Just so you all know, those modifications I mentioned that I'd do for Chapter 2: Truth be Told "Flashback" have been made.

Fallen Pine Trees

Chapter 21: End of the Branch

"Oh man. What the hell just happened?" Wendy asked in a soar sounding voice. Which matched how she felt as she woke up. "I feel like I broke my firkin skull."

"Ugh my head feels like it just went on a super, double roller coaster fifty times," Mabel chimed in, also just waking up.

"Where are we dudes?" Soos asked while rubbing his sore head.

"Ugh," Mason moaned before standing up and taking in the gang's surroundings. "I think we're back in the Time Cavern."


A few minutes later the gang was sitting in the Stanmobile with Stan, recklessly, driving them back to the Mystery Shack. During the drive, the gang told Stan all about what they'd learned about the future. Well, what bits they could remember. For some reason, they couldn't remember a lot of what they discovered. Though they remembered enough to give Stan a basic understanding of how the mission went.

"Let me get this straight," Stan replied after he finished hearing what everyone had to say about their adventure. "You ended up in the Northwest's mansion, then went to the Mystery Shack, discovered your future careers, found out about who will be your future spouses' and the offspring's you produce with them. Then you learn that I'm apparently dead by this time. Not to mention that neither of you twins managed to recuperate with one another, while it seems, (in fact), to have gotten way worse than it already is. But you don't even remember HOW IT GOT WORSE, NOR HOW I FRICKEN DIED?! SO BASICALLY, THE MISSION WAS A COMPLETE FAILURE! I WASTED A WHOLE DAY OF NOT MAKING MONEY TO COME ALL THE WAY OUT HERE FOR THIS?!"

Nobody could give the old conman a reply when he was this furious; and also because they were all too exhausted from the day's events to even say another word. Seeing this, Stan just decided to let the matter drop till morning and allow himself to look forward to watching The Duchess Approves. But not before saying one last thing to Soos and Wendy. "You two are going to have to help me explain all this to the twins' parents tomorrow."

A few days later…

"So you really went to the future?" Pacifica asked her boyfriend.

The young couple were both lying on pool floaties in the Northwest's pool while Mason told his girlfriend all about his latest, bizarre adventure.

"Yeah, twenty years to be exact," Mason responded.

"That's awesome. What did you see?"

"Strangely enough actually, I don't remember all the details from it. When we returned to the present, a whole lot of what I think we discovered just vanished from our minds. I think it might've been some sort of side effect from jumping between time periods."

"Then tell me what do you remember?" Pacifica asked curiously.

"Hmm, I do remember arriving at your mansion, although it wasn't just your mansion it was ours; as in your and "mine'."

This put a blush on Pacifica's face. "Wait are you saying that…"

"That we married in future," Mason finished. "Yes, yes we did. We even had two kids. And you, might I add, became even more gorgeous than you already are now. Not that I saying you aren't extremely beautiful, I mean you're an angle. But just imagine your beauty multiplied by a hundred. The results could destroy a calculator, or make a man's nose bleed like crazy. Men would probably fight to the death just to get…"

"Okay Mason I get it," Pacifica interrupted her boyfriend before floating over to him and planting a big one right on his lips.

Mmmmm ma

"So what else do you remember?" Pacifica asked afterwards. "Did you finally find out who the author is? Or did Mabel mess things up for you like she's done before?"

"Well I don't remember whether or not I learned of the author's identity, but I do remember hearing that something horrible will happen in the near future. I don't know what exactly will happen, but I do know it's going to be bad and that among these bad things, will include Grunkle Stan dying. And for some reason, I have a strong feeling that the author was the key to stopping all these horrible things from happening in the future. That means that in order to make sure whatever this threat is, I have to find the author before it happens.

As for Mabel, well after what she did to the Black Nova, it's a logical assumption that she somehow must've fucked everything up like she always does. And when I mean everything I mean not just for why most of my family turn against me, but also for how I, nor she, Soos and Wendy can't remember a good fraction of what we learned about the future."

"I thought you believed it to be a side effect from time travelling?"

"Well it's just a theory, but from the research, I've done about the Time Cavern, (along with my past experiences with her), it's more likely that Mabel's the one responsible for our memory loss."

"I'm honestly not surprised by this. Bet Soos and Wendy weren't happy when the Mystery Twins didn't reunite." Pacifica responded.

