*-*-*-*-*-*-*- MagnusBane:PsychicDetective*-*-*-*-*-*-*-

Chapter 7-

Falling For You


The cuties finally meet


I know this is really short, sorry, but I really love it! Also, this was one of the first scenes I had worked out. I did it like this for two reasons: First because it would be a cute, if somewhat cliché, sweet way to end it; The main reason for having it like this is so when Simon and Raphael DO get together Simon can constantly annoy people with joking about how he "fell" for Raphael ( I couldn't resist)

***Last thing? I know like 90% of what Simon says/thinks ends in exclamation points, but it just seemed so like him. At this point, he's pretty much just an adorable, excitable puppy, masquerading as a cop. He'll grow as we move on (but not so much that he completely loses that feel)

*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Simon-Simon-Simon-Simon-Simon *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

What an AMAZING day!

Simon thought, ecstatically. Just SO much had happened. He had met a real, actual psychic; and he was just about the coolest person ever! Simon had never met anyone like him.

He even seemed to actually, genuinely, like him; he even remembered his name, after just hearing it once! It seemed like they could be really great friends.

And he was so confident too!

Simon had never seen a guy with so much style; it was just awesome! Like, how could he even know how to do all that!? Simon lived in his Star Wars shirt and skinny jeans, but with Magnus? Everything had just seemed somehow so skilled, but at the same time totally effortless,

It was incredible!

He still couldn't believe how brave Magnus had been around Detective Ramsey. He had been kind of relieved when he'd heard the guy was leaving, Simon never really felt right around him. You always had to be watching your back. To Simon, he'd always seemed like he was up to something, like, shifty; something was just sort of off about the guy.

The way Magnus had stood up to him? Oh my GOD! It was just amazing! He had never seen anyone talk to him like that, never saw Ramsey practically cower. He'd always seemed to have to have the last word, but with Magnus? With Magnus he'd just been left speechless. Completely shut down.

Simon couldn't believe he got to work with him!


And he was an actual Detective now!

Okay, so technically a junior detective, but still! Not only that, but he got to partner with Alec!

Alec was, to him, the absolute best detective on the force. He was so brave and determined. He was really serious a lot of the time, and could be kinda cold or stoic, but it never really came off as, like, mean or anything. It was more just that he took his job so seriously that he got lost in it sometimes. He really hoped this partnership worked out well, he wanted to learn everything he possibly could from Alec. Simon wanted to be exactly like him.

As his mind kept spinning this around and around Simon busied himself with gathering the files Chief Garroway had asked him to pull for Magnus. He couldn't believe that the chief had actually been willing to give him a chance as a detective. It was just amazing, it had been his dream ever since he was a kid, and it was happening!

Yeah, he had taken the detectives exam, he actually scored really well on it; one of the best grades in the class, in fact. Even so; part of him doubted he'd get a chance. He'd been so glad when they'd brought in Chief Garroway after Harrison had retired. Simon had really been worried that Detective Ramsey was going to end up chief; that would have been horrible!

He just needed one more file; but just couldn't seem to find it. Absently scanning the shelves he spotted it. It was on a fairly high shelf, he couldn't really reach it from the ground. He looked around the file room, searching for the step stool that they usually had in here.

HmmIt isn't here.

Simon looked around; trying to find anything he could use to reach it. Scanning the room he saw nothing. He didn't really want to go and search the whole station; he looked again at where the file was.


It's not too high, just two shelves up from where I can reach.

He got an idea.

He reached for the shelf, and kind of shook it to test its sturdiness. It didn't budge, that was good; exactly what he needed. He lifted one foot off the floor, cautiously setting it on the lowest shelf, testing the foothold. It seemed pretty well-built; he decided to go for it.

Grabbing a hand hold on the shelf just above his head he used it to pull himself up a bit, till both his feet were balanced on the shelf. Okay, that kind of worked, he could almost reach it, just needed to reach a bit further to the right.

He scooted along the shelf a bit, reaching till the tip of his finger just brushed the file…It came loose, but so did his hold on the shelf, he stumbled, falling backwards, and panicked, trying frantically to recapture his balance, squeezing his eyes shut and bracing as best he could for the impact with the hard floor…

It never came.

"Whoa, careful there, are you okay?" a smooth, slightly accented, and very appealing, voice asked.

Simon realized that someone had caught him, stopping his fall. He turned, opening his eyes, and froze. Right in front of him, not inches away, actually holding onto him still; was the most breathtakingly dazzling guy he had ever seen.

He was Hispanic, with dark brown, nearly black, perfectly styled hair. He had the most incredibly dark brown eyes Simon had ever seen. Did he, like, groom his eyebrows, or something? No one's eyebrows just looked like that, it was impossible.

His features were absolutely striking; he was actually just beautiful; there really wasn't any other way to describe him. Simon distantly realized that in his fall his arms had ended up around his savior's neck, supporting him.

The man's arms were around his waist; Simon could happily stay right like this forever. He was staring at Simon, with a slightly startled look. Then he seemed to get a hold of himself, and unfortunately, remove his hold on Simon. He shook his head a bit, then kind of helped Simon steady himself, before taking a step back. Simon distantly realized that the guy was actually just a bit shorter than him; which he found incredibly endearing, he just seemed so much larger.

