Beep... beep... beep... beep... beep... That sound... That HORRIBLE sound. It pierced his ears in the dimly lighted room, but it was nothing compared to what pierced his heart.
His son, his only beloved son was lying on a hospital bed... and he looked like DEATH.
Tubes, wires, and other devices went in and out of his body as his chest slowly rose up and down, the only proof that his boy was alive beside the beep of the monitor. His child's once soft fur no longer held its comely shine, but was dull, matted, and dirty.
His boy looked so small... so helpless. He looked so fragile right now, he wanted to hold him with all his might, but he didn't for fear he would hurt him. Desperate to do something, his hands went and hovered over his sons body, uncertain of what to do, before he released a breath he didn't know he held hostage and gently touched his sons face.
This was his fault, if only he had listened and been more accepting this... this would of never happened. He should of been there to protect him, he should of... he should of...
A single tear fell from his eye and landed on the sheets. There was nothing he could do, nothing he could do for his child. He couldn't do anything. He couldn't even stay and be with him, he had already pushed his luck and stayed to long.
He caressed his sons face one more time, then breathed in deeply before he slowly walked towards the door. He looked back once, but never said a word, what could he possibly say, there was nothing that would fit. So he turned and left without one word, and a heavy feeling in his chest that he doubt would ever leave.