Author Notes: this is a My Hero Academia (Boku no Hiro Akademia) fanfiction story. I claim no rights, or anything associated with the series as they are rightfully owned by Kohei Horikoshi. Some of the characters may seem OOC so please don't hate. Warning this story will feature boy x boy (Yaoi) relationship with Shoto Todoroki and Izuku Midoriya. This story will feature hard core sex, male pregnancy, blood drinking, and males giving birth. If you don't like those things, then please don't read it. Also, be sure to leave me your comments telling me what you think!
Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking', *mental telepathy*, (author notes), bold=flash backs, italics=monster speech
One: the choosing
Vampires... Usually when humans hear this word, they think of blood thirsty monsters with razor sharp fangs. But in truth vampires aren't what humans thought them to be as they look and behave just like humans. Yes, they need blood to live. Before their existence became known to humans, they mostly lived off of animal blood, raw meat, and/or a blood substitute. In order to keep the peace between the two races an arrangement was made between the king of vampires and the humans. The vampires would allow the humans their vast resources of knowledge and technology to help benefit mankind. The vampires would also allow their wealth to help humans with their financial means. In exchange for the money, the humans would work for the vampires doing jobs such as landscaping, being servants, maids, and/or guards. Every year young teens from the ages of fifteen to eighteen years old would be gathered for the vampires to pick humans to choose and become their servants. At times vampires would also take a human to be their sexual partner and/or blood donor. This ceremony was known as the choosing. It happened during the full moon at the times of the changing of seasons. And it was required that all the humans attended until they passed the age limit.
It was during the fall ceremony and Izuku Midoriya's first time attending the choosing ceremony. Izuku was getting dressed for the ceremony. His mom Inko wanted to see her son off as she didn't want to think of her son never returning home. Izuku came out of his room wearing a white buttoned up long sleeve dress shirt, a green buttoned up vest sat over the shirt, navy blue dress slacks sat on his legs, and a pair of black shoes completed his look. Izuku tried his best to control his crazy greenish-black hair but the wild waves wouldn't cooperate.
"Gods... My baby boy is all grown up." cried Inko. "Remember to be on your best behavior if you are chosen. Also obey all the rules that they give you regardless if you don't want to do them."
"I know mom. Please don't worry as the odd will be that I may not be chosen." Izuku replied before he gave his mom a hug.
"Please just promise me that you will be careful." Inko stated as she hugged Izuku tightly.
"I will mom." replied Izuku. The two broke apart as the young teen left his home hoping to return back.
Izuku traveled to the town hall where he could see other teens his own age lined up to head inside. They were separated into two groups. Izuku went into the boy's line as he could see vampire guards armed with weapons patrolling the area. All vampire guards wore the same exact uniform. The only thing that was different was the patch on their jackets that had the vampire's mark. Each vampire had a special mark that represented their house and name.
The guard uniforms consisted of a black jacket with a red trim and buttons, a pair of black pants, and black combat boots ( -Man Hallow series uniform). One of the villager's elders was taking attendance and directing the people where to go. The young teens told the elder their name, age, and where they hailed from before they entered the hall. Izuku shuffled in with the rest of the teen as he didn't see anyone that he recognized. Soon a skinny skeleton looking man took the stage grabbing the teens attention.
"Thank you all for coming to this year's choosing ceremony. For those of you who don't know me... I am Torinoshi Yagi, the village leader. In a few minutes the vampires will be entering the hall to pick those of you to either be their maids, servants, guards, blood donors, or sexual partners. Please don't make eye contact, keep your head bowed, and don't speak unless spoken too." commanded Yagi. "Now please go into single file line. Girls on the left side and boys on the right." Izuku got in line with the other boys as he kept his head down. The lights dimmed slightly indicating that the vampires had entered the room. The vampires would go through picking out some of the teens to become their servants, guards, and/or maids. About half of the teens were already picked. Izuku could hear whispers as it seemed that someone very important had entered the town hall.
"It's the vampire king..." Izuku heard someone on the staff whisper. Izuku could see the other teens stand up at attention when they heard the king was there. Izuku still kept his head down and eye glued to the floor. He clenched his hands together in front of him.
The vampire king Shoto Todoroki decided to take a look at the young teens that were left from the choosing ceremony. He had more than enough staff, maids, guards, and servants. Every year he was looking for one person in particular. A young kid with greenish-black hair, brilliant emerald green eyes, and a light dusting of freckles across the bridge of his nose to his cheeks. He never got the kids name but he had a very sweet smell as just the little bit blood just tasted as rich. Shoto briefly caught the scent of honey, lavender, and vanilla.
'He's here!' he thought to himself with a smile stretched across his face. Shoto could remember like it was yesterday when he first met his future mate.
Begin Flashback...
