Summary: Naruto had a rough, tedious past. From being mistreated in orphanages, living on the streets, and becoming an exotic dancer. But what happens when someone shows up at his door talking about an arranged marriage with the famed Uchiha Itachi? Can Naruto survive living up the the Uchiha standards and dealing with a dry, empty marriage? Or will he put it behind him and go "far"? Modern AU

Warning: Shonen-ai and yaoi. This story contains sexual situations, coarse language, guns, violence and abuse. So beware...

Categories: Romance (eventual), Humor and Angst.

Rating: M

I don't Naruto or Naruto Shippuden, Masashi Kishimoto does. But if I did, Sasuke's bitch ass would have never left a gem like Naru-chan, and Danzo would've died the first episode.


Kurai taiyō no hikari


Chapter Twelve: Rejection and Relapses


The raven wasn't having any of this, so a hand crept down and planted itself on the blond's ass cheek. He squeezed the soft, fatty globe, causing Naruto to gasp in shock which gave Itachi open access to that hot cavern. He pushed his pink muscle in the tan man's mouth and instantly started swirling his tongue with the other's. Of course his husband would taste sweet.

Itachi smirked when he heard a mewl escape the blond. 'This is payback for falling asleep on me last night.'

Each and every single Uchiha dropped their forks into the their bowls, as their jaws dropped. They looked at the scene in front of them dumbly, not believing what was going on.

They were happy that things were finally moving along, but they weren't expecting that.


Los Angeles, California

Thursday: August 3, 2017 11:05 AM

Naruto opened his eyes that he wasn't aware of even closing to peek at Itachi's face. Why did he let this man in his mouth? It felt like he was being assaulted.

By a tongue.

As the blond felt the hand tighten on his backside, he just thought about what was occuring.

'Is this man really squeezing my ass right now? My beautiful, precious ass? Without any work? I think not.'

'Nope. I agree.' His alter ego said in the back of his mind. 'We've never been contained before, and we're not gonna start now. You're being too kind. That little pretty boy Uchiha can wait in line like the rest of them.'

'Y'know… I haven't heard from you in like two years…'

'We're in the same body. What you need to worry about is getting that pale monkey off of you.'

'Oh! Right.'

Naruto wrenched the raven's hand off of him angrily. Itachi pulled back from the kiss with shock as he looked at the blond's fiery blue eyes. He expected Naruto to finally be in tune with him. Too be happy with him. Not be angry with him.

What did Itachi do wrong?

The short blond slid off of his husband's lap and onto his feet. He gave Itachi a dark look that sent shivers down his spine. Tan hands grabbed the man's sculpted face and turned it swiftly to look at him.

"Yo! You're being too fucking pushy there, pretty boy!" Naruto scolded.

Itachi was stunned straight. The blond has rejected him before.

Many times.

But what did he do this time that turned his husband off?

Whatever. Naruto would just have to deal with it. He knew what he was in for. He knew that Itachi wanted to claim him. Naruto knew that the raven would stop at nothing to succeed in that plan.

The long haired raven smirked as he reached out to grab the blond again. Unfortunately, he failed as his hands were slapped away.

"Ya got that look in your eyes again! Like you own me or something! Well let me tell ya somethin'. My ass is a present and ya gotta earn it cuz Christmas is in five months and your birthday already passed!" Naruto snapped his fingers angrily as he walked out of the room.

Apparently Itachi was to shell shocked by the blond's exit to notice the obnoxious laughing of his cousins. He turned his head to see his family looking at him with all types of expressions. Mikoto looked disappointed. Fugaku looked like Fugaku. Sasuke was smirking at his rejection like the little bitch that he i-

Itachi shook his head to rid himself of those thoughts. Madara looked entertained. That man is entertained by everything. And I mean everything. Obito and Shisui, the infamous irritating duo, were banging their fists on the table with laughter. Shisui had tears running down his eyes while Obito had ramen broth leaking out of his nose from laughing too hard. The sight of them seemed to irk the raven tremendously for no reason.

'Shameful. It must be sad living like that. They don't have the grace of an Uchiha at all.' A small voice in the back of Itachi's head spoke. The raven furrowed his eyebrows and looked around the room with shifty, dark eyes. Fugaku noticed this and looked at his eldest son with slight concern.

"Itachi. Daijobu?" The brunette asked lowly.

The raven didn't answer his father and in turn walked out of the dining room without as much of a word. Leaving the Uchihas in silence and unanswered questions.


11:11 AM

Naruto sat on the bedroom floor as he looked at the close door with a glare. Small fingers ran through the smooth fur of his favorite dog, Pakkun.

The blond pouted as he huffed. "Stupid Itachi. Always bein' a little bastard." He muttered under his breath.

Now Naruto isn't gonna front. He is feeling Itachi. Just a little bit.

A microscopic bit.

But Naruto was not feeling that bastard's attitude. After all of those years, he thought Itachi, would finally get his head out of his ass and be humble. Not acting like he owns Naruto when the blond gives the man a small ounce of attention. He thought Itachi was going to change.

Guess not.

