This is my first shared work and first fan fiction ever, so bare with me. Constructive and encouraging reviews are appreciated.

I do not own Fairy Tail, nor any of its characters.


Big, sparkling, chocolate eyes. Her eyes smile. I wonder if her smile tastes like chocolate. She is singing. I hear her laughing. Her laugh sparkles. Like her eyes.

I open my eyes to see her better, and she is gone. It's just me, in my empty, silent, dead appartment, dreaming again. Before I even wake up she is there in my head. I hate waking up, but the sun is shining so I know I can't go back to sleep.

I drag myself out of bed, take a shower, make myself look human, and stumble, half dead, to the guildhall. I need coffee. Mavis, I hate mornings. They are to early.

Mira is happy this morning. Why is she always so happy? No one has any reason to be this happy, especially this early. At least the other happy people are being quiet about it. Wendy doesn't usually make a lot of noise, and Levy's books keep her quiet. Thank Mavis, Team Chaos doesn't usually make an appearance this early.

Sometimes she is here in the mornings, but not today. I'm in luck, or not. I wish she was here, but I don't want her anywhere near me. It's complicated. Apparently I like being miserable.

Two days. It's been two days since I've seen her. I haven't heard anyone mention a mission, but if she doesn't come in today maybe I will ask if her team took one. Except I won't. If I'm careful maybe... maybe I can find out. I signal Mira for coffee.

My team was still drinking when I left last night. Well... Freed was only technically drinking, as a single glass of wine hardly counts. He may be in soon, but as long as no one riles him up he will tuck himself into a book and pretend he isn't watching Mira. Cana isn't passed out at the bar, so chances are Bickslow managed to get her to go home with him last night. No Elfman either. If Evergreen left with him (seperately of course, but who do they think they are fooling) that means I've got a couple hours before they show up and start bickering.

The guildhall doors open. I take a slow breath. I don't smell strawberries, so it's not her. Please be someone quiet and not happy. One cup of coffee isn't enough.

"Good morning everyone!" Lisanna. Too happy. I've got a tiny, tiny soft spot for the youngest Straus after she 'died' and was missing for years. I'll let it slide, this time.

"Morning, Lisanna!" Ugh. Why do they all shout? I might electrocute the rest of them. If they do it again I will seriously consider it. I signal Mira for more coffee. Lisanna perches a couple stools down.

"Hey, Mira, is Natsu's team on a job? I didn't see him last night when I got back from that job Juvia and I took." Don't react. You don't care. Don't look interrested.

"They should be back this morning since they weren't in last night, maybe tomorrow if they had trouble. It was just a small monster hunting job." Great. Flame Brain is going to go overboard again, which will get Erza all excited, and Gray will make it a competition, and Blondie will come back hurt. Again. "Where is Juvia anyway? She isn't usually a late riser unless she stays up really late watching Gray. She didn't come in last night either did she?"

"She was exhausted by the time we got home yesterday. Herding fish is really hard work, Mira." They were playing with fish. Who needs to have fish herded? Chasing fish... just the kind of job those two would do I guess.

Maybe I will just hang around the guild today. I might get the chance to zap Natsu good if they come back, Gray too if I'm lucky. If I'm here I can make sure she is ok, might even get to hear her laugh. I wonder if Mira would mix some chocolate in my coffee if I asked.


Two more cups of coffee had not been enough to make Evergreen and Bickslow's toddler brawl tolerable. My hopes for a peaceful morning were shattered by a giggling tornado of fairy dust. Yes I zapped them. They asked for it. Was it with more volts than necessary? Also yes. Did it put me in a better mood? Not really. The chocolate in my coffee helped though. I did not ask Mira for it. I made Freed do it.

An hour into my day, and halfway through my first cup of chocolate laced coffee, the first non-toddler brawl of the day started over Levy. Literally. Gajeel shot himself out of his self assigned corner of deathglares over Levy's head to reach Jet, because his mouth moves almost as fast as his feet. I don't think the poor girl even noticed. I savored the warm chocolate taste on my tongue as I watched little Wendy, with Carla floating behind her, crawl under Levy's table to take the seat Gajeel had just vacated. Lily transformed into his battle form just to keep the blunettes from being crushed to death by a flying table.

I glared at my empty mug as the heathens continued to roar. Freed, being the only one of my team yet to descend into the madness below, noticed my displeasure. I generously allowed him the honour of risking his life to bring me more of the warm, soothing, chocolate brew. Blondie can't get home soon enough.


To be continued