*-*-*-*-*-*-*- MagnusBane:PsychicDetective*-*-*-*-*-*-*-

Psych! It's Magnus

Chapter 1-

Why Are We Friends?


Basically Psych, only with the Shadowhunters cast and mixed with whatever my mind decides to run away with.
Magnus has an eidetic memory; he can pick out the most subtle things and follow them to the right answer.

He uses it to solve cases, help the police, and generally wreak havoc.
Not only does it annoy and embarrass his dad, it gives him a chance to annoy/shamelessly flirt with the gorgeous, though really uptight, head detective, Alexander Lightwood.
So, you know, win, win.

Shadowhunters To Psych Characters Conversion:
Magnus= (Shawn)
Alec= (Lassie)
Raphael=(Gus) -Raphael is Ace BTW
Simon=(Juliette)-Simon is Pan, just because
Luke=(Chief Vick)

Also, Magnus' dad is pretty much just Henry from psych, sorry, I didn't have a Shadowhunter equivalent, So he's just 'Henry Bane' -I know, I know, creativity abounds!


Because this is a series it is going to take longer for things to progress in Magnus and Alec's relationship. In this one, Magnus and Alec will meet, Magnus will flirt, Alec will be flustered and exasperated, but they won't actually get together yet. Sorry! I don't like to rush the progression.
I Know how I'm gonna get them together, but I need to build up to, so maybe be patient, Please?

This may seem pretty ambitious, but I kind of see this series as like each entry reads like an episode of the show. -
Each one with have some kind of case,
Relationship progression- It may be slow but it will be moving (again patience, please!)
Random hijinx- psych style
At least a few sweet moments
Leave on a good/happy note- because, at heart I am a bit of a sap and want everyone to be happy ( readers included)

Here is the beginning.
Let's see where this is gonna go, shall we?

*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Magnus-Magnus-Magnus-Magnus-Magnus *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Flash Back- Santa Barbra 2001:

Magnus's eyes grew wide when the waitress brought his sundae, it was huge! This was absolutely his favorite thing about this place. They had this really cool sundae that was called a 'Rainbow Explosion' and it was the coolest thing ever!

It had Rainbow Sherbet, which was swirls of bright pink, green, and orange. The sherbet was topped with two different types of syrup: A pretty, brilliant blue, that was raspberry and a vivid reddish violet that was actually strawberry.

It was even topped with strawberries and cherries and had sprinkles that looked like glitter!

Magnus eagerly reached for his spoon, but was stopped when his dad snatched it away.

"Ugh, come on dad! It's gonna melt!" Magnus complained, glaring at his father with a 'go to hell' look that only a nine year old deprived of ice cream could muster.

"Magnus, you know the drill, how many hats in the room?"

He rolled his eyes, huffing, "Fine, there are seven hats, now can I have my ice cream?"

Again he reached for the spoon, and again it was snatched away. Now the look he shot his dad was bordering on murderous; Henry had arrested people that didn't look that furious with him.

"You're wrong, there are nine; what did you miss?"

"I didn't miss anything!" Magnus fumed, counting them off on his fingers

"Guy in the corner with a truckers cap, teen girl at the table on the left with the stylish newsboy cap- it's really not her style, but always good to try something new, two girls at the table with the softball team wearing theirs, another three of their teammates' are on the table.

The guy in the 49r's cap left three minutes ago and the girl in the trying to be trendy cowboy hat is in the bathroom, so it is not in the room, therefore, was not counted."

Oh, but he was not done yet, if his dad wanted to play this game, he'll play, alright.

"Also, there are two girls with head bands, three people with headphones, a girl with a bandana, and a guy over by the window that has a toupee that is bad enough I'm counting it as a hat anyways. Now can I PLEASE have my ice cream?!"

Henry handed him back the spoon.

*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Raphael-Raphael-Raphael-Raphael-Raphael *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Present Day:

"I'm telling you Raph; it would be the best advancement in technology ever! Would completely revolutionize the industry. We could absolutely make a fortune! We really need to get someone on this…"

"Magnus," Raphael sighed, deadpan

"An app that automatically makes all your phone icons glittery and allows you to sort your contacts by level of hotness is not the advance of the human race that you think it is."

He gave a dismissive wave,

"You just lack my vision and flair."

"Thank god for that" Raphael muttered.

Magnus gasped in mock outrage.

"How did I ever end up with such a cranky old man as a best friend?"

"Mags', I'm almost three years younger than you"

"Semantics, darling. I have known you since middle school, and even then you acted like an unpleasant 70 year old."

Raphael smirked, raising his eyebrow

"Well, I guess I just have an old soul; that's why we work so well together. I seem mature beyond my years, whereas you are 29 going on 12"

"Hey! 28 for another four and a half more months!"

"Right, that is completely different. Now leave me alone, I'm trying to watch the news!" Raphael snapped.

Magnus snorted

"Proving my point" he singsonged.

Raphael rolled his eyes, once again wondering why they ever thought getting a place together was a good idea. He loved Magnus like a brother, there was a time in school when he practically idolized him, he was the closest thing to family he had…

But, man, can the guy get on his nerves.