"Increible, eres lo más lindo que he visto" he said, in a slightly awed voice.

Simon had no idea what that meant, but it sure sounded pretty.

He really hoped it wasn't an insult or a comment about how clumsy he was.

Then he really looked at the rest of the guy.

Wow, the guy may have been a bit shorter than Simon, but he seemed quite a bit stronger. His shoulders were fairly broad, and, even in his dress shirt, his arms seemed pretty impressive. And the way he was dressed! He was absolutely immaculate.

He was wearing a deep, burgundy dress shirt that looked obscenely expensive; it had to be tailored, no one's clothes just fit that perfectly. Over it he had a very nice, very tailored, clean cut black waist coat/vest kind of thing (Simon didn't really know that much about clothes). He had paired that with perfectly fitted suit pants.

How was it even possible to put all that together?

Simon couldn't even find matchingsocks half the time. This guy had an actual freaking pocket square! Simon didn't even know people did that! He suddenly felt extremely under dressed, even if he was in his police uniform.

"Uh, he-, hey, man. Sorry about that, thanks for the save though" Simon said, smiling sheepishly

"It is not a problem, lindo" he said with a charming smile.

Simon blushed,

He really hoped this guy wasn't insulting him

"Uh, tha- thanks, um, again, I think" God, he has to stop blushing and stuttering,

The guy's gonna think he's an idiot!

He laughed; it was a really nice laugh. It made Simon even more flustered and his stomach do somersaults…

Unfortunately this also makes him ramble a lot usually…

"Oh, uh, I'm Simon. Um, Lewis. O-,Officer Simon Lewis. Well, actually, starting Monday it will be Detective Simon Lewis. See, this really cool psychic guy came in today, and at first some of the other detectives thought that he was a criminal or like, like in on it or something. But then!

Then we had this big interrogation, and he proved he was psychic and he called out Detective Ramsey, who, I know you don't know, well, I don't think you know him, I guess you could of known him. But, anyway, he got really freaked out when Magnus, that's the psychic's name, by the way, when Magnus totally called him out on all of his worst traits and that he was like, with Alec, like with with, you know? Which, dude, I still can't believe that one!

And he totally freaked and ran out of the room when Magnus and Alec had this weird, kind of hot, argument/confrontation/flirting kinda thing, and then he totally quit! And I took the Detectives exam a few months ago, but, like, there were no openings, so now I'm gonna be a Detective…well, junior Detective, but I am! I get my shield and everything!

Can you believe it?" Simon asks, finally pausing for breath, panting slightly, eyes wide

"Eso es realmente maravilloso, I'm Raphael, by the way" He said with a bit of a smile

"Oh, uh, yeah, umm, H-Hi, Raphael… it's nice to meet you" Simon said shyly, still rather flushed

"It is nice to meet you, as well, Detective Simon Lewis." Raphael replied smoothly, extending his hand to Simon

Simon took it

"Hi, again"


The End

(Of The Beginning)


Increible, eres lo más lindo que he visto- Amazing, you are the cutest thing I've ever seen

Lindo- Cute ( I wanted cutie, but couldn't find a translation)

Eso es realmente maravilloso- That is really wonderful

Okay, please don't hate me for ending there! It just seemed so perfect, I couldn't resist!

I promise, within the next day or two I will add another installment to this series.I have lots of plans –there's a sneak peek kinda chapter thing after this one,

Before I start on ANY of that though, these two adorable dorks are going on their own trip.I'm gonna Have Magnus decide to take Raphael shopping, since, you know, he's gonna be a detective now so no uniform and he can't very well wear his star wars shirt and jeans. Then Magnus is going to trick Raphael into going instead, because Magnus ships these two as much as the rest of us. I am really going to try to keep that to a one shot, short little thing but I've not been able to accomplish that so far.

I'm kind of playing with the idea that Raphael usually slips into Spanish when he gets really flustered, which is only really going to happen with Simon, because, well, come on! He is just too adorable

***Series Update****

***Okay, so this was the VERY beginning of my series; I HAD intended to pretty much follow Psych, only basically inserting the Shadowhunters cast just with a bit of whatever my mind ran away with…

My mind ran away with a LOT…

As I add this note I am now on my 6th full length story in the series and it has apparently taken on a life of its own. I really love how this is going, I have no idea where 90% of it came from, but I love it. I intended to kind of put a bit of everything into this series, and I think I'm doing that pretty well so far…

I wanted it to be a mix to keep it interesting;

Humor and fluff are really my strong suit and I tend to lean into those (every story will have a fair bit of these, no matter what)

I also love case fics and an actual mystery so I am really trying to keep those interesting

In addition to that I have been trying to add more Action and a bit of angst, just to balance everything out…

Also I really like coming up with Original Characters, and some of them seem to stay around

Lastly, when I have to come up with a name for a new character I make a game of it by finding names with funny/important meanings… Sometimes they'll be descriptive/indicative of something about the character, others they may just make me laugh, and some may be for irony's sake…

All entertaining though…

It is a lot…But it kinda seems to work,

At least for me

Hope you like this as much as I do….

Thank You So Much For Reading, You Guys Are Amazing!


*-*-*-*-*-*-*- MagnusBane:PsychicDetective*-*-*-*-*-*-*-