Heyo everyone! I know this chapter took a while, but don't worry, I'm still working on this story! Since I've been super busy with school work and life, I haven't had as much time to write as I'd like to, and didn't want to rush the chapter, so I made sure it was finished before posting it! Anyways, I hope you all enjoy the chapter and I'll see you all soon!
"Raditz! Bardock!" Gine ran forward and threw her arms around her husband and son, bringing them into a tight embrace. Tear specks were in her eyes. "I...I was so worried!"
"Don't make a scene." Bardock responded softly, putting his right arm on her back.
"Mother!" Raditz complained, huffing as he resisted his mother's tight embrace. In truth, he was not really trying to escape it.
"Gine...long time no see."
Gine lifted her head to see Turles confidently walking towards her. Her eyes widened a bit in surprise, before she softly said his name. "Turles.."
Turles took her right hand and raise it, giving it a gentle kiss before releasing her. "Always nice to see the wife of my brother, and father to my nephews, once more."
Raditz perked up at this, as if remembering something. "Kakarot!"
"Oh, he's back at home with Gohan. I'm sure that he's...well...maybe we should get back." Gine spoke, laughing a bit as she put her hand behind her head.
In that moment, Bardock knew exactly where Goku's laugh and smile came from. He smiled as well, before lifting off into the air. "I'm sure that Gohan's got his hands full. Turles, if you plan to stick around, King Vegeta will instruct you on what to do. I'm going home to rest."
"Understood. You know, I do plan to stick around for a while. I've missed my fellow Saiyans." Turles smirked, before stretching and smelling the fresh air. "What a beautiful planet you chose, brother."
"Mhm. I'll be back to check on you later." Bardock then flew off into the air, back towards Gohan's house. Gine and Raditz followed, leaving the other Saiyans where they stood.
"You have a new palace, right, father?" Vegeta asked, standing with his arms crossed beside King Vegeta.
"Not yet...but soon, son. Let us go to where we'll be staying for now. Nappa, come along as well. I'll leave you with Lantain for now, he'll get you situated." King Vegeta said.
"Sir!" Nappa responded, before lifting into the air alongside the king and the prince.
Within a moment, the three of them flew off, leaving Turles standing alone outside of his ship. Turles looked off into the distance, the wind blowing his hair to the right, watching over a ledge at the view before him. He was able to see the clear blue river, the vibrant green trees, the birds, the squirrels, a couple of deer, and the shining sun over the land.
Daiz exited the ship and approached behind his master, before taking a knee. "Sir, do you truly plan to rest on this planet?"
"Not necessarily rest, Daiz. This planet...it's perfect. I'll plant the tree here, destroy this planet to a dustball, then use my new power to rule the universe. First, I need to convince Bardock to join me. He seems to be one of the strongest Saiyans here. I would honestly prefer not to kill my own brother, but if I have to, so be it." Turles turned away from the view with a smirk, before beginning to walk back to his ship. "I'll take everything this planet has for myself, then leave it to waste away."
That night, Bardock stood outside of Gohan's house with Gine, staring up at the starry sky. He had a solemn look on his face. His lips were pursed, his eyes distant, and his chin up as he looked towards the sky.
Beside him, Gine stood quietly. With Bardock's tail wrapped around her, one of his few signs of affection, she felt comfortable. Yet like a puzzle piece out of place, she knew that something was wrong with him. "What is it, Bardock?"
It took Bardock a moment to answer. His thoughts were forming like waves in the ocean, threatening to break against a shore. "Turles. It's Turles."
"I know you guys left on rough terms...but you can fix it, right?"
"I don't know...in the original timeline, that would have been the last time that Turles and I saw each other. Now though? He's here, on this planet, twenty years early. If I can't change him…"
"Don't think like that." Gine said, her tone taking a level of authority. She stood in front of Bardock and pouted, looking up at him with her best attempt at anger. "You can change him. You can save him too! Look at what you did already. Our whole race would be dead if not for you. I'm sure that you can save your brother, you need to be sure of it too!"
Bardock looked down at her sternly, but could not stop the crack of a smile from forming on his face. He used his tail to pull his wife in closer while looking into her eyes under the moonlight. "Maybe you're right."
"Of course I am."
"And how do you know that?"
"Because I'm your wife."
Meanwhile, in the house, Raditz sat in a chair across from Kakarot's crib. He had both arms crossed, his right leg up and sitting on his left knee, and his eyes slanted in annoyance. "That old man sure sleeps early. Father's outside with mom, and you're asleep."
Kakarot slept with his arms and legs spread wide. He snored, with a tiny bubble coming off of his nose. As he slept, his chest raised up and down gently. The little child did not have a care in the world.
Bored, Raditz stood up and walked to the edge of Kakarot's crib. He looked down at the boy, just staring at him for a little while. "I wonder...can I really be a good brother for you? Not like I should care. You're lucky already. You were born weak, yet you don't have to get sent off to some planet. You're here, with father and mother."