"Oh, they weren't." Mason verified. "Not to mention that Grunkle Stan and our parents were pissed off. They threatened to have me and Mabel sent home immediately after the end of summer because he didn't wanna have to deal with our parent's constant complaints about how he failed to stop all this. Luckily after a long phone call with them, they, (along with Grunkle Stan), agreed to let us stay at the Shack for the school year. They agreed because Mabel and I have made many good friends, have steady relationships going on, and since my Gold Eagle Academy scholarship is too good an opportunity to pass up. Though I'm being forced to move back into the attic with Mabel, (which sucks), for as long as we're both living in the Shack."

"Sheesh, sounds like you're being punished for something Mabel caused, again," Pacifica said.

"Oh yeah, big time. Luckily though, as soon as I'm eighteen, I'm going to move out of the Mystery Shack and live out my life without that accursed, former sister/friend ruining it," Mason responded.

"Amen to that," Pacifica said in agreement. "Now enough talk about that foolish idiot, and those mysterious threats. Let's just you and I have a nice, long, make out session."

Without another word, Pacifica reached over, grabbed Mason's arm, pulling him, (and the floaty he was lying on), right next to her, and started kissing him passionately. Mason in turn, quickly began kissing Pacifica back with equal passion, forgetting all about everything that had transpired the previous days, as they continued to make out, enjoying their time together.


"Nam… you… nam… got… nam… a date with… nam… Gabe?" Mabel asked Candy while both of them, (alongside Grenda), sat at some random table in the gravity Malls food court, eating ice cream. "As in Gabe, the puppet-loving guy I use to have a crush on?"

"Yeah," Candy said nervously. "I've sort of been stalking him since your sock opera failed a while back. He finally caught on to it a few days ago, and almost called the cops on me. I managed to talk him out of it though by showing him my paper on why puppets rule."

"When did you write a puppet paper?" Asked Grenda.

"In between the time I was hanging out with you guys, and stalking Gabe. He found the paper to be quite interesting. Interesting enough that he took me out to a date. It was great, he's so handsome, and charming," the last part she said dreamily, but then immediately snapping herself out of it. "So uh Mabel, you cool with me dating Gabe? Since you know, you had a thing for him a while back."

"Pfff. Nah. What happened between me and Gabe is ancient history. Besides," pulls out a picture of Mermando from her pocket, "I have my dream man now. The one who I'll spend the rest of my life with forever. This I know, for a fact."

"Oh yeah, I remember you telling us yesterday on the phone about how you, Soos, Wendy, and Dip-jerk travelled into the future," Grenda mentioned. "You never did tell us about our futures though."

"Honestly I don't remember," Mabel said in response. "When came back from the future, for some reason, a lot of what we saw just vanished from our heads. And of course, Dipper thinks that it was somehow all my FAULT!"

Upon saying this, Mabel dropped in head onto the table and starting crying, drawing the attention of a few nearby occupants. Grenda and Candy quickly took action with both of them comforting their bestie. They knew very well how much Mabel missed having her brother in her life. It hurt her dearly thinking how Dipper had become so mean to her. Which in turn hurt Candy and Grenda as they hated to see their best friend emotionally suffer like this.

"It's not your fault girl. Dipper's just gone completely over to the Darkside," Grenda said to Mabel in an attempt to comfort her.

"Yeah," Candy added in agreement. "Ever since Grenda and I met him during Summerween, we've both noticed how close he walked on the edge. Not a good sign if you ask me. Then he started dating Pacifica Northwest. Who like Palpatine did with Darth Vader, manipulated him until he became a cold-blooded monster who served a horrible tyrant. Though in this case, that tyrant is a rich, spoiled, diva whose life I want so badly…"

"A Candy," Grenda said. Snapping her fingers in front of Candy in order to get her to focus.

"Um yes. As I was saying, Pacifica's basically turned Dipper into Darth Vader. A man completely consumed by evil."

"Sniff, sniff. Bu… but di… didn't that Vader guy turns out to be a good guy in the end?" Mabel asked.

"F.Y.I. Mabel's not a Star Wars fan. The only reason that she knows this is because Dipper and Soos are major fans, and had a Star Wars marathon right after the Stan retook the Mystery Shack. Which they forced Mabel and Grunkle Stan to participate in."