When Naruto lived in the Uchiha mansion, Itachi was a quiet and detached man. Sure, he could be stoic, but he had his good moments. He thought highly of himself, of course, but he saw himself above others. That's what Naruto liked about Itachi.

But it always seemed that his husband always seemed to be suppressing something with in him. What was it? Who knows.

All Naruto knew was that whatever it is was the sole reason of why Itachi lost his identity in the first place. His kindness, his authenticity, and his humility. It's sad of what fame and praise can do to you. It's just toxic.

The blond pushed his thoughts of his husband away as he stood up on his legs. He walked towards his dresser and pulled casual clothes out.

Naruto didn't have time to understand what the fuck was wrong with that raven because he had things to do. Like every other responsible adult, he had to provide for his family of seventeen.

Wow. How did he fit all those people and dogs in that apartment?

Sometimes he really wanted to throw Kakashi out of the window sometimes. That man better walk those dogs and clean up their shit because Naruto is not the one to do so.

The blond pulled on his clothes swiftly and grabbed his car keys. To the grocery he goes.


Whole Foods - Los Angeles, California

11:32 AM

Naruto hopped out of his beloved orange Jeep and shut the door with unnecessary force. He adjusted his mirrored sunglasses as he walked out of the parking lot and towards the automatic sliding doors.

Instantly, he was bombarded with paparazzi and other random people. The small blond ignored them and walked through the doors only to be stopped by a girl. She held up a pen and notepad to his face.

"Can I have an autograph?"

Naruto raised a golden eyebrow. Why in all seven hells did this girl want an autograph from him?

"Homegirl," he started off weakly, already drained just being in the presence of others, "All I did was shake my ass and be married to Itachi. What in there calls for an autograph-"

"You see that is exactly why I want an autograph." She pointed at the blond as she confessed boldly. "You're different from everyone else. More genuine. I mean who leaves their famous millionaire husband without a care? Anyone else would've just sat there for the fame and the money. You obviously mean business."

Naruto stared at the girl for a second to gather his thoughts and response. He leaned back with a sly smile. "Y'know what," he wagged a finger, "I like you." The blond grabbed her notepad and scribble his lengthy name in cursive. He looked at the girl to see a beaming smile on her face.

"Bye, girl!" He waved flamboyantly. She waved back just as enthusiastically and walked out of the store. Naruto grabbed a cart by the doorway and began his journey to the aisles only to hear something hilarious from the paparazzi outside.

"Naruto did Itachi pay you to give him a lap dance?!"

The blond cackled as continued his shopping.


11:45 AM

The blond pushed his cart in the instant food aisle and instantly went to the ramen section. He put his arm behind the whole row of cups and pushed outward, knocking at least ten cups of ramen in the cart. Naruto repeated this three more times until he felt like there was enough ramen.

He looked back up to see people staring at him like he was crazy. Naruto continue his shopping and pushed the cart of the aisle, ignoring the stares on the way.

A tan finger pushed up the sunglasses that were sliding down his nose as he walked across the grocery store.

People must have recognized him because they started pointed at him with grins. Naruto waved at them kindly and proceeded walking.

On the way, he couldn't shake the feeling that someone was following him. Naruto didn't look back to make sure because if they wanted to talk…

Then they could talk.

Naruto isn't threatened.

He finally made it to the dog food section, where it consisted of a bunch expensive, organic bullshit.

The blond went to grab the huge packs of food only to be stopped by a hand on his shoulder.

Naruto turned around to see a tall man with the fakest smile on his face. He recognized as the man as the one at the party that he threatened to shoot.

"Did I stutter the last time I saw you?" The small blond asked with irritation.

"Would you like me to help you? Those bags seem awfully heavy." The smiling raven said, completely ignoring Naruto's words.

"Would you like me to choke slam you? Your smile seems awfully annoying." Naruto mocked as he pushed the man away and went back to picking up the packs of dog food. He dropped the heavy bags in the cart with a slam then looked back at the man.

"Since ya wanna be up my ass today, would ya mind tellin' me why ya tried to wire me at the party? And while your at it, you can tell me who you're working for." The blond demanded as if he weren't talking to a dangerous threat.

The black haired man didn't look at all fazed from the command. He still smiled at the short man as he said, "Why do you think that I will give you any information at all, Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze-Uchiha? You seemed to have spoiled with age."

Said man shifted on his legs as he put his hands on his hips. "You say my name so easily, but don't seem to know what is behind it." The blond accused. "And I'm demanding answers from you now out of peace, so when you refuse I can beat it outta ya later." Naruto threatened, totally switching the intelligibility of his language. He took small, intimidating steps towards the man until he was right in front of him. Small, tan hands reached up and curled around the man's collar and pulled, bringing the raven down to his level.

Naruto smiled sickeningly sweet. "So what's good?"

"Now there isn't any need for violence." The raven waved of dismissively.. "I just have a proposition."

The blond narrowed his eyes. "Spill it."

"You're so cute when you try to be threatening."

Naruto tightened his grip on the other man as a warning.

"I would like to talk to you about a gang that's tracking you." The man revealed.