Kakarot slowly opened his eyes, still sleepy. He saw Raditz and raised his hands up to him, grabbing at the air gently as he did so. The baby's eyes were wide and curious as he saw his brother.
A red blush crossed Raditz's face as he leaned in closer, looking off to the side to avoid eye contact. "Fine, I guess you are a bit cute."
Suddenly, a mischievous glint formed at the corner of Kakarot's eyes before he grabbed a handful of Raditz's hair and pulled on it.
This caused Raditz to hit his neck against the edge of the crib, before gagging from the blow.
In the royal household, the night was taking a different route.
"What a poor excuse for accommodation." Prince Vegeta spoke, walking over the velvet red carpet this has new obode decorated its grounds with. "We have to stay here? Royalty? You can't be serious, father."
"Until the palace is complete, we will remain here, Vegeta." King Vegeta spoke, before sliding off his armor and setting it on the basic wooden table that the house had. "I'm not happy with it either, but you should be happy to have your life. For now, we celebrate the fact that we are free of that tyrant, Frieza."
"Is that what we will do, father? Run and hide like cowards on this backwater planet?" Prince Vegeta asked.
"Of course not. We are not here to hide. We are here to live, for now. I will spend this time training. Every single day will push me closer and closer to becoming the one thing that can defeat Frieza."
"You mean…"
"Yes, my son." King Vegeta took a knee, looking into his son's eyes with an ambition that the Prince had never seen before. "I will do it. I'll become a Super Saiyan."
Just like that, a month passed. Turles was given a few houses for him and his men to stay in if they so chose. Most of the time, they lived on their ship, as per usual. Though sometimes, they did explore their new houses, maybe out of curiosity more than anything.
King Vegeta and Prince Vegeta spent their time training. built them a new chamber, which they spent most of their time in. It also included a new feature. One that would mask their Power Levels from prying eyes.
Prince Vegeta insisted on making their presence known, so King Vegeta was forced to announce his rule and destroy a building in the process. Due to urgence from Bardock, the building was empty, but it was enough to send humans into a panic. Talk of what to do continues, as the humans await word from the King of Earth.
Bardock had spent his time training, as well as thinking of what to do next. Most of his time was spent alone in the wilderness, meditating or training. had built him a gravity chamber too, which he kept in the wild of Mount Paozu, as to give him time to think of a solution to his issue with Turles.
Currently, Bardock threw punches in that very chamber, lost in thought. On his mind, flashes of images from another timeline. The encounter between Turles and Goku. His plan for the Earth. His nonchalant attitude about the death of his team. His sinister treatment of Gohan. And finally, his death at the hands of the Spirit Bomb, and ironically, the power of his own Tree of Might.
Due to all of this, Bardock was inattentive as to what would happen next, as his eldest son made his way towards West City.
"Woah, you're amazing!"
"A kid can really do that?!"
"No way! This must be some kind of trick!"
"Foolish humans, I am no ordinary child. I am the Saiyan Prince, Vegeta! Call me a child again, and you won't live to get a second chance." Vegeta said. He stood on top of a pedestal in the city, looking out over a small crowd that had gathered around him. His smile was bent into an arrogant smirk, and his arms were crossed. A breeze allowed his small cape to flow in the wind behind him.
"He's so full of it." Raditz said, looking away from the Prince and slightly shaking his head.
"Oh?" Vegeta said. He flew off of his pedestal to the back of the crowd, where Raditz was standing. "Did you mutter something?"
"N-nothing." Raditz responded. He refused to make eye contact with Vegeta.
"Oh really?" Vegeta formed a sarcastic smile, his eyes thinning as he raised his right hand to Raditz's face. He gave Raditz two gentle slaps on the cheek. "Good then. Everyone knows that the weakest dogs bark the loudest, don't they, Raditz?"
Raditz clenched his fists but did not say a word. Realizing this, Vegeta turned away, prepared to fly back to his pedestal.
"You're just a spoiled kid!"
"Oh?" Vegeta turned around to see Raditz with both fists clenched and his head forward. "Was that to me?"
Raditz trembled, but he shouted once more. "Of course it was, you idiot! Ever since I was paired up with you, you've just been nothing but a stuck up kid! I'm older than you, and I'm tired of being treated like I'm less than you!"
"Hmph." Vegeta smiled at this, before gesturing to the space around them. "Step back, maggots. This one thinks he has something to prove."
For a moment, Raditz stood there, his face twisted a bit in thought.
The crowd around him began to move from behind Vegeta, instead forming a circle around the two. The crowd was at least twenty feet back, but still had a prime view of what was to come.
"Wait a minute, you want to fight?!" Raditz asked.
"You would refuse? Such a big mouth, yet no strength to back it up?" Vegeta asked, taking his signature fighting stance. "You may be a mid-level warrior, just a bit better than the ranks of the rest of your family, but you dare disrespect a Prince?"
Unable to stop trembling, Raditz bit his lower lip before taking his own fighting stance. He kept both arms near him and raised to block whatever was coming. "Y-yeah. I'm not afraid of some stuck-up kid."
