AN: It's been awhile since I wrote this so I hope it isn't too choppy. This chapter is mainly Buffy and Spike before we tune back into the charmed and Buffy episodes.

Spike turns and looks at her in shock, "Buffy?"

Buffy smiles and walks up to him. "I know you are confused, but I will explain." She then hugs him. Spike is confused, but happy that she is touching and hugging him instead of punching him.

She pulls back, Spike looks at her and finds that she is slightly teary eyed. "What's wrong, luv?" Buffy smiles at that word, before stepping back Spike is just standing there looking confused. Buffy pulls her arm back and punches Spike hard in the nose.

Spike yells and grabs his nose, "Bloody hell! What was that for?"

"That was for not believing what I said before in the cave." Buffy raises her voice a little.

Spike is stunned, "You-you were just in the moment. You wanted to comfort me." Buffy rolls her eyes, and huffs. "You know me better than that Spike. I wouldn't do that just to comfort you." Spike shrugs at that.

Buffy sighs, "We'll get to that later, we have a time limit and I want to enjoy our time together. Let's sit down and talk really quick." Buffy and Spike sit down, "So, what do you remember?"

Spike explains that he remembers his final moments and that was it until now. Buffy nods and explains what happened after and what she discovered. "Those bloody idiots! Making you immortal." Spike shakes his head and turns to her, "How are you doing, pet?"

"I'm doing okay, not great, but I can't die so I have to deal with that. Although I haven't told my new friends." Spike nods. Buffy shakes her head, "Alright, we are caught up and now we can go into my bedroom and make the most of these hours." Spike raises an eyebrow before leering at her, "Really?"

"Yes, really." Buffy smiles before standing up, "And these will be enjoyable not depressing like they used to be." Spike takes her hand and they head into the bedroom for the next few hours.

A little while later, Buffy rolls off of Spike and they are both panting. "That was plenty enjoyable." They start laughing before Spike rolls over to her and leans on his elbow. "Did you really mean what you said?" Buffy looks at him and sees the slightly desperate hope that he has, "Yes, I did mean it." She pauses and looks at him deeply for a minute, she kisses him deeply before pulling back, "Spike…" Spike stares at her in awe, "Yes, kitten?"

"I love you, real love, not friend love, although I feel that for you as well." Spike stares at her in shock before smiling really big. He rolls on top of her, "I love you too, Buffy." They smile and go back to hours of behind closed door action. They next time they are done Spike looks at her, "So what kind of powers do you have?"

"Right now it is just fire power, but soon I will get more. I just need to learn how to control this power. I think that it has something to do with my emotions, but you know that I am not very good with those."

Spike huffs and smiles, "You are good and the hero emotions, when you have to deal with anything personal you back off. I think that in order to control these powers, you have to accept that you are going to be in the game of powers and witches for a long while. Once you accept and enjoy, like I know you enjoy the slayer side of you, the powers that you will have, you will be the one that I know you already are." Buffy smiles at him.

"Thank for that." Buffy kisses him. Spike pulls back, "Now, do you know what is going to happen to me?"

Buffy frowns, "I think that you will become a ghost and then work with Angel." Spike makes a face, "Work with the poof!" Buffy laughs, "Yes. Although if you ever need out or help, call me." Spike smiles and they kiss, Buffy rolls on top of Spike for another round.

They are sleeping when a knock comes from Buffy's front door. She groans and grabs her robe before heading towards the door, "I'm coming, I'm coming." She opens the door slightly, hiding behind it. Phoebe raised an eyebrow at her, "Are you going to let me in or what?"

"Uh…" Buffy looks behind her before sighing, "Sure." She waves her in and thumps her head on the door as she closes it. Phoebe looks around, "This is a nice place." Buffy smiles, but starts to frown when her bedroom door opens. Spike comes out wearing just a blanket around his waist. Phoebe's jaw drops open at the sight of Spike and his chest. She looks back at Buffy and mouths 'wow'.

Spike raises an eyebrow at her. Buffy sighs, "Uh William this is Phoebe. Phoebe this is William. He is on old friend of mine. William, Phoebe is one of the witches that I told you about." Phoebe stared at Buffy in shock. Buffy just looks confused at that. Spike, however, raised an eyebrow at the name she gave him.

"Y-you told him about us."

"Yeah. I was thinking through things and I needed some advice. Plus he won't tell anyone and he isn't magical, so he can't mess with me." Spike just leers at Buffy. He grabs Phoebe's hand, "Nice to meet you, pet." Phoebe melts at the english accent. "Hello, and nice to meet you too."

"So what can you do as a witch?"

"Well I can levitate and see premonitions or the past." Phoebe says. Spike nods at that.

Buffy steps closer, "Not to be rude or anything, but Spike isn't here for long, what do you need?"

"Oh I just wanted to see what you were up to and I wanted to see your place." Buffy nods and claps her hands, "Well you've done both," Buffy grabs Phoebe by the shoulder and pushes her towards the door, "I'll see you tomorrow sometime and we can catch up them." Phoebe smiles and winks at them both before heading out the door.

Buffy huffs and spins around, "Well that was fun."

"Why did you call me William?"

"Well for one, your name is William. For another I don't really want to deal with the questions that would come from the nickname Spike." She comes closer and puts her arms around his neck, "Not that I am ashamed. It's just that I haven't told them about being a slayer or immortal."

Spike nods. "That's fine." Buffy looks at him and waggles her eyebrows at him, they both laugh and head back into her bedroom.

A little while later Phoebe gets home. Piper is in the kitchen cooking when Phoebe walks in, "Hey where have you been." Phoebe smiles, "I went to go see Buffy and why she asked for the 48 hours off." Piper stops what she was doing and looks at Phoebe, Paige walks in as Piper leans forward, "Well what was she doing."

"What she was doing was a man named William." Paige was taking a drink when Phoebe said this and it caused her to choke a little. "TMI sis."

"Wait, wait, wait." Piper waves her hands, "She wanted time off for a man?" Phoebe nods, "And he was a hunk. And British." Phoebe waves a hand in front of her face saying "Wowza."

Later that night, Buffy's alarm went off and she sighed at Spike before turning it off. "It's close to time for you to go." She hugs him. Spike smiles, "It's alright, luv."

"Spike…" Buffy whispers and moves slightly away from him. "I have a message for you to give Angel when you arrive there." Spike clenches his jaw, "What is it luv?"

"Tell him that it wouldn't work between us so I am no longer available to him and he should move on if he hasn't already. Also tell him that I told you that I loved you. You deserve to rub it in his face that you were my last vampire." Buffy smiles slightly at his look of awe.

"You would let me do that?"


"Spike… I love you and I will continue, but I don't know how things will go for you or me, so I am telling you now that I might move on or you might." Spike nods at that.

"I love you, kitten. And you deserve to be happy." Buffy smiles and kisses him deeply one more time before Whistler pops in. "Times up slayer." Buffy nods, "Be good and don't be a hero if you can find a different way. Don't follow Angel because you think I would want that. Do something for yourself this time around. Okay?"

Spike nods before kissing her lightly on the forehead before he disappears in a burst of light. Buffy falls onto her bed and starts to cry. "Whistler will he be alright?"

"It depends on what path he takes, but either way he won't end up in Hell, if that's what you are worried about." Buffy smiles slightly as Whistler pops out. Buffy pulls the cover over her head and cries.