#162 (Plot Point) – Write about getting back together with an ex.

Riverdale FanFiction Challenge Forum

Betty nervously bit her lower lip.

Veronica's hand lifted to lightly trace down her best friend's (secret crush)'s neck from her spot resting her head on Betty's lap. "Hey B. why so nervous?" She knew every single one of Betty's nervous ticks. She loved every single one of them.

Betty took a deep breath. "Jughead and I are back together." She breathed out. Her eyes drifted closed as she pictured her best friend's and boyfriend's face.

Veronica's lips turned down into a deep frown at the news. She quickly replaced it into a smile as Betty's eyes opened once more. "Oh really." She sat up once more. She couldn't bare to have her head resting on Betty as her heart broke once more. "How many times is this now? Ten million." She got up from the bed and moved towards her closet.

Betty frowned. "That's not fair Ronnie." She spoke in a slightly hurt voice.

Veronica spun around on her heels. "I'll tell you what's not fair Betty!" She spat out.

Betty blinked hurt confused blue green eyes at her best friend. Her hands curled up into fists. Her knuckles turned white and she felt pressure against her half moons intent.

Veronica's eyes widen at the sight. "N-n-no." She rushed forward and knelt down in front of the blonde. She placed her hands over her best friend's ones. "I didn't mean it B. I didn't mean it." She whispered as she looked pleading up into the broken eyes of her soulmate.

"Why are you so angry at me?" Betty breathed out. "I don't understand."

"I'm not angry at you B. I'm not." Veronica cried.

Betty's fists just clenched ever so much harder. Her silent cries of help ripped through Veronica's soul.

Veronica sat up in bed gasping for air. "B!" She cried as her knees rose to her chest and her arms wrapped around them. Her head banged against her knees as she cried heart breaking sobs over the nightmare that she just had.