"Heh." Vegeta dashed forward, immediately hitting a punch to Raditz's chin. He immediately followed it up with several punches to the gut, before kicking Raditz in the stomach.
The force from the blows sent Raditz to the ground. His body rolled a bit before coming to a stop. He held his stomach, attempting to prevent tears from forming. "D-damn it."
Walking over, Vegeta's smirk only grew wider. "All of that mouth to be beaten in a simple few hits? Then again, what else would you expect from a Prince?"
"P-please! No more! I'm sorry! Don't hurt me anymore!" Raditz shouted, sitting up and curling his knees. He waved both hands in front of him as if to wave off any coming attacks.
Vegeta raised an eyebrow at this, almost offended. "Bah. To think, you were nothing but a coward. Me and Nappa always knew it. Must run in the family, doesn't it, Raditz?"
As Vegeta turned away, Raditz's eyes flared and he jumped up quickly.
"Grah!" Raditz shouted, slamming his right fist against Vegeta's cheek and knocking the Prince back. "Don't talk about my father! And I'm no coward!"
With wide eyes, Vegeta slowly raised his right hand and touched the corner of his lips. When he pulled back his hand, small dots of red decorated his previously white glove.
"You dare...you dare draw blood from the Prince of all Saiyans?!" Vegeta shouted, before punching Raditz across the face with his left hand.
The blow sent Raditz to the ground again, but Vegeta was not stopping there.
"You...never...disrespect...me!" Vegeta shouted, repeatedly kicking Raditz in the stomach, over and over again.
Some women in the crowd screamed, covering their eyes or running off. The men watched in horror, some started to move forward.
"Augh! Ah! Ah!" Raditz coughed up blood, giving a shout of pain with every strike.
A man put a hand on Vegeta's shoulder. The man was middle-aged, had black hair with specks of gray beginning to form, and wore a simple beige polo shirt with navy blue jeans. "That's enough! You'll kill him!"
Then, the man noticed the sick look in Vegeta's eyes. His pupils were dilated, he gave rasped breathes, and his very demeanor was crazed. "Don't touch me, maggot!"
Vegeta threw the man to the side with ease, giving Raditz just enough time to attempt to crawl away.
"Where do you think you're going?" Vegeta asked, before slamming his foot down on Raditz's back.
"Ga..gah!" Raditz cried.
"Die!" Vegeta started to slam his foot down before another hand grabbed his shoulder. "What now-?"
Stopping himself, the Prince noticed that his father was standing behind him. He pulled back his foot and put it on the ground.
King Vegeta had a small frown on his face. He walked forward, looking down at the injured Raditz, who was struggling to catch his breath. "Son, you can't be picking fights with that low level's son. We still need him."
"He disrespected me, father. I couldn't help myself." Prince Vegeta said. He turned around and walked off, thrusting his cape behind him.
"And you…" King Vegeta sneered down at Raditz, before kicking a small bit of dirt on his back. "Be careful about who you pick fights with. Especially ones that you have no hope of winning."
With that, King Vegeta walked after his son, leaving Raditz in the dirt.
Defeated, the son of Bardock clenched dirt in his right fist, forcing back tears. "Damn it...damn it…!"
"So...you got your behind handed to you, ay, kid?"
"Huh?" Raditz turned to the right, noticing someone standing in the shadows. Raditz had been walking back home after his beating, too ashamed to fly, and taking his time to get back. "Who's there?"
As he stepped out of the shadows, Turles' ruby scouter gleamed off of the sunlight. He smirked down at his nephew. "Just your good uncle Turles. I saw what happened. You look pretty down, kid."
"Ha. Funny. Who wouldn't be after something like that?" Raditz said. He began slowly walking forward again, feeling his bruises forming with each step. "I'm not worthy of being my father's son. Look at what he did back on Hugodrax. All I can do is get beat up and pushed around by Vegeta. I'm weak, just like he says."
Turles slowly walked behind Raditz, wearing a face of sympathy. He put a hand on Raditz's left shoulder. "I know what it's like to be pushed around, kiddo. Your dad used to come to my rescue all the time when we were kids."
This caused a small light to gleam in Raditz's eyes. He turned around quickly to face his uncle. "You too, uncle Turles?! You were weak like me too?!"
He laughed in response. "Wow, way to be blunt about it."
"Sorry." Raditz responded sheepishly.
"Yes, I was weak too. Though, that all changed. Now, I'm one of the strongest Saiyans on this planet and even better, I can make you one of them too." Turles whispered, watching the excitement build in Raditz's expression.
"Really?! You really mean that?!" Raditz asked.
"I sure do. Let me add one more thing. You can do it without training at all. All you have to do, my dear Raditz, is help me with a...project, in return. How's that sound, kiddo?"
"That sounds great!"
Hearing this, Turles' expression morphed into something sinister. His face became shadowed, he tilted his head back a bit, his eyes slanted, and a pleased, malicious smile forming on his face. "Do we have a deal then?"