12:14 PM

Naruto slammed the back door of his car trunk closed and went towards the front of the vehicle. He opened the door climbed into the car an plopped on the car seat. The blond closed it back and prepared himself to drive. When he went to push the key in the ignition, he felt something vibrate in his basketball shorts pocket.

A small hand pulled it out to see his brother's name on the lockscreen. Swiping the touchscreen to enter the phone, it shown a text message that's said:

Kaka-chan: When you come home, can you get your husband in check? He's spreading his depressed and angsty aura around the house, and quite frankly it reeks of rejection. Thx chibi-chan!

The blond rolled his cerulean eyes. His brother is fucking annoying. It was a sibling thing.

But he loved him unconditionally, anyway.

At this point, Naruto is over Itachi's ass. Can Naruto go outside the house in peace?


12:26 PM

Naruto opened the door and walked in the apartment only to be enthusiastically greeted by all eight of his dogs. He scratched the backs of all of their heads in affection then walked into the kitchen to place the grocery bags on the marble counter.

He took out eight of the doggy dish bowls and filled it up with the organic dog food. He placed it down on the tiled floor happily and watched the dogs run up to eat the food.

"I'm sorry that Kakashi's irresponsible ass didn't get you dog food. I'll punish him later." The blond promised as he nodded to himself.

The dogs didn't reply, because they were… dogs of course and were to busy stuffing food down their throat. But it felt like there was some kind of air of consensus for Kakashi's future.

Naruto left the kitchen to go down the hall to his brother's room. He lifted a leg and kicked the door open, making it slam into the wall loudly. The silver haired man jumped at the intrusion and dropped the orange book out of fear.

The blond took his hand from behind his back to reveal eight long leashes just to throw it at Kakashi.

"Since ya wanna have puppies so bad, you can walk them, 'ttebayo! Have fun, Mr. 'You know how I feel about dogs' Hatake!" Naruto yelled as shut the door.

"Now for my next pest in this household…"

The blond walked down the other side of the hall to one of the guest rooms. Judging by the dark, depressing aura he felt tainting his soul, he guessed that his husband was in that room. He opened the door to see the long haired raven sitting upright on the bed.

Blue eyes observed that the man was still shirtless and was staring at the wall. Itachi must have been too caught up in his activity of sulking to notice the blond entering. Naruto plopped on the bed in front of the man, startling him for a split second.

"What the fuck is your problem?" Naruto asked with an unsympathetic, annoyed tone.

The raven in front of him didn't answer, but instead, sat in silence.

Naruto took that moment to really observe Itachi. The older man's face was sullen with some sort… regret? Regret for what?

The blond sighed. "Do you remember some of the last words you said to me before I left that day?" He asked with a softer tone than before.

The pale man eyes slowly moved on to Naruto's face, prompting him to carry on with his point.

"You said: 'You are not going anywhere, you are mine.' I think we both remembered how I reacted to that, right?" Naruto crossed his legs and looked at his husband with piercing azure eyes. "You made me feel as if I were your possession. And we both know I have possession issues."

Itachi still didn't make any move to reply.

"Like, I don't know what's up with you. You were fine for the first few days you were here, so what's up?" The blond drawled as he leaned on his palms and kicked his feet childishly.

Itachi still didn't answer.

Naruto's golden eyebrow twitched in frustration. "Oi, pretty boy! I tryna fuckin' help you and you're being a bastar-"

"I sincerely apologize for my behavior, Naruto." The raven uttered softly.

Said man squinted at the man through the awkward silence, then waved the man off dismissively. "I'll forgive you at some point." He said airly as he adjusted his ponytail.

Itachi furrowed his eyebrows at that statement.

His husband read the look immediately as 'fuck you mean?' and scooted over real close to the raven. His tan hands went up and cupped onto Itachi's pale cheeks. "You're supposed to work for my forgiveness! Earn this booty!" The blond exclaimed as he began pulling at the man's cheeks and stretched them out, causing Itachi to make strange, yet hilarious faces.

Naruto pulled away and slid off the bed to walk out of the room. He was stopped at the door frame when he heard Itachi mutter something. He turned around with a curious visage.

"Thank you for your unusual reality check pep-talk." The raven thanked with humor lacing his tone.

The blond smile blindingly. "You're welcome, papi." He disappeared out of the room, leaving Itachi and his thoughts in silence.

'I thought I rid myself of your influence long ago, Sofu-sama.'


a/n: So how have y'all been? Lol. I know y'all are probz like 'bitch where the fuck have you been?' I have to inform you that I have a caught a life threatening disease and it's called… writer's block. So be safe and healthy y'all. Take shots (either from and needle or a glass of vodka) to be immune to this abomination. Anywayz (sorry I had to troll a lil), y'all really THOUGHT. Bipolar ass Naru-chan is not gonna accept someone that goddamn easily, there's development to this fucked up romance! Also, don't take Naruto's alter ego too seriously. Oh and by the way I'm already working on the smut for this book (and no it will not be coming out anytime soon) so be excited cuz I'm working to make that shit super steamy! *eyebrow waggle* OH! Papi is not a term of endearment (yet), it is used to goad Itachi. -kiki