the town of Des Moines Iowa suffered a shock when a sixteen year old boy whose name cannot be disclosed, was found shot and beaten in the middle of a run-down house. The good Samaritan who found him called 9-1-1, and is considered a hero. The culprit suspected of kidnapping and shooting the young boy was also found shot at the scene, and later declared dead at the hospital. The young boy is in stable condition, and expected to make a full recovery. Now back to…."

Ed was speechless. That news report was on the town he sent his partner with, with Sam in tow. It was too much of a coincidence for his liking. He remembers the boys saying something about their father getting revenge and he was a dangerous man, he would swear that was all talk. What if the boy's father killed his partner in cold blood? If he could track his partner, then he could track Ed easy enough, and he was too damn close to getting his liver transplant, and then disappearing forever either on the outskirts of Mexico, or maybe now finding a deserted island somewhere and hoping the boy's father doesn't find him. He had to make a phone call to be one hundred percent positive. Throwing a twenty on the bar counter, he quickly got up, and looked around for a payphone. He found one in a sketchy corner of the bar, and while pulling a quarter out of his pocket, made his way over in a hurry.

He got to the payphone and knew who he had to call. It was another accomplice he had ties with. If anyone knew about the death, it would be him. The other line picked up quickly.

"Who is this?"

"Lou it's Ed Singer. I'm in hiding, but is it true about Jimmy? Was he found dead?"

"Singer?! You stupid son of a bitch! What are you thinking calling me?"

"Lou I'm sorry but I'm desperate here! Was the man found dead in Des Moines Iowa with the sixteen year old boy Jimmy or not?"

There was sigh on the other end. "It was him. I knew you two worked together, but when I heard it was only his body that was found dead I wondered if you killed him. Then news of the sixteen year old surfaced and it wasn't looking pretty. I'm not one hundred percent sure what happened, but yeah, he's dead."

Ed was starting to sweat. His plan was going to hell and he had to act.

"Look, the news said the boy that was with him is still alive and stable. I need to call in a favor."

"You have a lot of nerve calling in favors! You have a lot of blood and shit on your hands right now, and I want no part of this."

"You owe me, and I'm calling in that favor! I may have some dangerous people after me, and the only leverage I have is that damn kid! I have a feeling his father is the one who killed Jimmy, and if I'm right he's coming for me! Even if he isn't, that kid is a pain in the ass and knows too much. I need you to call in whatever connections you have, and smuggle that little prick out of whatever hospital he's in, and keep him in your care until I figure out if someone is on their way here. I didn't come this far to not have my operation damn it!"

There was some silence on the other line, then a groan. "Fine Singer. You get your favor. But this is the last favor ever from me, and when this whole thing is done, lose my number. In the meantime, stay close to payphones. I need you to call me so I can give you updates on what's going on and what information I get. What's the kids name?"

"Sam Winchester."

"Fine. I'll take care of it on my end. Call back in two days I'll give you a update."

Just like that the line went dad. Ed hung up the payphone and decided to make his way out of the cantina, and to the small motel he's going to check himself into.

Walking down the street, Ed couldn't help but think about the whole situation. Everything was going downhill and he had to hurry up if his plan was going to work. He thought maybe it was his son who had tracked down Jimmy and killed him, but he was sure the bullet as the final blow. When he called Lou tomorrow he would have to have him check obituaries or hospital records for what happened to Bobby.

The whole time Ed was walking, he never noticed one of the Mexican men he had encountered earlier tailing him from behind. Ed noticed an ally way coming up, and didn't think anything of it until he was grabbed and thrown hard onto the ground. He was worried about being mugged, especially with the money he was currently carrying, so he was getting ready to fight. Unfortunately there were 3 big men, and they all looked like they meant business. Ed was rolling onto his back getting ready to try and defend himself, when one of the men loomed over him and spoke in broken English.

"Yo! We've been looking for you. You did friends of ours dirty, and we were hired to collect you."

"What….? What are you talking about?!"

"Playing stupid won't work here. You shot your own son. Hurt one young boy and hurt another child. We're here to make sure you pay."

Ed couldn't believe this caught up to him so fast. He was hoping he had the chance to get his transplant and make an escape, but there was no way he was going to get away from these young muscular men in front of him. He was going to try and talk his way out of it, when the men surrounded him, and efficiently knocked him out. He didn't notice being thrown into the back of a car, or taken to an abandoned building where he was secured in a locked room, to await his judgment.

*Ok so, looks like we have a couple more things happening here! The story is coming close to being finished, and again thank you to everyone who is staying with me and being patient. I promise to finish my stories, and I will.*