Truth be told Mabel had tried to completely forget about Dipper. But they were twins. They shared an extremely strong bond; and while Mabel decided to live out her life without Dipper, she couldn't help but miss him badly. Deep down, she held on to the hope that the boy she knew as Dipper, her twin brother, and best friend was still inside "Mason". Yet despite this hope, after what she saw of them int he future, (or at least what she remembered), it seemed that Dipper, may, in fact, be gone forever.

"Yeah but not everyone can be saved," Candy pointed out. "Even if there's still good in Dipper, it won't be able to retake control till Pacifica is subtracted from the equation."

"Though that doesn't sound possible. Especially after the last time you tried to break them up at the Woodstick Festival way back," Grenda pointed out. "And the other options..."

"Are all wrong," Mabel finished, not sounding any happier than when she was before. "I get it guys. The Dipper I knew is gone. Maybe forever. Sigh."

Seeing as how talking about the problem failed to make things better, Candy decided to try a new approach.

"So anyway, how about we go do something fun?" She suggested. "Like maybe find Grenda a boyfriend since Mabel and I now one each?"

That put a smile on Mabel's face as she thought of it. "I'm in. It's time for the Love Doctors to take action."

"I'M IN!" Grenda shouted excitedly at the thought of getting a boyfriend.

"Then what are we waiting for? LET'S GO!" Mabel said before jumping off of her seat and charging towards a random direction.

"YEAH!" Screamed Grenda while following Mabel in pursuit.

"LET'S DO THIS!" Candy screamed. Running off to join her best friends. All of whom had now completely forgotten about Mason.

Meanwhile, in a secluded area in the Gravity Falls forest

"And you're definitely, positively, sure that they don't know of our plans that will transpire in the near future?" Bill asked.

"Yes my lord," responded the demon's most trusted/human henchman. "Everything related to Wierdmageddon was wiped from their memories the moment they returned to the Time Cavern."

"What about the old, washed up conman? Are you certain he didn't notice anything suspicious? Especially the flash from when you fired the gun?"

"Not to worry. From my past observations of him, I determined that he doesn't pay attention to anything unless its money related. Besides my men reported that the old fool had fallen asleep hours beforehand."

Bill did not seem convinced. "What about when you fired the gun? He must've been awakened by the flash that appeared when those twin brats and their lame friends returned to the present. Along with the second flash, from when you fired the gun, he would've surely noticed something suspicious now."

"True my spies did confirm that the sight of the first flash awakened the old fool, but he did not notice the second flash."

"How so?"

"Simple: I'd already had the memory gun all prepared beforehand, and was fully ready to fire it at any moment. When the flash that signified the return of our 'acquaintances' appeared, I immediately fired the gun, making the original flash appear as if it was becoming brighter. He didn't notice anything suspicious."

"Okay. Well, how exactly did you manage to avoid being caught when the twins and friends returned to the cave?"

"The effects of travelling through time, combined with those caused by the memory gun, resulted in all four of them falling unconscious immediately after their memories were wiped; they didn't get a chance to notice me at all. By the time they came to, I'd already turned myself invisible, thanks to the spell provided by you, my great and mighty supreme lord."

"Excellent!" Bill said approvingly. "Now tell me, have you determined if we succeed in our plans for dimensional domination? Or will those blasted twins along with their annoying friends and family stop us?"

"Sadly I have yet to learn of the results of the invasion my lord. However, from what I and my spies have heard on the streets, victory shall come to us, I mean you, with little, to no rebellion. As for the Pines, well my Intel also reports that the Pine Trees have Fallen!"


Well, this is it. Fallen Pines Trees is done. I can't believe it but it's finally finished. I really enjoyed working on this story, it's one of my best.

Just out of curiosity, which chapter of Fallen Pine Trees is your favourite? Please let me know in the reviews. Mine, I can't decide because they were, (in my opinion), all awesome.

Now I do eventually plan on writing a story of Wierdmageddon, (the one that future Mason told the gang about), as well as a story that takes place around the time period that Mason, Mabel, Soos, and Wendy visit. But right now I need a break from this particular series. Instead, I'm going to focus on creating a story requested to me by retro mania. I also plan to work on volume 2 of my Atomic Puppet story.

Anyways, thank you all for following, favouring, viewing, and reviewing Fallen Pine Trees. You all brought me real joy and helped encourage me to continue writing. You also gave me some awesome ideas and great feedback, which I really appreciate. Please feel free to leave me any reviews about what you thought of Fallen Pine Trees.

Thank you, and goodbye : )