It happened when Shoto was just a fledgling. Shoto may have looked like a fire year old kid but he was actually one hundred and five years in the vampire terms. Shoto was walking through the park with his sitter when he smelled blood. It had a very rich scent that caused his fangs to lengthen. Shoto followed the scent to see a young child about three years old crying. His knee was badly scrapped and bleeding. The young boys scent drew Shoto in like a moth to a flame. The sweet smell of honey, lavender, and vanilla drifted up his nose. Even as a fledgling Shoto knew what the sweet smell meant. As his more vampiric part of him confirmed it.
Mate... It snarled. The boy had wild wavy greenish-black hair, tears poured down from his emerald green eyes. He had a light dusting of freckles that ran across the bridge of his nose to his cheeks that were slightly red because of him crying. Shoto's sitter saw the boy and the blood. Fearing for the young boy's life, he went to stop Shoto but the young vampire waved him off.
"Are you, all right?" Shoto asked as he squatted before the young child. Izuku shook his head wildly before pointing to the swings that two older kids were now on.
"They pushed me off the swing. I hurt my knee." Izuku cried. Shoto looked at the older kids whom were ten years old laughing and swinging on the swings. The young vampire's eyes flashed blood red as he snarled at the older kids. The older kids saw Shoto's eyes change and could see his fangs which caused them to run off. Shoto helped Izuku up to his feet walking him over to the swings. Izuku limped slightly favoring his knee.
"I know of a trick that will help your knee feel better."
"You do?!"
"Yes... Do you want me to help ease your pain?" Shoto asked as he knelt before Izuku. Izuku just nodded his head. Shoto leaned in kissing Izuku's knee as he used his tongue to lick up some of the blood. A vampire's saliva had a healing agent that would be able to heal the wound. The young humans blood was rich tasting like a mix of chocolate and peppermint. Shoto's eyes flashed a brighter red when he tasted Izuku's blood. Shoto withdrew his lips from the wound licking up the bit of blood that was on his lips. His eyes returned back to normal as he caused his fangs to shrink back down. With how young the child was, he couldn't claim him as his mate, not until he was old enough. "Feeling any better?" Shoto asked as he stood back up. Izuku flexed his knee not feeling any pain.
"Yeah... I thought that only my mom knew that trick. Thank you." Izuku explained with a bright smile on his face.
"I am glad that I could help you out. Be careful... All right?"
"I will. Thanks again." Izuku exclaimed as Shoto and his sitter left the young boy who began to swing happily on the swings.
End Flashback
Shoto never found out the boy's name or anything else about him. But the young vampire knew that one day they would be together again. All vampires knew that a person whom had a very sweet smell was destined to be their mate. This person's blood would also be delicious tasting as just a sip would not only heighten their powers but, it would also sustain them for a long time. Their mates blood would also be irresistible as the vampires wouldn't be able to get enough. Most vampires were considered lucky if they ever found their life mates as it didn't matter if their mate was the same sex. Both of Shoto's parents were true blood vampires, the rarest and strongest of the vampires as they weren't turned like most. They were born as vampires. Shoto's parents were also life mates. Which made Shoto just as strong or perhaps stronger than his parents. The only reason why Shoto was king is because it was not only his birthright but, also because a vampire hunter had killed his parents. There were a few humans who hated and feared vampires. That's why hunters were created to deal with them as they had skills and abilities that allowed them to go head to head with the vampires. But not all vampires were evil as it was the king's duty to make sure that all vampires stay in line and if they cross it for any reason, they were quickly dealt with. As even the vampires below the king had strict rules in which they had to obey. Shoto didn't know the reason to why both of his parents were hunted down and killed by a hunter. But now he was the king and wanted his mate by his side now more than ever.
Shoto followed the sweet smell to where all the new recruits were gathered. People began to whisper when he entered the room. His duel colored eyes scanned the room looking for the young boy he remembered so well. He stood with his head bowed down and his eyes casted down to the ground before him.
Mate! his inner vampire snarled. Izuku had his hands clenched before him as he stood with a slight slouch. The young boy he had only meet once before had grown into a fine young man. He was still beautiful in Shoto's eyes. Shoto walked before the group of young teens as many stood upright trying to meet the king's gaze. But Shoto was only interested in one person. Shoto stood before Izuku as a hand reached out grabbing the young boy's clenched hands. He could hear Izuku gulp as a shutter ran through his body. Everyone seemed to be waiting to hear what this boy was going to be for the king. With Shoto's other hand, he caressed Izuku's chin forcing the younger human to look up at him. When Izuku's eyes meet Shoto's, the young human gasped in shock. He had never seen a vampire whom looked as attractive and handsome as Todoroki did as the king looked to be his age. Shoto Todoroki had heterochromia colored eyes. Meaning one eye was a stormy grey while the other was an icy blue. Evenly split colored hair one side snow white while the other was blood red. Around his icy blue eye seemed to be a scar that covered all around his eye and part of his face making the icy blue eye stand out. Like most nobles of the vampiric race, Shoto was dressed in regal looking clothes. "My mate. At long last... I had finally found you." purred Shoto.
bringing Izuku home