Disclaimer: everything belongs to Ms. JKRowling. All I own is Marie and Evie.
Poppy Pomphrey chuckled as she walked into the hospital wing. As she had suspected Severus sat, with Harry in his lap no less, asleep on Harry's bed. The other three children strewn around him.
"Severus," she wispered in his ear,"Wake up."
The man's eyes blinked open slowly, "Poppy? Ah, you're back."
Poppy smiled, "Obviously. Should I wake the students or would you prefer that they stay here for the night?"
Severus looked at the students, " Leave them. I'll collect them in the morning. If you approve, I'd like to take Harry outside with us tomorrow."
Poppy nodded,"Yes, take him. He needs the exercise and I need time to organize the cupboards and potions."
Severus nodded and lay Harry on the bed,"I'll collect them all in the morning."
"You'll have to take Fluffy and Fang with you," Poppy reminded him.
"Understood," Severus acknowledged.
Harry hid his head under his pillow. He had had such a wonderful dream that he didn't want to wake up alone again in the hospital wing.
"I thought I dreamed that all happened," came the wispered voice of a young girl.
"Me too," replied a boy's voice, equally quiet,"No one will believe us when we tell them that PROFESSOR SNAPE let a little boy sit on his lap while he told us all stories."
"It was't a dream?!" Harry gasped, sitting straight up in his bed.
The three other children jumped at the boy's sudden movement.
"We thought you were still asleep," one of the girls said, cheeks turning red.
Harry grinned, "What are your ames? I'm Harry."
The only boy gave a shy smile, "I'm Charley Weasly."
The red haired girl lept to her feet, "I'm Marie Cusino."
"I'm Evie Marie," The dark haired girl squeaked, "Marie and I are not related."
"Ice to meet you," Harry grinned, "Are you staying? Or are you goig to leave agai'?"
"We don't know, Harry," Charley admitted, "We'd love to stay and be your friend but it all depends on what our teacher says."
"Pofesso' Sape?" Harry asked excitedly, "I likes him! I hope he lets me play with you."
"You are going to need proper cloths first, Harry," the professors deep voice interrupted them.
"Professor!" The students gasped.
"Good morning to you, too, " Severus let a smile pass over his lips, " You three go, change your cloths, then come back here. Mr. Weasley, if you would not mind bringing a set of cloths you have outgrown, I beleave our new friend would not mind wearing them until we can get him some of his own."
"I'll get my ow' cloths, too?!" Harry gasped, "Cool!"
The students rushed to obey their teacher and were soon following the man down to the grounds, Harry holding his hand.
"What are we goi'g to do outside, Sevus?" Harry asked.
"Today we are going to give Fluffy a bath," Severus explained.
The students exchanged an apprehensive glance.
"S-sir," Evie squeeked, "Is that safe for Harry? Fluffy's really big."
"Fluffy's my frie'd," Harry said proudly,"He's really 'ice."
Severus handed Harry a magically conjured water pistol, "Now, all of you know to be very carful. You don't want to get soap in your eyes, or Fluffy's."
He took off his long, black cloak and raised his wand. Fluffy ran around the small group as they all sprayed him until he was throughly wet. Then they all sprayed him with soap. Soon, Harry was slipping and sliding over the slick grass. Every time he fell, he just laughed and got back to his feet to continue the game. Severus, however, grew worried every time the little boy fell. Poppy would be furious with him if Harry got hurt again so soon. Finally, Fluffy was nice and clean. The students, on the other hand, were covered in soap, mud, and dog hair.
"Now, all of you," Severus said severely, "Into the Black Lake. Stay close to the shore."
All four children ran laughing into the water, cloths and all. It was all fun and games until Evie suddenly vanished under the black water. The other three screamed and ran as fas as they could. They only stopped when they heard Evie laughing behind them. Severus grinned by her side. The other children burst out laughing as a new game began. At the end of the day, Poppy was faced with an exhausted Harry and a smiling Severus.
"Would you mind taking him with you tomorrow as well," she already knew the answer.
"I was just about to ask you the same thing," Severus grinned.
AN: Sorry it took so long to update. I've been really busy lately. Also, there is a reason Severus is out of character but that comes in later. Hope you like,? ゚ヨヨ?