Rejoice! Kamen Rider fans! For our great Destroyer of Worlds, Kamen Rider Decade, is set to return in Kamen Rider Zi-O!
See that...see that little Woz impression I was doing there just now? No? Yes? Okay…
Well yes so anyways literally as I saw just a few hours ago, that is right Kamen Rider Decade himself, Tsukasa Kadoya is set to return to Kamen Rider Zi-O and things are looking quite interesting for his return. Just as I expected, like how the Gokaigers in their recent team-up with the Zyuohgers showed that they can access the powers of Sentai teams that followed them, it seems Decade can ALSO access the power of the Kamen Riders that come after him! As seen in the magazine scans that were shown, he will transform into Wizard, Ghost, and Build, which surely means that he can do the same for all the other Phase 2 or "Neo-Heisei" Riders as well. Which leads to this next part…
I thought over quite some time after seeing this and going over in my head. And in the end...well as you can see in the title of this page that is right the Rider of the League story is going to be going on Hiatus. NOT CANCELLED! But Hiatus.
So one of the new things we see is the fact that Tsukasa has got himself a new Decadriver and, well in all honesty I just want to see the upcoming episodes of Zi-O with him in it to see if there's any new "changes" I will need to make to this story. Luckily I'm only 2 chapters into this story so far (and I have begun work on the third chapter) but with these new "updates" for Decade, I just want to see what these changes are to see if there are any things I will need to change for this story before I get further along into it. (ie: Like how he got his new Decadriver if they happen to mention it) I hope you can understand the reasoning behind this, do not worry once I've seen what these new things are I will get back to work on this story, and even do some rewrites for the earlier chapters if need be.
Again, this is not a cancellation notice, but a hiatus notice, meaning this story is going to be on hold for a while until I feel like I am ready to come back to the story with the "newly updated" Decade and his Rider Powers. Chapter 3 will continue with this new Decade, and I will need some time to rewrite the first 2 chapters to accompany these changes (again if need be). So just please hold out until then…
At this point you're probably shouting "ONORE WARRIOR!" aren't you?