Magnus plopped down on the couch next to him, kicking his feet up- and right onto Raphael's lap, of course, because he knows how much that annoys the younger man, and began fiddling absently with his phone.

"I think we saw this episode already" Magnus whined,

"Some idiots did something stupid, a few sports teams did something that is, apparently, a big deal to some people, traffic was bad, a politician said something they shouldn't and is trying to frantically back track, more idiots, then there's some weather."

Raphael doesn't even look away from the TV, just grabs the throw pillow next to him and smacks it into Magnus' face, knocking his feet down with the other hand. Magnus loses his balance and ends up on the floor.

"Ow, hey!"

"Will you just shut up and let me watch this, please? there's a segment next on the museum robbery yesterday. I really want to see it", Raphael pleaded.

"There was a museum robbery?" Magnus asked, mildly interested.

"Yes, someone broke in and swiped a 15th century necklace, it was worth a fortune. So, again; can you please just be quiet and let me watch this? Then we can watch whatever inane, mind-rotting, drivel is your favorite this week, okay?"

"Fiiine" Magnus huffed, petulantly, reclaiming his seat, this time without invading Raphaels' personal space.

He opened candy crush on his phone, absently trying to complete the level. Glancing at the TV as a pretty, dark haired woman was talking about the robbery, the interview interspersed with a few photos of the crime scene.

"Hey, who's that?" He asked curiously

"Hmm, oh, that's Camille Belcourt; the museums' curator. Why?"

"Oh, she did it" Magnus said matter-of-factually, with a shrug, shifting his focus back to his game.

Raphael startled faintly, shaking his head.

"What! No she didn't! She was there during the robbery, she got knocked out. She was unconscious when the police arrived. She had to have stitches on her head, how could it of possibly been her?"

"Well, it was! Look", he paused the TV,

" See how she's looking off to the side? She's looking into the lights so her eyes keep tearing, she keeps messing with the hem of her shirt and she is making too much eye contact, trying to seem too sincere, she is obviously lying.

Also, going back a bit, look at the pictures of the room.

The glass in the case is broke, but see how the little knob thing is up? It was unlocked, why would you unlock it after it was already broken into… and why would you break it if it was unlocked?

She may have had an accomplice, and they may have double crossed her, but she most definitely had a part in it."

Raphael just stared, blinking faintly

"She was on the screen for, like, half a minute. It is so unsettling when you do that. See, this is why I never introduce you to the guys I date."

Magnus gave a slight bark of a laugh,

"No; you don't introduce me to guys you date because you haven't been out on a date in almost two years."

Raphael stilled, setting up a bit more rigidly, he shook his head faintly, glancing away

"I'm just really selective…

Unlike you" he snipped

Magnus instantly felt terrible. He knew with Raphael being ace, dating was really complicated for him. It was often a bit of a sore subject. He hadn't even meant to say it, just when they get going, it is really hard for him to stop.

He shook his head faintly, scooting closer on the couch, giving him a contrite, apologetic, look. He reached over tentatively, resting his hand on Raphael's shoulder.

"I am sorry darling; I didn't mean anything by it. You know you are completely amazing exactly how you are. I'm sure there's a guy out there that actually deserves to be with you; it just may take a while longer to find him."

He sighed faintly, giving a slight nod,

"Thanks Mags", he said softly, scooting closer, resting his head on Magnus' shoulder.

Magnus put his arm around Raphael, reaching up, and absently began to play with his hair. It was something that they had done for most of their friendship. Just a way for Raphael to know that he did have someone he could lean on, both literally and figuratively, That he wasn't alone.

Yeah, okay, maybe he did know why they thought living together would be a good thing.

Magnus really was a great person, with the biggest heart Raphael had ever seen. He was fiercely protective of those he loved. He was also completely, unapologetically, himself and didn't give a damn what anyone else thought. It was a trait that Raphael was still somewhat envious of. Raphael talked a good game, no question, could put on one hell of a show where others were concerned.

From the outside he absolutely appeared to be just as confident as Magnus, maybe even more so. Everyone saw exactly what he wanted them to, no more, no less. He had come a long way from the confused, awkward kid he was when he'd first met Magnus. He knew his strengths, prided himself on them, in fact, Played them to the hilt most of the time…

And really, no one but Magnus saw anymore than that.

But the thing of it was, with Magnus, the confidence wasn't a show, it was just an unequivocal fact. Seemingly the very essence of his entire being.

Sometimes, he wished he had Magnus's level of confidence in himself.

Fortunately Magnus did have that level of confidence in him, and was quick to both pick up and shut down all those niggling little bits of self doubt that would pop up. He really was lucky to have him.

"Of course, whenever you do happen to meet mister right, don't think I won't be grilling him mercilessly. I have to make sure he is good enough for you, after all. And do not even think about trying to hide a relationship from me, because you know I can pick up on anything. I will find out and I still have those pictures of you from high school when you had bright pink hair."

Raphael whipped around, glaring

"You switched the dye with my shampoo!"

"I still have the pictures, and more embarrassing stories than even YOU know I know about."

Yeah, forget what he said, Magnus sucked



*-*-*-*-*-*-*- MagnusBane:PsychicDetective*-*-*-*-*-*-*-