Months later,
"Isabella?" Isabella looks up from the garden at the sound of her husband's voice. "Where's my beautiful rose?"
"I'm in the garden Robin." She calls as she struggles to get to her feet, but her large belly makes it almost impossible for her. She sighs and decides to wait for him to find her.
Robin hurries out, his eyes widen and he drops his bow in the dirt as he hurries to help her up. "Are you alright, my love?"
She nods. "Yes, I am. Honestly Robin, women have been having children forever. You don't need to hover over me."
"I know, I know," he steps as close to her as her stomach allows. "but, allow me to worry about you."
She nods and leans forward as Robin kisses her on the mouth. It was then that she felt the water gush over her feet and she jumped. "Robin!"
He jumped as well. "What?"
"It's time." His eyes widen in shock.
"Ok, I will get you situated in our room," Robin was almost in shock at her announcement, but he was attempting to remain calm. "I will fetch the midwife."
"HEATHER!" Isabella bellowed as Robin gingerly moved her to the house. "It's time."
Heather came out of the Locksley estate with a smile on her face. "I know milady, the water is already boiling and I sent for the midwife an hour ago. Lord and lady Gisbourne have been informed as well."
"How did you know?" Robin asked.
"She was having her pains and it's close to her date." She reached for Isabella. "Now, you go to the tavern and I'll fetch you when it's time."
Robin stared at her. "I'm not going to the tavern while my wife's in labor."
"It will be a long labor." Heather warns him as she guides Isabella up the stairs.
"Then I'll wait for her!" he declares as he rubs his hands on his pants. "If you need me love, call me."
Isabella screamed for hours and Robin was certain he was going to die from waiting. Guy and Meg had been delayed, since Meg was again with child, it now took them several hours to get from the castle to the Locksley estate.
Suddenly, Isabella's screams went silent, causing Robin to freeze and look upwards at the ceiling. Guy and Meg look upwards as well. There's a cry, then Isabella starts screaming again. Another fifteen minutes pass, more screaming and then finally silence.
Heather comes down the stairs, wiping her bloody hands on a towel. She looks for Robin before nodding. "Your wife is ready to see you."
Robin bolts up the stairs, nearly knocking heather down in his mad rush to get to his wife. He vaguely hears Meg offering Heather a cup of tea. He pushes the door open, to see Isabella with three children in her arms.
He stops, frozen in shock in the doorway at the sight of her. She sighs. "You'll have to make me two more cribs."
"Indeed." He stammers as he gingerly walks over to her bed. He leans over and kisses her brow. "How are you my love?"
"I'm alright." She looks at her arms. "Would you like to hold one of your children?"
He nods. "Yes."
He reaches for the one in the middle, causing her to smile. "A father always seems to instinctively know which one's his daughter."
"She's beautiful, my love." He carefully sits in the bed beside her. "I gave you one more than Gisbourne gave Meg."
Isabella swatted him. "Stop it, you rascal."
He grins at her. "I'm sorry, I can't help it."
She exhaled and rested her head on his shoulder. "I love this, you kept your word." He looks down at her. "You promised me I'd have everything, safety and love. Now, you've even given me a family."
"I shall give you more, much more."
"I don't need more," she says gently. "I just need you."
"I'm yours to have," he promises as he leans forward to kiss her on the mouth. "always and forever my love."
Author's note: And that's the end. For those interested, I started my first Loki fic, 'Run to You'.